reinit_current_trial_amps Subroutine

public subroutine reinit_current_trial_amps()




Source Code

    subroutine reinit_current_trial_amps()

        ! Recreate current trial amps, without using arrays such as trial_space
        ! and trial_wfs, which are deallocated after the first init_trial_wf
        ! call.

        use FciMCData, only: CurrentDets, TotWalkers, tTrialHash, current_trial_amps, ntrial_excits
        use searching, only: hash_search_trial, bin_search_trial
        use SystemData, only: nel

        integer(int64) :: i
        integer :: nI(nel)
        HElement_t(dp) :: trial_amps(ntrial_excits)
        logical :: tTrial, tCon

        ! Don't do anything if this is called before the trial wave function
        ! initialisation.
        if (.not. allocated(current_trial_amps)) return

        current_trial_amps = 0.0_dp

        do i = 1, TotWalkers
            if (tTrialHash) then
                call decode_bit_det(nI, CurrentDets(:, i))
                call hash_search_trial(CurrentDets(:, i), nI, trial_amps, tTrial, tCon)
                call bin_search_trial(CurrentDets(:, i), trial_amps, tTrial, tCon)
            end if

            ! Set the appropraite flag (if any). Unset flags which aren't
            ! appropriate, just in case.
            if (tTrial) then
                call set_flag(CurrentDets(:, i), flag_trial, .true.)
                call set_flag(CurrentDets(:, i), flag_connected, .false.)
            else if (tCon) then
                call set_flag(CurrentDets(:, i), flag_trial, .false.)
                call set_flag(CurrentDets(:, i), flag_connected, .true.)
                call set_flag(CurrentDets(:, i), flag_trial, .false.)
                call set_flag(CurrentDets(:, i), flag_connected, .false.)
            end if

            ! Set the amplitude (which may be zero).
            current_trial_amps(:, i) = trial_amps
        end do

    end subroutine reinit_current_trial_amps