pick_oppspin_elecs Subroutine

public subroutine pick_oppspin_elecs(nI, elecs, src, sym_prod, ispn, sum_ml, pgen)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel)
integer, intent(out) :: elecs(2)
integer, intent(out) :: src(2)
integer, intent(out) :: sym_prod
integer, intent(out) :: ispn
integer, intent(out) :: sum_ml
real(kind=dp), intent(out) :: pgen


Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine pick_oppspin_elecs(nI, elecs, src, sym_prod, ispn, sum_ml, pgen)

        integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel)
        integer, intent(out) :: elecs(2), src(2), sym_prod, ispn, sum_ml
        real(dp), intent(out) :: pgen

        real(dp) :: ntot, r
        integer :: al_req, be_req, al_num(2), be_num(2), elecs_found, i, idx
        integer :: al_count, be_count

        ! Pick elentrons with opposite spins
        iSpn = 2
        al_req = 1
        be_req = 1
        pgen = 1.0_dp / real(AB_elec_pairs, dp)
        r = genrand_real2_dSFMT()
        r = r * real(AB_elec_pairs, dp)
        idx = floor(r)
        al_num(1) = 1 + mod(idx, nOccAlpha)
        be_num(1) = 1 + floor(real(idx, dp) / real(nOccAlpha, dp))

        ! Loop through the determiant, and select the relevant orbitals from
        ! it.
        ! This is not as clean as the implementation in PickElecPair, which
        ! doesn't consider the spins. Would work MUCH better in an
        ! environment where the alpha/beta spins were stored seperately...
        al_count = 0
        be_count = 0
        elecs_found = 0
        do i = 1, nel
            if (is_alpha(nI(i))) then
                al_count = al_count + 1
                if (al_req > 0) then
                    if (al_count == al_num(al_req)) then
                        elecs_found = elecs_found + 1
                        elecs(elecs_found) = i
                        al_req = al_req - 1
                    end if
                end if
                be_count = be_count + 1
                if (be_req > 0) then
                    if (be_count == be_num(be_req)) then
                        elecs_found = elecs_found + 1
                        elecs(elecs_found) = i
                        be_req = be_req - 1
                    end if
                end if
            end if
            if (al_req == 0 .and. be_req == 0) exit
        end do

        ! Generate the orbitals that are being considered
        src = nI(elecs)

        ! The Ml value is obtained from the orbitals
        sum_ml = sum(G1(src)%Ml)

        ! Get the symmetries
        sym_prod = RandExcitSymLabelProd(SpinOrbSymLabel(src(1)), &

    end subroutine pick_oppspin_elecs