second_real_time_spawn Subroutine

public subroutine second_real_time_spawn(err)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(out) :: err


Source Code

    subroutine second_real_time_spawn(err)
        ! routine for the second spawning step in the 2nd order RK method
        ! to create the k2 spawning list. An important change:
        ! this "spawning" list also has to contain the diagonal death/cloning
        ! step influence to combine it with the original y(n)
!         integer, intent(inout) :: n_determ_states
        integer, intent(out) :: err
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "second_real_time_spawn"

        ! mimic the most of this routine to the already written first
        ! spawning step, but with a different death step and without the
        ! annihilation step at the end!
        integer :: idet, parent_flags, nI_parent(nel), unused_flags, ex_level_to_ref, &
                   ireplica, nspawn, ispawn, nI_child(nel), ic, ex(2, maxExcit), &
        integer(n_int) :: ilut_child(0:niftot)
        real(dp) :: parent_sign(lenof_sign), parent_hdiag, prob, child_sign(lenof_sign), &
                    unused_sign(lenof_sign), unused_rdm_real, diag_sign(lenof_sign)
        logical :: tParentIsDeterm, tParentUnoccupied, tParity, break
        HElement_t(dp) :: HelGen, parent_hoffdiag
        integer :: determ_index
        real(dp) :: prefactor, unused_fac, unused_avEx

        ! declare this is the second runge kutta step
        runge_kutta_step = 2

        ! index for counting deterministic states
        determ_index = 1
        ! prefactor for unbiasing if the number of spawns is cut off
        prefactor = 1.0_dp
        ! use part of nicks code, and remove the parts, that dont matter
        do idet = 1, int(TotWalkers)

            parent_flags = 0_n_int

            ! Indicate that the scratch storage used for excitation generation from the
            ! same walker has not been filled (it is filled when we excite from the first
            ! particle on a determinant).
            fcimc_excit_gen_store%tFilled = .false.

            call extract_bit_rep(CurrentDets(:, idet), nI_parent, parent_sign, unused_flags, &
                                 idet, fcimc_excit_gen_store)

            ex_level_to_ref = FindBitExcitLevel(iLutRef, CurrentDets(:, idet), max_calc_ex_level)
            if (tRef_Not_HF) then
                ex_level_to_hf = FindBitExcitLevel(iLutHF_true, CurrentDets(:, idet), &
                ex_level_to_hf = ex_level_to_ref
            end if

            tParentIsDeterm = check_determ_flag(CurrentDets(:, idet), core_run)
            tParentUnoccupied = IsUnoccDet(parent_sign)

            if (tParentIsDeterm) then
                associate(rep => cs_replicas(core_run))
                    rep%indices_of_determ_states(determ_index) = idet
                    rep%partial_determ_vecs(:, determ_index) = parent_sign
                end associate
                determ_index = determ_index + 1
                if (IsUnoccDet(parent_sign)) cycle
            end if

            if (tTruncInitiator) call CalcParentFlag(idet, parent_flags)

            ! If this slot is unoccupied (and also not a core determinant) then add it to
            ! the list of free slots and cycle.
            ! actually dont need to update this here since nothing gets merged
            ! at the end.. only k2 gets created
            if (tParentUnoccupied) then
                ! this is unnecessary in the end, the merge is done
                ! with the original ensemble, with the original FreeSlots
                ! iEndFreeSlot = iEndFreeSlot + 1
                ! FreeSlot(iEndFreeSlot) = idet
            end if
            ! The current diagonal matrix element is stored persistently.
            parent_hdiag = det_diagH(idet)
            parent_hoffdiag = det_offdiagH(idet)

            ! UPDATE: call this routine anyway to update info on noathf
            ! and noatdoubs, for the intermediate step
            call SumEContrib(nI_parent, ex_level_to_ref, parent_sign, CurrentDets(:, idet), &
                             parent_hdiag, parent_hoffdiag, 1.0_dp, tPairedReplicas, idet)

