update_tau_hist Subroutine

public subroutine update_tau_hist()




Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine update_tau_hist()
        ! split up the new tau-update routine from the old one!
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "update_tau_hist"

        real(dp) :: psingles_new, tau_new, mpi_tmp, tau_death, pParallel_new, pTriples_new
        real(dp) :: ratio_singles, ratio_anti, ratio_para, ratio_doubles, ratio_triples, ratio
        logical :: mpi_ltmp

        ASSERT(tau_search_method == possible_tau_search_methods%HISTOGRAMMING)

        ! What needs doing depends on the number of parametrs that are being
        ! updated.
        call MPIAllLORLogical(enough_sing_hist, mpi_ltmp)
        enough_sing_hist = mpi_ltmp
        call MPIAllLORLogical(enough_doub_hist, mpi_ltmp)
        enough_doub_hist = mpi_ltmp
        if (t_mol_3_body) then
            call MPIAllLORLogical(enough_trip_hist, mpi_ltmp)
            enough_trip_hist = mpi_ltmp
        end if

        ! singles is always used..
        ! thats not quite right.. for the hubbard/UEG case it is not..
        if (tUEG .or. tHub .or. &
            (t_new_real_space_hubbard .and. .not. t_trans_corr_hop) .or. &
            (t_k_space_hubbard .and. .not. t_trans_corr_2body)) then
            ! also use my new flags and exclude the 2-body transcorrelation
            ! in the k-space hubbard due to triple excitations and
            ! parallel doubles

            ! here i could implement the summing in the case of Hubbard
            ! and UEG models.. although I could "just" implement the
            ! optimal time-step in the case of Hubbard models!
            ! for UEG not i guess..
            call integrate_frequency_histogram_spec(frequency_bins, ratio)

            if (ratio < 0.0_dp) then
                ! TODO: and also print out in this case!
                ! this means i had an int overflow and should stop the tau-searching
                root_print "The single excitation histogram is full!"
                root_print "stop the hist_tau_search with last time-step: ", tau
                tau_search_method = possible_tau_search_methods%OFF

            end if

            if (enough_doub_hist) then
                ! in this case the enough_doub_hist flag is (mis)used to
                ! indicate enough spawning events!
                ! the doubles flag is also used for single excitations in the
                ! real-space hubbard! be careful
                tau_new = MaxWalkerBloom / ratio

                ! and use the mixing now:
                if (t_mix_ratios) then
                    tau_new = (1.0_dp - mix_ratio) * tau + mix_ratio * tau_new
                end if

                ! what do i do in the case if not enough spawns..
                ! nothing i guess..
                tau_new = tau
            end if


            ! NOTE: in the case of the 2-body transcorrelated k-space hubbard
            ! the singles histogram is used to store the triples!
            call integrate_frequency_histogram_spec(frequency_bins_singles, &

            ! for analyis print this also out:
            ! if i have a integer overflow i should probably deal here with it..
            if (ratio_singles < 0.0_dp) then
                ! TODO: and also print out in this case!
                ! this means i had an int overflow and should stop the tau-searching
                root_print "The single excitation histogram is full!"
                root_print "stop the hist_tau_search with last time-step: ", tau
                root_print "and pSingles and pDoubles:", pSingles, pDoubles
                tau_search_method = possible_tau_search_methods%OFF

            end if

            ! for tc, also consider the triples
            if (t_mol_3_body) then
                call integrate_frequency_histogram_spec(frequency_bins_triples, ratio_triples)
                ! overflow error -> disable hist_tau_search
                if (ratio_triples < 0.0_dp) then
                    tau_search_method = possible_tau_search_methods%OFF
                end if
                ratio_triples = 0.0
            end if

            if (consider_par_bias) then

                ! sum up all 3 ratios: single, parallel and anti-parallel
                call integrate_frequency_histogram_spec(frequency_bins_para, &

                if (ratio_para < 0.0_dp) then
                    root_print "The parallel excitation histogram is full!"
                    root_print "stop the hist_tau_search with last time-step: ", tau
                    root_print "and pSingles and pParallel: ", pSingles, pParallel

                    tau_search_method = possible_tau_search_methods%OFF
                end if

                call integrate_frequency_histogram_spec(frequency_bins_anti, &

                if (ratio_anti < 0.0_dp) then
                    root_print "The anti-parallel excitation histogram is full!"
                    root_print "stop the hist_tau_search with last time-step: ", tau
                    root_print "and pSingles and pParallel: ", pSingles, pParallel

                    tau_search_method = possible_tau_search_methods%OFF
                end if

                ! to compare the influences on the time-step:
                ! change that the ratios are already stored in an unbiased
                ! way, so no feedback happens!

