PrintHighPops Subroutine

public subroutine PrintHighPops()




Source Code

Source Code

    SUBROUTINE PrintHighPops()
        use adi_references, only: update_ref_signs, print_reference_notification, nRefs
        use adi_data, only: tSetupSIs
        use guga_data, only: ExcitationInformation_t
        use guga_bitrepops, only: identify_excitation, write_guga_list
        real(dp), dimension(lenof_sign) :: SignCurr
        integer :: ierr,i,j,counter,ExcitLev,nopen
        integer :: full_orb, run
        real(dp) :: HighSign, norm
        integer(n_int) , allocatable :: GlobalLargestWalkers(:, :)
        integer, allocatable :: GlobalProc(:), tmp_ni(:)
        real(dp), allocatable :: GlobalHdiag(:)
        character(100) :: bufEnd, bufStart
        integer :: lenEnd, lenStart
        character(len=*), parameter :: t_r='PrintHighPops'

        character(1024) :: header
        character(11), allocatable :: walker_string(:)
        character(13), allocatable :: amplitude_string(:)
        character(9), allocatable :: init_string(:)

        integer :: lenof_out, this_run, offset
        logical :: t_replica_resolved_output

        real(dp), parameter :: eps_high = 1.0e-7_dp

        type(ExcitationInformation_t) :: excitInfo

        allocate(GlobalLargestWalkers(0:NIfTot,iHighPopWrite), source=0_n_int)
        allocate(GlobalHdiag(iHighPopWrite), source=0.0_dp)
        allocate(GlobalProc(iHighPopWrite), source=0)

        ! Decide if each replica shall have its own output
        t_replica_resolved_output = tOrthogonaliseReplicas .or. t_force_replica_output
        if(t_replica_resolved_output) then
            lenof_out = rep_size
            lenof_out = lenof_sign
        end if

        ! Walkers(replica) Amplitude(replica) Init?(replica)

        do run = 1, inum_runs
            ! If t_replica_resolved_output is set:
            ! Execute this once per run with run instead of GLOBAL_RUN -> prints the highest
            ! determinants for each replica
            if(t_replica_resolved_output) then
                write(stdout,*) "============================================================="
                write(stdout,*) "Reference and leading determinants for replica",run
                write(stdout,*) "============================================================="
            end if
            if(t_replica_resolved_output) then
                this_run = run
                offset = rep_size * (run - 1)
                this_run = GLOBAL_RUN
                offset = 0
            end if
            call global_most_populated_states(iHighPopWrite, this_run, GlobalLargestWalkers, &
                norm, rank_of_largest=GlobalProc, hdiag_largest=GlobalHdiag)

            ! This has to be done by all procs
            if(tAdiActive) call update_ref_signs()

            if(iProcIndex.eq.Root) then
                !Now print out the info contained in GlobalLargestWalkers and GlobalProc

                do i=1,iHighPopWrite
                    !How many non-zero determinants do we actually have?
                    call extract_sign(GlobalLargestWalkers(:,i),SignCurr)
                    HighSign = core_space_weight(SignCurr,this_run)
                    if (HighSign > eps_high) counter = counter + 1
                end do

                write(stdout,*) ""
                if (tReplicaReferencesDiffer) then
                    write(stdout,'(A)') "Current references: "
                    call write_det(stdout, ProjEDet(:,run), .true.)
                    call writeDetBit(stdout, ilutRef(:, run), .true.)
                    write(stdout,'(A)') "Current reference: "
                    call write_det (stdout, ProjEDet(:,1), .true.)
                    if(tSetupSIs) call print_reference_notification(&
                        1,nRefs,"Used Superinitiator",.true.)
                    write(stdout,*) "Number of superinitiators", nRefs
                end if

                write(stdout,'("Input DEFINEDET line (includes frozen orbs):")')
                write(stdout,'("definedet ")', advance='no')
                if (allocated(frozen_orb_list)) then
                    tmp_ni(1:nel) = frozen_orb_reverse_map(ProjEDet(:,run))
                    if (nel /= nel_pre_freezing) &
                        tmp_ni(nel+1:nel_pre_freezing) = frozen_orb_list
                    call sort(tmp_ni)
                    call writeDefDet(tmp_ni, nel_pre_freezing)
                    !                    do i = 1, nel_pre_freezing
                    !                        write(stdout, '(i3," ")', advance='no') tmp_ni(i)
                    !                    end do
                    call writeDefDet(ProjEDet(:,run), nel)
                    !                    do i = 1, nel
                    !                        write(stdout, '(i3," ")', advance='no') ProjEDet(i, run)
                    !                    end do
                end if
                do i = 1, nel
                    full_orb = ProjEDet(i, run)
                    if (allocated(frozen_orb_list)) &
                        full_orb = full_orb  + count(frozen_orb_list <= ProjEDet(i, run))
                end do

                write(stdout,*) ""
                write(stdout,"(A,I10,A)") "Most occupied ",counter," determinants as excitations from reference: "
                if(lenof_sign.eq.1) then
                    if(tHPHF) then
                        write(stdout,"(A)") " Excitation   ExcitLevel   Seniority    Walkers    Amplitude    Init?   <D|H|D>  Proc  Spin-Coup?"
                        write(stdout,"(A)") " Excitation   ExcitLevel   Seniority    Walkers    Amplitude    Init?   <D|H|D>  Proc"
                    end if
#ifdef CMPLX_
                    if(tHPHF) then
                        write(stdout,"(A)") " Excitation   ExcitLevel Seniority  Walkers(Re)   Walkers(Im)  Weight   &
                            &Init?(Re)   Init?(Im)   <D|H|D>  Proc  Spin-Coup?"
                        write(stdout,"(A)") " Excitation   ExcitLevel Seniority   Walkers(Re)   Walkers(Im)  Weight   &
                            &Init?(Re)   Init?(Im)   <D|H|D>  Proc"
                    end if
                    ! output the weight of every replica, and do not only assume
                    ! it is a complex run

                    do i = 1, lenof_out
                        write(walker_string(i), '(a,i0,a)') "Walkers(", i, ")"
                        !                     write(amplitude_string(i), '(a,i0,a)') "Amplitude(", i, ")"
                        write(init_string(i), '(a,i0,a)') "Init?(", i, ")"
                    end do

