LanczosFindGroundE Subroutine

public subroutine LanczosFindGroundE(Dets, DetLen, GroundE, ProjGroundE, tInit)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: Dets(NEl,DetLen)
integer, intent(in) :: DetLen
real(kind=dp), intent(out) :: GroundE
real(kind=dp), intent(out) :: ProjGroundE
logical, intent(in) :: tInit


Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine LanczosFindGroundE(Dets, DetLen, GroundE, ProjGroundE, tInit)
        use DetCalcData, only: NKRY, NBLK, B2L, nCycle
        real(dp), intent(out) :: GroundE, ProjGroundE
        logical, intent(in) :: tInit
        integer, intent(in) :: DetLen
        integer, intent(in) :: Dets(NEl, DetLen)
        integer :: gc, ierr, icmax, lenhamil, nKry1, nBlock, LScr, LIScr
        integer(n_int) :: ilut(0:NIfTot)
        logical :: tmc, tSuccess
        real(dp), allocatable :: A_Arr(:, :), V(:), AM(:), BM(:), T(:), WT(:), SCR(:), WH(:), V2(:, :), W(:)
        HElement_t(dp), allocatable :: Work(:), WORK2(:)
        HElement_t(dp), allocatable :: CkN(:, :), Hamil(:), TruncWavefunc(:)
        HElement_t(dp), allocatable :: Ck(:, :)  !This holds eigenvectors in the end
        HElement_t(dp) :: Num, Denom, HDiagTemp
        integer, allocatable :: LAB(:), NROW(:), INDEX(:), ISCR(:)
        integer(TagIntType) :: LabTag = 0, NRowTag = 0, ATag = 0, VTag = 0, AMTag = 0, BMTag = 0, TTag = 0, tagCKN = 0, tagCK = 0
        integer(TagIntType) :: WTTag = 0, SCRTag = 0, ISCRTag = 0, INDEXTag = 0, WHTag = 0, Work2Tag = 0, V2Tag = 0, tagW = 0
        integer(TagIntType) :: tagHamil = 0, WorkTag = 0
        integer :: nEval, nBlocks, nBlockStarts(2), ExcitLev, i, nDoubles
        character(*), parameter :: t_r = 'LanczosFindGroundE'
        real(dp) :: norm
        integer :: PartInd, ioTrunc
        character(24) :: abstr

        if (DetLen > 1300) then
            nEval = 3
            nEval = DetLen
        end if

        write(stdout, '(A,I10)') 'DetLen = ', DetLen
        allocate(Ck(DetLen, nEval), stat=ierr)
        call LogMemAlloc('CK', DetLen * nEval, 8, t_r, tagCK, ierr)
        CK = (0.0_dp)
        allocate(W(nEval), stat=ierr)
        call LogMemAlloc('W', nEval, 8, t_r, tagW, ierr)
        W = 0.0_dp
!C..We need to measure HAMIL and LAB first
        allocate(NROW(DetLen), stat=ierr)
        call LogMemAlloc('NROW', DetLen, 4, t_r, NROWTag, ierr)
        NROW(:) = 0
        ICMAX = 1
        TMC = .FALSE.
        call DETHAM(DetLen, NEL, Dets, HAMIL, LAB, NROW, .TRUE., ICMAX, GC, TMC)
        write(stdout, *) "Allocating memory for hamiltonian: ", GC * 2
        CALL neci_flush(stdout)
!C..Now we know size, allocate memory to HAMIL and LAB
        LENHAMIL = GC
        allocate(Hamil(LenHamil), stat=ierr)
        call LogMemAlloc('HAMIL', LenHamil, 8, t_r, tagHamil, ierr)
        HAMIL = (0.0_dp)
        allocate(LAB(LENHAMIL), stat=ierr)
        CALL LogMemAlloc('LAB', LenHamil, 4, t_r, LabTag, ierr)

        LAB(1:LENHAMIL) = 0
!C..Now we store HAMIL and LAB

        if (DetLen > 1300) then
            !Lanczos diag

            allocate(CkN(DetLen, nEval), stat=ierr)
            call LogMemAlloc('CKN', DetLen * nEval, 8, t_r, tagCKN, ierr)
            CKN = (0.0_dp)

