#include "macros.h" module fcimc_initialisation use SystemData, only: tUseBrillouin, iRanLuxLev, tSpn, tHPHFInts, tHPHF, & tRotateOrbs, tROHF, tFindCINatOrbs, nOccBeta, tHUB, & nOccAlpha, tUHF, tBrillouinsDefault, ECore, tUEG, & tNoSingExcits, tOddS_HPHF, tSpn, tNoBrillouin, G1, & tAssumeSizeExcitgen, tMolproMimic, tMolpro, tFixLz, & tRef_Not_HF, LzTot, LMS, tKPntSym, tReal, nBasisMax, & tRotatedOrbs, MolproID, nBasis, arr, brr, nel, & tPickVirtUniform, tGen_4ind_reverse, & tGenHelWeighted, tGen_4ind_weighted, tLatticeGens, & tGUGA, tUEGNewGenerator, & tGen_4ind_2, tReltvy, t_new_real_space_hubbard, & t_lattice_model, t_tJ_model, t_heisenberg_model, & t_k_space_hubbard, t_3_body_excits, breathingCont, & momIndexTable, t_trans_corr_2body, t_non_hermitian_2_body, & tgen_guga_crude, t_impurity_excitgen, & t_uniform_excits, t_mol_3_body,t_ueg_transcorr,t_ueg_3_body,tLatticeGens, & irrepOrbOffset, nIrreps, t_trans_corr_hop, & tTrcorrExgen, nClosedOrbs, irrepOrbOffset, nIrreps, & nOccOrbs, tNoSinglesPossible, t_pcpp_excitgen, & t_fci_pchb_excitgen, tGAS, t_guga_pchb, t_spin_dependent_transcorr, & basisfn, t_mixed_excits, t_hole_focus_excits use tc_three_body_data, only: ptriples use SymExcitDataMod, only: tBuildOccVirtList, tBuildSpinSepLists use core_space_util, only: cs_replicas use dSFMT_interface, only: dSFMT_init use CalcData, only: G_VMC_Seed, MemoryFacPart, StepsSftImag, & tCheckHighestPop, tSpatialOnlyHash, tStartCAS, & InitialPart, tStartMP1, tReadPops, & InitialPartVec, iReadWalkersRoot, SinglesBias, NMCYC, & tTruncCAS, tTruncInitiator, DiagSft, tFCIMC, & tTrialWavefunction, tSemiStochastic, OccCASOrbs, & VirtCASOrbs, StepsSft, tStartSinglePart, InitWalkers, & tShiftOnHFPop, tReadPopsRestart, tTruncNOpen, & trunc_nopen_max, MemoryFacInit, MaxNoatHF, HFPopThresh, & tAddToInitiator, InitiatorWalkNo, tRestartHighPop, & tAllRealCoeff, tRealCoeffByExcitLevel, tTruncInitiator, & RealCoeffExcitThresh, aliasStem, tPopsAlias, & tDynamicCoreSpace, TargetGrowRate, & TargetGrowRateWalk, InputTargetGrowRate, semistoch_shift_iter, & InputTargetGrowRateWalk, tOrthogonaliseReplicas, & use_spawn_hash_table, tReplicaSingleDetStart, RealSpawnCutoff, & ss_space_in, trial_space_in, init_trial_in, trial_shift_iter, & tContTimeFCIMC, tContTimeFull, tMultipleInitialRefs, & initial_refs, trial_init_reorder, tStartTrialLater, tTrialInit, & ntrial_ex_calc, tPairedReplicas, tMultiRefShift, tPreCond, & tMultipleInitialStates, initial_states, & t_back_spawn, & t_trunc_nopen_diff, t_guga_back_spawn, & t_back_spawn_option, t_back_spawn_flex_option, & t_back_spawn_flex, back_spawn_delay, ScaleWalkers, tfixedN0, & tReplicaEstimates, tDeathBeforeComms, pSinglesIn, pDoublesIn, pTriplesIn, pParallelIn, & tSetInitFlagsBeforeDeath, tSetInitialRunRef, tEN2Init, & tAutoAdaptiveShift, & tInitializeCSF, S2Init, tWalkContgrow, tSkipRef, & AAS_Cut, tTruncInitiator, & tInitiatorSpace, i_space_in, tLinearAdaptiveShift, & tAS_TrialOffset, ShiftOffset, & tSpinProject use tau_main, only: tau_search_method, & tau_start_val, possible_tau_start, & max_death_cpt, min_tau, max_tau, tau, taufactor, & assign_value_to_tau, init_tau use adi_data, only: tReferenceChanged, tAdiActive, nExChecks, nExCheckFails, & nRefUpdateInterval, SIUpdateInterval use Determinants, only: GetH0Element3, GetH0Element4, tDefineDet, & get_helement, get_helement_det_only use hphf_integrals, only: hphf_diag_helement, hphf_spawn_sign, & hphf_off_diag_helement_spawn use SymData, only: SymLabelList, SymLabelCounts, TwoCycleSymGens, & SymClassSize, nSymLabels, sym_psi use dSFMT_interface, only: genrand_real2_dSFMT use DeterminantData, only: write_det, write_det_len, FDet use LoggingData, only: tTruncRODump, tCalcVariationalEnergy, tReadRDMs, & tDiagAllSpaceEver, tFCIMCStats2, tCalcFCIMCPsi, & tLogComplexPops, tHistExcitToFrom, tPopsFile, & iWritePopsEvery, tRDMOnFly, tCoupleCycleOutput, StepsPrint, & tDiagWalkerSubspace, tPrintOrbOcc, OrbOccs, & tHistInitPops, OrbOccsTag, tHistEnergies, tMCOutput, & HistInitPops, AllHistInitPops, OffDiagMax, & OffDiagBinRange, iDiagSubspaceIter, t_store_ci_coeff, & AllHistInitPopsTag, HistInitPopsTag, tHDF5PopsRead, & tTransitionRDMs, tLogEXLEVELStats, t_no_append_stats, & t_spin_measurements, t_measure_local_spin, & maxInitExLvlWrite, initsPerExLvl, AllInitsPerExLvl use DetCalcData, only: NMRKS, tagNMRKS, FCIDets, NKRY, NBLK, B2L, nCycle, & ICILevel, det use IntegralsData, only: tPartFreezeCore, nHolesFrozen, tPartFreezeVirt, & nVirtPartFrozen, nPartFrozen, nelVirtFrozen use bit_rep_data, only: NIfTot, NIfD, IlutBits, flag_initiator, & flag_deterministic, extract_sign, nIfGUGA, & test_flag_multi use bit_reps, only: encode_det, clear_all_flags, set_flag, encode_sign, & decode_bit_det, nullify_ilut, encode_part_sign, & extract_run_sign, & get_initiator_flag, writebitdet, & get_initiator_flag_by_run