orthogonalise_replica_pairs Subroutine

public subroutine orthogonalise_replica_pairs(iter_data)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(fcimc_iter_data), intent(inout) :: iter_data


Source Code

    subroutine orthogonalise_replica_pairs(iter_data)

        ! complex walkers not supported here. This routine is never called: deprecated code?

        ! Apply a Gram Schmidt orthogonalisation to the different system
        ! replicas.

        ! This routine works in cases where there are two replicas representing
        ! each excited state. Whenever an overlap has to be calculated between
        ! different excited states, both pairs are used and averaged. When a
        ! norm needs to be calculated, the overlap is taken between the two
        ! replicas for the same excited state.

        ! Underscores denote the excited state label and uperscores represent
        ! the replica label (i.e. 1 or 2):

        ! |psi_2^1'> = |psi_2^1> - (|psi_1^1><psi_1^2|psi_2^1> +
        !                           |psi_1^2><psi_1^1|psi_2^1>)/(2<psi_1^1|psi_1^2>)

        type(fcimc_iter_data), intent(inout) :: iter_data
        integer :: tgt_state, src_state, run, j, irep, imod1, imod2, TotWalkersNew
        real(dp) :: norms(inum_runs.div.2), overlaps(inum_runs, inum_runs)
        real(dp) :: sgn(lenof_sign), sgn_orig(2), delta, r
        logical :: tCoreDet
        character(len=*), parameter :: this_routine = "orthogonalise_replica_pairs"

        ASSERT(inum_runs == lenof_sign)
        call stop_all(this_routine, "orthogonalise replicas requires mneci.x")

        norms = 0.0_dp
        overlaps = 0.0_dp

        ! Loop over all excited states (thus over all replica *pairs*).
        do tgt_state = 1, inum_runs / 2

            HolesInList = 0
            do j = 1, int(TotWalkers)

                ! n.b. We are using a non-contiguous list (Hash algorithm).
                call extract_sign(CurrentDets(:, j), sgn)
                tCoreDet = check_determ_flag(CurrentDets(:, j))
                if (IsUnoccDet(sgn) .and. (.not. tCoreDet)) then
                    HolesInList = HolesInList + 1
                end if

                if (tgt_state > 1) then

                    ! The two replica signs for this excited state.
                    sgn_orig(1) = sgn(tgt_state * 2 - 1)
                    sgn_orig(2) = sgn(tgt_state * 2)

                    ! Loop over both replicas for this excited state.
                    do irep = 1, 2

                        ! These variables equal (1,2) and (2,1) when irep = 1 and
                        ! 2, repsectively. They are used to access the correct
                        ! indices of the sign arrays.
                        imod1 = mod(irep, 2)
                        imod2 = 1 - imod1

                        do src_state = 1, tgt_state - 1
                            delta = -sgn(src_state * 2 - imod1) * &
                                    all_overlaps(src_state * 2 - imod2, tgt_state * 2 - imod1) / &
                                    (2 * all_norms(src_state))
                            sgn(tgt_state * 2 - imod1) = sgn(tgt_state * 2 - imod1) + delta

                            delta = -sgn(src_state * 2 - imod2) * &
                                    all_overlaps(src_state * 2 - imod1, tgt_state * 2 - imod1) / &
                                    (2 * all_norms(src_state))
                            sgn(tgt_state * 2 - imod1) = sgn(tgt_state * 2 - imod1) + delta
                        end do

                    end do

                    call encode_sign(CurrentDets(:, j), sgn)

                    ! Note that we shouldn't be able to kill all particles on a
                    ! site, as we can only change a run if there are particles in
                    ! a lower indexed run to change...
                    ! The exception is when using semi-stochastic, where
                    ! unoccupied determinants can be stored.
                    if (.not. tSemiStochastic) then
                        ASSERT(.not. IsUnoccDet(sgn))
                    end if

                    ! Now we need to our accounting to make sure that NoBorn/
                    ! Died/etc. counters remain reasonable.
                    ! n.b. we don't worry about the delta=0 case, as adding 0 to
                    !      the accumulators doesn't cause errors...
                    do irep = 1, 2
                        run = tgt_state * 2 - mod(irep, 2)

                        if (sgn(run) >= 0 .neqv. sgn_orig(irep) >= 0) then
                            NoDied(run) = NoDied(run) + abs(sgn_orig(irep))
                            iter_data%ndied(run) = iter_data%ndied(run) &
                                                   + abs(sgn_orig(irep))
                            NoBorn(run) = NoBorn(run) + abs(sgn(run))
                            iter_data%nborn(run) = iter_data%nborn(run) &
                                                   + abs(sgn(run))
                        else if (abs(sgn(run)) >= abs(sgn_orig(irep))) then
                            NoBorn(run) = NoBorn(run) &
                                          + abs(sgn(run) - sgn_orig(irep))
                            iter_data%nborn(run) = iter_data%nborn(run) &
                                                   + abs(sgn(run) - sgn_orig(irep))
                            NoDied(run) = NoDied(run) &
                                          + abs(sgn(run) - sgn_orig(irep))
                            iter_data%ndied(run) = iter_data%ndied(run) &
                                                   + abs(sgn(run) - sgn_orig(irep))
                        end if
                    end do

                end if

                ! We should be accumulating the norm for this run, so it can
                ! be used in processing later runs. We should also be
                ! accumulating the overlap terms for doing the same
                ! n.b. These are the values _after_ orthogonalisation with
                !      the previous runs
                norms(tgt_state) = norms(tgt_state) + sgn(2 * tgt_state - 1) * sgn(2 * tgt_state)

                ! Calculate overlaps for all 4 combinations of the 2 replicas
                ! of the 2 excited states.
                do run = tgt_state + 1, inum_runs / 2
                    overlaps(tgt_state * 2 - 1, run * 2 - 1) = overlaps(tgt_state * 2 - 1, run * 2 - 1) &
                                                               + sgn(tgt_state * 2 - 1) * sgn(run * 2 - 1)

                    overlaps(tgt_state * 2 - 1, run * 2) = overlaps(tgt_state * 2 - 1, run * 2) &
                                                           + sgn(tgt_state * 2 - 1) * sgn(run * 2)

                    overlaps(tgt_state * 2, run * 2 - 1) = overlaps(tgt_state * 2, run * 2 - 1) &
                                                           + sgn(tgt_state * 2) * sgn(run * 2 - 1)

                    overlaps(tgt_state * 2, run * 2) = overlaps(tgt_state * 2, run * 2) &
                                                       + sgn(tgt_state * 2) * sgn(run * 2)
                end do

            end do

            ! And ensure that the norm/overlap data is accumulated onto all
            ! of the processors.
            call MPISumAll(norms, all_norms)
            call MPISumAll(overlaps, all_overlaps)

        end do

        ! We now need to aggregate statistics here, rather than at the end
        ! of annihilation, as they have been modified by this routine...
        ! n.b. TotWalkersNew is integer, TotWalkers is int64 to ensure that it
        !      can be collected using AllTotWalkers (which may end up with far
        !      too many walkers).
        TotWalkersNew = int(TotWalkers)
        call CalcHashTableStats(TotWalkersNew, iter_data)
        TotWalkers = TotWalkersNew


    end subroutine orthogonalise_replica_pairs