PerformFCIMCycPar Subroutine

private subroutine PerformFCIMCycPar(iter_data, err)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(fcimc_iter_data), intent(inout) :: iter_data
integer, intent(out) :: err


Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine PerformFCIMCycPar(iter_data, err)
        use mpi
        use global_det_data, only: get_iter_occ_tot, get_av_sgn_tot
        use global_det_data, only: set_av_sgn_tot, set_iter_occ_tot
        use global_det_data, only: len_av_sgn_tot, len_iter_occ_tot
        use rdm_data, only: two_rdm_spawn, two_rdm_recv, two_rdm_main, one_rdms
        use rdm_data, only: rdm_definitions
        use rdm_data_utils, only: communicate_rdm_spawn_t, add_rdm_1_to_rdm_2, clear_rdm_list_t
        use symrandexcit_Ex_Mag, only: test_sym_excit_ExMag
        ! Iteration specific data
        type(fcimc_iter_data), intent(inout) :: iter_data
        integer, intent(out) :: err

        ! Now the local, iteration specific, variables
        integer :: j, p, error, proc_temp, i, HFPartInd, isym
        integer :: DetCurr(nel), nJ(nel), FlagsCurr, parent_flags
        real(dp), dimension(lenof_sign) :: SignCurr, child, child_for_stats, SpawnSign
        integer(kind=n_int) :: iLutnJ(0:niftot)
        integer :: IC, walkExcitLevel, walkExcitLevel_toHF, ex(2, 3), TotWalkersNew, part_type, run
        integer(int64) :: tot_parts_tmp(lenof_sign)
        logical :: tParity, tSuccess, tCoreDet(inum_runs), tGlobalCoreDet
        real(dp) :: prob, HDiagCurr, EnergyCurr, hdiag_bare, TempTotParts, Di_Sign_Temp
        real(dp) :: RDMBiasFacCurr
        real(dp) :: lstart
        real(dp) :: AvSignCurr(len_av_sgn_tot), IterRDMStartCurr(len_iter_occ_tot)
        real(dp) :: av_sign(len_av_sgn_tot), iter_occ(len_iter_occ_tot)
        HElement_t(dp) :: HDiagTemp, HElGen, HOffDiagCurr
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'PerformFCIMCycPar'
        HElement_t(dp), dimension(inum_runs) :: delta
        integer :: proc, pos, determ_index, irdm
        real(dp) :: r, sgn(lenof_sign), prob_extra_walker
        integer :: DetHash, FinalVal, clash, PartInd, k, y, MaxIndex
        type(ll_node), pointer :: TempNode

        integer :: ms, allErr
        real(dp) :: precond_fac
        ! average number of excitations per walker for a given determinant
        real(dp) :: AvMCExcitsLoc, scale, max_spawn
        HElement_t(dp) :: hdiag_spawn, h_diag_correct

        logical :: signChanged, newlyOccupied, flag_mixed

        real(dp) :: currArg, spawnArg
        integer :: scaleFactor
        ! how many entries were added to (the end of) CurrentDets in the last iteration
        integer, save :: detGrowth = 0

        real(dp) :: inst_rdm_occ

        call set_timer(Walker_Time, 30)
        err = 0
        allErr = 0
        MaxInitPopPos = 0.0_dp
        MaxInitPopNeg = 0.0_dp
        HighPopNeg = 1
        HighPopPos = 1
        FlagsCurr = 0

        ! Reset iteration variables
        ! Next free position in newly spawned list.
        ValidSpawnedList = InitialSpawnedSlots
        FreeSlot(1:iEndFreeSlot) = 0  !Does this cover enough?
        iStartFreeSlot = 1
        iEndFreeSlot = 0

        ! Clear the hash table for the spawning array.
        if (use_spawn_hash_table) call clear_hash_table(spawn_ht)

        ! Index for counting deterministic states.
        determ_index = 0

        call rezero_iter_stats_each_iter(iter_data, rdm_definitions)

        ! The processor with the HF determinant on it will have to check
        ! through each determinant until it's found. Once found, tHFFound is
        ! true, and it no longer needs to be checked.