                ! also calculate new time-step through this method and
                ! check the difference to the old method
                if (enough_sing_hist .and. enough_doub_hist) then
                    ! puh.. for the mixing i am not sure how to exactly do
                    ! that.. since all of the ratios depend on each other..
                    ! test that!
                    pparallel_new = ratio_para / (ratio_anti + ratio_para)
                    if (t_mix_ratios) then
                        pparallel_new = (1.0_dp - mix_ratio) * pParallel + &
                                        mix_ratio * pparallel_new
                    end if

                    psingles_new = ratio_singles * pparallel_new / &
                                   (ratio_para + ratio_singles * pparallel_new)

                    if (t_mix_ratios) then
                        psingles_new = (1.0_dp - mix_ratio) * psingles + &
                                       mix_ratio * psingles_new
                    end if

                    tau_new = psingles_new * MaxWalkerBloom / ratio_singles

                    if (t_mix_ratios) then
                        tau_new = (1.0_dp - mix_ratio) * tau + mix_ratio * tau_new
                    end if

                    if (psingles_new > 1e-5_dp .and. &
                        psingles_new < (1.0_dp - 1e-5_dp)) then

                        if (abs(psingles - psingles_new) / psingles > 0.0001_dp) then
                            root_print "Updating singles/doubles bias. pSingles = ", psingles_new
                            root_print " pDoubles = ", 1.0_dp - psingles_new
                        end if

                        pSingles = psingles_new
                        pDoubles = 1.0_dp - pSingles
                    end if

                    ! although checking for enough doubles is probably more efficient
                    ! than always checking the reals below..
                    if (pParallel_new > 1e-4_dp .and. pParallel_new < (1.0_dp - 1e-4_dp)) then
                        ! enough_doub implies that both enough_opp and enough_par are
                        ! true.. so this if statement makes no sense
                        ! and otherwise pParallel_new is the same as before
                        if (abs(pparallel_new - pParallel) / pParallel > 0.0001_dp) then
                            root_print "Updating parallel-spin bias; new pParallel = ", pParallel_new
                        end if
                        ! in this new implementation the weighting make pParallel
                        ! smaller and smaller.. so also limit it to some lower bound
                        pParallel = pParallel_new
                    end if

                    pparallel_new = pParallel
                    psingles_new = pSingles
                    ! im not sure if this possible division by 0 is cool...
                    ! and if this is somehow cool in the histogramming
                    ! approach.. this again is some kind of worst case
                    ! adaptation.. hm.. todo
                    if (abs(ratio_singles) > EPS .or. abs(ratio_para) > EPS &
                        .or. abs(ratio_anti) > EPS) then
                        tau_new = MaxWalkerBloom * min( &
                                  pSingles / max(EPS, ratio_singles), &
                                  pDoubles * pParallel / max(EPS, ratio_para), &
                                  pDoubles * (1.0_dp - pParallel) / max(EPS, ratio_anti))
                        tau_new = tau
                    end if

                end if

                ! here i only use doubles for now
                call integrate_frequency_histogram_spec(frequency_bins_doubles, &

                if (ratio_doubles < 0.0_dp) then
                    root_print "The double excitation histogram is full!"
                    root_print "stop the hist_tau_search with last time-step: ", tau
                    root_print "and pSingles and pDoubles: ", pSingles, pDoubles

                    tau_search_method = possible_tau_search_methods%OFF
                end if

                ! to compare the influences on the time-step:
                ! change that so it does store the ratio unbiased