use hist_data, only: tHistSpawn, HistMinInd, HistMinInd2, Histogram, & BeforeNormHist, InstHist, iNoBins, AllInstHist, & HistogramEnergy, AllHistogramEnergy, AllHistogram, & BinRange use hist, only: init_hist_excit_tofrom, clean_hist_excit_tofrom use PopsfileMod, only: FindPopsfileVersion, initfcimc_pops, & ReadFromPopsfilePar, ReadPopsHeadv3, & ReadPopsHeadv4, open_pops_head, checkpopsparams use HPHFRandExcitMod, only: gen_hphf_excit, FindDetSpinSym, exc_generator_for_HPHF use GenRandSymExcitNUMod, only: gen_rand_excit, init_excit_gen_store, & clean_excit_gen_store use replica_estimates, only: open_replica_est_file use procedure_pointers, only: generate_excitation, attempt_create, & get_spawn_helement, encode_child, & attempt_die, extract_bit_rep_avsign, & fill_rdm_diag_currdet, & get_conn_helement, scaleFunction, & generate_two_body_excitation, shiftFactorFunction, gen_all_excits use symrandexcit3, only: gen_rand_excit3 use symrandexcit_Ex_Mag, only: gen_rand_excit_Ex_Mag use excit_gens_int_weighted, only: gen_excit_hel_weighted, & gen_excit_4ind_weighted, & gen_excit_4ind_reverse use hash, only: FindWalkerHash, add_hash_table_entry, init_hash_table, & hash_table_lookup, RandomHash2 use load_balance_calcnodes, only: DetermineDetNode, RandomOrbIndex use load_balance, only: tLoadBalanceBlocks, addNormContribution, & AddNewHashDet, clean_load_balance, & init_load_balance use matel_getter, only: get_diagonal_matel, get_off_diagonal_matel use SymExcit3, only: CountExcitations3, GenExcitations3 use SymExcit4, only: CountExcitations4, GenExcitations4 use HPHFRandExcitMod, only: ReturnAlphaOpenDet use FciMCLoggingMOD, only: InitHistInitPops use SymExcitDataMod, only: SymLabelList2, OrbClassCount, SymLabelCounts2, & tBuildSpinSepLists use rdm_general, only: init_rdms, dealloc_global_rdm_data, & extract_bit_rep_avsign_no_rdm use rdm_filling, only: fill_rdm_diag_currdet_norm use DetBitOps, only: FindBitExcitLevel, CountBits, TestClosedShellDet, & FindExcitBitDet, IsAllowedHPHF, DetBitEq, & EncodeBitDet, DetBitLT use fcimc_pointed_fns, only: att_create_trunc_spawn_enc, & attempt_create_normal, & attempt_create_trunc_spawn, & new_child_stats_normal, & null_encode_child, attempt_die_normal, attempt_die_precond, & powerScaleFunction, expScaleFunction, negScaleFunction, & expCOScaleFunction, constShiftFactorFunction, & linearShiftFactorFunction, autoShiftFactorFunction use initial_trial_states, only: calc_trial_states_lanczos, & set_trial_populations, set_trial_states, calc_trial_states_direct use global_det_data, only: global_determinant_data, set_det_diagH, & set_det_offdiagH, clean_global_det_data, & init_global_det_data, set_spawn_rate, & store_decoding, set_supergroup_idx use semi_stoch_gen, only: init_semi_stochastic, end_semistoch, & enumerate_sing_doub_kpnt use semi_stoch_procs, only: return_mp1_amp_and_mp2_energy use initiator_space_procs, only: init_initiator_space use kp_fciqmc_data_mod, only: tExcitedStateKP use sym_general_mod, only: ClassCountInd use trial_wf_gen, only: init_trial_wf, end_trial_wf use ueg_excit_gens, only: gen_ueg_excit use gndts_mod, only: gndts use excit_gen_5, only: gen_excit_4ind_weighted2 use tc_three_body_excitgen, only: gen_excit_mol_tc, setup_mol_tc_excitgen use pcpp_excitgen, only: gen_rand_excit_pcpp, init_pcpp_excitgen, finalize_pcpp_excitgen use fcimc_helper, only: CalcParentFlag, update_run_reference use cont_time_rates, only: spawn_rate_full, oversample_factors, & secondary_gen_store, ostag use soft_exit, only: tSoftExitFound use get_excit, only: make_double use excitation_types, only: Excite_0_t use sltcnd_mod, only: sltcnd_excit use rdm_data, only: nrdms_transition_input, rdmCorrectionFactor, InstRDMCorrectionFactor, & ThisRDMIter use rdm_data, only: nrdms_transition_input use Parallel_neci, only: MPI_2INTEGER, root, nProcessors, iProcIndex, & MPISumAll, MPIBarrier, MPIBCast, MPISum, MPI_MAXLOC, nNodes, & Sync_Time, MPIAllReduceDatatype use util_mod, only: stop_all, get_free_unit, neci_flush, & operator(.isclose.), operator(.div.), warning_neci use fortran_strings, only: str use sym_mod, only: getsym_wrapper, WRITESYM, GetLz, GetSym use constants, only: dp, int32, int64, n_int, stdout, stderr, & lenof_sign, inum_runs, EPS, bits_n_int, size_n_int, maxExcit, & MPIArg use MemoryManager, only: LogMemAlloc, LogMemDealloc use FciMCData, only: & Walker_Time, Annihil_Time, Sort_Time, & Comms_Time, ACF_Time, AnnSpawned_time, AnnMain_time, BinSearch_time, & SemiStoch_Comms_Time, SemiStoch_Multiply_Time, Trial_Search_Time, SemiStoch_Init_Time, SemiStoch_Hamil_Time, & SemiStoch_Davidson_Time, Trial_Init_Time, InitSpace_Init_Time, kp_generate_time, Stats_Comms_Time, & subspace_hamil_time, exact_subspace_h_time, subspace_spin_time, var_e_time, precond_e_time, & proj_e_time, rescale_time, death_time, hash_test_time, hii_test_time, & init_flag_time, iter_data_fciqmc, ll_node, GAS_PCHB_init_time