subroutine read_from_contour_file(iunit)
use CalcData, only: nmcyc
use real_time_data, only: tauCache, alphaCache
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: iunit
integer :: i
! Then, the cache for the values of alpha and tau is allocated
if (allocated(tauCache)) deallocate(tauCache)
if (allocated(alphaCache)) deallocate(alphaCache)
! And then the values for alpha/tau
open(iunit, file=trajFile, status='old')
! Here, we read in the timesteps and alphas that shall be used
do i = 1, nmcyc
read(iunit, *) tauCache(i), alphaCache(i)
end do
end subroutine read_from_contour_file