        precond_fac = 1.0_dp

        IFDEBUGTHEN(FCIMCDebug, stdout)
            write(stdout, "(A)") "Hash Table: "
            write(stdout, "(A)") "Position in hash table, Position in CurrentDets"
            do j = 1, nWalkerHashes
                TempNode => HashIndex(j)
                if (TempNode%Ind /= 0) then
                    write(stdout, '(i9)', advance='no') j
                    do while (associated(TempNode))
                        write(stdout, '(i9)', advance='no') TempNode%Ind
                        TempNode => TempNode%Next
                    end do
                    write(stdout, '()', advance='yes')
                end if
            end do

        IFDEBUG(FCIMCDebug, 3) write(stdout, "(A,I12)") "Walker list length: ", TotWalkers
        IFDEBUG(FCIMCDebug, 3) write(stdout, "(A)") "TW: Walker  Det"

        ! This block decides whether or not to calculate the contribution to the RDMs from
        ! the diagonal elements (and explicit connections to the HF) for each occupied determinant.
        ! For efficiency, this is only done on the final iteration, or one where the RDM energy is
        ! being printed.
        tFill_RDM = .false.
        if (tFillingStochRDMonFly) then
            if (mod((Iter + PreviousCycles - IterRDMStart + 1), RDMEnergyIter) == 0) then
                ! RDM energy is being printed, calculate the diagonal elements for
                ! the last RDMEnergyIter iterations.
                tFill_RDM = .true.
                IterLastRDMFill = RDMEnergyIter
            else if(Iter == NMCyc .or. Iter - maxval(VaryShiftIter) == eq_cyc) then
                ! Last iteration, calculate the diagonal element for the iterations
                ! since the last time they were included.
                tFill_RDM = .true.
                IterLastRDMFill = mod((Iter + PreviousCycles - IterRDMStart + 1), RDMEnergyIter)
            end if
        end if
        lstart = mpi_wtime()
        loop_over_determinants: do j = 1, int(TotWalkers)

            ! N.B. j indicates the number of determinants, not the number
            !      of walkers.

            ! Indicate that the scratch storage used for excitation generation
            ! from the same walker has not been filled (it is filled when we
            ! excite from the first particle on a determinant).
            fcimc_excit_gen_store%tFilled = .false.

            ! let the interested excitation generator know about the index in the CurrentDets array.
            fcimc_excit_gen_store%idx_curr_dets = j

            ! Make sure that the parent flags from the last walker don't through.
            parent_flags = 0

            ! If we're not calculating the RDM (or we're calculating some HFSD combination of the
            ! RDM) this just extracts info from the bit representation like normal.
            ! IterRDMStartCurr and AvSignCurr just come out as 1.0_dp.
            ! Otherwise, it extracts the Curr info, and calculates the iteration this determinant
            ! became occupied (IterRDMStartCurr) and the average population during that time
            ! (AvSignCurr).

            ! Is this state is in the deterministic space?
            do run = 1, inum_runs
                tCoreDet(run) = check_determ_flag(CurrentDets(:, j), run)
            end do
            tGlobalCoreDet = all(tCoreDet)

            call extract_bit_rep_avsign(rdm_definitions, CurrentDets(:, j), j, DetCurr, SignCurr, FlagsCurr, &
                                        IterRDMStartCurr, AvSignCurr, fcimc_excit_gen_store)

            ! if we CurrentDets is almost full, make some space
            if (t_activate_decay) then
                if (test_flag(CurrentDets(:, j), flag_prone)) then
                    ! kill a prone determinant with probability given by the
                    ! ratio of how many space we probably need to how many prone dets exist
                    ! (prone dets always have only a single scaled walker)
                    r = genrand_real2_dSFMT()
                    if (n_prone_dets > 0) then
                        if (r < detGrowth / n_prone_dets) then
                            ! log the removal
                            iter_data%nremoved = iter_data%nremoved + abs(SignCurr)
                            ! remove all walkers here (this will be counted as unocc. later
                            ! and thus become an empty slot)
                            SignCurr = 0.0_dp
                            ! kill all walkers on the determinant
                            call nullify_ilut(CurrentDets(:, j))
                            ! and remove it from the hashtable
                            if (.not. tAccumEmptyDet(CurrentDets(:, j))) &
                                call RemoveHashDet(HashIndex, DetCurr, j)
                        end if
                    end if
                end if
            end if