                if (enough_sing_hist .and. enough_doub_hist) then

                    psingles_new = ratio_singles / (ratio_doubles + ratio_singles)

                    if (t_mix_ratios) then
                        psingles_new = (1.0_dp - mix_ratio) * pSingles + &
                                       mix_ratio * psingles_new
                    end if

                    tau_new = MaxWalkerBloom / (ratio_doubles + ratio_singles + ratio_triples)

                    if (t_mix_ratios) then
                        tau_new = (1.0_dp - mix_ratio) * tau + mix_ratio * tau_new
                    end if

                    if (psingles_new > 1e-5_dp .and. &
                        psingles_new < (1.0_dp - 1e-5_dp)) then

                        if (abs(psingles - psingles_new) / psingles > 0.0001_dp) then
                            root_print "Updating singles/doubles bias. pSingles = ", psingles_new
                            root_print " pDoubles = ", 1.0_dp - psingles_new
                        end if

                        pSingles = psingles_new
                        pDoubles = 1.0_dp - pSingles
                    end if

                    ! update pTriples analogously - note that as pTriples already modifies
                    ! the effective pSingles/pDoubles, they do not have to be updated
                    ! with ratio_triples
                    if (t_mol_3_body .and. enough_doub_hist) then
                        pTriples_new = ratio_triples / (ratio_doubles + ratio_singles + &

                        ! update pTriples if it has a reasonable value
                        if (.not. t_exclude_3_body_excits .and. pTriples_new > 1e-5_dp &
                            .and. pTriples_new < (1.0_dp - 1e-5_dp)) then

                            if (abs(pTriples_new - pTriples) > 0.001_dp) then
                                root_print "Updating triples bias. pTriples = ", pTriples_new
                            end if
                            pTriples = pTriples_new
                        end if
                    end if

                    psingles_new = pSingles
                    if (abs(ratio_singles) > EPS .or. abs(ratio_doubles) > EPS) then
                        tau_new = MaxWalkerBloom * &
                                  min(pSingles / max(EPS, ratio_singles), pDoubles / max(EPS, ratio_doubles))
                        tau_new = tau
                    end if
                end if
            end if
        end if

        ! to deatch check again and finally update time-step
        ! The range of tau is restricted by particle death. It MUST be <=
        ! the value obtained to restrict the maximum death-factor to 1.0.
        call MPIAllReduce(max_death_cpt, MPI_MAX, mpi_tmp)
        max_death_cpt = mpi_tmp
        ! again, only count deaths if any occured
        if(abs(max_death_cpt) > EPS) then
            tau_death = 1.0_dp / max_death_cpt
            if (tau_death < tau_new) then
                if (tau_death < min_tau) then
                    root_print "time-step reduced, due to death events! reset min_tau to:", tau_death
                    min_tau = tau_death
                end if
                tau_new = tau_death
            end if
        end if

        ! If the calculated tau is less than the current tau, we should ALWAYS
        ! update it. Once we have a reasonable sample of excitations, then we
        ! can permit tau to increase if we have started too low.

        ! make the right if-statements here.. and remember enough_doub_hist is
        ! used for singles in the case of the real-space transcorrelated hubbard!
        tau_new = clamp(tau_new, min_tau, max_tau)
        if (tau_new < tau .or. &
            (tUEG .or. tHub .or. enough_sing_hist .or. &
             (t_k_space_hubbard .and. .not. t_trans_corr_2body) .and. enough_doub_hist) .or. &
            (t_new_real_space_hubbard .and. (enough_doub_hist .and. &
                                             (.not. t_trans_corr_hop .or. enough_sing_hist)))) then
            ! remove this constriction to just work in the transcorrelated
            ! case and let the user decide!

            ! Make the final tau smaller than tau_new by a small amount
            ! so that we don't get spawns exactly equal to the
            ! initiator threshold, but slightly below it instead.
            ! does this make sense in the new implmentation? this way
            ! i will always decrease the time-step even if its not necessary..
            call assign_value_to_tau(tau_new, 'Histogramming tau search')
        end if

    end subroutine update_tau_hist