print_lat Subroutine

private subroutine print_lat(this)

Type Bound



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(lattice) :: this


Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine print_lat(this)
        class(lattice) :: this

        ! depending on the type print specific lattice information
        select type (this)
        class is (lattice)

            call stop_all("lattice%print()", &
                          "lattice type should never be directly instantiated!")

        class is (chain)

            print *, "Lattice type is: 'chain' "
            print *, " number of dimensions: ", this%get_ndim()
            print *, " max-number of neighbors: ", this%get_nconnect_max()
            print *, " number of sites of chain: ", this%get_nsites()
            print *, " is the chain periodic: ", this%is_periodic()

        class is (rectangle)

            if (trim(this%get_name()) == 'tilted') then
                print *, "Lattice type is 'tilted' "
                print *, "Lattice type is 'rectangle' "
            end if

            print *, " number of dimensions: ", this%get_ndim()
            print *, " max-number of neighbors: ", this%get_nconnect_max()
            print *, " number of sites in the lattice: ", this%get_nsites()
            if (this%is_periodic()) then
                print *, " is the lattice periodic: True"
            end if
            print *, "primitive lattice vectors: (", this%lat_vec(1:2, 1), "), (", this%lat_vec(1:2, 2), ")"

        class is (ole)
            print *, "Lattice type is 'Ole' ;) "
            print *, "number of dimensions: ", this%get_ndim()
            print *, "max-number of neigbors: ", this%get_nconnect_max()
            print *, "number of sites: ", this%get_nsites()
            print *, "primitive lattice vectors: (", this%lat_vec(1:2, 1), "), (", this%lat_vec(1:2, 2), ")"
            print *, "TODO: more and better output! "

        class is (ext_input)
            print *, "Lattice read from lattice.file file "
            print *, "Lattice type is :",this%get_name()
            print *, "number of sites in the lattice: ", this%get_nsites()
            print *, "max-number of neigbors: ", this%get_nconnect_max()
            if (this%is_periodic()) then
                print *, " is the lattice periodic: True"
            end if

        end select

    end subroutine print_lat