SumEContrib Subroutine

public subroutine SumEContrib(nI, ExcitLevel, RealwSign, ilut, HDiagCurr, HOffDiagCurr, dProbFin, tPairedReplicas, ind)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel)
integer, intent(in) :: ExcitLevel
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: RealwSign(lenof_sign)
integer(kind=n_int), intent(in) :: ilut(0:NIfTot)
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: HDiagCurr
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: HOffDiagCurr
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: dProbFin
logical, intent(in) :: tPairedReplicas
integer, intent(in), optional :: ind


Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine SumEContrib(nI, ExcitLevel, RealWSign, ilut, HDiagCurr, &
                           HOffDiagCurr, dProbFin, tPairedReplicas, ind)

        use CalcData, only: qmc_trial_wf
        use searching, only: get_con_amp_trial_space
        use guga_excitations, only: calc_off_diag_guga_ref_direct

        integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel), ExcitLevel
        real(dp), intent(in) :: RealwSign(lenof_sign)
        integer(n_int), intent(in) :: ilut(0:NIfTot)
        real(dp), intent(in) :: HDiagCurr, dProbFin
        HElement_t(dp), intent(in) :: HOffDiagCurr
        logical, intent(in) :: tPairedReplicas
        integer, intent(in), optional :: ind

        integer :: i, ExcitLevel_local, ExcitLevelSpinCoup
        integer :: run, tmp_exlevel, step
        HElement_t(dp) :: HOffDiag(inum_runs), tmp_off_diag(inum_runs), tmp_diff(inum_runs)
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'SumEContrib'

#ifdef CMPLX_
        complex(dp) :: CmplxwSign

        real(dp), allocatable :: amps(:)
        real(dp) :: w(0:2)

        if (allocated(current_trial_amps)) allocate (amps(size(current_trial_amps, 1)))

        if (tReplicaReferencesDiffer) then
            call SumEContrib_different_refs(nI, realWSign, ilut, dProbFin, tPairedReplicas, ind)
        end if

        HOffDiag = 0.0_dp

        ! Add in the contributions to the numerator and denominator of the trial
        ! estimator, if it is being used.
#ifdef CMPLX_
        CmplxwSign = ARR_RE_OR_CPLX(realwsign, 1)

        if (tTrialWavefunction .and. present(ind)) then
            if (test_flag(ilut, flag_trial)) then
                if (ntrial_excits == 1) then
                    trial_denom = trial_denom + conjg(current_trial_amps(1, ind)) * CmplxwSign
                    ! this does somehow not support kmneci
                    if (test_flag(ilut, get_initiator_flag_by_run(1))) &
                        init_trial_denom = init_trial_denom + conjg( &
                                           current_trial_amps(1, ind)) * CmplxwSign
                else if (ntrial_excits == lenof_sign) then
                    call stop_all(this_routine, 'ntrial_excits has to be 1 currently for complex')
                end if

                if (qmc_trial_wf) then
                    call stop_all(this_routine, 'qmc_trial_wf currently not implemented for complex')
                end if
            else if (test_flag(ilut, flag_connected)) then
                if (ntrial_excits == 1) then
                    trial_numerator = trial_numerator + conjg(current_trial_amps(1, ind)) * cmplxwsign
                    if (test_flag(ilut, get_initiator_flag_by_run(1))) &
                        init_trial_numerator = init_trial_numerator + conjg( &
                                               current_trial_amps(1, ind)) * CmplxwSign
                else if (ntrial_excits == lenof_sign) then
                    call stop_all(this_routine, 'ntrial_excits has to be 1 currently for complex')
                end if
            end if
        end if
        if (tTrialWavefunction .and. present(ind)) then
            if (test_flag(ilut, flag_trial)) then
                if (ntrial_excits == 1) then
                    trial_denom = trial_denom + current_trial_amps(1, ind) * RealwSign
                    trial_denom_inst = trial_denom_inst + current_trial_amps(1, ind) * RealwSign
                    do run = 1, inum_runs
                        if (test_flag(ilut, get_initiator_flag_by_run(run))) &
                            init_trial_denom(run) = init_trial_denom(run) + &
                                                    current_trial_amps(1, ind) * RealwSign(run)
                    end do
                else if (ntrial_excits == lenof_sign) then
                    trial_denom = trial_denom + current_trial_amps(:, ind) * RealwSign
                    trial_denom_inst = trial_denom_inst + current_trial_amps(:, ind) * RealwSign
                    do run = 1, inum_runs
                        if (test_flag(ilut, get_initiator_flag_by_run(run))) &
                            init_trial_denom(run) = init_trial_denom(run) + &
                                                    current_trial_amps(run, ind) * RealwSign(run)
                    end do
                end if

