subroutine InitMemoryManager(MemSize, print_err)
! Initialise memory manager.
! In:
! MemSize (optional) : max amount of memory available in MB. Default: MaxMemLimit
! print_err (optional): print all error messages from memory manager. Default: true.
! MAXMEM must be set via c pre-processing or set to be an integer.
integer(int64), intent(in), optional :: MemSize
logical, intent(in), optional :: print_err
integer(int64) :: MaxMemBytes
! Obtained via CPP in the makefile. MAXMEM in MB.
integer(int64), parameter :: MaxMemLimit = MAXMEM
def_default(err_output, print_err, .true.)
if (present(MemSize)) then
MaxMemBytes = MemSize * 1024**2
MaxMemBytes = MaxMemLimit * 1024**2
end if
if (initialised) then
if (err_output) write (stdout, *) 'Already initialised memory manager. Not re-initialsing.'
if (MaxMemBytes <= 0) then
if (err_output) then
write (stdout, *) 'Illegal maximum memory value passed to memorymanager.'
write (stdout, *) 'MaxMemgbytes = ', real(MaxMemBytes, dp) / (1024**2)
write (stdout, *) 'Setting maximum memory available to 1GB.'
end if
MaxMemBytes = 1024**3
if (.not. allocated(MemLog)) allocate (MemLog(MaxLen))
if (.not. allocated(PeakMemLog)) allocate (PeakMemLog(MaxLen))
if (.not. allocated(LookupPointer)) allocate (LookupPointer(MaxLen))
lookuppointer = 0
MaxMemory = MaxMemBytes
MemoryUsed = 0
MemoryLeft = MaxMemory
MaxMemoryUsed = 0
initialised = .true.
nWarn = 0
! Deal with debug options at a later date.
! debug = gmemdebug
write (stdout, '(a33,f8.1,a3)') ' Memory Manager initialised with ', real(MaxMemBytes, dp) / (1024**2), ' MB'
end if
end subroutine InitMemoryManager