write_fcimcstats2 Subroutine

public subroutine write_fcimcstats2(iter_data, initial)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(fcimc_iter_data), intent(in) :: iter_data
logical, intent(in), optional :: initial


Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine write_fcimcstats2(iter_data, initial)

        ! Write output to our FCIMCStats file.
        ! This should be done in a nice general way, so that we make merges
        ! somewhat easier.
        ! --> The column numbers are no longer as well fixed (oh well...)

        type(fcimc_iter_data), intent(in) :: iter_data
        logical, intent(in), optional :: initial

        ! Use a state type to keep things compact and tidy below.
        type(write_state_t), save :: state
        type(write_state_t), save :: state_i
        logical, save :: inited = .false.
        character(5) :: tmpc, tmpc2, tmgf
        integer :: p, q, iGf, run
        logical :: init
        real(dp) :: l1_norm

! Is in the interface to refactor the procedure lateron.

        call getProjEOffset()
        ! Provide default 'initial' option
        if (present(initial)) then
            state%init = initial
            if (tTruncInitiator) state_i%init = initial
            state%init = .false.
            if (tTruncInitiator) state_i%init = .false.
        end if

        ! If the output file hasn't been opened yet, then create it.
        if (iProcIndex == Root .and. .not. inited) then
           call open_state_file('fciqmc_stats',state)
           ! For the initiator stats file here:
           if (tTruncInitiator) call open_state_file('initiator_stats',state_i)

           inited = .true.
        end if

        ! What is the current value of S2
        if (tCalcInstantS2) then
            if (mod(iter / StepsSft, instant_s2_multiplier) == 0) then
                if (tSpatialOnlyhash) then
                    curr_S2 = calc_s_squared (.false.)
                    curr_S2 = calc_s_squared_star (.false.)
                end if
            end if
            curr_S2 = -1
        end if

        ! What is the current value of S2 considering only initiators
        if (tCalcInstantS2Init) then
            if (mod(iter / StepsSft, instant_s2_multiplier_init) == 0) then
                if (tSpatialOnlyhash) then
                    curr_S2_init = calc_s_squared (.true.)
                    curr_S2_init = calc_s_squared_star (.true.)
                end if
            end if
            curr_S2_init = -1
        end if

        ! ------------------------------------------------
        ! This is where any calculation that needs multiple nodes should go
        ! ------------------------------------------------
        ! ------------------------------------------------

        if (iProcIndex == root) then

            ! Only do the actual outputting on the head node.
            call write_padding_init(state)
            call write_padding_init(state_i)

            ! And output the actual data!
            state%cols = 0
            state%cols_mc = 0
            state%mc_out = tMCOutput

            if(t_real_time_fciqmc) then
                l1_norm = 0.0
                do run = 1, inum_runs
                    l1_norm = l1_norm + mag_of_run(AllTotParts, run)
                end do
            end if
            call stats_out(state,.true., iter + PreviousCycles, 'Iter.')
            if (.not. tOrthogonaliseReplicas) then
               ! note that due to the averaging, the printed value is not necessarily
               ! an integer
                call stats_out(state,.true., sum(abs(AllTotParts))/inum_runs, &
                     'Tot. parts real')
                if(t_real_time_fciqmc) then
                    call stats_out(state,.true., real_time_info%time_angle,'Time rot. angle')
                    call stats_out(state,.false., l1_norm/inum_runs ,'L1 Norm')
                    call stats_out(state,.true., sum(abs(AllNoatHF))/inum_runs, 'Tot. ref')
                end if
            end if

            if(.not. t_real_time_fciqmc) then
#ifdef CMPLX_
                call stats_out(state,.true., real(proje_iter_tot), 'Re Proj. E')
                call stats_out(state,.true., aimag(proje_iter_tot), 'Im Proj. E')
                call stats_out(state,.true., proje_iter_tot, 'Proj. E (cyc)')
            end if
            call stats_out(state,.true., sum(DiagSft)/inum_runs, 'Shift. (cyc)')

            if(t_real_time_fciqmc) &
                call stats_out(state, .true., real(sum(dyn_norm_psi))/normsize, '|psi|^2')

            call stats_out(state,.false., sum(AllNoBorn), 'No. born')
            call stats_out(state,.false., sum(AllNoInitDets), 'No. Inits')
            if(t_real_time_fciqmc) then
                call stats_out(state,.false., TotImagTime, 'Elapsed complex time')
                call stats_out(state,.false., real_time_info%damping, 'eta')
                call stats_out(state,.false., IterTime, 'Iter. time')
                call stats_out(state,.false., sum(AllAnnihilated), 'No. annihil')
            end if