            NKRY1 = NKRY + 1
            NBLOCK = MIN(NEVAL, NBLK)
            LSCR = MAX(DetLen * NEVAL, 8 * NBLOCK * NKRY)
            LISCR = 6 * NBLOCK * NKRY
            !C..Set up memory for FRSBLKH

            allocate(A_Arr(NEVAL, NEVAL), stat=ierr)
            CALL LogMemAlloc('A_Arr', NEVAL**2, 8, t_r, ATag, ierr)
            A_Arr = 0.0_dp
            !C,, W is now allocated with CK
            allocate(V(DetLen * NBLOCK * NKRY1), stat=ierr)
            CALL LogMemAlloc('V', DetLen * NBLOCK * NKRY1, 8, t_r, VTag, ierr)
            V = 0.0_dp
            allocate(AM(NBLOCK * NBLOCK * NKRY1), stat=ierr)
            CALL LogMemAlloc('AM', NBLOCK * NBLOCK * NKRY1, 8, t_r, AMTag, ierr)
            AM = 0.0_dp
            allocate(BM(NBLOCK * NBLOCK * NKRY), stat=ierr)
            CALL LogMemAlloc('BM', NBLOCK * NBLOCK * NKRY, 8, t_r, BMTag, ierr)
            BM = 0.0_dp
            allocate(T(3 * NBLOCK * NKRY * NBLOCK * NKRY), stat=ierr)
            CALL LogMemAlloc('T', 3 * NBLOCK * NKRY * NBLOCK * NKRY, 8, t_r, TTag, ierr)
            T = 0.0_dp
            allocate(WT(NBLOCK * NKRY), stat=ierr)
            CALL LogMemAlloc('WT', NBLOCK * NKRY, 8, t_r, WTTag, ierr)
            WT = 0.0_dp
            allocate(SCR(LScr), stat=ierr)
            CALL LogMemAlloc('SCR', LScr, 8, t_r, SCRTag, ierr)
            SCR = 0.0_dp
            allocate(ISCR(LIScr), stat=ierr)
            CALL LogMemAlloc('IScr', LIScr, 4, t_r, IScrTag, ierr)
            ISCR(1:LISCR) = 0
            allocate(INDEX(NEVAL), stat=ierr)
            CALL LogMemAlloc('INDEX', NEVAL, 4, t_r, INDEXTag, ierr)
            INDEX(1:NEVAL) = 0
            allocate(WH(DetLen), stat=ierr)
            CALL LogMemAlloc('WH', DetLen, 8, t_r, WHTag, ierr)
            WH = 0.0_dp
            allocate(WORK2(3 * DetLen), stat=ierr)
            CALL LogMemAlloc('WORK2', 3 * DetLen, 8, t_r, WORK2Tag, ierr)
            WORK2 = 0.0_dp
            allocate(V2(DetLen, NEVAL), stat=ierr)
            CALL LogMemAlloc('V2', DetLen * NEVAL, 8, t_r, V2Tag, ierr)
            V2 = 0.0_dp
            !C..Lanczos iterative diagonalising routine
            if (t_non_hermitian_2_body) then
                call stop_all(t_r, &
                              "NECI_FRSBLKH not adapted for non-hermitian Hamiltonians!")
            end if
#ifdef CMPLX_
            call stop_all(t_r, "not implemented for complex")
                    NKRY1, NBLOCK, NROW, LSCR, LISCR, A_Arr, W, V, AM, BM, T, WT, &
                    SCR, ISCR, INDEX, NCYCLE, B2L, .true., .false., .false.)

            !Eigenvalues may come out wrong sign - multiply by -1
            if (W(1) > 0.0_dp) then
                GroundE = -W(1)
                GroundE = W(1)
            end if

