subroutine TestForConvergence()
! This just tests the convergence on the grounds that the force is
! smaller that the input parameter: ConvergedForce
if (tLagrange) then
if ((abs(Force) < ConvergedForce) .and. (abs(OrthoForce) < ConvergedForce)) then
tNotConverged = .false.
end if
else if (tROIteration) then
if (Iteration == ROIterMax) then
tNotConverged = .false.
end if
else if (abs(TotCorrectedForce) < ConvergedForce) then
tNotConverged = .false.
end if
! if an ROIteration value is specified, use this to specify the end of the orbital rotation, otherwise use the
! conversion limit (ConvergedForce).
end subroutine TestForConvergence