            ! We only need to find out if determinant is connected to the
            ! reference (so no ex. level above 2 required,
            ! truncated etc.)
            walkExcitLevel = FindBitExcitLevel(iLutRef(:, 1), CurrentDets(:, j), &
                                               max_calc_ex_level, .true.)
            if (tRef_Not_HF) then
                walkExcitLevel_toHF = FindBitExcitLevel(iLutHF_true, CurrentDets(:, j), &
                                                        max_calc_ex_level, .true.)
                walkExcitLevel_toHF = walkExcitLevel
            end if

            if (tFillingStochRDMonFly) then
                ! Set the average sign and occupation iteration which were
                ! found in extract_bit_rep_avsign.
                call set_av_sgn_tot(j, AvSignCurr)
                call set_iter_occ_tot(j, IterRDMStartCurr)
                ! If this is an iteration where we print out the RDM energy,
                ! add in the diagonal contribution to the RDM for this
                ! determinant, for each rdm.
                if (tFill_RDM .and. (.not. tNoNewRDMContrib)) then

                    av_sign = get_av_sgn_tot(j)
                    iter_occ = get_iter_occ_tot(j)
                    if (tInitsRDM .and. all_runs_are_initiator(CurrentDets(:, j))) &
                        call fill_rdm_diag_currdet(two_rdm_inits_spawn, inits_one_rdms, &
                                                   CurrentDets(:, j), DetCurr, walkExcitLevel_toHF, av_sign, iter_occ, &
                                                   tGlobalCoreDet, .false.)
                    call fill_rdm_diag_currdet(two_rdm_spawn, one_rdms, CurrentDets(:, j), &
                                               DetCurr, walkExcitLevel_toHF, av_sign, iter_occ, tGlobalCoreDet, tApplyLC)
                end if
            end if

            ! This if-statement is only entered when using semi-stochastic and
            ! only if this determinant is in the core space.
            ! Potential optimization: This list does not change between iterations, only set it up once
            if (allocated(cs_replicas)) then
                do run = 1, size(cs_replicas)
                    associate(rep => cs_replicas(run))
                        if (tCoreDet(run)) then
                            ! Store the index of this state, for use in annihilation later.

                            ! A global core-space is ordered in the same fashion
                            ! in currentdets as internally in the core_space
                            if (t_global_core_space) then
                                determ_index = determ_index + 1
                                ! In general, that is not true however, the
                                ! core-space index has to be looked up
                                determ_index = core_space_pos(CurrentDets(:, j), DetCurr, &
                                                              run) - rep%determ_displs(iProcIndex)
                            end if

                            rep%indices_of_determ_states(determ_index) = j

                            ! Add this amplitude to the deterministic vector.
                            rep%partial_determ_vecs(:, determ_index) = SignCurr(rep%min_part():rep%max_part())
                        end if
                    end associate
                end do
            end if

            ! As the main list (which is storing a hash table) no longer needs
            ! to be contiguous, we need to skip sites that are empty.
            if (IsUnoccDet(SignCurr)) then
                ! The deterministic states are always kept in CurrentDets, even when
                ! the amplitude is zero. Hence we must check if the amplitude is zero,
                ! and if so, skip the state.
                if (any(tCoreDet) .or. tAccumEmptyDet(CurrentDets(:, j))) cycle

                !It has been removed from the hash table already
                !Just add to the "freeslot" list
                iEndFreeSlot = iEndFreeSlot + 1
                FreeSlot(iEndFreeSlot) = j

            end if

            ! sum in (fmu-1)*cmu^2 for the purpose of RDMs
            if (tAdaptiveShift .and. all(.not. tSinglePartPhase) .and. tFillingStochRDMOnFly) then
                ! Only add the contribution from the corespace if it is explicitly demanded
                if ((.not. tGlobalCoreDet) .or. tCoreAdaptiveShift) &
                    call SumCorrectionContrib(SignCurr, j)
            end if

