realloc_SpawnedParts Subroutine

public subroutine realloc_SpawnedParts()




Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine realloc_SpawnedParts()

        ! Routine called when RDM accumulation is turned on, usually midway
        ! through an FCIQMC simulation.

        ! When calculating the RDMs, we need to store the parent from which a
        ! child is spawned along with the children in the spawned array. This
        ! means a slightly larger array is communicated between processors,
        ! which there is no point in doing for the first part of the calculation.
        ! When we start calculating the RDMs this routine is called and the
        ! SpawnedParts array is made larger to accommodate the parents.

        use FciMCData, only: MaxSpawned, SpawnVec, SpawnVec2, SpawnVecTag, SpawnVec2Tag
        use FciMCData, only: SpawnedParts, SpawnedParts2
        use MemoryManager, only: LogMemAlloc, LogMemDealloc

        integer :: ierr, nifbcast_old
        character(len=*), parameter :: this_routine = 'realloc_SpawnedParts'

        if (bit_rdm_init) &
            call stop_all(this_routine, 'RDM broadcast representation already initialised')

        call LogMemDealloc(this_routine, SpawnVecTag)
        call LogMemDealloc(this_routine, SpawnVec2Tag)

        ! Resize the RDM arrays
        NIfBCast_old = IlutBits%len_bcast
        IlutBits%ind_parent = IlutBits%len_bcast + 1

        IlutBits%ind_rdm_fac = IlutBits%ind_parent + IlutBits%len_orb + 1

        IlutBits%ind_parent_flag = IlutBits%ind_rdm_fac + 1

        IlutBits%len_bcast = IlutBits%ind_parent_flag
        ! IlutBits%len_bcast = IlutBits%len_bcast + nifd + 3

        allocate(SpawnVec(0:IlutBits%len_bcast, MaxSpawned), stat=ierr)
    use constants, only: int64
    use util_mod, only: operator(.div.)
    if (ierr /= 0) then
        call stop_all(this_routine, 'Error in allocation of SpawnVec.')
    end if
call LogMemAlloc("SpawnVec", size(SpawnVec, kind=int64), int(sizeof(SpawnVec), kind=int64) .div. size(SpawnVec, kind=int64),&
    & this_routine, SpawnVecTag, ierr)
end block
        allocate(SpawnVec2(0:IlutBits%len_bcast, MaxSpawned), stat=ierr)
    use constants, only: int64
    use util_mod, only: operator(.div.)
    if (ierr /= 0) then
        call stop_all(this_routine, 'Error in allocation of SpawnVec2.')
    end if
call LogMemAlloc("SpawnVec2", size(SpawnVec2, kind=int64), int(sizeof(SpawnVec2), kind=int64) .div. size(SpawnVec2, kind=int64),&
    & this_routine, SpawnVec2Tag, ierr)
end block

        ! Point at correct spawning arrays
        SpawnedParts => SpawnVec
        SpawnedParts2 => SpawnVec2

        write(stdout, '(A54,F10.4,A4,F10.4,A13)') &
            'Memory requirement for spawned arrays increased from ', &
            real(((NIfBCast_old + 1) * MaxSpawned * 2 * size_n_int), dp) / 1048576.0_dp, &
            ' to ', &
            real(((IlutBits%len_bcast + 1) * MaxSpawned * 2 * size_n_int), dp) / 1048576.0_dp, &
            ' Mb/Processor'

        ! And we are done
        bit_rdm_init = .true.

    end subroutine realloc_SpawnedParts