test_excitation_generator Subroutine

public subroutine test_excitation_generator(sampleSize, pTot, pNull, numEx, nFound, t_calc_pgen, start_nI)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: sampleSize
real(kind=dp), intent(out) :: pTot
real(kind=dp), intent(out) :: pNull
integer, intent(out) :: numEx
integer, intent(out) :: nFound
logical, intent(in) :: t_calc_pgen
integer, intent(in), optional :: start_nI(nEl)


Source Code

    subroutine test_excitation_generator(sampleSize, pTot, pNull, numEx, nFound, t_calc_pgen, start_nI)
        ! Test an excitation generator by creating a large number of excitations and
        ! compare the generated excits with a precomputed list of all excitations
        ! We thus make sure that
        !   a) all possible excitations are generated with some weight
        !   b) no invalid excitations are obtained
        integer, intent(in) :: sampleSize
        real(dp), intent(out) :: pTot, pNull
        integer, intent(out) :: numEx, nFound
        logical, intent(in) :: t_calc_pgen
        integer, intent(in), optional :: start_nI(nEl)
        integer :: nI(nel), nJ(nel)
        integer :: i, ex(2, maxExcit), exflag
        integer(n_int) :: ilut(0:NIfTot), ilutJ(0:NIfTot)
        real(dp) :: pgen
        logical :: tPar, tAllExFound, tFound
        integer :: j, nSingles, nDoubles
        integer(n_int), allocatable :: allEx(:, :)
        real(dp) :: pgenArr(lenof_sign)
        real(dp) :: matel, matelN, pgenCalc
        logical :: exDoneDouble(0:nBasis, 0:nBasis, 0:nBasis, 0:nBasis)
        logical :: exDoneSingle(0:nBasis, 0:nBasis)
        integer :: ic, part, nullExcits
        integer :: ClassCountOcc(scratchSize), ClassCountUnocc(scratchSize)
        integer(int64) :: start, finish, rate
        character(*), parameter :: t_r = "test_excitation_generator"
        HElement_t(dp) :: HEl
        exDoneDouble = .false.
        exDoneSingle = .false.
        call system_clock(count_rate=rate)

        ! some starting det - do NOT use the reference for the pcpp test, that would
        ! defeat the purpose
        if (present(start_nI)) then
            nI = start_nI
            do i = 1, nel
                if (2 * i < nBasis) then
                    nI(i) = 2 * i - mod(i, 2)
                    nI(i) = i
                end if
            end do
            call sort(nI)
        end if

        call EncodeBitDet(nI, ilut)

        exflag = 3
        ex = 0
        ! create a list of all singles and doubles for reference
        call CountExcitations3(nI, exflag, nSingles, nDoubles)
        allocate(allEx(0:(NIfTot + 1), nSingles + nDoubles), source=0_n_int)
        numEx = 0
        tAllExFound = .false.
            call GenExcitations3(nI, ilut, nJ, exflag, ex(:,1:2), tPar, tAllExFound, .false.)
            if (tAllExFound) exit
            call encodeBitDet(nJ, ilutJ)
            numEx = numEx + 1
            allEx(0:nifd, numEx) = ilutJ(0:nifd)
        end do
        call sort(nI)

        write(stdout, *) "In total", numEx, "excits, (", nSingles, nDoubles, ")"
        write(stdout, *) "Exciting from", nI

        call EncodeBitDet(nI, ilut)

