population_check Subroutine

public subroutine population_check()




Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine population_check()

        use HPHFRandExcitMod, only: ReturnAlphaOpenDet

        integer(int32) :: pop_highest(inum_runs), proc_highest(inum_runs)
        real(dp) :: pop_change, old_Hii
        integer :: det(nel), i, error, ierr, run
        integer(int32) :: int_tmp(2)
        logical :: tSwapped, allocate_temp_parts, changed_any
        HElement_t(dp) :: h_tmp
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'population_check'
        character(*), parameter :: t_r = this_routine

        ! If we aren't doing this, then bail out...
        if (.not. tCheckHighestPop) return

        ! If we are accumulating RDMs, then a temporary spawning array is
        ! required of <~ the size of the largest occupied det.
        ! This memory holds walkers spawned from one determinant. This
        ! allows us to test if we are spawning onto the same Dj multiple
        ! times. If only using connections to the HF (tHF_Ref_Explicit)
        ! no stochastic RDM construction is done, and this is not
        ! necessary.
        if (tRDMOnFly .and. .not. tExplicitAllRDM) then

            ! Test if we need to allocate or re-allocate the temporary
            ! spawned parts array
            allocate_temp_parts = .false.
            if (.not. allocated(TempSpawnedParts)) then
                allocate_temp_parts = .true.
                TempSpawnedPartsSize = 1000
            end if
            if (1.5 * maxval(iHighestPop) > TempSpawnedPartsSize) then
                ! This testing routine is only called once every update
                ! cycle. The 1.5 gives us a buffer to cope with particle
                ! growth
                TempSpawnedPartsSize = int(maxval(iHighestPop) * 1.5)
                allocate_temp_parts = .true.
                !write(stdout,*) 1.5 * maxval(iHighestPop), TempSpawnedPartsSize
            end if

            ! If we need to allocate this array, then do so.
            if (allocate_temp_parts) then
                if (allocated(TempSpawnedParts)) then
                end if
                allocate(TempSpawnedParts(0:nifd, TempSpawnedPartsSize), &
                          stat=ierr, source=0_n_int)
                call LogMemAlloc('TempSpawnedParts', size(TempSpawnedParts, kind=int64), size_per_element(TempSpawnedParts), &
                                 this_routine, TempSpawnedPartsTag, ierr)
                write (stdout, "(' Allocating temporary array for walkers spawned &
                           &from a particular Di.')")
                write(stdout, "(a,f14.6,a)") " This requires ", &
                    real(((nifd + 1) * TempSpawnedPartsSize * size_n_int), dp) &
                    / 1048576.0_dp, " Mb/Processor"
            end if

        end if ! Allocating memory for RDMs

        ! Obtain the determinant (and its processor) with the highest pop
        ! in each of the runs.
        ! n.b. the use of int(iHighestPop) obviously introduces a small amount
        !      of error here, by ignoring the fractional part...
        ! [Werner Dobrautz 15.5.2017:]
        ! maybe this samll error here is the cause of the failed test_suite
        ! runs..
        if (tReplicaReferencesDiffer) then

            do run = 1, inum_runs
                call MPIAllReduceDatatype( &
                    (/int(iHighestPop(run), int32), int(iProcIndex, int32)/), 1, &
                    MPI_MAXLOC, MPI_2INTEGER, int_tmp)
                pop_highest(run) = int_tmp(1)
                proc_highest(run) = int_tmp(2)
            end do

            call MPIAllReduceDatatype( &
                (/int(iHighestPop(1), int32), int(iProcIndex, int32)/), 1, &
                MPI_MAXLOC, MPI_2INTEGER, int_tmp)
            pop_highest = int_tmp(1)
            proc_highest = int_tmp(2)

        end if

        changed_any = .false.
        do run = 1, inum_runs

            ! If using the same reference for all, then we don't consider the
            ! populations seperately...
            if (run /= 1 .and. .not. tReplicaReferencesDiffer) &

            ! What are the change conditions?
#ifdef CMPLX_
            if (tReplicaReferencesDiffer) then
                pop_change = FracLargerDet * abs_sign(AllNoAtHF(min_part_type(run):max_part_type(run)))
                pop_change = FracLargerDet * abs_sign(AllNoAtHF(1:(lenof_sign / inum_runs)))
            end if
            if (tReplicaReferencesDiffer) then
                pop_change = FracLargerDet * abs(AllNoAtHF(run))
                pop_change = FracLargerDet * abs(AllNoAtHF(1))
            end if
!            write(stdout,*) "***",AllNoAtHF,FracLargerDet,pop_change, pop_highest,proc_highest
            ! Do we need to do a change?
            ! is this a valid comparison?? we ware comparing a real(dp) pop_change
            ! with a (now) 32 bit integer..
            if (pop_change < real(pop_highest(run), dp) .and. &
                real(pop_highest(run), dp) > pop_change_min) then

                if (tChangeProjEDet) then

                    ! Write out info!
                    changed_any = .true.
                    root_print 'Highest weighted determinant on run', run, &
                        'not reference det: ', pop_highest, abs_sign(AllNoAtHF( &

                    ! Here we are changing the reference det on the fly.
                    ! --> else block for restarting simulation.

                    ! Communicate the change to all dets and print out.
                    ! [W.D. 15.5.2017:]
                    ! we are typecasting here too..
                    ! we are casting a 32 bit int to a 64 bit ...
                    ! that could cause troubles!
!                     call MPIBcast (HighestPopDet(0:NIfTot, run), NIfTot+1, &
!                                    int(proc_highest(run),n_int))
                    call MPIBcast(HighestPopDet(0:NIfTot, run), NIfTot + 1, &

                    call update_run_reference(HighestPopDet(:, run), run)

                    ! Reset averages
                    SumENum = 0.0_dp
                    sum_proje_denominator = 0.0_dp
                    cyc_proje_denominator = 0.0_dp
                    SumNoatHF = 0.0_dp
                    VaryShiftCycles = 0
                    SumDiagSft = 0.0_dp
                    root_print 'Zeroing all energy estimators.'

                    !Since we have a new reference, we must block only from after this point
                    iBlockingIter = Iter + PreviousCycles

                    ! Reset values introduced in soft_exit (CHANGEVARS)
                    if (tCHeckHighestPopOnce) then
                        tChangeProjEDet = .false.
                        tCheckHighestPop = .false.
                        tCheckHighestPopOnce = .false.
                    end if

                    ! Or are we restarting the calculation with the reference
                    ! det switched?
#ifdef CMPLX_
                else if (tRestartHighPop .and. &
                        iRestartWalkNum < sum(AllTotParts(1:2))) then
                else if (tRestartHighPop .and. &
                        iRestartWalkNum < AllTotParts(1)) then
                    ! Here we are restarting the simulation with a new
                    ! reference. See above block for doing it on the fly.

                    ! Broadcast the changed det to all processors
!                     call MPIBcast (HighestPopDet(:,run), NIfTot+1, &
!                                    int(proc_highest(run),n_int))
                    call MPIBcast(HighestPopDet(:, run), NIfTot + 1, &

                    call update_run_reference(HighestPopDet(:, run), run)

                    ! Only update the global reference energies if they
                    ! correspond to run 1 (which is used for those)
                    if (run == 1) then
                        call ChangeRefDet(ProjEDet(:, 1))
                    end if

                    ! Reset values introduced in soft_exit (CHANGEVARS)
                    if (tCHeckHighestPopOnce) then
                        tChangeProjEDet = .false.
                        tCheckHighestPop = .false.
                        tCheckHighestPopOnce = .false.
                    end if

                end if

            end if
        end do

    end subroutine population_check