write_spat_doub_occ_stats Subroutine

public subroutine write_spat_doub_occ_stats(initial)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
logical, intent(in), optional :: initial


Source Code

    subroutine write_spat_doub_occ_stats(initial)
        ! routine to write out the double occupancy data
        logical, intent(in), optional :: initial
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "write_spat_doub_occ_stats"

        type(write_state_t), save :: state
        logical, save :: inited = .false.
        integer :: i
        character(12) :: num

        def_default(state%init, initial, .false.)

        ! If the output file hasn't been opened yet, then create it.
        if (iProcIndex == Root .and. .not. inited) then
            state%funit = get_free_unit()
            call init_spat_doub_occ_stats(state%funit)
            inited = .true.
        end if

        if (iProcIndex == root) then
            if (state%init .or. state%prepend) then
                write(state%funit, '("#")', advance='no')
                state%prepend = state%init

            else if (.not. state%prepend) then
                write(state%funit, '(" ")', advance='no')

            end if

            state%cols = 0
            state%cols_mc = 0
            state%mc_out = tMCOutput

            call stats_out(state, .false., iter + PreviousCycles, 'Iter.')

            do i = 1, nBasis / 2
                write(num, '(i12)') i

                call stats_out(state, .false., all_inst_spatial_doub_occ(i) / &
                               (sum(all_norm_psi_squared) / real(inum_runs, dp) * real(StepsSft, dp)), &
                               'orbital '//trim(adjustl(num)))

            end do

            ! And we are done
            write(state%funit, *)
            call neci_flush(state%funit)

        end if

    end subroutine write_spat_doub_occ_stats