sltcnd_2_kernel_ua_3b Function

private function sltcnd_2_kernel_ua_3b(nI, exc) result(hel)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel)
type(Excite_2_t), intent(in) :: exc

Return Value real(kind=dp)


Source Code

Source Code

    function sltcnd_2_kernel_ua_3b(nI, exc) result(hel)
        integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel)
        type(Excite_2_t), intent(in) :: exc
        HElement_t(dp) :: hel
        integer :: id(2, 2), ex(2, 2)
        ! Obtain spatial rather than spin indices if required
        id = exc%val
        ex = exc%val

        hel = (0)
        if (G1(ex(1, 1))%Ms == G1(ex(1, 2))%Ms) then
            if (tReltvy .or. ((G1(ex(2, 1))%Ms == G1(ex(2, 2))%Ms) .and. &
                              (G1(ex(1, 1))%Ms == G1(ex(2, 2))%Ms))) then
                hel = get_contact_umat_el_3b_sp(id(1, 1), id(1, 2), id(2, 1), id(2, 2)) - &
                      get_contact_umat_el_3b_sp(id(1, 1), id(1, 2), id(2, 2), id(2, 1))
            end if
            ! We have an additional sign factor due to the exchange of the creation
            ! operators:
            !a_(p-k)^+ a_(s+k)^+ a_q^+ a_q a_s a_p -> -a_q^+ a_(s+k)^+ a_(p-k)^+ a_q a_s a_p
            !a_(p-k)^+ a_(s+k)^+ a_q^+ a_q a_s a_p -> -a_(p-k)^+ a_q^+ a_(s+k)^+ a_q a_s a_p
            if (tReltvy .or. ((G1(ex(1, 1))%Ms == G1(ex(2, 1))%Ms) .and. &
                              (G1(ex(1, 2))%Ms == G1(ex(2, 2))%Ms))) then
                hel = -get_contact_umat_el_3b_sap(id(1, 1), id(1, 2), id(2, 1), id(2, 2), nI)
            end if
            if (tReltvy .or. ((G1(ex(1, 1))%Ms == G1(ex(2, 2))%Ms) .and. &
                              (G1(ex(1, 2))%Ms == G1(Ex(2, 1))%Ms))) then
                hel = hel + get_contact_umat_el_3b_sap(id(1, 1), id(1, 2), id(2, 2), id(2, 1), nI)
            end if
        end if

    end function sltcnd_2_kernel_ua_3b