use FciMCData, only: all_norms, tDetermSpawnedTo, core_run, & tSinglePartPhase, VaryShiftIter, con_send_buf, & popsfile_dets, alloc_popsfile_dets use FciMCData, only: & nWalkerHashes, nreplicas, MaxWalkersUncorrected, MaxSpawned, & HashLengthFrac, fcimc_excit_gen_store, tGenMatHEL, TempSpawnedPartsTag, & SpinInvBRRTag, pSingles, pDoubles, & pParallel, pSing_spindiff1, pDoub_spindiff1, pDoub_spindiff2, & tReplicaReferencesDiffer, old_norm_psi use FciMCData, only: & AvSignHFD, AvSign, CASMask, CoreMask, AllTruncatedWeight, & AllTotPartsOld, AllTotPartsLastOutput, allNValidExcits, & AllNoRemoved, AllNoNonInitWalk, AllNoNonInitDets, & tFillingExplicRDMonFly, tFillingStochRDMonFly, & tot_init_trial_denom, tot_init_trial_numerator, tot_trial_denom, & tot_trial_denom_inst, tot_trial_num_inst, tot_trial_numerator, & tPrintHighPop, trial_denom, trial_denom_inst, & pops_pert, & FreeSlot, InstAnnihil, AvAnnihil, AllAvAnnihil, AllInstAnnihil, & AttemptHist, SpawnHist, SinglesHist, DoublesHist, DoublesAttemptHist, & SinglesAttemptHist, SinglesHistOccOcc, SinglesHistVirtOcc, SinglesHistOccVirt, & SinglesHistVirtVirt, AllAttemptHist, AllSpawnHist, AllSinglesAttemptHist, & AllSinglesHist, AllDoublesAttemptHist, AllDoublesHist, AllSinglesHistOccOcc, & AllSinglesHistVirtOcc, AllSinglesHistOccVirt, AllSinglesHistVirtVirt, & TempSpawnedParts, HighestPopDet, refdetflip, ilutrefflip use FciMCData, only: & ProjectionE, SumENum, InitsENumCyc, SumNoatHF, Annihilated, Acceptances, AvDiagSft, SumDiagSft, & SumWalkersCyc, SumWalkersOut, NoAborted, NoRemoved, NoInitWalk, NoNonInitWalk, & AllSumENum, AllInitsENumCyc, AllNoatDoubs, AllEXLEVEL_WNorm, AllSumNoatHF, & AllGrowRate, AllGrowRateAbort, AllSumWalkersCyc, AllSumWalkersOut, AllNoBorn, & AllSpawnFromSing, AllNoDied, AllAnnihilated, AllENumCyc, AllENumOut, AllHFCyc, & AllHFOut, replica_overlaps_real, ValidSpawnedList #ifdef CMPLX_ use FciMCData, only: replica_overlaps_imag #endif use FciMCData, only: HFDet_True, HFDet, tSpinCoupProjE, SpawnInfoVec2Tag, & SpawnInfoVecTag, iRefProc, SpawnInfoVec, SpawnInfoVec2, & SpawnVec2, SpawnVec2Tag, SpawnVec, SpawnVecTag, & HashIndex, AllNoAbortedOld, sfTag, OldAllHFCyc, OldAllAvWalkersCyc, & TotPartsOld, NoatHF, InitialSpawnedSlots, TotParts, & proje_ref_energy_offsets, AllTotParts, ProjEDet, VaryShiftCycles, & unitWalkerDiag, tZeroRef, truncatedWeight, TTruncSpace, & tTimeExit, tRestart, TotImagTime, Tot_Unique_Dets_Unit, & tfirst_cycle, tEScaleWalkers, TDebug, t_initialized_roi, & sum_proje_denominator, SpawnFromSing, sFBeta, proje_iter_tot, & proje_iter, PreviousCycles, nValidExcits, nInvalidExcits, & nSingles, nDoubles, norm_semistoch_squared, norm_semistoch, & norm_psi_squared, norm_psi, NoNonInitDets, NoInitDets, NoExtraInitDoubs, & NoDied, NoBorn, NoAtDoubs, NoAddedInitiators, n_core_non_init, & MaxTimeExit, maxdet, max_cyc_spawn, IterTime, iter, & iPopsTimers, iOffDiagNoBins, InstShift, InputDiagSft, & inits_proje_iter, InitRemoved, initiatorstats_unit, & ilutRef, iLutHF_True, iLutHF, iHighestPop, iBlockingIter, & Hii, HFSym, HFShift, HFOut, HFDetTag, HFCyc, HFConn, & hash_iter, Fii, fcimcstats_unit, fcimcstats_unit2, EXLEVELStats_unit, & DiagSftRe, DiagSftIm, ENumCyc, ENumCycAbs, ENumOut, exflag, & CASmin, CASmax, bloom_count, bloom_sizes, cyc_proje_denominator, & SpinInvBRR, ComplexStats_unit, all_cyc_proje_denominator, & all_n_core_non_init, all_norm_psi_squared, AllAvSign, AllAvSignHFD, & AllENumCycAbs, AllInitRemoved, allNInvalidExcits, AllNoAborted, & AllNoAddedInitiators, AllNoExtraInitDoubs, AllNoInitDets, & AllNoInitWalk, trial_num_inst, trial_numerator, tSinglePartPhase, & CurrentDets, AbsProjE, AccRat, & bloom_max, bloom_warn_string, max_calc_ex_level, con_space_size, & CurrentDets, init_trial_denom, init_trial_numerator, MaxInitPopNeg, & MaxInitPopPos, MaxWalkersPart, nhashes_spawn, & SpawnedParts, SpawnedParts2, SpawnInfo, SpawnInfo2, & WalkVecDets, WalkVecDetsTag, tPopsAlreadyRead, & OldAllNoatHF, TotWalkers, TotWalkersOld, AllNoatHF, AllTotWalkers, & AllTotWalkersOld, HFInd, InstNoatHF, OldAllNoatHF, & TotWalkers, TotWalkersOld, iEndFreeSlot, iStartFreeSlot, OldAllNoatHF, & SpawnInfoWidth, spawn_ht use sort_mod, only: sort ! use HElem use guga_bitRepOps, only: calcB_vector_nI, calcB_vector_ilut, convert_ilut_toNECI, & convert_ilut_toGUGA, getDeltaB, write_det_guga, write_guga_list, & calc_csf_i, CSF_Info_t, csf_ref, fill_csf_i use guga_main, only: generate_excitation_guga use guga_excitations, only: actHamiltonian use guga_matrixElements, only: calcDiagMatEleGUGA_ilut, calcDiagMatEleGUGA_nI