PickAOrb Subroutine

public subroutine PickAOrb(nI, iSpn, ILUT, ClassCountUnocc2, NExcit, Elec1Ind, Elec2Ind, SpinOrbA, OrbA, SymA, SymB, SymProduct, SumMl, MlA, MlB, ForbiddenOrbs, tAOrbFail)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: nI(NEl)
integer, intent(in) :: iSpn
integer(kind=n_int), intent(in) :: ILUT(0:NIfTot)
integer, intent(in) :: ClassCountUnocc2(ScratchSize)
integer, intent(out) :: NExcit
integer, intent(in) :: Elec1Ind
integer, intent(in) :: Elec2Ind
integer, intent(out) :: SpinOrbA
integer, intent(out) :: OrbA
integer, intent(out) :: SymA
integer, intent(out) :: SymB
integer, intent(in) :: SymProduct
integer, intent(in) :: SumMl
integer, intent(out) :: MlA
integer, intent(out) :: MlB
integer, intent(in) :: ForbiddenOrbs
logical, intent(out) :: tAOrbFail


Source Code

Source Code

    SUBROUTINE PickAOrb(nI, iSpn, ILUT, ClassCountUnocc2, NExcit, Elec1Ind, Elec2Ind, SpinOrbA, OrbA, SymA, SymB, &
    &   SymProduct, SumMl, MlA, MlB, ForbiddenOrbs, tAOrbFail)
        INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nI(NEl), iSpn, Elec1Ind, Elec2Ind, ForbiddenOrbs, SymProduct, SumMl, ClassCountUnocc2(ScratchSize)
        INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: SpinOrbA, SymA, MlA, MlB, NExcit, SymB, OrbA
        INTEGER(KIND=n_int), INTENT(IN) :: ILUT(0:NIfTot)
        LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: tAOrbFail
        INTEGER :: AttemptsOverall, ChosenUnocc, z, i, Attempts
        real(dp) :: r

        IF (iSpn == 2) THEN
!There is no restriction on whether we choose an alpha or beta spin, so there are nBasis-NEl possible spinorbitals to choose from.
!Therefore the spinOrbA variable has to be set after we have chosen one. For the other iSpn types, we can set it now.
            NExcit = nBasis - NEl
        else if (iSpn == 1) THEN
!SpinOrbA indicates the spin of the chosen A orb. This is only really useful for iSpn=2
            SpinOrbA = -1  !Going to pick a beta orb
            NExcit = (nBasis / 2) - nOccBeta  !This is the number of unoccupied beta spinorbitals there are.
        ELSE    !iSpn is 3 - alpha/alpha pair.
            SpinOrbA = 1 !Going to pick an alpha orb
            NExcit = (nBasis / 2) - nOccAlpha !This is the number of unoccupied alpha spinorbitals there are.
        end if

        IF (NExcit == ForbiddenOrbs) THEN
            tAOrbFail = .true.
            tAOrbFail = .false.
        end if

        AttemptsOverall = 0
        do while (.true.)
!Keep drawing unoccupied orbitals, until we find one which has an allowed partner to form a symmetry-allowed unoccupied pair.

            IF (iSpn == 2) THEN
!Electrons chosen were an alpha/beta pair, therefore first randomly chosen orbital can be an alpha OR beta orbital - no restriction.

                IF (tCycleOrbs .or. ((NExcit - ForbiddenOrbs) <= 3)) THEN
! METHOD 1 (Run though all orbitals to find desired one out of NExcit-ForbiddenOrbs...now
!only one random number needed, and guarenteed to find excitation.)
! ==========================

!Choose the unoccupied orbital to excite to
                    r = genrand_real2_dSFMT()
                    ChosenUnocc = INT((NExcit - ForbiddenOrbs) * r) + 1

                    z = 1
                    do i = 0, nBasis - 1

                        !We need to find if allowed
                        IF (.not. BTEST(ILUT(i / bits_n_int), MOD(i, bits_n_int))) THEN
                            !Is not in the original determinant - allow if sym allowed
                            !Now check that its symmetry allowed
                            SpinOrbA = G1(i + 1)%Ms
                            IF (IsAOrbSymAllowed(iSpn, i + 1, SpinOrbA, SymProduct, SumMl, SymA, SymB, MlA, MlB, ClassCountUnocc2)) THEN
                                IF (z == ChosenUnocc) THEN
                                    !We have found our allowed orbital
                                    OrbA = i + 1
                                end if
                                z = z + 1
                            end if
                        end if

                    end do

                    CALL Stop_All("PickAOrb", "Should not get here - have not found allowed A Orb")

! METHOD 2 (Keep drawing orbitals randomly until we find one unoccupied). This should
!be more efficient, unless we have v. small basis sets.
! =========================

                    Attempts = 0
                    do while (.true.)

