MOMPBCSYM Subroutine

public pure subroutine MOMPBCSYM(K1, nBasisMax)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(inout) :: K1(3)
integer, intent(in) :: nBasisMax(5,*)


Source Code

Source Code

!   NB the third column of NBASISMAX tells us whether it is tilted
        INTEGER, intent(inout) :: K1(3)
        INTEGER, intent(in) :: nBasisMax(5, *)
        INTEGER J, LDIM, AX, AY, LENX, LENY, KK2, T1, T2
        real(dp) R1, R2, NORM
        ! [W.D]
        ! in case of the new k-space hubbard implementation use the
        ! built-in k-vec mapping
        if (t_k_space_hubbard) then
            ! this should actually never be called anymore!
            k1 = lat%map_k_vec(k1)
        end if
!   (AX,AY) is the tilt of the lattice, and corresponds to the lattice vector of the cell.  The other lattice vector is (-AY,AX).
!These are expressed in terms of the primitive Hubbard lattice vectors
        AX = NBASISMAX(1, 4)
        AY = NBASISMAX(2, 4)
!   LENX is the length (i.e. number of lattice vectors) in direction (AX,AY).  LENY is in the other lattice vector direction
        LENX = NBASISMAX(1, 5)
        LENY = NBASISMAX(2, 5)
        IF (NBASISMAX(1, 3) == 0 .OR. NBASISMAX(1, 3) == 0) THEN
!   A non-tilted lattice with PBC
            DO J = 1, 3
!    non-tilted
                KK2 = K1(J)
                LDIM = NBASISMAX(J, 2) - NBASISMAX(J, 1) + 1
                KK2 = MOD(KK2, LDIM)
                IF (KK2 < NBASISMAX(J, 1)) KK2 = KK2 + LDIM
                IF (KK2 > NBASISMAX(J, 2)) KK2 = KK2 - LDIM
                K1(J) = KK2
            end do
        else if (NBASISMAX(1, 3) == 1) THEN
!   we have a tilted lattice with PBC
!   we want the a1,a2 components of k
            NORM = AX * AX + AY * AY
            R1 = (AX * K1(1) + AY * K1(2)) / NORM
            R2 = (AX * K1(2) - AY * K1(1)) / NORM
            R1 = R1 / LENX + 0.5_dp
            R2 = R2 / LENY + 0.5_dp
!   R1 is now in terms of the shifted extended unit cell.  We want 0<R1<=1
!   R2 is now in terms of the shifted extended unit cell.  We want 0<=R2<1
!   T1 and T2 will be the vectors to translate the point K1 back into our cell
            T1 = INT(ABS(R1))
            IF (R1 < 0.0_dp) THEN
                T1 = -T1
                IF (abs(t1 - r1) > 1.0e-12_dp) T1 = T1 - 1
            end if
!   Now T1= highest integer less than R1  (i.e. FLOOR)
!   We want to include R1=1, so we have one fewer translations in that case.
            IF (abs(r1 - t1) < 1.0e-12_dp) T1 = T1 - 1
            T2 = INT(ABS(R2))
            IF (R2 < 0.0_dp) THEN
                T2 = -T2
                IF (abs(t2 - r2) > 1.0e-12_dp) T2 = T2 - 1
            end if
!   The following line conserves the top-right rule for edge effects
            IF (abs(r1 - t1) < 1.0e-12_dp) T1 = T1 - 1
!   Now T2= highest integer less than R2  (i.e. FLOOR)
!   Do the translation
            IF (R1 > 1.0_dp .OR. R1 <= 0.0_dp) R1 = R1 - T1
            IF (R2 >= 1.0_dp .OR. R2 < 0.0_dp) R2 = R2 - T2
!   Now convert back to the the Coords in the extended brillouin zone (ish)
            R1 = (R1 - 0.5_dp) * LENX
            R2 = (R2 - 0.5_dp) * LENY
!   Now K1 is defined as the re-scaled (R1,R2) vector
            K1(1) = NINT(R1 * AX - R2 * AY)
            K1(2) = NINT(R1 * AY + R2 * AX)
        else if (NBASISMAX(1, 3) == -1) THEN
            if ((abs(k1(1)) > NBASISMAX(1, 2)) .and. tperiodicinmom) then
                if (k1(1) > 0) then
                    k1(1) = k1(1) - (2 * NBASISMAX(1, 2) + 1)
                    k1(1) = k1(1) + (2 * NBASISMAX(1, 2) + 1)
                end if
            end if
        end if