                if (qmc_trial_wf) then
                    call get_con_amp_trial_space(ilut, amps)

                    if (ntrial_excits == 1) then
                        trial_numerator = trial_numerator + amps(1) * RealwSign
                        do run = 1, inum_runs
                            if (test_flag(ilut, get_initiator_flag_by_run(run))) &
                                init_trial_numerator(run) = init_trial_numerator(run) + &
                                                            amps(1) * RealwSign(run)
                        end do
                    else if (ntrial_excits == lenof_sign) then
                        trial_numerator = trial_numerator + amps * RealwSign
                        do run = 1, inum_runs
                            if (test_flag(ilut, get_initiator_flag_by_run(run))) &
                                init_trial_numerator(run) = init_trial_numerator(run) + &
                                                            amps(run) * RealwSign(run)
                        end do
                    end if
                end if

            else if (test_flag(ilut, flag_connected)) then
                ! Note, only attempt to add in a contribution from the
                ! connected space if we're not also in the trial space.
                if (ntrial_excits == 1) then
                    trial_numerator = trial_numerator + current_trial_amps(1, ind) * RealwSign
                    trial_num_inst = trial_num_inst + current_trial_amps(1, ind) * RealwSign
                    do run = 1, inum_runs
                        if (test_flag(ilut, get_initiator_flag_by_run(run))) &
                            ! this is the real case, so inum_runs == lenof_sign
                            init_trial_numerator(run) = init_trial_numerator(run) + &
                                                        current_trial_amps(1, ind) * RealwSign(run)
                    end do
                else if (ntrial_excits == lenof_sign) then
                    trial_numerator = trial_numerator + current_trial_amps(:, ind) * RealwSign
                    trial_num_inst = trial_num_inst + current_trial_amps(:, ind) * RealwSign
                    do run = 1, inum_runs
                        if (test_flag(ilut, get_initiator_flag_by_run(run))) &
                            init_trial_numerator(run) = init_trial_numerator(run) + &
                                                        current_trial_amps(run, ind) * RealwSign(run)
                    end do
                end if
            end if
        end if

        ! ExcitLevel indicates the excitation level between the det and
        ! *one* of the determinants in an HPHF/MomInv function. If needed,
        ! calculate the connection between it and the other one. If either
        ! is connected, then it has to be counted. Since the excitation
        ! level is the same to either det, we don't need to consider the
        ! spin-coupled det of both reference and current HPHFs.
        ! For determinants, set ExcitLevel_local == ExcitLevel.
        ExcitLevel_local = ExcitLevel
        if (tSpinCoupProjE(1) .and. (ExcitLevel /= 0)) then
            ExcitLevelSpinCoup = FindBitExcitLevel(iLutRefFlip(:, 1), &
                                                   ilut, 2)
            if (ExcitLevelSpinCoup <= 2 .or. ExcitLevel <= 2) &
                ExcitLevel_local = 2
        end if

        ! this is the first important change to make the triples run!!
        ! consider the matrix elements of triples!

        ! for the real-time i have to distinguish between the first and
        ! second RK step, if i want to keep track of the statistics
        ! seperately: in the first loop i analyze the the wavefunction
        ! from on step behind.. so store it in the "normal" noathf var
        if (ExcitLevel_local == 0) then
            if (.not. t_real_time_fciqmc .or. runge_kutta_step == 2) then
                HFCyc(1:lenof_sign) = HFCyc(1:lenof_sign) + RealwSign
                HFOut(1:lenof_sign) = HFOut(1:lenof_sign) + RealwSign
                NoatHF(1:lenof_sign) = NoatHF(1:lenof_sign) + RealwSign
                if (iter > NEquilSteps) then
                    SumNoatHF(1:lenof_sign) = SumNoatHF(1:lenof_sign) + RealwSign
                end if
            end if
        end if

