print_rdms_with_spin Subroutine

public subroutine print_rdms_with_spin(rdm_defs, nrdms_to_print, rdm, rdm_trace, open_shell)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(rdm_definitions_t), intent(in) :: rdm_defs
integer, intent(in) :: nrdms_to_print
type(rdm_list_t), intent(inout) :: rdm
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: rdm_trace(rdm%sign_length)
logical, intent(in) :: open_shell


Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine print_rdms_with_spin(rdm_defs, nrdms_to_print, rdm, rdm_trace, open_shell)

        ! Print the RDM stored in rdm to files, normalised by rdm_trace.

        ! This routine will print out *all* the spin cobminations separately,
        ! including both aaaa and bbbb arrays, and all other combinations.

        ! The files are called 'TwoRDM_aaaa', 'TwoRDM_abab', 'TwoRDM_abba', etc...

        use Parallel_neci, only: MPIBarrier
        use rdm_data, only: rdm_definitions_t
        use sort_mod, only: sort
        use UMatCache, only: spatial
        use util_mod, only: get_free_unit

        type(rdm_definitions_t), intent(in) :: rdm_defs
        integer, intent(in) :: nrdms_to_print
        type(rdm_list_t), intent(inout) :: rdm
        real(dp), intent(in) :: rdm_trace(rdm%sign_length)
        logical, intent(in) :: open_shell

        integer(int_rdm) :: ijkl
        integer :: ij, kl, i, j, k, l ! spin orbitals
        integer :: p, q, r, s ! spatial orbitals
        integer :: ielem, irdm, ierr, iproc, write_unit
        integer :: iunit_aaaa, iunit_abab, iunit_abba
        integer :: iunit_bbbb, iunit_baba, iunit_baab
        real(dp) :: rdm_sign(rdm%sign_length)
        character(12) :: sgn_len, suffix
        character(len=*), parameter :: t_r = 'print_rdms_with_spin'

        associate(state_labels => rdm_defs%state_labels, repeat_label => rdm_defs%repeat_label)

            ! Store rdm%sign_length as a string, for the formatting string.
            write(sgn_len, '(i3)') rdm%sign_length

            call sort(rdm%elements(:, 1:rdm%nelements))

            do iproc = 0, nProcessors - 1
                do irdm = 1, nrdms_to_print
                    if (state_labels(1, irdm) == state_labels(2, irdm)) then
                        write(suffix, '('//int_fmt(state_labels(1, irdm), 0)//')') irdm
                        write(suffix, '('//int_fmt(state_labels(1, irdm), 0)//',"_",' &
                               //int_fmt(state_labels(2, irdm), 0)//',".",i1)') &
                            state_labels(1, irdm), state_labels(2, irdm), repeat_label(irdm)
                    end if

                    if (iproc == iProcIndex) then

                        ! Open all the files to be written to:
                        ! Let the first processor clear all the files to start with.
                        if (iproc == 0) then
                            iunit_aaaa = get_free_unit()
                            open(iunit_aaaa, file=trim(rdm_defs%output_file_prefix)// &
                                  '_aaaa.'//trim(suffix), status='replace')
                            iunit_abab = get_free_unit()
                            open(iunit_abab, file=trim(rdm_defs%output_file_prefix)// &
                                  '_abab.'//trim(suffix), status='replace')
                            iunit_abba = get_free_unit()
                            open(iunit_abba, file=trim(rdm_defs%output_file_prefix)// &
                                  '_abba.'//trim(suffix), status='replace')
                            if (open_shell) then
                                iunit_bbbb = get_free_unit()
                                open(iunit_bbbb, file=trim(rdm_defs%output_file_prefix)// &
                                      '_bbbb.'//trim(suffix), status='replace')
                                iunit_baba = get_free_unit()
                                open(iunit_baba, file=trim(rdm_defs%output_file_prefix)// &
                                      '_baba.'//trim(suffix), status='replace')
                                iunit_baab = get_free_unit()
                                open(iunit_baab, file=trim(rdm_defs%output_file_prefix)// &
                                      '_baab.'//trim(suffix), status='replace')
                            end if
                            iunit_aaaa = get_free_unit()
                            open(iunit_aaaa, file=trim(rdm_defs%output_file_prefix)// &
                                  '_aaaa.'//trim(suffix), status='old', position='append')
                            iunit_abab = get_free_unit()
                            open(iunit_abab, file=trim(rdm_defs%output_file_prefix)// &
                                  '_abab.'//trim(suffix), status='old', position='append')
                            iunit_abba = get_free_unit()
                            open(iunit_abba, file=trim(rdm_defs%output_file_prefix)// &
                                  '_abba.'//trim(suffix), status='old', position='append')
                            if (open_shell) then
                                iunit_bbbb = get_free_unit()
                                open(iunit_bbbb, file=trim(rdm_defs%output_file_prefix)// &
                                      '_bbbb.'//trim(suffix), status='old', position='append')
                                iunit_baba = get_free_unit()
                                open(iunit_baba, file=trim(rdm_defs%output_file_prefix)// &
                                      '_baba.'//trim(suffix), status='old', position='append')
                                iunit_baab = get_free_unit()
                                open(iunit_baab, file=trim(rdm_defs%output_file_prefix)// &
                                      '_baab.'//trim(suffix), status='old', position='append')
                            end if
                        end if

                        do ielem = 1, rdm%nelements
                            ijkl = rdm%elements(0, ielem)
                            ! Obtain spin orbital labels.
                            call calc_separate_rdm_labels(ijkl, ij, kl, i, j, k, l)
                            call extract_sign_rdm(rdm%elements(:, ielem), rdm_sign)

                            ! Normalise.
                            rdm_sign = rdm_sign / rdm_trace

                            p = spatial(i); q = spatial(j);
                            r = spatial(k); s = spatial(l);
                            if ((.not. open_shell) .and. is_beta(i)) then
                                call stop_all(t_r, "This is a closed shell system but we have an open shell type RDM element.&
                                                   & An error must have occured.")
                            end if

                            ! Find out what the spin labels are, and print the RDM
                            ! element to the appropriate file.
                            if (is_alpha(i) .and. is_alpha(j) .and. is_alpha(k) .and. is_alpha(l)) then
                                write_unit = iunit_aaaa
                            else if (is_alpha(i) .and. is_beta(j) .and. is_alpha(k) .and. is_beta(l)) then
                                write_unit = iunit_abab
                            else if (is_alpha(i) .and. is_beta(j) .and. is_beta(k) .and. is_alpha(l)) then
                                write_unit = iunit_abba
                            else if (is_beta(i) .and. is_beta(j) .and. is_beta(k) .and. is_beta(l)) then
                                write_unit = iunit_bbbb
                            else if (is_beta(i) .and. is_alpha(j) .and. is_beta(k) .and. is_alpha(l)) then
                                write_unit = iunit_baba
                            else if (is_beta(i) .and. is_alpha(j) .and. is_alpha(k) .and. is_beta(l)) then
                                write_unit = iunit_baab
                            end if

                            if (abs(rdm_sign(irdm)) > 1.e-12_dp) then
                                write(write_unit, '(4i6,'//trim(sgn_len)//'g25.17)') p, q, r, s, rdm_sign(irdm)
                            end if
                        end do

                        close(iunit_aaaa); close (iunit_abab); close (iunit_abba);
                        if (open_shell) then
                            close(iunit_bbbb); close (iunit_baba); close (iunit_baab);
                        end if
                    end if
                end do

                ! Wait for the current processor to finish printing its RDM elements.
                call MPIBarrier(ierr)
            end do

        end associate

    end subroutine print_rdms_with_spin