            ! The current diagonal matrix element is stored persistently.
            HDiagCurr = det_diagH(j)
            HOffDiagCurr = det_offdiagH(j)
            EnergyCurr = det_diagH(j) + Hii

            if (tSeniorInitiators) then
                SpawnSign = get_all_spawn_pops(j)
                do run = 1, inum_runs
                    if (.not. is_run_unnocc(SignCurr, run) .and. .not. is_run_unnocc(SpawnSign, run)) then
#ifdef CMPLX_
                        !For complex walkers, we consider the sign changed when the argument of the complex
                        !number changes more than pi/2.

                        CurrArg = DATAN2(SignCurr(max_part_type(run)), SignCurr(min_part_type(run)))
                        SpawnArg = DATAN2(SpawnSign(max_part_type(run)), SpawnSign(min_part_type(run)))
                        signChanged = mod(abs(CurrArg - SpawnArg), PI) > PI / 2.0_dp
                        signChanged = SpawnSign(min_part_type(run)) * SignCurr(min_part_type(run)) < 0.0_dp
                        signChanged = .false.
                    end if
                    newlyOccupied = is_run_unnocc(SignCurr, run) .and. .not. is_run_unnocc(SpawnSign, run)
                    if (signChanged .or. newlyOccupied) then
                        call reset_tau_int(j, run)
                        call reset_shift_int(j, run)
                        call set_spawn_pop(j, min_part_type(run), SignCurr(min_part_type(run)))
#ifdef CMPLX_
                        call set_spawn_pop(j, max_part_type(run), SignCurr(max_part_type(run)))
                        call update_tau_int(j, run, tau)
                        call update_shift_int(j, run, DiagSft(run) * tau)
                    end if
                end do
            end if
            if (tTruncInitiator) then
                call CalcParentFlag(j, DetCurr, WalkExcitLevel, parent_flags)
            end if

            !Debug output.
            IFDEBUGTHEN(FCIMCDebug, 3)
                write(stdout, "(A,I10,a)", advance='no') 'TW:', j, '['
                do part_type = 1, lenof_sign
                    write(stdout, "(f10.5)", advance='no') SignCurr(part_type)
                end do
                write(stdout, '(a,i7)', advance='no') '] ', FlagsCurr
                call WriteBitDet(stdout, CurrentDets(:, j), .true.)
                call neci_flush(stdout)

            if (walkExcitLevel_toHF == 0) HFInd = j

            IFDEBUGTHEN(FCIMCDebug, 1)
                if (j > 1) then
                    if (DetBitEQ(CurrentDets(:, j - 1), CurrentDets(:, j), nifd)) then
                        call stop_all(this_routine, "Shouldn't have the same determinant twice")
                    end if
                end if

            ! in the guga simulation it is probably better to initialize
            ! the csf_irmation out here, so it can be used in the
            ! new way to calculate the reference energy and then the flag
            ! does not have to be checked each time we loop over the walkers..
            if (tGUGA) call fill_csf_i(CurrentDets(0:nifd, j), current_csf_i)

            ! Sum in any energy contribution from the determinant, including
            ! other parameters, such as excitlevel info.
            ! This is where the projected energy is calculated.
            call SumEContrib(DetCurr, WalkExcitLevel, SignCurr, CurrentDets(:, j), &
                HDiagCurr, HOffDiagCurr, 1.0_dp, tPairedReplicas, j)

            if (t_calc_double_occ) then
#ifdef CMPLX_
                call stop_all(this_routine, "not implemented for complex")
                inst_double_occ = inst_double_occ + &
                                  get_double_occupancy(CurrentDets(:, j), SignCurr)
            end if

            if (t_measure_local_spin) then
                if (tGUGA) then
                    call measure_local_spin(SignCurr, current_csf_i)
                    call stop_all(this_routine, "measure_local_spin works only for GUGA")
                end if
            end if

            if (t_spin_measurements) then
                call measure_double_occ_and_spin_diff(CurrentDets(:, j), &
                                                      DetCurr, SignCurr)
            end if

