subroutine print_cc_amplitudes(hash_table, hash_size)
! routine to print out the cc-amplitudes to check there
! magnitude
use util_mod, only: get_free_unit, get_unique_filename
type(cc_hash), pointer, intent(in), optional :: hash_table(:)
integer, intent(in), optional :: hash_size
character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "print_cc_amplitudes"
integer :: i, j, iunit
character(12) :: filename
character(1) :: x1
type(cc_hash), pointer :: temp_node
if (.not. allocated(cc_ops)) then
print *, "cc amplitudes not yet allocated! cant print!"
end if
if (present(hash_table)) then
iunit = get_free_unit()
call get_unique_filename('cc_amps_4_wf', .true., .true., 1, &
open(iunit, file=filename, status='unknown')
! i have to do the quads special since it is stored in a hash..
print *, "hash size_wf: ", hash_size
do i = 1, hash_size
temp_node => hash_table(i)
if (temp_node%found) then
write(iunit, '(f15.7)') abs(temp_node%amp)
end if
do while (associated(temp_node%next))
if (temp_node%next%found) then
write(iunit, '(f15.7)') abs(temp_node%next%amp)
end if
temp_node => temp_node%next
end do
end do
end if
if (iProcIndex == root) then
do i = 1, 3
! open 4 files to print the cc-amps
iunit = get_free_unit()
write(x1, '(I1)') i
call get_unique_filename('cc_amps_'//trim(x1), .true., .true., 1, &
open(iunit, file=filename, status='unknown')
do j = 1, cc_ops(i)%n_ops
if (abs(cc_ops(i)%get_amp(j)) < EPS) cycle
write(iunit, '(f15.7)') abs(cc_ops(i)%get_amp(j))
end do
end do
iunit = get_free_unit()
call get_unique_filename('cc_amps_4', .true., .true., 1, &
open(iunit, file=filename, status='unknown')
! i have to do the quads special since it is stored in a hash..
print *, "hash size: ", quad_hash_size
do i = 1, quad_hash_size
temp_node => quad_hash(i)
if (temp_node%found) then
write(iunit, '(f15.7)') abs(temp_node%amp)
end if
do while (associated(temp_node%next))
if (temp_node%next%found) then
write(iunit, '(f15.7)') abs(temp_node%next%amp)
end if
temp_node => temp_node%next
end do
end do
end if
end subroutine print_cc_amplitudes