subroutine init_tJ_model
character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "init_tJ_model"
real(dp) :: tau_opt
root_print "initializing tJ-model with parameters: "
root_print "t: ", bhub
root_print "J: ", exchange_j
! after having used the tHub and treal parameters set them to false
! now
thub = .false.
treal = .false.
t_new_real_space_hubbard = .false.
! reuse real-space-hubbard stugg
call check_real_space_hubbard_input()
get_umat_el => get_umat_el_heisenberg
if (trim(adjustl(lattice_type)) == 'read') then
! then i have to construct tmat first
call stop_all(this_routine, "starting from fcidump not yet implemented!")
! and then construct the lattice
lat => lattice(lattice_type, length_x, length_y, length_z,.not. t_open_bc_x, &
.not. t_open_bc_y,.not. t_open_bc_z)
! otherwise i have to do it the other way around
lat => lattice(lattice_type, length_x, length_y, length_z,.not. t_open_bc_x, &
.not. t_open_bc_y,.not. t_open_bc_z, t_bipartite_order = t_bipartite_order)
! if nbasis was not yet provided:
if (nbasis <= 0) then
nbasis = 2 * lat%get_nsites()
end if
call init_tmat(lat)
call setup_exchange_matrix(lat)
end if
if (nel >= nbasis / 2) then
call stop_all(this_routine, &
" too many electrons for the tJ model! nel >= nbasis/2")
end if
! and also check the double occupancy in the starting det,
! no double occupancy allowed!
if (count_double_orbs(ilutRef) > 0) then
call stop_all(this_routine, &
"incorrect starting state for tJ model: there is an doubly occupied site!")
end if
! i guess i have to setup G1 also.. argh.. i hate this!
G1(1:nbasis - 1:2)%ms = -1
G1(2:nbasis:2)%ms = 1
! Ecore should default to 0, but be sure anyway!
ecore = 0.0_dp
! and i have to calculate the optimal time-step for the hubbard models.
! where i need the connectivity of the lattice i guess?
tau_opt = determine_optimal_time_step()
if (tau < EPS) then
call assign_value_to_tau(&
lat_tau_factor * tau_opt, &
'Initialization with optimal tau value asdf.')
root_print "optimal time-step would be: ", tau_opt
root_print "but tau specified in input!"
end if
if (tau_search_method /= possible_tau_search_methods%OFF) then
call stop_all(this_routine, "tau-search should be switched off")
end if
if (t_start_neel_state) then
root_print "starting from the Neel state: "
if (nel > nbasis / 2) then
call stop_all(this_routine, &
"more than half-filling! does neel state make sense?")
end if
end if
end subroutine init_tJ_model