InitHamiltonianCalc Subroutine

public subroutine InitHamiltonianCalc(this, print_info, hamil_type, max_subspace_size, t_store_subspace_basis, t_orthogonalise)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(HamiltonianCalcType), intent(inout) :: this
logical, intent(in) :: print_info
integer, intent(in) :: hamil_type
integer, intent(in) :: max_subspace_size
logical, intent(in) :: t_store_subspace_basis
logical, intent(in) :: t_orthogonalise


Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine InitHamiltonianCalc(this, print_info, hamil_type, max_subspace_size, t_store_subspace_basis, t_orthogonalise)
        use direct_ci, only: create_ham_diag_direct_ci
        use FciMCData, only: davidson_ras, davidson_classes, davidson_strings
        use ras, only: find_ras_size
        use util_mod, only: int_fmt

        type(HamiltonianCalcType), intent(inout) :: this
        logical, intent(in) :: print_info
        integer :: i, mem_reqd, residual_mem_reqd, ierr, space_size
        integer, intent(in) :: hamil_type, max_subspace_size
        logical, intent(in) :: t_store_subspace_basis, t_orthogonalise
        character(*), parameter :: t_r = "InitHamiltonianCalc"
        integer(MPIArg) :: mpi_temp
        real(dp), allocatable :: hamil_diag_temp(:)

        this%hamil_type = hamil_type
        this%t_store_subspace_basis = t_store_subspace_basis
        this%t_orthogonalise = t_orthogonalise

        associate ( &
            space_size => this%space_size, &
            hfindex => this%hfindex &

            ! allocate and define the hamiltonian diagonal, if not done so already.
            if (.not. allocated(hamil_diag)) then
                if (hamil_type == direct_ci_type) then
                    allocate(hamil_diag(space_size), stat=ierr)
                    call logmemalloc("hamil_diag", space_size, 8, t_r, hdiagtag, ierr)
                    call create_ham_diag_direct_ci(davidson_ras, davidson_classes, davidson_strings, hamil_diag)
                else if (hamil_type == full_hamil_type) then
                    space_size = size(hamiltonian, 1)
                    allocate(hamil_diag(space_size), stat=ierr)
                    call logmemalloc("hamil_diag", space_size, 8, t_r, hdiagtag, ierr)
                    do i = 1, space_size
                        hamil_diag(i) = hamiltonian(i, i)
                    end do
                else if (hamil_type == parallel_sparse_hamil_type .or. hamil_type == sparse_hamil_type) then
                    ! in the case of sparse implementations, the diagonal should be
                    ! created when the hamiltonian itself is.
                    call stop_all("t_r", "the diagonal of the hamiltonian has not been allocated. &
                                         &cannot perform Davidson or Lanczos calculation.")
                end if
            end if

            space_size = size(hamil_diag)
            ! may not exceed size of space)
            this%max_subspace_size = max_subspace_size!min(max_subspace_size, space_size)

            if (hamil_type == parallel_sparse_hamil_type) then

                allocate(this%space_sizes(0:nProcessors - 1))
                allocate(this%partial_H_ket_disps(0:nProcessors - 1))

                mpi_temp = int(space_size, MPIArg)
                call MPIAllGather(mpi_temp, this%space_sizes, ierr)
                ! The total space size across all processors.
                space_size = int(sum(this%space_sizes))
                this%partial_H_ket_disps(0) = 0
                do i = 1, nProcessors - 1
                    this%partial_H_ket_disps(i) = this%partial_H_ket_disps(i - 1) &
                                                  + this%space_sizes(i - 1)
                end do
                call MPIGatherV(hamil_diag, hamil_diag_temp, this%space_sizes, this%partial_H_ket_disps, ierr)

                if (iProcIndex == root) then
                    safe_realloc(hamil_diag, (space_size))
                    hamil_diag = hamil_diag_temp
                end if
            end if

            if (print_info) then
                write(stdout, '(1x,"number of determinants in total:",'//int_fmt(space_size, 1)//')') space_size; call neci_flush(stdout)
            end if

            if (tCalcHFIndex) then
                hfindex = maxloc((-hamil_diag), 1)
            end if

            ! the memory required to allocate each of basis_vectors and
            ! multipied_basis_vectors, in mb.
            mem_reqd = max_subspace_size * this%space_size * 8 / 1000000

            ! allocate the necessary arrays:
            if (t_store_subspace_basis) then
                safe_calloc(this%basis_vectors, (this%space_size, max_subspace_size), 0.0_dp)
                if (print_info) then
                    write(stdout, '(1x,"allocating array to hold subspace vectors (",'//int_fmt(mem_reqd, 0)//',1x,"mb).")') mem_reqd
                    call neci_flush(stdout)
                end if
            end if
            safe_calloc(this%projected_hamil, (max_subspace_size, max_subspace_size), 0.0_dp)
            safe_calloc(this%projected_hamil_work, (max_subspace_size, max_subspace_size), 0.0_dp)
            if (iprocindex /= root) then
                safe_malloc(this%temp_in, (this%space_size))
                safe_malloc(this%temp_out, (this%space_size))
            end if

            this%skip_calc = .false.
            if (print_info) then
                write(stdout, '(1x,"Hamiltonian calculation setup complete.",/)')
            end if
            call neci_flush(stdout)

        end associate

    end subroutine InitHamiltonianCalc