subroutine print_rdm_popsfile(rdm)
! Print the RDM object stored in rdm to a file called RDM_POPSFILE.
! This is done in a binary form, which can be quickly read in a
! subsequent NECI simulation (see read_2rdm_popsfile). The RDM is
! printed directly in its int_rdm form, rather than decoding signs
! to their real(dp) form.
use Parallel_neci, only: MPIBarrier
use util_mod, only: get_free_unit
type(rdm_list_t), intent(in) :: rdm
integer :: ielem, iproc, ierr, pops_unit
do iproc = 0, nProcessors - 1
if (iproc == iProcIndex) then
! Let the first processor clear the file to start with.
if (iproc == 0) then
pops_unit = get_free_unit()
open(pops_unit, file='RDM_POPSFILE', status='replace', form='unformatted')
! Let the first processor start by printing the number of
! RDMs being sampled.
write (pops_unit) rdm%sign_length
pops_unit = get_free_unit()
open(pops_unit, file='RDM_POPSFILE', status='old', position='append', form='unformatted')
end if
do ielem = 1, rdm%nelements
write(pops_unit) rdm%elements(:, ielem)
end do
end if
! Wait for the current processor to finish printing its RDM elements.
call MPIBarrier(ierr)
end do
end subroutine print_rdm_popsfile