integrate_frequency_histogram_spec Subroutine

private subroutine integrate_frequency_histogram_spec(spec_frequency_bins, ratio)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer(kind=int64), intent(in) :: spec_frequency_bins(n_frequency_bins)
real(kind=dp), intent(out) :: ratio


Source Code

    subroutine integrate_frequency_histogram_spec(spec_frequency_bins, ratio)
        ! specific histogram integration routine which sums up the inputted
        ! frequency_bins
        integer(int64), intent(in) :: spec_frequency_bins(n_frequency_bins)
        real(dp), intent(out) :: ratio
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "integrate_frequency_histogram_spec"

        integer(int64) :: all_frequency_bins(n_frequency_bins)
        integer(int64) :: i, threshold
        integer(int64) :: n_elements, cnt
        real(dp) :: test_ratio, all_test_ratio
        logical :: mpi_ltmp

        ! test a change to the tau-search by now integrating on each
        ! processor seperately and communicate the maximas
        if (t_test_hist_tau) then
            test_ratio = 0.0_dp
            n_elements = sum(spec_frequency_bins)
            if (n_elements == 0) then
                test_ratio = 0.0_dp

            else if (n_elements < 0) then
                test_ratio = -1.0_dp
                ! if any of the frequency_ratios is full i guess i should
                ! also end the histogramming tau-search or?
                ! yes i have to communicate that.. or else it gets
                ! fucked up..

                t_fill_frequency_hists = .false.


                threshold = int(frq_ratio_cutoff * n_elements, kind=int64)
                cnt = 0_int64
                i = 0_int64
                do while (cnt < threshold)
                    i = i + 1
                    cnt = cnt + spec_frequency_bins(i)
                end do

                test_ratio = i * frq_step_size

            end if

            ! how do i best deal with the mpi communication.
            ! i could use a mpialllor on (.not. t_fill_frequency_hists) to
            ! check if one of them is false on any processor..
            call MPIAllLORLogical(.not. t_fill_frequency_hists, mpi_ltmp)
            if (mpi_ltmp) then
                ! then i know one of the frequency histograms is full.. so
                ! stop on all nodes!
                t_fill_frequency_hists = .false.
                ratio = -1.0_dp
                all_test_ratio = 0.0_dp
                call MPIAllReduce(test_ratio, MPI_MAX, all_test_ratio)

                ratio = all_test_ratio
            end if

        end if

        ! MPI communicate
        all_frequency_bins = 0
        call MPIAllReduce(spec_frequency_bins, MPI_SUM, all_frequency_bins)

        n_elements = sum(all_frequency_bins)

        ! have to check if no elements are yet stored into the histogram!
        if (n_elements == 0) then
            ratio = 0.0_dp

        else if (n_elements < 0) then
            ! i reached an integer overflow.. and should stop histogramming
            ! this also means i should make an additional flag for only
            ! the histogramming option without the tau-search to it
            ! so i can also stop just the histogramming after an int
            ! overflow in the histograms
            ! TODO: in this case i also have to decide if i want to print
            ! it at this moment.. or maybe still at the end of the
            ! calculation.. but yes, maybe i want to, by default, always
            ! print them to be able to continue from a certain setting
            call stop_all(this_routine, "Overflow reached")
            ratio = -1.0_dp
            t_fill_frequency_hists = .false.
        end if

        threshold = int(frq_ratio_cutoff * n_elements, kind=int64)

        cnt = 0
        i = 0
        do while (cnt < threshold)
            i = i + 1
            cnt = cnt + all_frequency_bins(i)
        end do

        ratio = i * frq_step_size

    end subroutine integrate_frequency_histogram_spec