use real_time_data, only: t_real_time_fciqmc use real_time_procs, only: attempt_create_realtime use adi_references, only: setup_reference_space, clean_adi use double_occ_mod, only: init_spin_measurements use back_spawn, only: init_back_spawn, setup_virtual_mask use real_space_hubbard, only: init_real_space_hubbard, init_get_helement_hubbard, & gen_excit_rs_hubbard, & gen_excit_rs_hubbard_transcorr_hole_focus, & gen_excit_rs_hubbard_transcorr_uniform, & gen_excit_rs_hubbard_transcorr, & gen_excit_rs_hubbard_spin_dependent_transcorr use sdt_amplitudes, only: init_ciCoeff use back_spawn_excit_gen, only: gen_excit_back_spawn, gen_excit_back_spawn_ueg, & gen_excit_back_spawn_hubbard, gen_excit_back_spawn_ueg_new use gasci_supergroup_index, only: lookup_supergroup_indexer use cepa_shifts, only: t_cepa_shift, init_cepa_shifts use tj_model, only: init_get_helement_tj, init_get_helement_heisenberg, & init_get_helement_heisenberg_guga, init_get_helement_tj_guga, & gen_excit_tJ_model, gen_excit_heisenberg_model use k_space_hubbard, only: init_get_helement_k_space_hub, init_k_space_hubbard, & gen_excit_k_space_hub_transcorr, gen_excit_uniform_k_space_hub_transcorr, & gen_excit_k_space_hub, & gen_excit_uniform_k_space_hub, & gen_excit_mixed_k_space_hub_transcorr use OneEInts, only: tmat2d use lattice_models_utils, only: gen_all_excits_k_space_hubbard, gen_all_excits_r_space_hubbard use impurity_models, only: setupImpurityExcitgen, clearImpurityExcitgen, gen_excit_impurity_model use guga_pchb_excitgen, only: init_guga_pchb_excitgen, finalize_pchb_excitgen_guga use symexcit3, only: gen_all_excits_default => gen_all_excits use local_spin, only: init_local_spin_measure use CAS_distribution_init, only: InitFCIMC_CAS use SD_spin_purification_mod, only: SD_spin_purification, possible_purification_methods, spin_pure_J use exc_gen_classes, only: init_exc_gen_class, finalize_exz_gen_class, class_managed use blas_interface_mod, only: dgeev implicit none external :: LargestBitSet contains SUBROUTINE SetupParameters() INTEGER :: ierr, i, j, HFDetTest(NEl), Seed, alpha, beta, symalpha, symbeta, endsymstate INTEGER :: LargestOrb, nBits, HighEDet(NEl), orb INTEGER(KIND=n_int) :: iLutTemp(0:NIfTot) HElement_t(dp) :: TempHii real(dp) :: UpperTau, r CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: t_r = 'SetupParameters' CHARACTER(*), parameter :: this_routine = t_r CHARACTER(len=12) :: abstr character(len=40) :: filename #ifndef PROG_NUMRUNS_ character(len=40) :: filename2 #endif LOGICAL :: tSuccess, tFoundOrbs(nBasis), FoundPair, tSwapped, tAlreadyOcc INTEGER :: HFLz, ChosenOrb, step, SymFinal, run integer(int64) :: SymHF integer(n_int), allocatable :: dummy_list(:, :) ! CALL MPIInit(.false.) !Initialises MPI - now have variables iProcIndex and nProcessors write(stdout, *) if (nProcessors > 1) then write(stdout, *) "Performing Parallel FCIQMC...." else write(stdout, *) "Performing single-core FCIQMC...." end if write(stdout, *) !Set timed routine names Walker_Time%timer_name = 'WalkerTime' Annihil_Time%timer_name = 'AnnihilTime' Sort_Time%timer_name = 'SortTime' Comms_Time%timer_name = 'CommsTime' ACF_Time%timer_name = 'ACFTime' AnnSpawned_time%timer_name = 'AnnSpawnedTime' AnnMain_time%timer_name = 'AnnMainTime' BinSearch_time%timer_name = 'BinSearchTime' Sync_Time%timer_name = 'SyncTime' SemiStoch_Comms_Time%timer_name = 'SemiStochCommsTime' SemiStoch_Multiply_Time%timer_name = 'SemiStochMultiplyTime' Trial_Search_Time%timer_name = 'TrialSearchTime' SemiStoch_Init_Time%timer_name = 'SemiStochInitTime' SemiStoch_Hamil_Time%timer_name = 'SemiStochHamilTime' SemiStoch_Davidson_Time%timer_name = 'SemiStochDavidsonTime' Trial_Init_Time%timer_name = 'TrialInitTime' InitSpace_Init_Time%timer_name = 'InitSpaceTime' kp_generate_time%timer_name = 'KPGenerateTime' Stats_Comms_Time%timer_name = 'StatsCommsTime' subspace_hamil_time%timer_name = 'SubspaceHamilTime' exact_subspace_h_time%timer_name = 'ExactSubspace_H_Time' subspace_spin_time%timer_name = 'SubspaceSpinTime' var_e_time%timer_name = 'VarEnergyTime' precond_e_time%timer_name = 'PreCondEnergyTime' proj_e_time%timer_name = 'ProjEnergyTime' rescale_time%timer_name = 'RescaleTime' death_time%timer_name = 'DeathTime' hash_test_time%timer_name = 'HashTestTime' hii_test_time%timer_name = 'HiiTestTime' init_flag_time%timer_name = 'InitFlagTime' GAS_PCHB_init_time%timer_name = 'GAS_PCHB_init_time' ! Initialise allocated arrays with input data TargetGrowRate(:) = InputTargetGrowRate TargetGrowRateWalk(:) = InputTargetGrowRateWalk ! Initialize AllTotParts = 0.0_dp AllTotPartsOld = 0.0_dp AllTotPartsLastOutput = 0.0_dp IF (TDebug) THEN !This will open a file called LOCALPOPS-"iprocindex" on unit number 11 on every node. abstr = 