PrintShiftBlocking Subroutine

public subroutine PrintShiftBlocking(Iter)



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer :: Iter


Source Code

Source Code

    SUBROUTINE PrintShiftBlocking(Iter)
        use util_mod, only: get_free_unit
        INTEGER :: i, NoBlocks, Iter, NoBlockSizes, NoContrib, iunit
        real(dp) :: MeanShift, MeanShiftSqrd, StandardDev, Error, ErrorinError

!First find out how many blocks would have been formed with the number of iterations actually performed.

        NoContrib = 0
        NoContrib = ((Iter - StartShiftBlockIter) / StepsSft) + 1

        NoBlockSizes = 0
        NoBlockSizes = FLOOR((LOG10(REAL(NoContrib - 1, dp))) / (LOG10(2.0_dp)))

        iunit = get_free_unit()
        open(iunit, file='SHIFTBLOCKINGANALYSIS', status='unknown')
        write(iunit, '(I4,A,I4)') NoBlockSizes, ' blocks were formed with sizes from 1 to ', (2**(NoBlockSizes))
        write(iunit, '(3A16,5A20)') '1.Block No.', '2.Block Size  ', '3.No. of Blocks', '4.Mean Shift', &
            '5.Mean Shift^2', '6.SD', '7.Error', '8.ErrorinError'

        do i = 0, NoBlockSizes - 1

            ! First need to find out how many blocks of this particular size contributed to the final sum in BlockSum.
            ! NoContrib is the total number of contributions to the blocking throughout the simulation.

            NoBlocks = 0
            NoBlocks = FLOOR(REAL(NoContrib / (2**i), dp))
            ! This finds the lowest integer multiple of 2**i (the block size).

            MeanShift = ShiftBlockSum(i) / REAL(NoBlocks, dp)
            MeanShiftSqrd = ShiftBlockSqrdSum(i) / REAL(NoBlocks, dp)

            StandardDev = SQRT(MeanShiftSqrd - (MeanShift**2))
            IF (abs(StandardDev) < 1.0e-12_dp) THEN
                Error = 0.0_dp
                ErrorinError = 0.0_dp
                Error = StandardDev / SQRT(REAL(NoBlocks - 1, dp))
                ErrorinError = Error / SQRT(2.0_dp * (REAL(NoBlocks - 1, dp)))
            end if

!This is from the blocking paper, and indicates the error in the blocking error, due to the limited number of blocks available.

            write(iunit, '(3I16,5F20.10)') i, (2**i), NoBlocks, MeanShift, MeanShiftSqrd, StandardDev, Error, ErrorinError

        end do


    END SUBROUTINE PrintShiftBlocking