write_1rdm Subroutine

public subroutine write_1rdm(rdm_defs, one_rdm, irdm, norm_1rdm, tNormalise, tInitsRDM)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(rdm_definitions_t), intent(in) :: rdm_defs
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: one_rdm(:,:)
integer, intent(in) :: irdm
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: norm_1rdm
logical, intent(in) :: tNormalise
logical, intent(in), optional :: tInitsRDM


Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine write_1rdm(rdm_defs, one_rdm, irdm, norm_1rdm, tNormalise, tInitsRDM)

        ! This routine writes out the OneRDM. If tNormalise is true, we are
        ! printing the normalised, hermitian matrix. Otherwise, norm_1rdm is
        ! ignored and we print both 1-RDM(i,j) and 1-RDM(j,i) (in binary)
        ! for the OneRDM_POPS file to be read in in a restart calculation.

        use rdm_data, only: tOpenShell, rdm_definitions_t
        use RotateOrbsData, only: SymLabelListInv_rot
        use SystemData, only: nbasis
        use UMatCache, only: gtID
        use util_mod, only: get_free_unit, int_fmt

        type(rdm_definitions_t), intent(in) :: rdm_defs
        real(dp), intent(in) :: one_rdm(:, :)
        integer, intent(in) :: irdm
        real(dp), intent(in) :: norm_1rdm
        logical, intent(in) :: tNormalise
        logical, intent(in), optional :: tInitsRDM

        integer :: i, j, iSpat, jSpat, one_rdm_unit, one_rdm_unit_spinfree
        logical :: is_transition_rdm
        character(20) :: filename
        character(20) :: filename_prefix
        character(*), parameter :: default_prefix = "OneRDM."

        if (present(tInitsRDM)) then
            if (tInitsRDM) then
                filename_prefix = "InitsOneRDM."
                filename_prefix = default_prefix
            end if
            filename_prefix = default_prefix
        end if

        associate (state_labels => rdm_defs%state_labels, &
                   repeat_label => rdm_defs%repeat_label, &
                   ind => SymLabelListInv_rot)

            is_transition_rdm = state_labels(1, irdm) /= state_labels(2, irdm)

            if (tWriteSpinFreeRDM .or. tGUGA) then
                one_rdm_unit_spinfree = get_free_unit()
                open(one_rdm_unit_spinfree, file="spinfree-1-RDM")
            end if

            if (.not. tGUGA) then
                if (tNormalise) then
                    ! Haven't got the capabilities to produce multiple 1-RDMs yet.
                    write(stdout, '(1X,"Writing out the *normalised* 1 electron density matrix to file")')
                    call neci_flush(stdout)
                    one_rdm_unit = get_free_unit()

                    if (is_transition_rdm) then
                        write(filename, '("'//trim(filename_prefix)//'",' &
                               //int_fmt(state_labels(1, irdm), 0)//',"_",' &
                               //int_fmt(state_labels(2, irdm), 0)//',".",i1)') &
                            state_labels(1, irdm), state_labels(2, irdm), repeat_label(irdm)
                        write(filename, '("'//trim(filename_prefix)//'",' &
                               //int_fmt(state_labels(1, irdm), 0)//')') irdm
                    end if
                    open(one_rdm_unit, file=trim(filename), status='unknown')
                    ! Only every write out 1 of these at the moment.
                    write(stdout, '(1X,"Writing out the *unnormalised* 1 electron density matrix to file for reading in")')
                    call neci_flush(stdout)
                    one_rdm_unit = get_free_unit()
                    if (is_transition_rdm) then
                        write(filename, '("OneRDM_POPS.",'//int_fmt(state_labels(1, irdm), 0)//',"_",' &
                               //int_fmt(state_labels(2, irdm), 0)//',".",i1)') &
                            state_labels(1, irdm), state_labels(2, irdm), repeat_label(irdm)
                        write(filename, '("OneRDM_POPS.",'//int_fmt(state_labels(1, irdm), 0)//')') irdm
                    end if
                    open(one_rdm_unit, file=trim(filename), status='unknown', form='unformatted')
                end if
            end if

            if (tGUGA) then
                do i = 1, nSpatorbs
                    do j = 1, nSpatorbs
                        if (abs(one_rdm(ind(i), ind(j))) > EPS) then
                            if (tNormalise) then
                                if (i <= j) then
                                    write(one_rdm_unit_spinfree, "(2i6, g25.17)") i, j, &
                                        (one_rdm(ind(i), ind(j)) * norm_1rdm)
                                end if
                                write(one_rdm_unit_spinfree) i, j, one_rdm(ind(i), ind(j))
                            end if
                        end if
                    end do
                end do
                ! Currently always printing 1-RDM in spin orbitals.
                do i = 1, nbasis
                    do j = 1, nbasis
                        if (tOpenShell) then
                            if (abs(one_rdm(ind(i), ind(j))) > 1.0e-12_dp) then
                                if (tNormalise .and. (i <= j .or. is_transition_rdm)) then
                                    write(one_rdm_unit, "(2I6,G25.17)") i, j, one_rdm(ind(i), ind(j)) * norm_1rdm
                                else if (.not. tNormalise) then
                                    ! For the pops, we haven't made the 1-RDM hermitian yet,
                                    ! so print both the 1-RDM(i,j) and 1-RDM(j,i) elements.
                                    ! This is written in binary.
                                    write(one_rdm_unit) i, j, one_rdm(ind(i), ind(j))
                                end if
                            end if
                            iSpat = gtID(i)
                            jSpat = gtID(j)
                            if (abs(one_rdm(ind(iSpat), ind(jSpat))) > 1.0e-12_dp) then
                                if (tNormalise .and. (i <= j .or. is_transition_rdm)) then
                                    if ((mod(i, 2) == 0 .and. mod(j, 2) == 0) .or. &
                                        (mod(i, 2) /= 0 .and. mod(j, 2) /= 0)) then
                                        write(one_rdm_unit, "(2I6,G25.17)") i, j, &
                                            (one_rdm(ind(iSpat), ind(jSpat)) * norm_1rdm) / 2.0_dp
                                    end if
                                else if (.not. tNormalise) then
                                    ! The popsfile can be printed in spatial orbitals.
                                    if (mod(i, 2) == 0 .and. mod(j, 2) == 0) then
                                        write(one_rdm_unit) iSpat, jSpat, one_rdm(ind(iSpat), ind(jSpat))
                                    end if
                                end if
                            end if
                        end if
                    end do
                end do
                ! if we want spin-free RDMs also print out the spin-free 1-RDM
                if (tWriteSpinFreeRDM .and. tNormalise) then
                    do i = 1, nbasis / 2
                        do j = 1, nbasis / 2
                            if (abs(one_rdm(ind(i), ind(j))) > EPS) then
                                if (tNormalise) then
                                    if (i <= j .or. is_transition_rdm) then
                                        write(one_rdm_unit_spinfree, "(2I6,G25.17)") i, j, &
                                            one_rdm(ind(i), ind(j)) * norm_1rdm
                                    end if
                                    write(one_rdm_unit_spinfree) i, j, one_rdm(ind(i), ind(j))
                                end if
                            end if
                        end do
                    end do
                end if
            end if ! tGUGA

            if (.not. tGUGA) close(one_rdm_unit)

            if (tWriteSpinFreeRDM .or. tGUGA) close(one_rdm_unit_spinfree)

        end associate

    end subroutine write_1rdm