send_proc_ex_djs Subroutine

public subroutine send_proc_ex_djs()




Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine send_proc_ex_djs()
        ! i also need a specific routint to send the excitations for
        ! the GUGA RDMs, otherwise this clutters up the det-based routines

        ! this routine is very similar to SendProcExcDjs in the rdm_explicit
        ! module. see there for comments

        integer :: i
        integer :: error, MaxSendIndex, MaxIndex
        integer(MPIArg) :: sendcounts(nProcessors), disps(nProcessors)
        integer(MPIArg) :: sing_recvcounts(nProcessors)
        integer(MPIArg) :: sing_recvdisps(nProcessors)
        integer(MPIArg) :: doub_recvcounts(nProcessors), doub_recvdisps(nProcessors)

        if (RDMExcitLevel == 1 .or. RDMExcitLevel == 3) then
            do i = 0, nProcessors - 1
                sendcounts(i + 1) = int(Sing_ExcList(i) - (nint(OneEl_Gap * i) + 1), MPIArg)
                disps(i + 1) = nint(OneEl_Gap * i, MPIArg)
            end do

            MaxSendIndex = Sing_ExcList(nProcessors - 1) - 1

            sing_recvcounts(1:nProcessors) = 0
            call MPIAlltoAll(sendcounts, 1, sing_recvcounts, 1, error)

            sing_recvdisps(1) = 0
            do i = 2, nProcessors
                sing_recvdisps(i) = sing_recvdisps(i - 1) + sing_recvcounts(i - 1)
            end do

            MaxIndex = sing_recvdisps(nProcessors) + sing_recvcounts(nProcessors)

            do i = 1, nProcessors
                sendcounts(i) = sendcounts(i) * (int(GugaBits%len_tot + 1, MPIArg))
                disps(i) = disps(i) * (int(GugaBits%len_tot + 1, MPIArg))
                sing_recvcounts(i) = sing_recvcounts(i) * (int(GugaBits%len_tot + 1, MPIArg))
                sing_recvdisps(i) = sing_recvdisps(i) * (int(GugaBits%len_tot + 1, MPIArg))
            end do

#ifdef USE_MPI
            call MPIAlltoAllv(Sing_ExcDjs(:, 1:MaxSendIndex), sendcounts, disps, &
                              Sing_ExcDjs2, sing_recvcounts, sing_recvdisps, error)
            Sing_ExcDjs2(0:GugaBits%len_tot, 1:MaxIndex) = Sing_ExcDjs(0:GugaBits%len_tot, 1:MaxSendIndex)

            ! and also write a new routine for the search of occ. dets
            call singles_search_guga(sing_recvcounts, sing_recvdisps)
        end if

        if (RDMExcitLevel /= 1) then

            do i = 0, nProcessors - 1
                ! Sendcounts is the number of singly excited determinants we
                ! want to send for each processor (but goes from 1, not 0).
                sendcounts(i + 1) = int(Doub_ExcList(i) - (nint(TwoEl_Gap * i) + 1), MPIArg)

                ! disps is the first slot for each processor - 1.
                disps(i + 1) = nint(TwoEl_Gap * i, MPIArg)
            end do

            MaxSendIndex = Doub_ExcList(nProcessors - 1) - 1

            ! We now need to calculate the recvcounts and recvdisps -
            ! this is a job for AlltoAll
            doub_recvcounts(1:nProcessors) = 0
            call MPIAlltoAll(sendcounts, 1, doub_recvcounts, 1, error)

            ! We can now get recvdisps from recvcounts, since we want the data
            ! to be contiguous after the move.
            doub_recvdisps(1) = 0
            do i = 2, nProcessors
                doub_recvdisps(i) = doub_recvdisps(i - 1) + doub_recvcounts(i - 1)
            end do

            MaxIndex = doub_recvdisps(nProcessors) + doub_recvcounts(nProcessors)
            ! But the actual number of integers we need to send is the
            ! calculated values * NIfTot+1.
            do i = 1, nProcessors
                sendcounts(i) = sendcounts(i) * (int(GugaBits%len_tot + 1, MPIArg))
                disps(i) = disps(i) * (int(GugaBits%len_tot + 1, MPIArg))
                doub_recvcounts(i) = doub_recvcounts(i) * (int(GugaBits%len_tot + 1, MPIArg))
                doub_recvdisps(i) = doub_recvdisps(i) * (int(GugaBits%len_tot + 1, MPIArg))
            end do

            ! This is the main send of all the single excitations to the
            ! corresponding processors.
#ifdef USE_MPI
            call MPIAlltoAllv(Doub_ExcDjs(:, 1:MaxSendIndex), sendcounts, disps, &
                              Doub_ExcDjs2, doub_recvcounts, doub_recvdisps, error)
            Doub_ExcDjs2(0:GugaBits%len_tot, 1:MaxIndex) = Doub_ExcDjs(0:GugaBits%len_tot, 1:MaxSendIndex)

            call doubles_search_guga(doub_recvcounts, doub_recvdisps)

        end if

    end subroutine send_proc_ex_djs