Write the 2RDM to an HDF5 archive.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
integer(kind=hid_t), | intent(in) | :: | parent |
HDF5 file handle of the parent directory. |
type(rdm_list_t), | intent(in) | :: | rdm |
2RDM data distributed over all MPI ranks |
real(kind=dp), | intent(in) | :: | rdm_trace(rdm%sign_length) |
Normalisation of the 2RDM |
integer, | intent(in) | :: | iroot |
The iroot’th eigenvector of Hamiltonian, e.g. 1 for ground state, 2 for first excited state, … |
subroutine write_2rdm_hdf5(parent, rdm, rdm_trace, iroot)
use rdm_data, only: rdm_list_t, int_rdm
use rdm_data_utils, only: calc_separate_rdm_labels, extract_sign_rdm
#ifndef USE_HDF_
!> HDF5 file handle of the parent directory.
integer, intent(in) :: parent
!> 2RDM data distributed over all MPI ranks
type(rdm_list_t), intent(in) :: rdm
!> Normalisation of the 2RDM
real(dp), intent(in) :: rdm_trace(rdm%sign_length)
!> The iroot'th eigenvector of Hamiltonian, e.g. 1 for ground state,
!> 2 for first excited state, ...
integer, intent(in) :: iroot
character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'write_2rdm_hdf5'
#ifdef USE_HDF_
!> HDF5 file handle of the parent directory.
integer(hid_t), intent(in) :: parent
!> 2RDM data distributed over all MPI ranks
type(rdm_list_t), intent(in) :: rdm
!> Normalisation of the 2RDM
real(dp), intent(in) :: rdm_trace(rdm%sign_length)
!> The 2RDM storage with symmetry introduces a sign that has to kept
!> track of, refer to "rdm_data.F90" for further information
real(dp) :: rdm_sign(rdm%sign_length)
!> The iroot'th eigenvector of Hamiltonian, e.g. 1 for ground state,
!> 2 for first excited state, ...
integer, intent(in) :: iroot
!> HDF5 file handle of 1RDM "1100" group
integer(hid_t) :: grp_id
!> HDF5 error code
integer(hdf_err) :: err
!> Folded 2RDM loop index, refer to stochastic GUGA-CASSCF paper 2021 SI
integer(int_rdm) :: pqrs
!> Spatial orbital and loop indices
integer :: ielem, p, q, r, s, pq, rs
!> Used to accumulate the RDM indices before writing
integer, allocatable :: index(:), indices(:,:)
!> Accumulate the non-zero RDM values respectively
real(dp), allocatable :: values(:)
! create dynamic "indices" and "value" arrays and append to them in loop
values = [real(dp) ::]
index = [integer ::]
do ielem = 1, rdm%nelements
pqrs = rdm%elements(0, ielem)
call extract_sign_rdm(rdm%elements(:, ielem), rdm_sign)
rdm_sign = rdm_sign / rdm_trace
call calc_separate_rdm_labels(pqrs, pq, rs, p, s, q, r)
if (abs(rdm_sign(iroot)) > 1.e-12_dp) then
if (p >= q .and. pq >= rs .and. p >= r .and. p >= s) then
index = [index, p]; index = [index, q]
index = [index, r]; index = [index, s]
values = [values, rdm_sign(iroot)]
end if
end if
end do
indices = reshape(index, [4, size(values)])
call h5gcreate_f(parent, '2200', grp_id, err)
call write_data_phdf5(values, 'values', grp_id)
call write_data_phdf5(indices, 'indices', grp_id)
call h5gclose_f(grp_id, err)
call stop_all(this_routine, 'HDF5 support not enabled at compile time.')
end subroutine write_2rdm_hdf5