            ! If we're on the Hartree-Fock, and all singles and doubles are in
            ! the core space, then there will be no stochastic spawning from
            ! this determinant, so we can the rest of this loop.
            if (tSemiStochastic .and. ss_space_in%tDoubles .and. walkExcitLevel_toHF == 0 .and. tDetermHFSpawning) cycle

            ! For HPHFs, get the diagonal Hamiltonian element without the
            ! cross-term correction. This will make calculating the diagonal
            ! elements for new spawnins more efficient
            if (tPreCond .or. tReplicaEstimates) then
                if (tHPHF) then
                    hdiag_bare = get_hdiag_bare_hphf(DetCurr, CurrentDets(:, j), EnergyCurr)
                    hdiag_bare = EnergyCurr
                end if
            end if

            ! Loop over the 'type' of particle.
            ! lenof_sign == 1 --> Only real particles
            ! lenof_sign == 2 --> complex walkers
            !                 --> part_type == 1, 2; real and complex walkers
            !                 --> OR double run
            !                 --> part_type == 1, 2; population sets 1 and 2, both real

            ! alis additional idea to skip the number of attempted excitations
            ! for noninititators in the back-spawning approach
            ! remove that for now

            ! try a mixed excitation scheme for guga, where we only do a full
            ! excitation for initiators and the crude one for non-inits
            if (tGen_guga_mixed) then
                if (t_guga_mixed_init) then
                    flag_mixed = any_run_is_initiator(CurrentDets(:, j))

                else if (t_guga_mixed_semi) then
                    if (tSemiStochastic) then
                        flag_mixed = tGlobalCoreDet
                        flag_mixed = any_run_is_initiator(CurrentDets(:, j))
                    end if
                end if

                if (flag_mixed) then
                    generate_excitation => generate_excitation_guga
                    if (tGen_sym_guga_mol) then
                        generate_excitation => gen_excit_4ind_weighted2

                    else if (tGen_sym_guga_ueg) then
                        if (t_new_real_space_hubbard) then
                            generate_excitation => gen_excit_rs_hubbard
                        else if (t_k_space_hubbard) then
                            generate_excitation => gen_excit_k_space_hub
                        end if
                    end if
                end if
            end if

            if (t_crude_exchange_noninits .or. t_approx_exchange_noninits) then
                is_init_guga = any_run_is_initiator(CurrentDets(:, j))
            end if

            if (t_trunc_guga_pgen_noninits) then
                is_init_guga = any_run_is_initiator(CurrentDets(:, j))
            end if

            if (t_guga_back_spawn) then
                is_init_guga = any_run_is_initiator(CurrentDets(:, j))
            end if

            loop_over_type : do part_type = 1, lenof_sign

                run = part_type_to_run(part_type)
                TempSpawnedPartsInd = 0

                ! Loop over all the particles of a given type on the
                ! determinant. CurrentSign gives number of walkers. Multiply
                ! up by AvMCExcits if attempting multiple excitations from
                ! each walker (default 1.0_dp).

                AvMCExcitsLoc = AvMCExcits
                ! optional: Adjust the number of spawns to the expected maximum
                ! Hij/pgen ratio of this determinant -> prevent blooms
                ! Only done while not updating tau (to prevent interdependencies)
                if (tScaleBlooms .and. tau_search_method == possible_tau_search_methods%off) then
                    max_spawn = tau * get_max_ratio(j)
                    if (max_spawn > max_allowed_spawn) then
                        scale = max_spawn / max_allowed_spawn
                        AvMCExcitsLoc = AvMCExcitsLoc * scale
                    end if
                end if
                call decide_num_to_spawn(SignCurr(part_type), AvMCExcitsLoc, WalkersToSpawn)
                loop_over_walkers : do p = 1, WalkersToSpawn

                    ! Zero the bit representation, to ensure no extraneous
                    ! data gets through.
                    ilutnJ = 0_n_int
                    child = 0.0_dp