            ! If we're on the Hartree-Fock, and all singles and
            ! doubles are in the core space, then there will be
            ! no stochastic spawning from this determinant, so
            ! we can the rest of this loop.
            if (ss_space_in%tDoubles .and. ex_level_to_hf == 0 .and. tDetermHFSpawning) cycle

            ! If this condition is not met (if all electrons have spin up or all have spin down)
            ! then there will be no determinants to spawn to, so don't attempt spawning.
            ! thats a really specific condition.. shouldnt be checked each
            ! cycle.. since this is only input dependent..
            if (.not. tGZero) then ! skip this if we only want the corespace-evolution
                do ireplica = 1, lenof_sign

                    call decide_num_to_spawn(parent_sign(ireplica), AvMCExcits, nspawn)
                    !call merge_spawn(nspawn,prefactor)
                    do ispawn = 1, nspawn

                        ! Zero the bit representation, to ensure no extraneous data gets through.
                        ilut_child = 0_n_int
                        call generate_excitation(nI_parent, CurrentDets(:, idet), nI_child, &
                                                 ilut_child, exFlag, ic, ex, tParity, prob, &
                                                 HElGen, fcimc_excit_gen_store)
                        ! If a valid excitation.
                        if (.not. IsNullDet(nI_child)) then

                            call encode_child(CurrentDets(:, idet), ilut_child, ic, ex)
                            ilut_child(IlutBits%ind_flag) = 0_n_int

                            if (tSemiStochastic) then
                                break = check_semistoch_flags(ilut_child, nI_child, part_type_to_run(ireplica), tParentIsDeterm)
                                if (break) cycle
                            end if

                            ! unbias if the number of spawns was truncated
                            child_sign = attempt_create(nI_parent, CurrentDets(:, idet), parent_sign, &
                                                        nI_child, ilut_child, prob, HElGen, ic, ex, tParity, &
                                                        ex_level_to_ref, ireplica, unused_sign, AvMCExcits, unused_rdm_real, 1.0_dp)
                            child_sign = prefactor * child_sign
                            child_sign = 0.0_dp
                        end if

                        ! If any (valid) children have been spawned.
                        if ((any(abs(child_sign) > EPS)) .and. (ic /= 0) .and. (ic <= 2)) then

                            ! not quite sure about how to collect the child
                            ! stats in the new rt-fciqmc ..
                            call new_child_stats_normal(second_spawn_iter_data, CurrentDets(:, idet), &
                                                 nI_child, ilut_child, ic, ex_level_to_ref, &
                                                 child_sign, parent_flags, ireplica)
                            call create_particle_with_hash_table(nI_child, ilut_child, child_sign, &
                                                                 ireplica, CurrentDets(:, idet), &
                                                                 second_spawn_iter_data, err)
                        end if ! If a child was spawned.

                    end do ! Over mulitple particles on same determinant.

                end do ! Over the replicas on the same determinant.
            end if
            ! If this is a core-space determinant then the death step is done in
            ! determ_projection.
            if (.not. tParentIsDeterm) then
                ! essentially have to treat the diagonal clone/death step like
                ! a spawning step and store the result into the spawned array..
!                 call walker_death_spawn ()!iter_data_fciqmc, nI_parent,  &
!                     ilut_parent, parent_hdiag, parent_sign, idet, ex_level_to_ref)

                ! also not quite sure how to do the child_stats here ...
                ! or in general for now in the rt-fciqmc
                ! have to write all new book-keeping routines i guess..
                ! i also have to change the sign convention here, since in
                ! the annihilation(and in the spawing routine above) the
                ! particles get merged with a + instead of the - in the
                ! original death routine for a "normal" death
                diag_sign = -attempt_die_realtime(parent_hdiag, &
                                                  parent_sign, ex_level_to_ref)
                if (any(abs(diag_sign) > EPS)) then
                    call create_diagonal_as_spawn(CurrentDets(:, idet), &
                                                  diag_sign, second_spawn_iter_data)
                end if

            end if

        end do ! Over all determinants.

        ! the deterministic time evoulution is performed here according to the
        ! RK scheme (annihilation is done separately as deterministic_annihilation)

        if (tSemiStochastic) call real_time_determ_projection()

    end subroutine second_real_time_spawn