SendProcNewParts Subroutine

public subroutine SendProcNewParts(MaxIndex, tSingleProc)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(out) :: MaxIndex
logical, intent(in) :: tSingleProc


Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine SendProcNewParts(MaxIndex, tSingleProc)

        ! This routine is used for sending the determinants to the correct
        ! processors.

        integer, intent(out) :: MaxIndex
        logical, intent(in) :: tSingleProc

        integer :: i, error
        integer(MPIArg), dimension(nProcessors) :: sendcounts, disps, &
                                                   recvcounts, recvdisps
        integer :: MaxSendIndex
        integer(MPIArg) :: SpawnedPartsWidth

        if (tSingleProc) then
            ! Put all particles and gap on one proc.

            ! ValidSpawnedList(0:nNodes-1) indicates the next free index for each
            ! processor (for spawnees from this processor) i.e. the list of spawned
            ! particles has already been arranged so that newly spawned particles are
            ! grouped according to the processor they go to.

            ! sendcounts(1:) indicates the number of spawnees to send to each processor.
            ! disps(1:) is the index into the spawned list of the beginning of the list
            ! to send to each processor (0-based).
            sendcounts(1) = int(ValidSpawnedList(0) - 1, MPIArg)
            disps(1) = 0
            if (nNodes > 1) then
                sendcounts(2:nNodes) = 0
                ! n.b. work around PGI bug.
                do i = 2, nNodes
                    disps(i) = int(ValidSpawnedList(1), MPIArg)
                end do
            end if

            ! Distribute the gaps on all procs.
            do i = 0, nProcessors - 1
                if (NodeRoots(ProcNode(i)) == i) then
                    sendcounts(i + 1) = int(ValidSpawnedList(ProcNode(i)) - &
                                            InitialSpawnedSlots(ProcNode(i)), MPIArg)
                    ! disps is zero-based, but InitialSpawnedSlots is 1-based.
                    disps(i + 1) = int(InitialSpawnedSlots(ProcNode(i)) - 1, MPIArg)
                    sendcounts(i + 1) = 0
                    disps(i + 1) = disps(i)
                end if
            end do
        end if

        MaxSendIndex = ValidSpawnedList(nNodes - 1) - 1

        ! We now need to calculate the recvcounts and recvdisps - this is a
        ! job for AlltoAll
        recvcounts(1:nProcessors) = 0

        call MPIBarrier(error)
        call set_timer(Comms_Time, 30)

        call MPIAlltoAll(sendcounts, 1, recvcounts, 1, error)

        ! Set this global data - the total number of spawned determants.
        nspawned = sum(recvcounts)

        ! We can now get recvdisps from recvcounts, since we want the data to
        ! be contiguous after the move.
        recvdisps(1) = 0
        do i = 2, nProcessors
            recvdisps(i) = recvdisps(i - 1) + recvcounts(i - 1)
        end do
        MaxIndex = recvdisps(nProcessors) + recvcounts(nProcessors)

        SpawnedPartsWidth = int(size(SpawnedParts, 1), MPIArg)
        do i = 1, nProcessors
            recvdisps(i) = recvdisps(i) * SpawnedPartsWidth
            recvcounts(i) = recvcounts(i) * SpawnedPartsWidth
            sendcounts(i) = sendcounts(i) * SpawnedPartsWidth
            disps(i) = disps(i) * SpawnedPartsWidth
        end do

        ! Max index is the largest occupied index in the array of hashes to be
        ! ordered in each processor
        if (MaxIndex > (0.9_dp * MaxSpawned)) then
#ifdef DEBUG_
            write(stdout, *) MaxIndex, MaxSpawned
            write(stdout, *) 'On task ', iProcIndex, ': ', MaxIndex, MaxSpawned
            call Warning_neci("SendProcNewParts", "Maximum index of newly-spawned array is " &
            & //"close to maximum length after annihilation send. Increase MemoryFacSpawn")
        end if

        call MPIAlltoAllv(SpawnedParts, sendcounts, disps, SpawnedParts2, recvcounts, recvdisps, error)

        call halt_timer(Comms_Time)

    end subroutine SendProcNewParts