            call stats_out(state,.false., sum(AllSumWalkersCyc), 'SumWalkersCyc')
            call stats_out(state,.false., sum(AllNoAborted), 'No aborted')
#ifdef CMPLX_
            call stats_out(state,.true., real(proje_iter_tot) + OutputHii, &
                           'Tot. Proj. E')
            call stats_out(state,.false.,allDoubleSpawns,'Double spawns')
            call stats_out(state,.true., proje_iter_tot + OutputHii, &
                           'Tot. Proj. E')
            call stats_out(state,.true., AllTotWalkers, 'Dets occ.')
            call stats_out(state,.true., nspawned_tot, 'Dets spawned')
            call stats_out(state,.false., Hii, 'reference energy')

            if(t_real_time_fciqmc) then
                call stats_out(state,.false., real(sum(dyn_norm_red(:,1))/normsize),'GF normalization')
                call stats_out(state,.true., IterTime, 'Iter. time')
            end if
            if(t_real_time_fciqmc) then
                call stats_out(state, .true., elapsedRealTime, 'Re. time')
                call stats_out(state, .true., elapsedImagTime, 'Im. time')
                call stats_out(state,.false., TotImagTime, 'Im. time')
            end if

            ! Put the conditional columns at the end, so that the column
            ! numbers of the data are as stable as reasonably possible (for
            ! people who want to use gnuplot/not analyse column headers too
            ! frequently).
            ! This also makes column contiguity on resumes as likely as
            ! possible.
            if(t_real_time_fciqmc .or. tLogGreensfunction) then
                ! also output the overlaps and norm..
                do iGf = 1, gf_count
                   write(tmgf, '(i5)') iGf
                   call stats_out(state,.true., overlap_real(iGf), 'Re. <y_i(0)|y(t)> (i=' // &
                        trim(adjustl(tmgf)) // ')' )
                   call stats_out(state,.true., overlap_imag(iGf), 'Im. <y_i(0)|y(t)> (i=' // &
                        trim(adjustl(tmgf)) // ')' )
                end do
                do iGf = 1, gf_count
                   write(tmgf, '(i5)') iGf
                   do p = 1, normsize
                      write(tmpc, '(i5)') p
                      call stats_out(state,.false.,real(current_overlap(p,iGf)), 'Re. <y(0)|y(t)>(rep ' // &
                           trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // ' i=' // trim(adjustl(tmgf)) //  ')')
                      call stats_out(state,.false.,aimag(current_overlap(p,iGf)), 'Im. <y(0)|y(t)>(rep ' // &
                           trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // ' i=' // trim(adjustl(tmgf)) //')')
                   end do
                end do
                if(t_real_time_fciqmc) then
                    do p = 1, numSnapshotOrbs
                        ! if any orbitals are monitored, output their population
                        write(tmpc, '(i5)') snapShotOrbs(p)
                        call stats_out(state,.false.,allPopSnapshot(p),'Population of ' &
                            // trim(adjustl(tmpc)))
                    end do
                end if
            end if

            ! if we truncate walkers, print out the total truncated weight here
            if(t_truncate_spawns) call stats_out(state, .false., AllTruncatedWeight, &
                 'trunc. Weight')
            ! If we are running multiple (replica) simulations, then we
            ! want to record the details of each of these
            if(.not. t_real_time_fciqmc) then
                do p = 1, inum_runs
                    write(tmpc, '(i5)') p
                    call stats_out (state, .false., AllTotParts(p), &
                                    'Parts (' // trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // ')')
                    call stats_out (state, .false., AllNoatHF(p), &
                                    'Ref (' // trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // ')')
                    call stats_out(state, .false., proje_ref_energy_offsets(p), &
                                    'ref. energy offset('//trim(adjustl(tmpc))// ')')
                    call stats_out (state, .false., DiagSft(p) + Hii, &
                                    'Shift (' // trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // ')')
#ifdef CMPLX_
                    call stats_out (state, .false., real(proje_iter(p) + OutputHii), &
                                    'Tot ProjE real (' // trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // ')')
                    call stats_out (state, .false., aimag(proje_iter(p) + OutputHii), &
                                    'Tot ProjE imag (' // trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // ')')

                    call stats_out (state, .false., real(AllHFOut(p) / StepsPrint), &
                                    'ProjE Denom real (' // trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // ")")
                    call stats_out (state, .false., aimag(AllHFOut(p) / StepsPrint), &
                                    'ProjE Denom imag (' // trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // ")")

                    call stats_out (state, .false., &
                                    real((AllENumOut(p) + OutputHii*AllHFOut(p))) / StepsPrint,&
                                    'ProjE Num real (' // trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // ")")
                    call stats_out (state, .false., &
                                    aimag((AllENumOut(p) + OutputHii*AllHFOut(p))) / StepsPrint,&
                                    'ProjE Num imag (' // trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // ")")
                    if (tTrialWavefunction .or. tStartTrialLater) then
                        call stats_out (state, .false., &
                                        real(tot_trial_numerator(p) / StepsPrint), &
                                        'TrialE Num real (' // trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // ")")
                        call stats_out (state, .false., &
                                        aimag(tot_trial_numerator(p) / StepsPrint), &
                                        'TrialE Num imag (' // trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // ")")