'LOCALPOPS-'//str(iProcIndex) open(11, FILE=abstr, STATUS='UNKNOWN') end if IF (iProcIndex == Root) THEN if (.not. tFCIMCStats2) then fcimcstats_unit = get_free_unit() if (tReadPops .and. .not. t_no_append_stats) then ! Restart calculation. Append to stats file (if it exists). if (tMolpro .and. .not. tMolproMimic) then filename = 'FCIQMCStats_'//adjustl(MolproID) open(fcimcstats_unit, file=filename, status='unknown', position='append') else open(fcimcstats_unit, file='FCIMCStats', status='unknown', position='append') end if else call MoveFCIMCStatsFiles() !This ensures that FCIMCStats files are not overwritten if (tMolpro .and. .not. tMolproMimic) then filename = 'FCIQMCStats_'//adjustl(MolproID) open(fcimcstats_unit, file=filename, status='unknown') else open(fcimcstats_unit, file='FCIMCStats', status='unknown') end if end if end if #ifndef PROG_NUMRUNS_ if (inum_runs == 2) then fcimcstats_unit2 = get_free_unit() if (tReadPops .and. .not. t_no_append_stats) then ! Restart calculation. Append to stats file (if it exists). if (tMolpro .and. .not. tMolproMimic) then filename2 = 'FCIQMCStats2_'//adjustl(MolproID) open(fcimcstats_unit2, file=filename2, status='unknown', position='append') else open(fcimcstats_unit2, file='FCIMCStats2', status='unknown', position='append') end if else if (tMolpro .and. .not. tMolproMimic) then filename2 = 'FCIQMCStats2_'//adjustl(MolproID) open(fcimcstats_unit2, file=filename2, status='unknown') else open(fcimcstats_unit2, file='FCIMCStats2', status='unknown') end if end if end if #endif IF (tTruncInitiator .and. (.not. tFCIMCStats2)) THEN initiatorstats_unit = get_free_unit() if (tReadPops .and. .not. t_no_append_stats) then ! Restart calculation. Append to stats file (if it exists) open(initiatorstats_unit, file='INITIATORStats', status='unknown', form='formatted', position='append') else open(initiatorstats_unit, file='INITIATORStats', status='unknown', form='formatted') end if end if IF (tLogComplexPops) THEN ComplexStats_unit = get_free_unit() open(ComplexStats_unit, file='COMPLEXStats', status='unknown') end if if (tLogEXLEVELStats) then EXLEVELStats_unit = get_free_unit() open (EXLEVELStats_unit, file='EXLEVELStats', & status='unknown', position='append') end if end if !Store information specifically for the HF determinant allocate(HFDet(NEl), stat=ierr) CALL LogMemAlloc('HFDet', NEl, 4, t_r, HFDetTag) allocate(iLutHF(0:NIfTot), stat=ierr) IF (ierr /= 0) CALL Stop_All(t_r, "Cannot allocate memory for iLutHF") do i = 1, NEl HFDet(i) = FDet(i) end do CALL EncodeBitDet(HFDet, iLutHF) if (tHPHF .and. TestClosedShellDet(iLutHF) .and. tOddS_HPHF .and. TwoCycleSymGens) then !This is not a compatible reference function. !Create single excitation of the correct symmetry !Use this as the reference. write(stdout, "(A)") "Converging to ODD S eigenstate" SymFinal = int((G1(HFDet(nel))%Sym%S)) + 1 tAlreadyOcc = .false. do i = SymLabelCounts(1, SymFinal), SymLabelCounts(1, SymFinal) + SymLabelCounts(2, SymFinal) - 1 if (G1(HFDet(nel))%Ms == -1) then !Choose beta ones orb = (2 * SymLabelList(i)) - 1 else orb = (2 * SymLabelList(i)) end if tAlreadyOcc = .false. do j = 1, nel if (orb == HFDet(j)) then tAlreadyOcc = .true. exit end if end do if (.not. tAlreadyOcc) then HFDet(nel) = orb call sort(HFDet) exit end if end do if (tAlreadyOcc) & call stop_all(t_r, "Cannot automatically detect open-shell determinant for reference to use with odd S") call EncodeBitDet(HFDet, iLutHF) if (TestClosedShellDet(iLutHF)) & call stop_all(t_r, "Fail to create open-shell determinant for reference to use with odd S") write(stdout, *) "Reference determinant changed to the open-shell:" call write_det(stdout, HFDet, .true.) end if !iLutRef is the reference determinant for the projected energy. !Initially, it is chosen to be the same as the inputted reference determinant call setup_adi() allocate(iLutRef(0:NIfTot, inum_runs), stat=ierr) ilutRef = 0 allocate(ProjEDet(NEl, inum_runs), stat=ierr) IF (ierr /= 0) CALL Stop_All(t_r, "Cannot allocate memory for iLutRef") ! The reference / projected energy determinants are the same as the ! HF determinant. call assign_reference_dets() allocate(iLutHF_True(0:NIfTot), stat=ierr) IF (ierr /= 0) CALL Stop_All(t_r, "Cannot allocate memory for iLutHF_True") allocate(HFDet_True(NEl), stat=ierr) IF (ierr /= 0) CALL Stop_All(t_r, "Cannot allocate memory for HFDet_True") !RDM uses HFDet_True in some parts but ilutRef in others !Sorry here we make them the same to avoid errors there. !Let's hope that unkonwn parts of the code do not depend on HFDet_True if (tRef_Not_HF) then do i = 1, NEl HFDet_True(i) = BRR(i) end do call sort(HFDet_True(1:NEl)) CALL EncodeBitDet(HFDet_True, iLutHF_True) else iLutHF_True = iLutHF HFDet_True = HFDet end if if (tGUGA) then do run = 1, inum_runs call