IntReadInput Subroutine

public subroutine IntReadInput(file_reader)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(FileReader_t), intent(inout) :: file_reader


Source Code

Source Code

    SUBROUTINE IntReadInput(file_reader)
        use SystemData, only: NEL, TUSEBRILLOUIN, OrbOrder, BasisFN
        use UMatCache, only: tReadInCache, nSlotsInit, nMemInit, iDumpCacheFlag, iDFMethod
        class(FileReader_t), intent(inout) :: file_reader

        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'IntReadInput'

        type(TokenIterator_t) :: tokens
        CHARACTER(LEN=100) w
        INTEGER :: i

        integral: do while (file_reader%nextline(tokens, skip_empty=.true.))
            w = to_upper(tokens%next())
            select case(w)
            case ("DUMPFCIDUMP")
                tDumpFCIDUMP = .true.
            case ("LINROOTCHANGE")
                TLinRootChange = .true.
                TRmRootExcitStarsRootChange = .true.
            case ("EXCITSTARSROOTCHANGE")
                TExcitStarsRootChange = .true.
            case ("DIAGSTARSTARS")
                TDiagStarStars = .true.
            case ("STARQUADEXCITS")
                TJustQuads = .true.
            case ("STARNODOUBS")
                TNoDoubs = .true.
            case ("CALCEXCITSTAR")
                TCalcExcitStar = .true.
            case ("QUADVECMAX")
                TQuadVecMax = .true.
            case ("QUADVALMAX")
                TQuadValMax = .true.
            case ("NRCONV")
                NRCONV = to_realdp(tokens%next())
            case ("RFCONV")
                RFCONV = to_realdp(tokens%next())
            case ("NRSTEPSMAX")
                NRSTEPSMAX = to_int(tokens%next())
            case ("INCLUDEQUADRHO")
                TQUADRHO = .true.
            case ("EXPRHO")
                TEXPRHO = .true.
            case ("RHO-1STORDER")
                NTAY(2) = 4
            case ("FOCK-PARTITION")
                NTAY(2) = 2
            case ("FOCK-PARTITION-LOWDIAG")
                NTAY(2) = 3
                NTAY(2) = 5
            case ("DIAG-PARTITION")
                NTAY(2) = 1
            case ("CALCREALPROD")
                TCALCREALPROD = .TRUE.
                IF(.NOT. TUSEBRILLOUIN) THEN
                    call stop_all(this_routine, trim(w)//" will not work unless "           &
           &        //"USEBRILLOUINTHEOREM set")
                end if
            case ("CALCRHOPROD")
                TCALCRHOPROD = .TRUE.
            case ("SUMPRODII")
                TSUMPROD = .TRUE.
            case ("DISCONNECTNODES")
                TDISCONODES = .TRUE.
            case ("HF")
                THFBASIS = .true.
            case ("CALCULATE")
                THFCALC = .true.
            case ("MAXITERATIONS")
                NHFIT = to_int(tokens%next())
            case ("MIX")
                HFMIX = to_realdp(tokens%next())
            case ("RAND")
                HFRAND = to_realdp(tokens%next())
            case ("THRESHOLD")
                do while (tokens%remaining_items() > 0)
                    w = to_upper(tokens%next())
                    select case(w)
                    case ("ENERGY")
                        HFEDELTA = to_realdp(tokens%next())
                    case ("ORBITAL")
                        HFCDELTA = to_realdp(tokens%next())
                    case default
                        call stop_all(this_routine, trim(w)//" not valid THRESHOLD"         &
           &         //"OPTION.  Specify ENERGY or ORBITAL convergence"     &
           &           //" threshold.")
                    end select
                end do
            case ("RHF")
                TRHF = .true.
            case ("UHF")
                TRHF = .false.
            case ("HFMETHOD")
                w = to_upper(tokens%next())
                select case(w)
                case ("DESCENT")
                    w = to_upper(tokens%next())
                    select case(w)
                    case ("OTHER")
                        IHFMETHOD = 2
                    case ("SINGLES")
                        IHFMETHOD = 1
                    case default
                        call stop_all(this_routine, trim(w)//" not valid DESCENT"         &
         &              //" option")
                    end select
                case ("STANDARD")
                    IHFMETHOD = 0
                case ("MODIFIED")
                    IHFMETHOD = 3
                case default
                    call stop_all(this_routine, trim(w)//" not valid HF method")
                end select