                        character(:), allocatable :: fmt_str
                        fmt_str = '(3a11,' // str(lenof_out) // 'a11, a13,' // str(lenof_out) // 'a9,1x,16a,1x,a)'
                        write(header, fmt_str) "Excitation ", "ExcitLevel ", "Seniority ", &
                            walker_string, "Amplitude ", init_string, "<D|H|D>", "Proc "
                    end block

                    if (tHPHF) then
                        header = trim(header) // " Spin-Coup?"
                    end if

                    write(stdout, '(a)') trim(header)

                end if
                do i=1,iHighPopWrite
                    call extract_sign(GlobalLargestWalkers(:,i),SignCurr)
                    HighSign = core_space_weight(SignCurr,this_run)
                    if(HighSign < eps_high) cycle
                    call WriteDetBit(stdout,GlobalLargestWalkers(:,i),.false.)
                    if (tGUGA) then
                        excitInfo = identify_excitation(iLutRef(:,1), GlobalLargestWalkers(:,i))
                        excitLev = excitInfo%excitLvl
                    end if
                    write(stdout,"(I5)",advance='no') Excitlev
                    write(stdout,"(I5)",advance='no') nopen
                    do j=1,lenof_out
                        write(stdout,"(G16.7)",advance='no') SignCurr(j+offset)
                    end do
                    if(tHPHF.and.(.not.TestClosedShellDet(GlobalLargestWalkers(:,i)))) then
                        !Weight is proportional to (nw/sqrt(2))**2
                        write(stdout,"(F9.5)",advance='no') ((HighSign/sqrt(2.0_dp))/norm )
                        write(stdout,"(F9.5)",advance='no') (HighSign/norm)
                    end if
                    do j=1,lenof_out
                        if(.not.tTruncInitiator) then
                            write(stdout,"(A3)",advance='no') 'Y'
                            if(test_flag(GlobalLargestWalkers(:,i),get_initiator_flag(j+offset))) then
                                write(stdout,"(A3)",advance='no') 'Y'
                                write(stdout,"(A3)",advance='no') 'N'
                            end if
                        end if
                    end do
                    write(stdout,"(1x,es16.8,1x)",advance='no') GlobalHdiag(i)
                    if(tHPHF.and.(.not.TestClosedShellDet(GlobalLargestWalkers(:,i)))) then
                        write(stdout,"(I7)",advance='no') GlobalProc(i)
                        write(stdout,"(A3)") "*"
                        write(stdout,"(I7)") GlobalProc(i)
                    end if
                end do
                ! Keep the reference weight in a separate output variable
                ! which can be accessed from the library wrappers
                call extract_sign(GlobalLargestWalkers(:,1),SignCurr)
                fciqmc_run_ref_weight = SignCurr(1)
                if(tHPHF) then
                    write(stdout,"(A)") " * = Spin-coupled function implicitly has time-reversed determinant with same weight."
                end if

                write(stdout,*) ""
            end if
            ! Only continue if printing the replica-resolved output
            if(.not. t_replica_resolved_output) exit
        end do

        deallocate(walker_string, init_string)


            subroutine writeDefDet(defdet, numEls)
                implicit none
                integer, intent(in) :: numEls
                integer, intent(in) :: defdet(:)
                logical :: nextInRange, previousInRange

                do i = 1, numEls
                    ! if the previous orbital is in the same contiguous range
                    if (i == 1) then
                        ! for the first one, there is no previous one
                        previousInRange = .false.
                        previousInRange = defdet(i) == defdet(i-1) + 1
                    end if

                    ! if the following orbital is in the same contiguous range
                    if(i.eq.numEls) then
                        ! there is no following orbital
                        nextInRange = .false.
                        nextInRange = defdet(i).eq.defdet(i+1)-1
                    end if
                    ! there are three cases that need output:

                    ! the last orbital of a contigous range of orbs
                    if(previousInRange .and. .not.nextInRange) then
                        write(bufEnd,'(i3)') defdet(i)
                        lenEnd = len_trim(bufEnd)
                        bufStart(lenStart+2:lenStart+lenEnd+1) = adjustl(trim(bufEnd))
                        write(stdout,'(A7)',advance='no') trim(adjustl(bufStart))
                        ! the first orbital of a contiguous range of orbs
                    else if(.not.previousInRange .and. nextInRange) then
                        write(bufStart,'(i3)') defdet(i)
                        lenStart = len_trim(bufStart)
                        bufStart(lenStart+1:lenStart+1) = "-"
                        ! and an orbital not in any range
                    else if(.not.previousInRange .and. .not.nextInRange) then
                        write(stdout,'(i3," ")', advance='no') defdet(i)
                    end if
                end do

            end subroutine writeDefDet

    END SUBROUTINE PrintHighPops