        ! Perform normal projection onto reference determinant
        if (t_adjoint_replicas) then
            if (      ExcitLevel_local == 2 &
                .or. (ExcitLevel_local == 1 .and. tNoBrillouin) &
                .or. (ExcitLevel_local == 3 &
                    .and. (t_3_body_excits .or. t_ueg_3_body .or. t_mol_3_body))) then
                ! Obtain off-diagonal element
                do run = 1, inum_runs
                    if(t_evolve_adjoint(part_type_to_run(run))) then
                        HOffDiag(run) = &
                            get_helement(ProjEDet(:, 1), nI, ExcitLevel, ilutRef(:, 1), ilut)
                        HOffDiag(run) = &
                            get_helement(nI, ProjEDet(:,1), ExcitLevel, ilut,  ilutRef(:, 1))
                    end if
                end do
            end if
            HOffDiag(1:inum_runs) = HOffDiagCurr

        ! For the real-space Hubbard model, determinants are only
        ! connected to excitations one level away, and Brillouins
        ! theorem cannot hold.
        ! For Rotated orbitals, Brillouins theorem also cannot hold,
        ! and energy contributions from walkers on singly excited
        ! determinants must also be included in the energy values
        ! along with the doubles
        ! RT_M_Merge: Adjusted to kmneci
        ! rmneci_setup: Added multirun functionality for real-time
        if (ExcitLevel_local == 2) then
            do run = 1, inum_runs
                if (.not. t_real_time_fciqmc .or. runge_kutta_step == 2) then
#if defined(CMPLX_)
                    NoatDoubs(run) = NoatDoubs(run) + sum(abs(RealwSign &
                    NoatDoubs(run) = NoatDoubs(run) + abs(RealwSign(run))
                end if
            end do
        end if

        ! L_{0,1,2} norms of walker weights by excitation level.
        if (tLogEXLEVELStats) then
            do run = 1, inum_runs
#ifdef CMPLX_
                w(0) = real(1 + max_part_type(run) - min_part_type(run), dp)
                w(1) = sum(abs(RealwSign(min_part_type(run): &
                w(2) = sum(RealwSign(min_part_type(run): &
                w(0) = 1_dp
                w(1) = abs(RealwSign(run))
                w(2) = RealwSign(run)**2
                EXLEVEL_WNorm(0:2, ExcitLevel_local, run) = &
                    EXLEVEL_WNorm(0:2, ExcitLevel_local, run) + w(0:2)
            end do ! run
        end if ! tLogEXLEVELStats

        ! if in the real-time fciqmc: when we are in the 2nd loop
        ! return here since, the energy got already calculated in the
        ! first RK step, and doing it on the intermediate step would
        ! be meaningless

        ! Sum in energy contribution
        do run = 1, inum_runs
            if (iter > NEquilSteps) then
                SumENum(run) = SumENum(run) + enum_contrib()
            end if
            ENumCyc(run) = ENumCyc(run) + enum_contrib()
            ENumOut(run) = ENumOut(run) + enum_contrib()
            ENumCycAbs(run) = ENumCycAbs(run) + abs(enum_contrib())
            if (test_flag(ilut, get_initiator_flag_by_run(run))) then
                InitsENumCyc(run) = InitsENumCyc(run) + enum_contrib()
            end if
        end do

        ! -----------------------------------
        ! -----------------------------------

        if ((tHistSpawn .or. (tCalcFCIMCPsi .and. tFCIMC)) .and. &
            (iter >= NHistEquilSteps)) then
            ! Histogram particles by determinant
            call add_hist_spawn(ilut, RealwSign, ExcitLevel_local, dProbFin)
        else if (tHistEnergies) then
            ! Histogram particles by energy
            call add_hist_energies(ilut, RealwSign, HDiagCurr)
        end if

        ! Maintain a list of the degree of occupation of each orbital
        if (tPrintOrbOcc .and. (iter >= StartPrintOrbOcc)) then
            if (iter == StartPrintOrbOcc .and. &
                DetBitEq(ilut, ilutHF, nifd)) then
                write(stdout, *) 'Beginning to fill the HF orbital occupation list &
                           &during iteration', iter
                if (tPrintOrbOccInit) &
                    write(stdout, *) 'Only doing so for initiator determinants'
            end if
            if ((tPrintOrbOccInit .and. test_flag(ilut, get_initiator_flag(1))) &
                .or. .not. tPrintOrbOccInit) then
                forall (i=1:nel) OrbOccs(nI(i)) &
                    = OrbOccs(nI(i)) + (RealwSign(1) * RealwSign(1))
            end if
        end if

        function enum_contrib() result(dE)
            HElement_t(dp) :: dE

            dE = (HOffDiag(run) * ARR_RE_OR_CPLX(RealwSign, run)) / dProbFin
        end function enum_contrib

    end subroutine SumEContrib