fill_csf_i(ilutRef(:, run), csf_ref(run)) end do end if if (tHPHF) then allocate(RefDetFlip(NEl, inum_runs), & ilutRefFlip(0:NifTot, inum_runs)) do run = 1, inum_runs if (.not. TestClosedShellDet(ilutRef(:, run))) then ! If the reference determinant corresponds to an open shell ! HPHF, then we need to specify the paired determinant and ! mark that this needs to be considered in calculating ! the projected energy. tSpinCoupProjE(run) = .true. call ReturnAlphaOpenDet(ProjEDet(:, run), & RefDetFlip(:, run), & ilutRef(:, run), & ilutRefFlip(:, run), & .true., .true., tSwapped) if (tSwapped) & write(stdout, *) 'HPHF used, and open shell determinant & &for run ', run, ' spin-flippd for & &consistency.' write(stdout, *) "Two *different* determinants contained in & &initial HPHF for run ", run write(stdout, *) "Projected energy will be calculated as & &projection onto both of these." else tSpinCoupProjE(run) = .false. end if end do else tSpinCoupProjE(:) = .false. end if !Init hash shifting data hash_iter = 0 IF (tFixLz) THEN CALL GetLz(HFDet, NEl, HFLz) write(stdout, "(A,I5)") "Ml value of reference determinant is: ", HFLz IF (HFLz /= LzTot) THEN CALL Stop_All("SetupParameters", "Chosen reference determinant does not have the " & & //"same Lz value as indicated in the input.") end if end if !Do a whole lot of tests to see if we can use Brillouins theorem or not. IF (tBrillouinsDefault) CALL CheckforBrillouins() !test the encoding of the HFdet to bit representation. ! Test that the bit operations are working correctly... ! TODO: Move this to using the extract_bit_det routines to test those ! too... call decode_bit_det(HFDetTest, iLutHF) do i = 1, NEl IF (HFDetTest(i) /= HFDet(i)) THEN write(stdout, *) "HFDet: ", HFDet(:) write(stdout, *) "HFDetTest: ", HFDetTest(:) CALL Stop_All(t_r, "HF Determinant incorrectly decoded.") end if end do CALL LargestBitSet(iLutHF, NIfD, LargestOrb) IF (LargestOrb /= hfdet(nel)) then write(stdout, *) 'ilut HF', ilutHF write(stdout, *) 'largest orb', largestorb write(stdout, *) 'HFDet', hfdet CALL Stop_All(t_r, "LargestBitSet FAIL") end if nBits = CountBits(iLutHF, NIfD, NEl) IF (nBits /= NEl) THEN CALL Stop_All(t_r, "CountBits FAIL") end if allocate(HighestPopDet(0:NIfTot, inum_runs), stat=ierr) IF (ierr /= 0) CALL Stop_All(t_r, "Cannot allocate memory for HighestPopDet") HighestPopDet(:, :) = 0 iHighestPop = 0 !Check that the symmetry routines have set the symmetry up correctly... tSuccess = .true. tFoundOrbs(:) = .false. IF ((.not. tHub) .and. (.not. tUEG) .and. TwoCycleSymGens) THEN do i = 1, nSymLabels EndSymState = SymLabelCounts(1, i) + SymLabelCounts(2, i) - 1 do j = SymLabelCounts(1, i), EndSymState Beta = (2 * SymLabelList(j)) - 1 Alpha = (2 * SymLabelList(j)) SymAlpha = int((G1(Alpha)%Sym%S)) SymBeta = int((G1(Beta)%Sym%S)) IF (.not. tFoundOrbs(Beta)) THEN tFoundOrbs(Beta) = .true. ELSE CALL Stop_All("SetupParameters", "Orbital specified twice") end if IF (.not. tFoundOrbs(Alpha)) THEN tFoundOrbs(Alpha) = .true. ELSE CALL Stop_All("SetupParameters", "Orbital specified twice") end if IF (G1(Beta)%Ms /= -1) THEN tSuccess = .false. else if (G1(Alpha)%Ms /= 1) THEN tSuccess = .false. else if ((SymAlpha /= (i - 1)) .or. (SymBeta /= (i - 1))) THEN tSuccess = .false. end if end do end do do i = 1, nBasis IF (.not. tFoundOrbs(i)) THEN write(stderr, *) "Orbital: ", i, " not found." CALL Stop_All("SetupParameters", "Orbital not found") end if end do end if IF (.not. tSuccess) THEN write(stderr, *) "************************************************" write(stderr, *) "** WARNING!!! **" write(stderr, *) "************************************************" write(stderr, *) "Symmetry information of orbitals not the same in alpha and beta pairs." write(stderr, *) "Symmetry now set up in terms of spin orbitals" write(stderr, *) "I strongly suggest you check that the reference energy is correct." end if ! From now on, the orbitals are contained in symlabellist2 and ! symlabelcounts2 rather than the original arrays. These are stored ! using spin orbitals. Assume that if we want to use the non-uniform ! random excitation generator, we also want to use the NoSpinSym full ! excitation generators if they are needed. CALL GetSym(HFDet, NEl, G1, NBasisMax, HFSym) Sym_Psi = int(HFSym%Sym%S) !Store the symmetry of the wavefunction for later write(stdout, "(A,I10)") "Symmetry of reference determinant is: ", int(HFSym%Sym%S) if (TwoCycleSymGens) then SymHF = 0 do i = 1, NEl SymHF = IEOR(SymHF, G1(HFDet(i))%Sym%S) end do write(stdout, "(A,I10)") "Symmetry of reference determinant from spin orbital symmetry info is: ", SymHF if (SymHF /= HFSym%Sym%S) then call stop_all(t_r, "Inconsistency in the symmetry arrays.") end if end if !If using a CAS space truncation, write out this