output_kp_matrices Subroutine

public subroutine output_kp_matrices(config_label, stem, matrices)



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: config_label
character(len=7), intent(in) :: stem
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: matrices(:,:,:)


Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine output_kp_matrices(config_label, stem, matrices)

        use util_mod, only: int_fmt, get_free_unit

        integer, intent(in) :: config_label
        character(7), intent(in) :: stem
        real(dp), intent(in) :: matrices(:, :, :)
        character(25) :: ind1, filename
        integer :: i, j, k, temp_unit, nrepeats

        write(ind1, '(i15)') config_label

        filename = trim(trim(stem)//'.'//trim(adjustl(ind1)))
        nrepeats = size(matrices, 3)
        temp_unit = get_free_unit()

        open(temp_unit, file=trim(filename), status='replace')

        ! Write all the components of the various estimates of the matrix, above and including the
        ! diagonal, one after another on separate lines.
        do i = 1, size(matrices, 1)
            do j = i, size(matrices, 2)
                ! Write the index of the matrix element.
                write(temp_unit, '('//int_fmt(i, 0)//', "," ,'//int_fmt(j, 0)//')', advance='no') i, j
                do k = 1, nrepeats
                    write(temp_unit, '(1x,es19.12)', advance='no') matrices(i, j, k)
                end do
                write(temp_unit, '()', advance='yes')
            end do
        end do


    end subroutine output_kp_matrices