            deallocate(A_Arr, V, AM, BM, T, WT, SCR, WH, V2, CkN, Index, IScr)
            call LogMemDealloc(t_r, ATag)
            call LogMemDealloc(t_r, VTag)
            call LogMemDealloc(t_r, AMTag)
            call LogMemDealloc(t_r, BMTag)
            call LogMemDealloc(t_r, TTag)
            call LogMemDealloc(t_r, tagCKN)
            call LogMemDealloc(t_r, WTTag)
            call LogMemDealloc(t_r, SCRTag)
            call LogMemDealloc(t_r, ISCRTag)
            call LogMemDealloc(t_r, IndexTag)
            call LogMemDealloc(t_r, WHTag)
            call LogMemDealloc(t_r, V2Tag)
            !Full diag
            allocate(Work(4 * DetLen), stat=ierr)
            call LogMemAlloc('Work', 4 * DetLen, 8, t_r, WorkTag, ierr)
            allocate(Work2(3 * DetLen), stat=ierr)
            call logMemAlloc('Work2', 3 * DetLen, 8, t_r, Work2Tag, ierr)
            nBlockStarts(1) = 1
            nBlockStarts(2) = DetLen + 1
            nBlocks = 1
            if (t_non_hermitian_2_body) then
                call stop_all(t_r, &
                              "HDIAG_neci is not set up for non-hermitian Hamiltonians!")
            end if
            call HDIAG_neci(DetLen, Hamil, Lab, nRow, CK, W, Work2, Work, nBlockStarts, nBlocks)
            GroundE = W(1)
            call LogMemDealloc(t_r, WorkTag)
        end if

        !Calculate proje.
        nDoubles = 0
        Num = 0.0_dp
        do i = 1, DetLen
            ExcitLev = iGetExcitLevel(HFDet, Dets(:, i), NEl)
            if ((ExcitLev == 1) .or. (ExcitLev == 2)) then
                if (tGUGA) then
                    call stop_all(t_r, "modify for GUGA!")
                end if
                HDiagTemp = get_helement(HFDet, Dets(:, i), ExcitLev)
                Num = Num + (HDiagTemp * CK(i, 1))
                nDoubles = nDoubles + 1
            else if (ExcitLev == 0) then
                Denom = CK(i, 1)
            end if
        end do
        ProjGroundE = (Num / Denom) + Hii

        if (tHistSpawn .and. .not. tInit) then
            !Write out the ground state wavefunction for this truncated calculation.
            !This needs to be sorted, into the order given in the original FCI in DetCalc.
            allocate(TruncWavefunc(Det), stat=ierr)
            if (ierr /= 0) call stop_all(t_r, "Alloc error")
            TruncWavefunc(:) = 0.0_dp

            Norm = 0.0_dp
            do i = 1, DetLen
                !Loop over iluts in instantaneous list.

                call EncodeBitDet(Dets(:, i), iLut)
                !Calculate excitation level (even if hf isn't in list)
                ExcitLev = FindBitExcitLevel(iLutHF, iLut, NEl)

                if (ExcitLev == nel) then
                    call BinSearchParts2(iLut, FCIDetIndex(ExcitLev), Det, PartInd, tSuccess)
                else if (ExcitLev == 0) then
                    PartInd = 1
                    tSuccess = .true.
                    call BinSearchParts2(iLut, FCIDetIndex(ExcitLev), FCIDetIndex(ExcitLev + 1) - 1, PartInd, tSuccess)
                end if
                if (.not. tSuccess) then
                    call stop_all(t_r, "Error here as cannot find corresponding determinant in FCI expansion")
                end if
                TruncWavefunc(PartInd) = CK(i, 1)

                !Check normalisation
                Norm = Norm + CK(i, 1)**2.0_dp
            end do
            Norm = sqrt(Norm)
            if (abs(Norm - 1.0_dp) > 1.0e-7_dp) then
                write(stdout, *) "***", norm
                call warning_neci(t_r, "Normalisation not correct for diagonalised wavefunction!")
            end if

            !Now write out...
            abstr = 'TruncWavefunc-'//str(Iter)
            ioTrunc = get_free_unit()
            open(ioTrunc, file=abstr, status='unknown')
            do i = 1, Det
                write(ioTrunc, "(I13,F25.16)") i, TruncWavefunc(i) / norm
            end do


        end if

        deallocate(Work2, W, Hamil, Lab, nRow, CK)
        call LogMemDealloc(t_r, Work2Tag)
        call LogMemDealloc(t_r, tagW)
        call LogMemDealloc(t_r, tagHamil)
        call LogMemDealloc(t_r, LabTag)
        call LogMemDealloc(t_r, NRowTag)
        call LogMemDealloc(t_r, tagCK)

    end subroutine LanczosFindGroundE