write_spec_lanc_testsuite_data Subroutine

public subroutine write_spec_lanc_testsuite_data(h_sum, spec_low, spec_high)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: h_sum
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: spec_low
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: spec_high


Source Code

    subroutine write_spec_lanc_testsuite_data(h_sum, spec_low, spec_high)

        real(dp), intent(in) :: h_sum, spec_low, spec_high

        write(stdout, '(/,1X,64("="))')
        write(stdout, '(1X,"Spectral Lanczos testsuite data:")')
        write(stdout, '(1X,"Sum of H elements from the last Lanczos space:",2X,es20.13)') h_sum
        write(stdout, '(1X,"Spectral weight at the lowest omega value:",6X,es20.13)') spec_low
        write(stdout, '(1X,"Spectral weight at the highest omega value:",5X,es20.13)') spec_high
        write(stdout, '(1X,64("="))')

    end subroutine write_spec_lanc_testsuite_data