CAS space IF (tTruncCAS) THEN write(stdout, *) "Truncated CAS space detected. Writing out CAS space..." write(stdout, '(A,I2,A,I2,A)') " In CAS notation, (spatial orbitals, electrons), this has been chosen as: (", & (OccCASOrbs + VirtCASOrbs) / 2, ",", OccCASOrbs, ")" do I = NEl - OccCASorbs + 1, NEl write(stdout, '(6I7)', advance='no') I, BRR(I), G1(BRR(I))%K(1), G1(BRR(I))%K(2), G1(BRR(I))%K(3), G1(BRR(I))%MS CALL WRITESYM(stdout, G1(BRR(I))%SYM, .FALSE.) write(stdout, '(I4)', advance='no') G1(BRR(I))%Ml write(stdout, '(2F19.9)') ARR(I, 1), ARR(BRR(I), 2) end do write(stdout, '(A)') " =================================================================================================" do I = NEl + 1, NEl + VirtCASOrbs write(stdout, '(6I7)', advance='no') I, BRR(I), G1(BRR(I))%K(1), G1(BRR(I))%K(2), G1(BRR(I))%K(3), G1(BRR(I))%MS CALL WRITESYM(stdout, G1(BRR(I))%SYM, .FALSE.) write(stdout, '(I4)', advance='no') G1(BRR(I))%Ml write(stdout, '(2F19.9)') ARR(I, 1), ARR(BRR(I), 2) end do else if (tTruncInitiator) THEN write(stdout, '(A)') "*********** INITIATOR METHOD IN USE ***********" write(stdout, '(A)') "Starting with only the reference determinant in the fixed initiator space." end if ! Setup excitation generator for the HF determinant. If we are using ! assumed sized excitgens, this will also be assumed size. IF (tUEG .or. tHub .or. tNoSingExcits) THEN exflag = 2 ELSE exflag = 3 end if IF (.not. tKPntSym) THEN !Count all possible excitations - put into HFConn !TODO: Get CountExcitations3 working with tKPntSym CALL CountExcitations3(HFDet, exflag, nSingles, nDoubles) ELSE if (t_k_space_hubbard) then ! use my gen_all_excits_k_space_hubbard routine from the ! unit tests.. but i might have to set up some other stuff ! for this to work and also make sure this works with my ! new symmetry implementation if (.not. t_trans_corr_2body) then call gen_all_excits_k_space_hubbard(HFDet, nDoubles, dummy_list) end if nSingles = 0 else ! Use Alex's old excitation generators to enumerate all excitations. call enumerate_sing_doub_kpnt(exflag, .false., nSingles, nDoubles, .false.) end if end if HFConn = nSingles + nDoubles if (tAutoAdaptiveShift .and. AAS_Cut < 0.0) then !The user did not specify the value, use this as a default if (HFConn > 0) then AAS_Cut = 1.0_dp / HFConn else ! if the HF is disconnected (can happen in rare corner cases), set it to 0 AAS_Cut = 0.0_dp end if end if ! Initialise random number seed - since the seeds need to be different ! on different processors, subract processor rank from random number if (.not. tRestart) then Seed = abs(G_VMC_Seed - iProcIndex) write(stdout, "(A,I12)") "Value for seed is: ", Seed !Initialise... CALL dSFMT_init(Seed) if (tMolpro) then if ((NMCyc == -1) .and. (.not. tTimeExit)) then !No iteration number, or TIME option has been specified. call warning_neci(t_r, & "No iteration number specified. Only running for 100 iterations initially. Change with ITERATIONS option.") NMCyc = 100 !Only run for 100 iterations. else if (tTimeExit .and. (NMCyc == -1)) then write(stdout, "(A,F10.3,A)") "Running FCIQMC for ", MaxTimeExit / 60.0_dp, " minutes." else if (tTimeExit .and. (NMCyc /= -1)) then write(stdout, "(A,F10.3,A,I15,A)") "Running FCIQMC for ", MaxTimeExit / 60.0_dp, " minutes OR ", NMCyc, " iterations." else if ((.not. tTimeExit) .and. (NMCyc > 0)) then write(stdout, "(A,I15,A)") "Running FCIQMC for ", NMCyc, " iterations." else call stop_all(t_r, "Iteration number/Time unknown for simulation - contact ghb") end if end if end if ! Option tRandomiseHashOrbs has now been removed. ! Its behaviour is now considered default ! --> Create a random mapping for the orbitals allocate(RandomOrbIndex(nBasis), stat=ierr) IF (ierr /= 0) THEN CALL Stop_All(t_r, "Error in allocating RandomOrbIndex") end if RandomOrbIndex(:) = 0 ! We want another independent randomizing array for the hash table, so ! we do not introduce correlations between the two allocate(RandomHash2(nBasis), stat=ierr) if (ierr /= 0) & call stop_all(t_r, "Error in allocating RandomHash2") RandomHash2(:) = 0 IF (iProcIndex == root) THEN do i = 1, nBasis ! If we want to hash only by spatial orbitals, then the ! spin paired orbitals must be set equal if (tSpatialOnlyHash) then if (.not. btest(i, 0)) then RandomOrbIndex(i) = RandomOrbIndex(i - 1) cycle end if end if ! Ensure that we don't set two values to be equal accidentally FoundPair = .false. do while (.not. FoundPair) r = genrand_real2_dSFMT() ChosenOrb = INT(nBasis * r * 1000) + 1 ! Check all values which have already been set. do j = 1, nBasis IF (RandomOrbIndex(j) == ChosenOrb) EXIT end do ! If not already used, then we can move on if (j == nBasis + 1) FoundPair = .true. RandomOrbIndex(i) = ChosenOrb end do end do !Do again for RandomHash2 