            case ("READ")
                do while (tokens%remaining_items() > 0)
                    w = to_upper(tokens%next())
                    select case(w)
                    case ("MATRIX")
                        TREADTUMAT = .true.
                    case ("BASIS")
                        TREADHF = .true.
                    case default
                        call stop_all(this_routine, trim(w)//" is an invalid HF read option.")
                    end select
                end do

            case ("FREEZE")
                NFROZEN = to_int(tokens%next())
                NTFROZEN = to_int(tokens%next())
                if(mod(NFROZEN, 2) /= 0 .or.                             &
         &       (NTFROZEN > 0 .and. mod(NTFROZEN, 2) /= 0)) then
                    call stop_all(this_routine, "NFROZEN and (+ve) NTFROZEN must be multiples of 2")
                end if
                if(                                                      &
         &       (NTFROZEN < 0 .and. mod(NEL - NTFROZEN, 2) /= 0)) then
                    call stop_all(this_routine, "-ve NTFROZEN must be same parity as NEL")
                end if

            case ("FREEZEINNER")
!This option allows us to freeze orbitals 'from the inside'.  This means that rather than freezing
!the lowest energy occupied orbitals, the NFROZENIN occupied (spin) orbitals with the highest energy are
!frozen, along with the NTFROZENIN lowest energy virtual (spin) orbitals.
!The main purpose of this is to select an active space and calculate the energy of the orbitals NOT in this
!active space.
                NFROZENIN = to_int(tokens%next())
                NTFROZENIN = to_int(tokens%next())
                NFROZENIN = ABS(NFROZENIN)
                if((mod(NFROZENIN, 2) /= 0) .or. (mod(NTFROZENIN, 2) /= 0)) then
                    call stop_all(this_routine, "NFROZENIN and NTFROZENIN must be multiples of 2")
                end if

            case ("PARTIALLYFREEZE")
!This option chooses a set of NPartFrozen SPIN orbitals as a core, and partially freezes the electrons
!in these orbitals so that no more than NHolesFrozen holes may exist in this core at a time.
!In practice, a walker attempts to spawn on a determinant - if this determinant has more than the
!allowed number of holes in the partially frozen core, the spawning is forbidden.
                tPartFreezeCore = .true.
                NPartFrozen = to_int(tokens%next())
                NHolesFrozen = to_int(tokens%next())

            case ("PARTIALLYFREEZEVIRT")
!This option works very similarly to the one above.  The integers following this keyword refer firstly to the number
!of *spin* orbitals that are frozen from the highest energy virtual orbitals down.  The second integer refers to the
!number of electrons that are allowed to occupy these 'partially frozen' virtual orbitals.  I.e. NElVirtFrozen = 1,
!means that spawning is accepted if is to a determinant that only has one or less of the partially frozen virtual
!orbitals occupied.  Any more than this, and the spawning is rejected.
                tPartFreezeVirt = .true.
                NVirtPartFrozen = to_int(tokens%next())
                NElVirtFrozen = to_int(tokens%next())

