write_2d_multi_arr_chunk_buff Subroutine

public subroutine write_2d_multi_arr_chunk_buff(parent, nm, itype, arr, mem_dims, mem_offset, dataspace_dims, dataspace_offset)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer(kind=hid_t), intent(in) :: parent
character(len=*), intent(in) :: nm
integer(kind=hid_t), intent(in) :: itype
integer(kind=hsize_t) :: arr(1:,1:)
integer(kind=hsize_t), intent(in) :: mem_dims(2)
integer(kind=hsize_t), intent(in) :: mem_offset(2)
integer(kind=hsize_t), intent(in) :: dataspace_dims(2)
integer(kind=hsize_t), intent(in) :: dataspace_offset(2)


Source Code

   subroutine write_2d_multi_arr_chunk_buff( &
                       parent, nm, itype, arr, mem_dims, mem_offset, &
                       dataspace_dims, dataspace_offset)

        ! Write a chunk of memory from each of the MPI processes into the
        ! specified place in the output file.
        ! mem_dims   - the dimensions of the chunk of the memory array that we
        !              want to write
        ! mem_Offset - the offset of the aforementioned chunk from the start
        !              of the array
        ! dataspace_dims
        !            - the dimensions of the overall dataspace
        ! dataspace_offset
        !            - the offset at which we want to write this data.

        integer(hid_t), intent(in) :: parent, itype
        character(*), intent(in) :: nm
        integer(hsize_t) :: arr(1:,1:)
        integer(hsize_t), intent(in) :: mem_dims(2), mem_offset(2)
        integer(hsize_t), intent(in) :: dataspace_dims(2), dataspace_offset(2)

        integer(hsize_t) :: buff_dims(2)
        integer(hid_t) :: memspace, dataspace, dataset, plist_id
        integer(hdf_err) :: err
        integer(hsize_t), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: arr_buff
        integer(hsize_t) :: block_start, block_end, block_size, this_block_size
        type(c_ptr) :: cptr
        integer(int32), pointer :: ptr(:)
        integer(TagIntType) :: arr_buff_tag
        integer :: ierr

        ! Create an array in the target file with the size of the total amount
        ! to be written out, across the processors
        call h5screate_simple_f(2, dataspace_dims, dataspace, err)

        ! Create a property list to do multi-process writes
        call h5pcreate_f(H5P_DATASET_XFER_F, plist_id, err)
        call h5pset_dxpl_mpio_f(plist_id, H5FD_MPIO_INDEPENDENT_F, err)

        ! Create the dataset with the correct type
        call h5dcreate_f(parent, nm, itype, dataspace, dataset, err)

        !we use our own, contiguous buffers and independent MPI-IO to improve scaling
        !limit buffer size to 50 MB per task

        buff_dims=[mem_dims(1), block_size]

        ! Create the source (memory) dataspace
        call h5screate_simple_f(2, buff_dims, memspace, err)

        allocate(arr_buff(mem_dims(1),block_size),stat = ierr)
        if(block_size.gt.0) &
             call LogMemAlloc('arr_buff',size(arr_buff),int(sizeof(arr_buff(1,1))),&
        do while (this_block_size.gt.0)

           !the last block might be smaller than block_size
           if (this_block_size.lt.block_size) call h5sselect_hyperslab_f(memspace, &
                H5S_SELECT_SET_F, [0_hsize_t,0_hsize_t], [buff_dims(1),this_block_size], err)

           call h5sselect_hyperslab_f(dataspace, H5S_SELECT_SET_F, &
                [dataspace_offset(1),dataspace_offset(2)+block_start-1], [buff_dims(1),this_block_size], err)

           ! Get access to a pointer to the array that will always be considered
           ! to have a valid type by the HDF5 library. For some reason the
           ! 64-bit, 2d array is not always given an interface...
           call c_f_pointer(cptr, ptr, [1])
           call h5dwrite_f(dataset, itype, ptr, buff_dims, err, memspace, &
                dataspace, xfer_prp=plist_id)
        end do

        if(block_size.gt.0) call LogMemDealloc('write_2d_multi',arr_buff_tag)

        call h5dclose_f(dataset, err)
        call h5pclose_f(plist_id, err)
        call h5sclose_f(dataspace, err)
        call h5sclose_f(memspace, err)

    end subroutine write_2d_multi_arr_chunk_buff