subroutine read_gdata(this, gdata_buf, ndets, initial)
! Reads the gdata from a buffer to the global_det_data array
! Input: gdata_buf - Buffer containing the read data, first dimension has
! to be this%entry_size()
! ndets - number of entries to read (can be less than the size of gdata_buf)
! initial - optionally, an offset where to start writing
class(gdata_io_t), intent(in) :: this
real(dp), intent(in) :: gdata_buf(:, :)
integer, intent(in) :: ndets
integer, intent(in), optional :: initial
! do a sanity check: there has to be some data
if (this%t_io()) then
if (this%entry_size() <= size(gdata_buf, dim=1)) then
if (tAutoAdaptiveShift) then
! set the global det data for auto adaptive shift
call readFVals( &
gdata_buf(this%fvals_start:this%fvals_end, :), ndets, initial)
end if
if (tScaleBlooms) then
! set the global det data for bloom scaling
call set_all_max_ratios( &
gdata_buf(this%max_ratio_start:this%max_ratio_end, :), ndets, initial)
end if
if (tAccumPopsActive) then
! set the global det data for accumlated population
call readAPVals( &
gdata_buf(this%apvals_start:this%apvals_end, :), ndets, initial)
end if
write(stderr, *) "WARNING: Dimension mismatch in read_gdata, ignoring all read data"
end if
end if
end subroutine read_gdata