subroutine read_in_trajectory
use CalcData, only: nmcyc
use real_time_data, only: tauCache, alphaCache
implicit none
integer :: i, iunit, eof
real(dp) :: x, y
logical :: checkTraj
character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "read_in_trajectory"
call get_unique_filename('tauContour', .false., .false., 0, trajFile)
iunit = get_free_unit()
inquire (file=trajFile, exist=checkTraj)
if (.not. checkTraj) call stop_all(this_routine, "No tauContour file detected.")
! We first need to read in the number of cycles
open(iunit, file=trajFile, status='old')
nmcyc = 0
! check the number of lines
read(iunit, *, iostat=eof) x, y
if (eof /= 0) exit
nmcyc = nmcyc + 1
end do
call read_from_contour_file(iunit)
end subroutine read_in_trajectory