subroutine ShakeConstraints()
! DerivCoeff(k,a) is the unconstrained force on the original coefficients (CoeffT1(a,k)).
integer :: w, l, a, m, ShakeIteration, ConvergeCount, SymM, SymMin
real(dp) :: TotCorConstraints, TotConstraints, TotLambdas
real(dp) :: TotUncorForce, TotDiffUncorCoeffs, TotDiffCorCoeffs
logical :: tShakeNotConverged
integer, save :: shake_io
if (Iteration == 1) then
shake_io = get_free_unit()
open(shake_io, file='SHAKEstats', status='unknown')
write(shake_io, '(A20, 4A35, A20)') 'Shake Iteration', 'Sum Lambdas', 'Total of corrected forces', &
& 'Sum unconstrained constraints',&
&'Sum corrected constraints', 'Converge count'
end if
if (Mod(Iteration, 10) == 0) write(shake_io, *) 'Orbital rotation iteration = ', Iteration
ShakeIteration = 0
tShakeNotConverged = .true.
! Before we start iterating, take the current coefficients and find the derivative of the constraints with respect to them.
call CalcDerivConstr(CoeffT1, DerivConstrT1)
! Then find the coefficients at time t2, when moved by the completely unconstrained force and the values of the each
! constraint at these positions.
Correction(:, :) = 0.0_dp
call FindandUsetheForce(TotUncorForce, TotDiffUncorCoeffs, CoeffUncorT2)
call CalcConstraints(CoeffUncorT2, Constraint, TotConstraints)
call set_timer(Shake_Time, 30)
if (tShakeDelay) then
if (Iteration < ShakeStart) then
ShakeIterMax = 1
ShakeIterMax = ShakeIterInput
end if
end if
! Actually starting the calculation.
do while (tShakeNotConverged)
ShakeIteration = ShakeIteration + 1
ForceCorrect(:, :) = 0.0_dp ! Zeroing terms that are re-calculated each iteration.
CoeffCorT2(:, :) = 0.0_dp
ConstraintCor(:) = 0.0_dp
DerivConstrT2(:, :, :) = 0.0_dp
TotLambdas = 0.0_dp
TotCorrectedForce = 0.0_dp
TotDiffCorCoeffs = 0.0_dp
if (ShakeIteration /= 1) then
call UpdateLambdas()
end if
ShakeLambdaNew(:) = 0.0_dp
! For a particular set of coefficients cm:
! Force(corrected) = Force(uncorrected)-Lambdas.DerivConstrT1
! Use these derivatives, and the current lambdas to find the trial corrected force.
! Then use this to get the (trial) shifted coefficients.
! Use the lambdas of this iteration to calculate the correction to the force due to the constraints.
Correction(:, :) = 0.0_dp
do w = MinOccVirt, MaxOccVirt
if (w == 1) then
SymMin = 1
MinMZ = 1
if (tSeparateOccVirt) then
MaxMZ = NoOcc
MaxMZ = NoOrbs
end if
SymMin = 9
MinMZ = NoOcc + 1
MaxMZ = NoOrbs
end if
do m = MinMZ, MaxMZ
if (tStoreSpinOrbs) then
SymM = int(G1(SymLabelList2_rot(m))%sym%S)
SymM = int(G1(SymLabelList2_rot(m) * 2)%sym%S)
end if
do a = SymLabelCounts2_rot(1, SymM + SymMin), &
(SymLabelCounts2_rot(1, SymM + SymMin) + &
SymLabelCounts2_rot(2, SymM + SymMin) - 1)
do l = 1, TotNoConstraints
Correction(a, m) = Correction(a, m) + (ShakeLambda(l) * DerivConstrT1(a, m, l))
end do
end do
end do
end do
call FindandUsetheForce(TotCorrectedForce, TotDiffCorCoeffs, CoeffCorT2)
! Use these new shifted coefficients to calculate the derivative of the constraints
! (at time t2).
call CalcDerivConstr(CoeffCorT2, DerivConstrT2)
! Test for convergence, if convergence is reached, make the new coefficients the original ones to start the whole process again.
! Then exit out of this do loop and hence the subroutine.
call TestShakeConvergence(ConvergeCount, TotCorConstraints, ShakeIteration, tShakeNotConverged)
! If the convergence criteria is met, exit out of this subroutine, a rotation has been made which keeps the coefficients
! orthogonal.
! and to SHAKEstats file:
call neci_flush(stdout)
call neci_flush(shake_io)
if (Mod(Iteration, 10) == 0) then
write(shake_io, '(I20, 4F35.20, I20)') ShakeIteration, TotLambdas, TotCorrectedForce, TotConstraints, &
TotCorConstraints, ConvergeCount
end if
! If the convergence criteria is not met, use either the full matrix inversion method to
!find a new set of lambdas, or the shake algorithm
! (in which case SHAKEAPPROX is required in the system block of the input).
if (tShakeApprox .and. tShakeNotConverged) then
call ShakeApproximation()
else if (tShakeNotConverged) then
call FullShake()
DistCs = TotDiffCorCoeffs
end if
end do
call halt_timer(Shake_Time)
end subroutine ShakeConstraints