subroutine merge_ilut_lists(listA, listB, hashTable, sizeA, sizeB, maxSizeA)
integer(n_int), intent(in) :: listB(0:, 1:)
integer(n_int), intent(inout) :: listA(0:, 1:)
integer, intent(in) :: sizeB, maxSizeA
integer, intent(inout) :: sizeA
type(ll_node), pointer, intent(inout) :: hashTable(:)
integer :: nJ(nel), ilutIndex, hashValue, i, insertPos
real(dp) :: signA(lenof_sign), signB(lenof_sign)
logical :: tSuccess
character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "merge_ilut_lists"
! this merges listB into listA. In the current form, empty slots in listA are
! not exploited, because it should not make a difference currently (optimization follows)
do i = 1, sizeB
call decode_bit_det(nJ, listB(:, i))
call hash_table_lookup(nJ, listB(:, i), nifd, hashTable, listA, ilutIndex, &
hashValue, tSuccess)
if (tSuccess) then
! the i-th determinant in listB is already present in listA
! -> add up the signs
call extract_sign(listA(:, ilutIndex), signA)
call extract_sign(listB(:, i), signB)
! we do not fill up empty slots, so we do not care if signA == 0
! this differs from AnnihilateSpawnedParts
call encode_sign(listA(:, ilutIndex), signA + signB)
! the initiator criterium is checked upon annihilation, no need to do so here
! if the entry in listB is not in listA, add it as the last entry
sizeA = sizeA + 1
insertPos = sizeA
if (sizeA > maxSizeA) &
call stop_all(this_routine, "Out of memory for merging ilut lists")
listA(:, insertPos) = listB(:, i)
call add_hash_table_entry(hashTable, insertPos, hashValue)
end if
end do
end subroutine merge_ilut_lists