SymConj Function

public elemental function SymConj(s2)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(Symmetry), intent(in) :: s2

Return Value type(Symmetry)


Source Code

Source Code

    elemental FUNCTION SymConj(s2)
        type(symmetry), intent(in) :: s2
        TYPE(Symmetry) s, SymConj
        INTEGER i, AbelConj(3)
        if (TAbelian) then
            IF (TwoCycleSymGens) THEN
!For molecular systems, we only have symmetry generators which are two cycles, and so the inverse of
!a symmetry is simply itself.

                SymConj%s = s2%s
! K-point symmetry has k_-i=k_i.  We store k-vectors from 0
! to N rather than -N/2 to N.  Hence k_-i=mod(-k_i+N,N) for
! each component of the vector.
! This also works for abelian groups made out of symmetry
! generators which are 2-cycles
                call DecomposeAbelianSym(s2%s, AbelConj)
                do i = 1, 3
                    AbelConj(i) = modulo(-AbelConj(i) + NProp(i), NProp(i))
                end do
                SymConj%s = ComposeAbelianSym(AbelConj)

            end if
            SymConj%s = 0
            s = s2
            i = 1
            DO WHILE (s%s /= 0)
                ! 1_8 is 1 in integer(int64): we need to have consistent
                ! kinds for bit-wise operations.
                IF (BTEST(s%s, 0)) SymConj%s = IOR(SymConj%s, ISHFT(1_int64, int(SymConjTab(I) - 1, int64)))
                s%s = ISHFT(s%s, -1)
                i = i + 1
            end do
        end if