                    ! for the 3-body excitations i really do not want to change
                    ! all the interfaces to the other excitation generators,
                    ! which all just assume ex(2,2) as size.. so use a
                    ! if here..
                    ! Generate a (random) excitation
                    call generate_excitation(DetCurr, CurrentDets(:,j), nJ, &
                        ilutnJ, exFlag, IC, ex, tParity, prob, &
                        HElGen, fcimc_excit_gen_store, part_type)

                    !If we are fixing the population of reference det, skip spawing into it.
                    if (tSkipRef(run) .and. all(nJ == projEdet(:, run))) then
                        !Set nJ to null
                        nJ(1) = 0
                    end if

                    ! If a valid excitation, see if we should spawn children.
                    if (IsNullDet(nJ)) then
                        nInvalidExcits = nInvalidExcits + 1
                        nValidExcits = nValidExcits + 1

                        if (tSemiStochastic) then
                            call encode_child(CurrentDets(:, j), iLutnJ, ic, ex)

                            ! Temporary fix: FindExcitBitDet copies the flags of the parent onto the
                            ! child, which causes semi-stochastic simulations to crash. Should it copy
                            ! these flags? There are comments questioning this in create_particle, too.
                            iLutnJ(IlutBits%ind_flag) = 0_n_int

                            ! If the parent state in the core space.
                            if (check_determ_flag(CurrentDets(:, j), run)) then
                                ! Is the spawned state in the core space?
                                tInDetermSpace = is_core_state(iLutnJ, nJ, run)
                                ! If spawning is from and to the core space, cancel it.
                                if (tInDetermSpace) cycle
                                ! Set the flag to specify that the spawning is occuring
                                ! from the core space.
                                call set_flag(iLutnJ, flag_determ_parent)
                            end if

                        end if

                        if (tPreCond .or. tReplicaEstimates) then
                            hdiag_spawn = get_hdiag_from_excit(DetCurr, nJ, &
                                                               iLutnJ, ic, ex, hdiag_bare)

                            if (tPreCond) then
                                precond_fac = hdiag_spawn - proj_e_for_precond(part_type) - &
                                              proje_ref_energy_offsets(part_type) - Hii
                            end if
                        end if

                        child = attempt_create(DetCurr, &
                                               CurrentDets(:, j), SignCurr, &
                                               nJ, iLutnJ, Prob, HElGen, IC, ex, &
                                               tParity, walkExcitLevel, part_type, &
                                               AvSignCurr, AvMCExcitsLoc, RDMBiasFacCurr, precond_fac)
                        ! Note these last two, AvSignCurr and
                        ! RDMBiasFacCurr are not used unless we're
                        ! doing an RDM calculation.
                    end if

                    IFDEBUG(FCIMCDebug, 3) then
                        write(stdout, '(a)', advance='no') 'SP: ['
                        do y = 1, lenof_sign
                            write(stdout, '(f12.5)', advance='no') &
                        end do
                        write(stdout, '("] ")', advance='no')
                        call write_det(stdout, nJ, .true.)
                        call neci_flush(stdout)
                    end if

                    ! Children have been chosen to be spawned.
                    is_child_created : if (.not. all(near_zero(child))) then

                        ! Encode child if not done already.
                        if (.not. tSemiStochastic) then
                            call encode_child(CurrentDets(:, j), iLutnJ, ic, ex)
                        end if
                        ! FindExcitBitDet copies the parent flags so that unwanted flags must be unset.
                        ! Should it really do this?
                        if (tTrialWavefunction) then
                            call clr_flag(iLutnJ, flag_trial)
                            call clr_flag(iLutnJ, flag_connected)
                        end if

                        ! If using a preconditioner, update the child weight for statistics
                        ! (mainly for blooms and hence updating the time step).
                        ! Note, the final preconiditoner is applied in annihilation, once
                        ! the exact projected energy is know.
                        child_for_stats = child

                        if (tPreCond) child_for_stats = child_for_stats / precond_fac

                        if (tScaleBlooms) call update_max_ratio(abs(HElGen) / prob, j)

