print_spinfree_2rdm Subroutine

public subroutine print_spinfree_2rdm(rdm_defs, rdm, rdm_trace)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(rdm_definitions_t), intent(in) :: rdm_defs
type(rdm_list_t), intent(in) :: rdm
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: rdm_trace(rdm%sign_length)


Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine print_spinfree_2rdm(rdm_defs, rdm, rdm_trace)

        ! Print all the RDM elements stored in rdm to a single file (for each
        ! state being sampled).

        ! The stem of the filenames is "spinfree_TwoRDM", and a final line
        ! required by MPQC to read spinfree 2-RDMs is also printed. This
        ! routine also assumes that the RDM element labels are already in
        ! spatial form, performing no transformation from spin to spatial
        ! form. This routine is therefore appropriate for printing spinfree
        ! 2-RDMs.

        use Parallel_neci, only: MPIBarrier
        use rdm_data, only: rdm_definitions_t
        use sort_mod, only: sort
        use util_mod, only: get_free_unit
        implicit none
        type(rdm_definitions_t), intent(in) :: rdm_defs
        type(rdm_list_t), intent(in) :: rdm
        real(dp), intent(in) :: rdm_trace(rdm%sign_length)
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "print_spinfree_2rdm"

        integer(int_rdm) :: pqrs
        integer :: ielem, irdm, iunit, iproc, ierr
        integer :: pq, rs, p, q, r, s ! spatial orbitals
        integer(n_int) :: pq_, rs_
        real(dp) :: rdm_sign(rdm%sign_length)
        character(40) :: rdm_filename

        associate(state_labels => rdm_defs%state_labels, repeat_label => rdm_defs%repeat_label)

            do iproc = 0, nProcessors - 1
                if (iproc == iProcIndex) then

                    ! Loop over all RDMs beings sampled.
                    do irdm = 1, rdm_defs%nrdms
                        if (state_labels(1, irdm) == state_labels(2, irdm)) then
                            write(rdm_filename, '("spinfree_","'//trim(rdm_defs%output_file_prefix)//'",".",' &
                                   //int_fmt(state_labels(1, irdm), 0)//')') irdm
                            write(rdm_filename, '("spinfree_","'//trim(rdm_defs%output_file_prefix)// &
                                   '",".",'//int_fmt(state_labels(1, irdm), 0)//',"_",' &
                                   //int_fmt(state_labels(2, irdm), 0)//',".",i1)') &
                                state_labels(1, irdm), state_labels(2, irdm), repeat_label(irdm)
                        end if

                        ! Open the file to be written to.
                        iunit = get_free_unit()
                        ! Let the first process clear the file, if it already exist.
                        if (iproc == 0) then
                            open(iunit, file=rdm_filename, status='replace')
                            open(iunit, file=rdm_filename, status='old', position='append')
                        end if

                        do ielem = 1, rdm%nelements
                            pqrs = rdm%elements(0, ielem)
                            call extract_sign_rdm(rdm%elements(:, ielem), rdm_sign)
                            ! Normalise.
                            rdm_sign = rdm_sign / rdm_trace
                            if (tGUGA) then
                                ! Obtain spatial orbital labels.
                                call extract_2_rdm_ind(pqrs, p, q, r, s, pq_, rs_)
                                pq = int(pq_)
                                rs = int(rs_)
                                ! Obtain spin orbital labels.
                                call calc_separate_rdm_labels(pqrs, pq, rs, p, s, q, r)
                            end if

                            if (abs(rdm_sign(irdm)) > 1.e-12_dp) then
                                if (p >= q .and. pq >= rs .and. p >= r .and. p >= s) then
                                    write(iunit, "(4I6, G25.17)") p, q, r, s, rdm_sign(irdm)
                                end if
                            end if
                        end do

                    end do
                end if

                ! Wait for the current processor to finish printing its RDM elements.
                call MPIBarrier(ierr)
            end do

        end associate

    end subroutine print_spinfree_2rdm