                        call stats_out (state, .false., &
                                        real(tot_trial_denom(p) / StepsPrint), &
                                        'TrialE Denom real (' // trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // ")")
                        call stats_out (state, .false., &
                                        aimag(tot_trial_denom(p) / StepsPrint), &
                                        'TrialE Denom imag (' // trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // ")")
                    end if
                    call stats_out (state, .false., proje_iter(p) + OutputHii, &
                                    'Tot ProjE (' // trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // ")")
                    call stats_out (state, .false., AllHFOut(p) / StepsPrint, &
                                    'ProjE Denom (' // trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // ")")
                    call stats_out (state, .false., &
                                    (AllENumOut(p) + OutputHii*AllHFOut(p)) / StepsPrint,&
                                    'ProjE Num (' // trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // ")")
                    if (tTrialWavefunction .or. tStartTrialLater) then
                        call stats_out (state, .false., &
                                        tot_trial_numerator(p) / StepsPrint, &
                                        'TrialE Num (' // trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // ")")
                        call stats_out (state, .false., &
                                        tot_trial_denom(p) / StepsPrint, &
                                        'TrialE Denom (' // trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // ")")
                    end if

                    call stats_out (state, .false., &
                                    AllNoBorn(p), &
                                    'Born (' // trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // ')')
                    call stats_out (state, .false., &
                                    AllNoDied(p), &
                                    'Died (' // trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // ')')
                    call stats_out (state, .false., &
                                    AllAnnihilated(p), &
                                    'Annihil (' // trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // ')')
                    call stats_out (state, .false., &
                                    AllNoAtDoubs(p), &
                                    'Doubs (' // trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // ')')
                end do

                call stats_out(state,.false.,all_max_cyc_spawn, &

                ! Print overlaps between replicas at the end.
                do p = 1, inum_runs
                    write(tmpc, '(i5)') p
                        if (tPrintReplicaOverlaps) then
                        do q = p+1, inum_runs
                            write(tmpc2, '(i5)') q
#ifdef CMPLX_
                            call stats_out(state, .false.,  replica_overlaps_real(p, q),&
                                           '<psi_' // trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // '|' &
                                           // 'psi_' // trim(adjustl(tmpc2)) &
                                           // '> (real)')
                            call stats_out(state, .false.,  replica_overlaps_imag(p, q),&
                                           '<psi_' // trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // '|' &
                                           // 'psi_' // trim(adjustl(tmpc2)) &
                                           // '> (imag)')

                            call stats_out(state, .false.,  replica_overlaps_real(p, q),&
                                 '<psi_' // trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // '|' &
                                 // 'psi_' // trim(adjustl(tmpc2)) &
                                 // '>')

                        end do
                    end if
                end do
            end if
            if (tEN2) call stats_out(state,.true., en_pert_main%ndets_all, 'EN2 Dets.')

            if (tTruncInitiator) then
                call stats_out(state_i, .false., Iter + PreviousCycles, 'Iter.')
                call stats_out(state_i, .false., AllTotWalkers, 'TotDets.')
                do p = 1, inum_runs
                    write(tmpc, '(i5)') p
                    call stats_out(state_i, .false., AllTotParts(p), 'TotWalk. (' // trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // ")")
                    call stats_out(state_i, .false., AllAnnihilated(p), 'Annihil. (' // trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // ")")
                    call stats_out(state_i, .false., AllNoBorn(p), 'Born (' // trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // ")")
                    call stats_out(state_i, .false., AllNoDied(p), 'Died (' // trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // ")")
                    call stats_out(state_i, .false., AllNoRemoved(p), 'Removed Dets (' // trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // ")")
                    call stats_out(state_i, .false., AllNoAborted(p), 'AbortedWalks (' // trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // ")")
                    call stats_out(state_i, .false., AllNoInitDets(p), 'InitDets (' // trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // ")")
                    call stats_out(state_i, .false., AllNoNonInitDets(p), 'NonInitDets (' // trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // ")")
                    call stats_out(state_i, .false., AllNoInitWalk(p), 'InitWalks (' // trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // ")")
                    call stats_out(state_i, .false., AllNoNonInitWalk(p), 'NonInitWalks (' // trim(adjustl(tmpc)) // ")")
                end do
            end if
            ! And we are done
            write(state%funit, *)
            if (tTruncInitiator) write(state_i%funit, *)
            if (tMCOutput) write(stdout, *)

            call neci_flush(state%funit)
            if (tTruncInitiator) call neci_flush(state_i%funit)
            call neci_flush(stdout)

        end if

    end subroutine write_fcimcstats2