                        call new_child_stats_normal(iter_data, CurrentDets(:, j), &
                                             nJ, iLutnJ, ic, walkExcitLevel, &
                                             child_for_stats, parent_flags, part_type)

                        if (use_spawn_hash_table) then
                            call create_particle_with_hash_table(nJ, ilutnJ, child, part_type, &
                                                                 CurrentDets(:, j), iter_data, err)
                            if (err /= 0) call stop_all(this_routine, 'failure from create_particle_with_hash_table')
                            call create_particle(nJ, iLutnJ, child, part_type, hdiag_spawn, err, &
                                                 CurrentDets(:, j), SignCurr, p, &
                                                 RDMBiasFacCurr, WalkersToSpawn, abs(HElGen), j)
                            if (err /= 0) call stop_all(this_routine, 'failure from create_particle')
                        end if
                    end if is_child_created ! (child /= 0), Child created.

                end do loop_over_walkers

            end do loop_over_type  ! Cycling over 'type' of particle on a given determinant.

            ! If we are performing a semi-stochastic simulation and this state
            ! is in the deterministic space, then the death step is performed
            ! deterministically later. Otherwise, perform the death step now.
            ! If using a preconditioner, then death is done in the annihilation
            ! routine, after the energy has been calculated.
            if (tDeathBeforeComms) then
                call walker_death(iter_data, DetCurr, CurrentDets(:, j), &
                                  HDiagCurr, SignCurr, j, WalkExcitLevel, &
            end if

        end do loop_over_determinants

        !loop timing for this iteration on this MPI rank
        lt_arr(mod(Iter - 1, 100) + 1) = mpi_wtime() - lstart

        ! if any proc ran out of memory, terminate
        call MPISumAll(err, allErr)
        if (allErr /= 0) then
            err = allErr
        end if

        IFDEBUGTHEN(FCIMCDebug, 2)
            write(stdout, *) 'Finished loop over determinants'
            write(stdout, *) "Holes in list: ", iEndFreeSlot

        if (tSemiStochastic) then
            ! For semi-stochastic calculations only: Gather together the parts
            ! of the deterministic vector stored on each processor, and then
            ! perform the multiplication of the exact projector on this vector.
            if (tDeathBeforeComms) then
                call determ_projection()
                call determ_projection_no_death()
            end if

            if (tFillingStochRDMonFly) then
                ! For RDM calculations, add the current core amplitudes into the
                ! running average.
                call average_determ_vector()
                ! If this is an iteration where the RDM energy is printed then
                ! add the off-diagonal contributions from the core determinants
                ! (the diagonal contributions are done in the same place for
                ! all determinants, regardless of whether they are core or not,
                ! so are not added in here).
                if (tFill_RDM) then
                    call fill_RDM_offdiag_deterministic(rdm_definitions, two_rdm_spawn, one_rdms)
                    ! deterministic space is always only initiators, so it fully counts towards
                    ! the initiator-only RDMs
                    if (tInitsRDM) call fill_RDM_offdiag_deterministic(rdm_inits_defs, &
                                                                       two_rdm_inits_spawn, inits_one_rdms)
                end if
            end if
        end if

        ! With this algorithm, the determinants do not move, and therefore
        ! TotWalkersNew is simply equal to TotWalkers
        TotWalkersNew = int(TotWalkers)

        ! Update the statistics for the end of an iteration.
        ! Why is this done here - before annihilation!
        call end_iter_stats(TotWalkersNew)

        ! Print bloom/memory warnings
        call end_iteration_print_warn(totWalkersNew)
        call halt_timer(walker_time)

        ! For the direct annihilation algorithm. The newly spawned
        ! walkers should be in a seperate array (SpawnedParts) and the other
        ! list should be ordered.
        call set_timer(annihil_time, 30)
        !HolesInList is returned from direct annihilation with the number of unoccupied determinants in the list
        !They have already been removed from the hash table though.

        call communicate_and_merge_spawns(MaxIndex, iter_data, .false.)