        ! set the biases for excitation generation
        pParallel = 0.5_dp
        pSingles = 0.1_dp
        pDoubles = 0.9_dp
        pNull = 0.0_dp
        nullExcits = 0
        call system_clock(start)
        do i = 1, sampleSize
            fcimc_excit_gen_store%tFilled = .false.
            call generate_excitation(nI, ilut, nJ, ilutJ, exFlag, ic, ex, tPar, pgen, HEl, fcimc_excit_gen_store, part)
            ! lookup the excitation
            tFound = .false.
            do j = 1, numEx
                if (DetBitEQ(ilutJ, allEx(:, j))) then
                    pgenArr = pgen
                    call encode_sign(allEx(:, j), pgenArr)
                    ! increase its counter by 1
                    allEx(NIfTot + 1, j) = allEx(NIfTot + 1, j) + 1
                    tFound = .true.
                end if
            end do
            ! if it was not found, and is not marked as invalid, we have a problem: this is not
            ! an excitaion
            if (.not. tFound .and. .not. nJ(1) == 0) then
                call decode_bit_det(nJ, ilutJ)
                write(stdout, *) "Created excitation", nJ
                call stop_all(t_r, "Error: Invalid excitation")
            end if
            ! check if the generated excitation is invalid, if it is, mark this specific constellation
            ! so we do not double-count when calculating pNull
            if (nJ(1) == 0) then
                nullExcits = nullExcits + 1
                if (ic == 2) then
                    if (.not. exDoneDouble(ex(1, 1), ex(1, 2), ex(2, 1), ex(2, 2))) then
                        exDoneDouble(ex(1, 1), ex(1, 2), ex(2, 1), ex(2, 2)) = .true.
                        pNull = pNull + pgen
                    end if
                else if (ic == 1) then
                    if (.not. exDoneSingle(ex(1, 1), ex(1, 2))) then
                        exDoneSingle(ex(1, 1), ex(1, 2)) = .true.
                        pNull = pNull + pgen
                    end if
                end if
            end if
        end do
        call system_clock(finish)

        ! check that all excits have been generated and all pGens are right
        ! probability normalization
        pTot = pNull
        matelN = 0.0
        do i = 1, numEx
            call decode_bit_det(nJ, allEx(:, i))
            matelN = matelN + abs(get_helement(nI, nJ))
        end do
        nFound = 0
        ! class counts might be required for comparing the pgen
        call construct_class_counts(nI, classCountOcc, classCountUnocc)
        do i = 1, numEx
            call extract_sign(allEx(:, i), pgenArr)
            call decode_bit_det(nJ, allEx(:, i))
            matel = get_helement(nI, nJ)
            if (pgenArr(1) > eps) then
                nFound = nFound + 1
                write(stdout, *) i, pgenArr(1), real(allEx(NIfTot + 1, i)) / real(sampleSize), &
                    abs(matel) / (pgenArr(1) * matelN)
                ! compare the stored pgen to the directly computed one
                if (t_calc_pgen) then
                    if (i > nSingles) then
                        ic = 2
                        ic = 1
                    end if
                    ex(1, 1) = 2
                    call getBitExcitation(ilut, allEx(:, i), ex, tPar)
                    pgenCalc = calc_pgen(nI, ilut, ex, ic, ClassCountOcc, ClassCountUnocc)
                    if (abs(pgenArr(1) - pgenCalc) > eps) then
                        write(stdout, *) "Stored: ", pgenArr(1), "calculated:", pgenCalc
                        write(stdout, *) "For excit", nJ
                        call stop_all(t_r, "Incorrect pgen")
                    end if
                end if
                ! excitations with zero matrix element are not required to be found
                if (abs(matel) < eps) then
                    nFound = nFound + 1
                else if (i < nSingles) then
                    write(stdout, *) "Unfound single excitation", nJ
                    write(stdout, *) "Unfound double excitation", nJ, matel
                end if
            end if
            pTot = pTot + pgenArr(1)
        end do
        write(stdout, *) "Total prob. ", pTot
        write(stdout, *) "pNull ", pNull
        write(stdout, *) "Null ratio", nullExcits / real(sampleSize)
        write(stdout, *) "In total", numEx, "excitations"
        write(stdout, *) "With", nSingles, "single excitation"
        write(stdout, *) "Found", nFound, "excitations"
        write(stdout, *) 'Elapsed Time in seconds:', dble(finish - start) / dble(rate)
        write(stdout, *) 'Elapsed Time in micro seconds per excitation:', dble(finish - start) * 1e6_dp / dble(sampleSize* rate)

    end subroutine test_excitation_generator