subroutine update_tau()
real(dp) :: psingles_new, tau_new, mpi_tmp, tau_death, pParallel_new, pTriples_new
real(dp) :: pSing_spindiff1_new, pDoub_spindiff1_new, pDoub_spindiff2_new
logical :: mpi_ltmp
character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "update_tau"
real(dp) :: gamma_sum
ASSERT(tau_search_method == possible_tau_search_methods%CONVENTIONAL)
! default value for pTriples_new
pTriples_new = pTriples
! What needs doing depends on the number of parameters that are being
! updated.
associate(t_s => tau_search_stats)
call MPIAllLORLogical(t_s%enough_sing, mpi_ltmp)
t_s%enough_sing = mpi_ltmp
call MPIAllLORLogical(t_s%enough_doub, mpi_ltmp)
t_s%enough_doub = mpi_ltmp
call MPIAllLORLogical(t_s%enough_trip, mpi_ltmp)
t_s%enough_trip = mpi_ltmp
! Only considering a direct singles/doubles/triples bias
call MPIAllReduce(t_s%gamma_sing, MPI_MAX, mpi_tmp)
t_s%gamma_sing = mpi_tmp
call MPIAllReduce(t_s%gamma_doub, MPI_MAX, mpi_tmp)
t_s%gamma_doub = mpi_tmp
if (is_nan(t_s%gamma_trip)) then
t_s%gamma_trip = 0._dp
call MPIAllReduce(t_s%gamma_trip, MPI_MAX, mpi_tmp)
t_s%gamma_trip = mpi_tmp
end if
if (tReltvy) then
call MPIAllReduce(t_s%gamma_sing_spindiff1, MPI_MAX, mpi_tmp)
t_s%gamma_sing_spindiff1 = mpi_tmp
call MPIAllReduce(t_s%gamma_doub_spindiff1, MPI_MAX, mpi_tmp)
t_s%gamma_doub_spindiff1 = mpi_tmp
call MPIAllReduce(t_s%gamma_doub_spindiff2, MPI_MAX, mpi_tmp)
t_s%gamma_doub_spindiff2 = mpi_tmp
gamma_sum = t_s%gamma_sing + t_s%gamma_sing_spindiff1 + t_s%gamma_doub + t_s%gamma_doub_spindiff1 + t_s%gamma_doub_spindiff2
gamma_sum = t_s%gamma_sing + t_s%gamma_doub
end if
if (consider_par_bias) then
if (.not. tReltvy) then
call MPIAllReduce(t_s%gamma_sing, MPI_MAX, mpi_tmp)
t_s%gamma_sing = mpi_tmp
call MPIAllReduce(t_s%gamma_opp, MPI_MAX, mpi_tmp)
t_s%gamma_opp = mpi_tmp
call MPIAllReduce(t_s%gamma_par, MPI_MAX, mpi_tmp)
t_s%gamma_par = mpi_tmp
call MPIAllLORLogical(t_s%enough_opp, mpi_ltmp)
t_s%enough_opp = mpi_ltmp
call MPIAllLORLogical(t_s%enough_par, mpi_ltmp)
t_s%enough_par = mpi_ltmp
if (t_s%enough_sing .and. t_s%enough_doub) then
pparallel_new = t_s%gamma_par / (t_s%gamma_opp + t_s%gamma_par)
psingles_new = t_s%gamma_sing * pparallel_new &
/ (t_s%gamma_par + t_s%gamma_sing * pparallel_new)
tau_new = psingles_new * MaxWalkerBloom &
/ t_s%gamma_sing
pparallel_new = pParallel
psingles_new = pSingles
if (t_s%gamma_sing > EPS .and. t_s%gamma_par > EPS .and. t_s%gamma_opp > EPS) then
tau_new = MaxWalkerBloom * &
min(pSingles / t_s%gamma_sing, &
min(pDoubles * pParallel / t_s%gamma_par, &
pDoubles * (1.0 - pParallel) / t_s%gamma_opp))
! if no spawns happened, do nothing
tau_new = tau
end if
end if
! checking for triples
if (t_s%enough_trip) then
pTriples_new = t_s%gamma_trip / (t_s%gamma_par + t_s%gamma_sing * pparallel_new + t_s%gamma_trip)
end if
! We only want to update the opposite spins bias here, as we only
! consider it here!
if (t_s%enough_opp .and. t_s%enough_par) then
if (abs(pParallel_new - pParallel) / pParallel > 0.0001_dp) then
root_print "Updating parallel-spin bias; new pParallel = ", &
end if
pParallel = pParallel_new
end if
call stop_all(this_routine, "Parallel bias is incompatible with magnetic excitation classes")
end if
! Get the probabilities and tau that correspond to the stored
! values
if ((tUEG .or. t_s%enough_sing) .and. t_s%enough_doub) then
psingles_new = max(t_s%gamma_sing / gamma_sum, prob_min_thresh)
if (t_s%enough_trip) pTriples_new = max(t_s%gamma_trip / &
(gamma_sum + t_s%gamma_trip), prob_min_thresh)
if (tReltvy) then
pSing_spindiff1_new = t_s%gamma_sing_spindiff1 / gamma_sum
pDoub_spindiff1_new = t_s%gamma_doub_spindiff1 / gamma_sum
pDoub_spindiff2_new = t_s%gamma_doub_spindiff2 / gamma_sum
end if
tau_new = MaxWalkerBloom / gamma_sum
else if (t_new_real_space_hubbard .and. t_s%enough_sing .and. &
(t_trans_corr_2body .or. t_trans_corr)) then
! for the transcorrelated real-space hubbard we could
! actually also adapt the time-step!!
