function isProperCSF_sys(ilut, sysFlag, t_print_in) result(flag)
! function to check if provided CSF in ilut format is a proper CSF
! checks b vector positivity and is total S is correct
integer(n_int), intent(in) :: ilut(0:GugaBits%len_tot)
logical, intent(in):: sysFlag
logical, intent(in), optional :: t_print_in
logical :: flag
logical :: t_print
if (present(t_print_in)) then
t_print = t_print_in
t_print = .false.
end if
flag = .true.
! check if b value drops below zero
if (any(calcB_vector_int(ilut(0:GugaBits%len_orb)) < 0)) flag = .false.
! if system flag is also given as input also check if the CSF fits
! concerning total S and the number of electrons
if (sysFlag) then
if (abs(return_ms(ilut)) /= STOT) then
if (t_print) then
print *, "CSF does not have correct total spin!:"
call write_det_guga(stdout, ilut)
print *, "System S: ", STOT
print *, "CSF S: ", abs(return_ms(ilut))
end if
flag = .false.
end if
if (int(sum(calcOcc_vector_ilut(ilut(0:GugaBits%len_orb)))) /= nEl) then
if (t_print) then
print *, "CSF does not have right number of electrons!:"
call write_det_guga(stdout, ilut)
print *, "System electrons: ", nEl
print *, "CSF electrons: ", &
end if
flag = .false.
end if
end if
end function isProperCSF_sys