            case ("ORDER")
                I = 1
                do while (tokens%remaining_items() > 0)
                    ORBORDER2(I) = to_realdp(tokens%next())
                    I = I + 1
                end do
                DO I = 1, 8
! two ways of specifying open orbitals
! if orborder2(I,1) is integral, then if it's odd, we have a single
! open orbital
                    IF(abs(ORBORDER2(I) - INT(ORBORDER2(I))) < 1.0e-12_dp) THEN
                        ORBORDER(I, 1) = IAND(INT(ORBORDER2(I)), 65534)
                        IF((INT(ORBORDER2(I)) - ORBORDER(I, 1)) > 0) THEN
! we have an open orbital
                            ORBORDER(I, 2) = 2
                            ORBORDER(I, 2) = 0
                        end if
! non-integral.  The integral part is the number of closed oribtals,
! and the fractional*1000 is the number of open orbitals.
! e.g. 6.002 would mean 6 closed and 2 open
! which would have orborder(I,1)=6, orborder(I,2)=4
! but say 5.002 would be meaningless as the integral part must be a
! multiple of 2
                        ORBORDER(I, 1) = INT(ORBORDER2(I) + 0.000001_dp)
                        ORBORDER(I, 2) = INT((ORBORDER2(I) - ORBORDER(I, 1) +      &
           &                           0.000001_dp) * 1000) * 2
                    end if
                end do
            case ("UMATCACHE")
                w = to_upper(tokens%next())
                select case(w)
                case ("SLOTS")
                    NSLOTSINIT = to_int(tokens%next())
                case ("MB")
                    NMEMINIT = to_int(tokens%next())
                    if(nMemInit == 0) then
                        ! Not using the cache...
                        nSlotsInit = 0
                        nSlotsInit = 1
                    end if
                case ("READ")
                    tReadInCache = .true.
                case ("DUMP")
                    if(iDumpCacheFlag == 0) iDumpCacheFlag = 1
                case ("FORCE")
                    iDumpCacheFlag = 2
                case default
                    call tokens%reset(-1)
                    NSLOTSINIT = to_int(tokens%next())
                end select
            case ("NOUMATCACHE")
                NSLOTSINIT = -1

            case ("DFMETHOD")
                w = to_upper(tokens%next())
                select case(w)
                case ("DFOVERLAP")
                    iDFMethod = 1
                case ("DFOVERLAP2NDORD")
                    iDFMethod = 2
                case ("DFOVERLAP2")
                    iDFMethod = 3
                case ("DFCOULOMB")
                    iDFMethod = 4
                case default
                    call stop_all(this_routine, "keyword "//trim(w)//" not recognized in DFMETHOD block")
                end select

            case ("POSTFREEZEHF")
                tPostFreezeHF = .true.

                t_use_tchint_lib = .true.
                if (tokens%remaining_items() > 0) then
                    tchint_mode = to_upper(tokens%next())
                    tchint_mode = "PC"
                end if

            case ("NO-HASH-LMAT-CALC")
                t_hash_lmat_calc = .false.

            case ("RS-FACTORS")
                ! read the range-separated factors instead of a TCDUMP file
                t_rs_factors = .true.

            case ("HDF5-INTEGRALS")
                ! Read the 6-index integrals from an hdf5 file
                tHDF5LMat = .true.
            case ("SPARSE-LMAT")
                ! Allows for storing the 6-index integrals in a sparse format
                tSparseLMat = .true.
            case ("SYM-BROKEN-LMAT")
                ! Can be used to disable the permuational symmetry of the 6-index integrals
                tSymBrokenLMat = .true.
            case ("UNSYMMETRIC-INTEGRALS")
                ! the 6-index integrals are not symmetrized yet (has to be done
                ! on the fly then)
                tSymBrokenLMat = .true.

            case ("DMATEPSILON")
                DMatEpsilon = to_realdp(tokens%next())

            case ("LMATCALC")

                if(tSymBrokenLMat .or. t12FoldSym) then
                    call stop_all(this_routine, "LMATCALC assumes 48-fold symmetry")
                end if

                tLMatCalc = .true.

                if(tokens%remaining_items() > 0) lMatCalcHFactor = to_realsp(tokens%next())

            case ("ENDINT")
                exit integral
            case default
                call stop_all(this_routine, "keyword "//trim(w)//" not recognized in integral block")
            end select
        end do integral