! but psingles stays 1
psingles_new = pSingles
tau_new = MaxWalkerBloom / gamma_sum
psingles_new = pSingles
if (tReltvy) then
pSing_spindiff1_new = pSing_spindiff1
pDoub_spindiff1_new = pDoub_spindiff1
pDoub_spindiff2_new = pDoub_spindiff2
end if
! If no single/double spawns occurred, they are also not taken into account
! (else would be undefined)
if (abs(t_s%gamma_doub) > EPS .and. abs(t_s%gamma_sing) > EPS) then
tau_new = MaxWalkerBloom * &
min(pSingles / t_s%gamma_sing, pDoubles / t_s%gamma_doub)
else if (abs(t_s%gamma_doub) > EPS) then
! If only doubles were counted, take them
tau_new = MaxWalkerBloom * pDoubles / t_s%gamma_doub
else if (abs(t_s%gamma_sing) > eps) then
! else, we had to have some singles
tau_new = MaxWalkerBloom * pSingles / t_s%gamma_sing
else if (abs(t_s%gamma_trip) > eps) then
tau_new = MaxWalkerBloom * PTriples / t_s%gamma_trip
! no spawns
tau_new = tau
end if
end if
end if
! The range of tau is restricted by particle death. It MUST be <=
! the value obtained to restrict the maximum death-factor to 1.0.
call MPIAllReduce(max_death_cpt, MPI_MAX, mpi_tmp)
max_death_cpt = mpi_tmp
! If there is no death logged, dont do anything
if (abs(max_death_cpt) > EPS) then
tau_death = 1.0_dp / max_death_cpt
if (tau_death < tau_new) then
if (tau_death < min_tau) then
root_print "min-tau reduced, due to death events! reset min_tau to:", tau_death
min_tau = tau_death
end if
tau_new = tau_death
end if
end if
! If the calculated tau is less than the current tau, we should ALWAYS
! update it. Once we have a reasonable sample of excitations, then we
! can permit tau to increase if we have started too low.
! make the right if-statements here!
! remember t_s%enough_sing is (mis)used for triples in the
! 2-body transcorrelated k-space hubbard
tau_new = clamp(tau_new, min_tau, max_tau)
if (tau_new < tau .or. (t_s%enough_sing .and. t_s%enough_doub) .or. &
((tUEG .and. .not. t_ueg_3_body) .or. tHub .or. t_s%enough_sing .or. &
(t_k_space_hubbard .and. .not. t_trans_corr_2body) .and. t_s%enough_doub) .or. &
(t_new_real_space_hubbard .and. t_s%enough_sing .and. &
(t_trans_corr_2body .or. t_trans_corr)) .or. &
(t_new_real_space_hubbard .and. t_trans_corr_hop .and. t_s%enough_doub)) then
! Make the final tau smaller than tau_new by a small amount
! so that we don't get spawns exactly equal to the
! initiator threshold, but slightly below it instead.
! does this make sense in the new implmentation? this way
! i will always decrease the time-step even if its not necessary..
call assign_value_to_tau(tau_new * 0.99999_dp, 'Conventional tau search')
end if
! Make sure that we have at least some of both singles and doubles
! before we allow ourselves to change the probabilities too much...
if (t_s%enough_sing .and. t_s%enough_doub .and. psingles_new > 1e-5_dp &
.and. psingles_new < (1.0_dp - 1e-5_dp)) then
if (abs(psingles - psingles_new) / psingles > 0.0001_dp) then
if (tReltvy) then
root_print "Updating spin-excitation class biases. pSingles(s->s) = ", &
psingles_new, ", pSingles(s->s') = ", psing_spindiff1_new, &
", pDoubles(st->st) = ", 1.0_dp - pSingles - pSing_spindiff1_new - pDoub_spindiff1_new - pDoub_spindiff2, &
", pDoubles(st->s't) = ", pDoub_spindiff1_new, &
", pDoubles(st->s't') = ", pDoub_spindiff2_new
root_print "Updating singles/doubles bias. pSingles = ", psingles_new
root_print " pDoubles = ",(1.0_dp - pSingles_new) * (1.0 - pTriples_new)
end if
end if
pSingles = pSingles_new
if (tReltvy) then
pSing_spindiff1 = max(pSing_spindiff1_new, prob_min_thresh)
pDoub_spindiff1 = max(pDoub_spindiff1_new, prob_min_thresh)
pDoub_spindiff2 = max(pDoub_spindiff2_new, prob_min_thresh)
pDoubles = max(1.0_dp - pSingles - pSing_spindiff1_new - pDoub_spindiff1_new - pDoub_spindiff2_new, prob_min_thresh)
ASSERT(pDoubles - t_s%gamma_doub / gamma_sum < prob_min_thresh)
pDoubles = 1.0_dp - pSingles
end if
end if
!checking whether we have enouigh triples
if (t_s%enough_trip) then
if (abs(pTriples_new - pTriples) / pTriples > 0.0001_dp) then
root_print "Updating triple-excitation bias. pTriples =", pTriples_new
pTriples = pTriples_new
end if
end if
end associate
end subroutine update_tau