        if (tSimpleInit) then
            call get_ests_from_spawns_simple(MaxIndex, proj_e_for_precond)
            call get_ests_from_spawns(MaxIndex, proj_e_for_precond)
        end if

        if (tSimpleInit) call rm_non_inits_from_spawnedparts(MaxIndex, iter_data)

        ! If performing FCIQMC with preconditioning, then apply the
        ! the preconditioner to the spawnings, and perform the death step.
        if (tPreCond) then
            call set_timer(rescale_time, 30)
            call rescale_spawns(MaxIndex, proj_e_for_precond, iter_data)
            call halt_timer(rescale_time)
        end if

        ! If we haven't performed the death step yet, then do it now.
        if (.not. tDeathBeforeComms) then
            call set_timer(death_time, 30)
            call perform_death_all_walkers(iter_data)
            call halt_timer(death_time)
        end if

        call DirectAnnihilation(TotWalkersNew, MaxIndex, iter_data, err)

        ! if any proc ran out of memory, terminate
        call MPISumAll(err, allErr)
        if (allErr /= 0) then
            err = allErr
        end if
        ! The growth in the size of the occupied part of CurrentDets
        ! this is important for the purpose of prone_walkers
        detGrowth = int(TotWalkersNew - TotWalkers)

        ! This indicates the number of determinants in the list + the number
        ! of holes that have been introduced due to annihilation.
        TotWalkers = TotWalkersNew

        ! if we still have plenty of empty slots in the list, deactivate the decay
        if (t_activate_decay .and. TotWalkers < 0.95_dp * real(MaxWalkersPart, dp)) then
            t_activate_decay = .false.
        end if

        ! The superinitiators are now the same as they will be at the beginning of
        ! the next cycle (this flag is reset if they change)
        tReferenceChanged = .false.

        CALL halt_timer(Annihil_Time)
        IFDEBUG(FCIMCDebug, 2) write(stdout, *) "Finished Annihilation step"

        ! If we are orthogonalising the replica wavefunctions, to generate
        ! excited states, then do that here.
        if (tOrthogonaliseReplicas .and. iter > orthogonalise_iter) then
            call orthogonalise_replicas(iter_data)
        else if (tPrintReplicaOverlaps .and. inum_runs > 1) then
            call calc_replica_overlaps()
        end if

        if (tFillingStochRDMonFly) then
            ! if we use the initiator-only rdms as gamma_0, get them in their own entity
            if (tInitsRDM) call fill_rdm_diag_wrapper(rdm_inits_defs, two_rdm_inits_spawn, &
                                                      inits_one_rdms, CurrentDets, int(TotWalkers), .false., .false.)
            call fill_rdm_diag_wrapper(rdm_definitions, two_rdm_spawn, one_rdms, &
                                       CurrentDets, int(TotWalkers), .true., tApplyLC)
        end if

        if (tTrialWavefunction .and. tTrialShift) then
            call fix_trial_overlap(iter_data)
        end if
        call update_iter_data(iter_data)

        ! This routine will take the CurrentDets and search the array to find all single and double
        ! connections - adding them into the RDM's.
        ! This explicit way of doing this is very expensive, but o.k for very small systems.
        if (tFillingExplicRDMonFly) then
            if (tHistSpawn) THEN
                call Fill_Hist_ExplicitRDM_this_Iter()
                call Fill_ExplicitRDM_this_Iter(TotWalkers)
            end if
        end if

        if (tFillingStochRDMonFly .or. tFillingExplicRDMonFly) then
            ! Fill the receiving RDM list from the beginning.
            two_rdm_recv%nelements = 0
            call communicate_rdm_spawn_t(two_rdm_spawn, two_rdm_recv)
            call add_rdm_1_to_rdm_2(two_rdm_recv, two_rdm_main)
            two_rdm_recv%nelements = 0
            if (tInitsRDM) then
                call communicate_rdm_spawn_t(two_rdm_inits_spawn, two_rdm_recv)
                call add_rdm_1_to_rdm_2(two_rdm_recv, two_rdm_inits)
            end if
        end if

    end subroutine PerformFCIMCycPar