!Draw randomly from the set of orbitals
                        r = genrand_real2_dSFMT()
                        ChosenUnocc = INT(nBasis * r)

!Find out if orbital is in nI or not. Accept if it isn't in it.
                        IF (.not. (BTEST(ILUT(ChosenUnocc / bits_n_int), MOD(ChosenUnocc, bits_n_int)))) THEN
!Orbital not in nI. Accept.
                        end if

                        IF (Attempts > 250) THEN
                            write(stdout, *) "Cannot find A unoccupied orbital after 250 attempts..."
                            call write_det(stdout, nI, .TRUE.)
                            CALL Stop_All("PickAOrb", "Cannot find A unoccupied orbital after 250 attempts...")
                        end if
                        Attempts = Attempts + 1

                    end do

                    OrbA = ChosenUnocc + 1  !This is the allowed orbital

                end if

                SpinOrbA = G1(OrbA)%Ms

!We are either constrained to choose a beta orbital, or an alpha orbital - we know that there are NExcit of these.

                IF (tCycleOrbs .or. ((NExcit - ForbiddenOrbs) <= 3)) THEN
! METHOD 1 (Run though all orbitals to find desired one out of NExcit-ForbiddenOrbs)
! ==========================

                    r = genrand_real2_dSFMT()
                    ChosenUnocc = INT((NExcit - ForbiddenOrbs) * r) + 1
                    SpinOrbA = 0  !The spin of the chosen A is not important, since we have already defined it from iSpn

                    z = 1
                    do i = 1, nBasis / 2
                        IF (iSpn == 1) THEN
!We want to run through all beta orbitals (odd numbered basis function)
                            OrbA = (2 * i) - 1
!We want to run through all alpha orbitals (odd numbered basis functions)
                            OrbA = (2 * i)
                        end if

                        !We need to find if allowed
                        IF (.not. BTEST(ILUT((OrbA - 1) / bits_n_int), MOD((OrbA - 1), bits_n_int))) THEN
                            !Is not in the original determinant - allow
                            !Now check that its symmetry allowed
                            IF (IsAOrbSymAllowed(iSpn, OrbA, SpinOrbA, SymProduct, SumMl, SymA, SymB, MlA, MlB, ClassCountUnocc2)) THEN
                                IF (z == ChosenUnocc) THEN
                                    !We have found our allowed orbital
                                    !OrbA is the allowed orbital
                                end if
                                z = z + 1
                            end if
                        end if

                    end do

                    CALL Stop_All("PickAOrb", "Should not get here - have not found allowed A Orb")

! METHOD 2 (Keep drawing orbitals randomly until we find one unoccupied). This should be more
!efficient, unless we have small basis sets.
! =========================

                    Attempts = 0
                    do while (.true.)

!Draw randomly from the set of orbitals
                        r = genrand_real2_dSFMT()
                        ChosenUnocc = INT((nBasis / 2) * r) + 1
                        IF (iSpn == 1) THEN
!We only want to choose beta orbitals(i.e. odd).
                            ChosenUnocc = (2 * ChosenUnocc) - 1
!We only want to choose alpha orbitals(i.e. even).
                            ChosenUnocc = 2 * ChosenUnocc
                        end if

!Find out if orbital is in nI or not. Accept if it isn't in it.
                        IF (.not. (BTEST(ILUT((ChosenUnocc - 1) / bits_n_int), MOD((ChosenUnocc - 1), bits_n_int)))) THEN
!Orbital not in nI. Accept.
                        end if

                        IF (Attempts > 250) THEN
                            write(stdout, *) "Cannot find A unoccupied orbital after 250 attempts..."
                            call write_det(stdout, nI, .TRUE.)
                            CALL Stop_All("PickAOrb", "Cannot find A unoccupied orbital after 250 attempts...")
                        end if
                        Attempts = Attempts + 1

                    end do

                    OrbA = ChosenUnocc  !This is the allowed orbital

                end if

            end if

!We now need to test whether this orbital has any symmetry-allowed unoccupied orbitals to form a pair with.
!To test this, we need to find the needed symmetry of B, in order that Sym(A) x Sym(B) = SymProduct
            IF (IsAOrbSymAllowed(iSpn, OrbA, SpinOrbA, SymProduct, SumMl, SymA, SymB, MlA, MlB, ClassCountUnocc2)) THEN
                !OrbA picked is allowed, exit from loop
            end if

            IF (AttemptsOverall > (nBasis * 20)) THEN
                write(stdout, *) "Cannot find first allowed unoccupied orbital for given i,j pair after ", nBasis * 20, " attempts."
                write(stdout, *) "It may be that there are no possible excitations from this i,j pair, in which case "
                write(stdout, *) "the given algorithm is inadequate to describe excitations from such a small space."
                write(stdout, *) "Try reverting to old excitation generators."
                call write_det(stdout, nI, .TRUE.)
                write(stdout, *) "***", NExcit, ForbiddenOrbs
                write(stdout, *) "I,J pair; sym_i, sym_j: ", nI(Elec1Ind), nI(Elec2Ind), G1(nI(Elec1Ind))%Sym%S, G1(nI(Elec2Ind))%Sym%S
                CALL Stop_All("PickAOrb", "Cannot find first allowed unocc orb for double excitation")
            end if
            AttemptsOverall = AttemptsOverall + 1

        end do