Standalone_Errors Subroutine

public subroutine Standalone_Errors()




Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine Standalone_Errors()
        use sym_mod, only: getsym
        USE MolproPlugin, only: MolproPluginResult
        real(dp) :: mean_ProjE_re, mean_ProjE_im, mean_Shift
        real(dp) :: ProjE_Err_re, ProjE_Err_im, Shift_Err
        logical :: tNoProjEValue, tNoShiftValue
        integer :: iroot, isymh
        TYPE(BasisFn) RefSym
        HElement_t(dp) :: h_tmp
        real(dp) :: Hii, BestEnergy, EnergyDiff

        !Automatic error analysis
        call error_analysis(tSinglePartPhase(1), iBlockingIter(1), mean_ProjE_re, ProjE_Err_re, &
                            mean_ProjE_im, ProjE_Err_im, mean_Shift, Shift_Err, tNoProjEValue, tNoShiftValue, &
                            equilshift=iBlockEquilShift, equilproje=iBlockEquilProjE)
        call MPIBCast(ProjectionE)
        call MPIBCast(mean_ProjE_re)
        call MPIBCast(ProjE_Err_re)
        call MPIBCast(mean_ProjE_im)
        call MPIBCast(ProjE_Err_im)
        call MPIBCast(mean_Shift)
        call MPIBCast(Shift_Err)
        call MPIBCast(tNoProjEValue)
        call MPIBCast(tNoShiftValue)

        h_tmp = get_helement(FDet, FDet, 0)
        Hii = real(h_tmp, dp)

        iroot = 1
        CALL GetSym(FDet, NEl, G1, NBasisMax, RefSym)
        isymh = int(RefSym%Sym%S) + 1
        write(stdout, 10101) iroot, isymh
10101   format(//'RESULTS FOR STATE', i2, '.', i1/'====================='/)
        write(stdout, '('' Current reference energy'',T52,F19.12)') Hii
        if (tNoProjEValue) then
            write(stdout, '('' No projected energy value could be obtained'',T52)')
            write(stdout, '('' Projected correlation energy'',T52,F19.12)') mean_ProjE_re
            write(stdout, '('' Estimated error in Projected correlation energy'',T52,F19.12)') ProjE_Err_re
        end if
        if (lenof_sign == 2 .and. inum_runs == 1) then
            write(stdout, '('' Projected imaginary energy'',T52,F19.12)') mean_ProjE_im
            write(stdout, '('' Estimated error in Projected imaginary energy'',T52,F19.12)') ProjE_Err_im
        end if
        if (tNoShiftValue) then
            write(stdout, '('' No shift energy value could be obtained'',T52)')
            write(stdout, '('' Shift correlation energy'',T52,F19.12)') mean_Shift
            write(stdout, '('' Estimated error in shift correlation energy'',T52,F19.12)') shift_err
        end if

        !Do shift and projected energy agree?
        write(stdout, "(A)")
        if (tNoProjEValue .and. tNoShiftValue) return
        EnergyDiff = abs(mean_Shift - mean_ProjE_re)
        if (EnergyDiff <= sqrt(shift_err**2 + ProjE_Err_re**2)) then
            write(stdout, "(A,F15.8)") " Projected and shift energy estimates agree " &
                & //"within errorbars: EDiff = ", EnergyDiff
        else if (EnergyDiff <= sqrt((max(shift_err, ProjE_Err_re) * 2)**2 + min(shift_err, ProjE_Err_re)**2)) then
            write(stdout, "(A,F15.8)") " Projected and shift energy estimates agree to within two sigma " &
                & //"of largest error: EDiff = ", EnergyDiff
            write(stdout, "(A,F15.8)") " Projected and shift energy estimates do not agree to " &
                & //"within approximate errorbars: EDiff = ", EnergyDiff
        end if
        if (ProjE_Err_re < shift_err) then
            BestEnergy = mean_ProjE_re + Hii
            BestEnergy = mean_shift + Hii
        end if
        write(stdout, "(A)")
        write(stdout, "(A,F20.8,A,G15.6)") " Total projected energy ", &
            mean_ProjE_re + Hii, " +/- ", ProjE_Err_re
        write(stdout, "(A,F20.8,A,G15.6)") " Total shift energy     ", &
            mean_shift + Hii, " +/- ", shift_err

        CALL MolproPluginResult('ENERGY', [BestEnergy])
        CALL MolproPluginResult('FCIQMC_ERR', [min(ProjE_Err_re, shift_err)])
        write(stdout, "(/)")

    end subroutine Standalone_Errors