SUBROUTINE InitHistInitPops()
USE CalcData, only: InitiatorWalkNo
INTEGER :: ierr
character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'InitHistInitPops'
if (allocated(HistInitPops)) then
deallocate(HistInitPops, stat=ierr)
call LogMemDealloc(this_routine, HistInitPopsTag, ierr)
end if
allocate(HistInitPops(2, 25000), stat=ierr)
call LogMemAlloc('HistInitPops', 50000, 4, this_routine, &
HistInitPopsTag, ierr)
HistInitPops = 0
if (iProcIndex == 0) then
if (allocated(AllHistInitPops)) then
deallocate(AllHistInitPops, stat=ierr)
call LogMemDealloc(this_routine, AllHistInitPopsTag, ierr)
end if
allocate(AllHistInitPops(2, 25000), stat=ierr)
CALL LogMemAlloc('AllHistInitPops', 50000, 4, this_routine, &
AllHistInitPopsTag, ierr)
AllHistInitPops = 0
#ifdef DEBUG_
! in debug mode, we have to allocate this on all procs
if (allocated(AllHistInitPops)) then
deallocate(AllHistInitPops, stat=ierr)
end if
allocate(AllHistInitPops(2, 1), stat=ierr)
AllHistInitPops = 0
end if
InitBinMin = log(REAL(InitiatorWalkNo + 1, dp))
InitBinMax = log(1000000.0_dp)
InitBinIter = ABS(InitBinMax - InitBinMin) / 25000.0