do i = 1, nBasis ! If we want to hash only by spatial orbitals, then the ! spin paired orbitals must be set equal if (tSpatialOnlyHash) then if (.not. btest(i, 0)) then RandomHash2(i) = RandomHash2(i - 1) cycle end if end if ! Ensure that we don't set two values to be equal accidentally FoundPair = .false. do while (.not. FoundPair) r = genrand_real2_dSFMT() ChosenOrb = INT(nBasis * r * 1000) + 1 ! Check all values which have already been set. do j = 1, nBasis IF (RandomHash2(j) == ChosenOrb) EXIT end do ! If not already used, then we can move on if (j == nBasis + 1) FoundPair = .true. RandomHash2(i) = ChosenOrb end do end do if (tSpatialOnlyHash) then step = 2 else step = 1 end if do i = 1, nBasis IF ((RandomOrbIndex(i) == 0) .or. (RandomOrbIndex(i) > nBasis * 1000)) THEN CALL Stop_All(t_r, "Random Hash incorrectly calculated") end if IF ((RandomHash2(i) == 0) .or. (RandomHash2(i) > nBasis * 1000)) THEN CALL Stop_All(t_r, "Random Hash 2 incorrectly calculated") end if do j = i + step, nBasis, step IF (RandomOrbIndex(i) == RandomOrbIndex(j)) THEN CALL Stop_All(t_r, "Random Hash incorrectly calculated") end if IF (RandomHash2(i) == RandomHash2(j)) THEN CALL Stop_All(t_r, "Random Hash 2 incorrectly calculated") end if end do end do end if !Now broadcast to all processors CALL MPIBCast(RandomOrbIndex, nBasis) call MPIBCast(RandomHash2, nBasis) t_initialized_roi = .true. call init_load_balance() IF (tHPHF) THEN !IF(tLatticeGens) CALL Stop_All("SetupParameters","Cannot use HPHF with model systems currently.") IF (tROHF .or. (LMS /= 0)) CALL Stop_All("SetupParameters", "Cannot use HPHF with high-spin systems.") tHPHFInts = .true. end if if (t_lattice_model) then if (t_tJ_model) then if (tGUGA) then call init_get_helement_tj_guga() else call init_get_helement_tj() end if else if (t_heisenberg_model) then if (tGUGA) then call init_get_helement_heisenberg_guga else call init_get_helement_heisenberg() end if else if (t_new_real_space_hubbard) then call init_get_helement_hubbard() else if (t_k_space_hubbard) then call init_get_helement_k_space_hub() end if end if !Calculate Hii (unless suppressed) if (tZeroRef) then TempHii = 0.0_dp else IF (tHPHF) THEN TempHii = hphf_diag_helement(HFDet, iLutHF) ELSE TempHii = get_helement(HFDet, HFDet, 0) end if Hii = REAL(TempHii, dp) write(stdout, "(A,F20.10)") "Reference Energy set to: ", Hii if (tUEG) then !We require calculation of the sum of fock eigenvalues, !without knowing them - calculate from the full 1e matrix elements !of full hamiltonian removing two electron terms. TempHii = GetH0Element4(HFDet, HFDet) else !Know fock eigenvalues, so just use these. TempHii = GetH0Element3(hfdet) end if Fii = REAL(TempHii, dp) !Find the highest energy determinant... IF (LMS == 0) THEN do i = 1, NEl HighEDet(i) = Brr(nBasis - (i - 1)) end do call sort(HighEDet) IF (tHPHF) THEN call EncodeBitDet(HighEDet, iLutTemp) TempHii = hphf_diag_helement(HighEDet, iLutTemp) ELSE TempHii = get_helement(HighEDet, HighEDet, 0) end if if (abs(TempHii - Hii) > EPS) then UpperTau = 1.0_dp / REAL(TempHii - Hii, dp) else UpperTau = 0.0_dp end if write(stdout, "(A,G25.15)") "Highest energy determinant is (approximately): ", REAL(TempHii, dp) write(stdout, "(a,g25.15)") "Corresponding to a correlation energy of: ", real(temphii - hii, dp) write(stdout, "(A,F25.15)") "This means tau should be no more than about ", UpperTau write(stdout, *) "Highest energy determinant is: ", HighEDet(:) associate(deterministic_max_tau => UpperTau * 1.1_dp) if (deterministic_max_tau < max_tau) then write(stdout, "(A)") "The deterministic tau is smaller than max_tau." write(stdout, "(A, F25.15)") "We will limit max_tau to:", deterministic_max_tau max_tau = deterministic_max_tau if (tau > max_tau) then call assign_value_to_tau(max_tau, 'Initial tau was higher than deterministic tau limit.') end if end if end associate else UpperTau = 0.0_dp end if if (tau_start_val == possible_tau_start%deterministic) then call assign_value_to_tau(UpperTau, 'Deterministically approximated value 1 / (E_max - E_0)') end if ! Initialise DiagSft according to the input parameters. If we have ! multiple projected-energy references, then the shift on each of the ! runs should be adjusted so that it is still relative to the first ! replica, but is offset by the replica's reference's diagonal energy. DiagSft = InputDiagSft proje_ref_energy_offsets = 0.0_dp if (tOrthogonaliseReplicas) then do run = 1, inum_runs if (tHPHF) then TempHii = hphf_diag_helement(ProjEDet(:, run), ilutRef(:, run)) else TempHii = get_helement(ProjEDet(:, run), ProjEDet(:, run), 0) end if proje_ref_energy_offsets(run) = real(TempHii, dp) - Hii if (tMultiRefShift) DiagSft(run) = proje_ref_energy_offsets(run) end do end if IF (tHub) THEN IF (tReal) THEN !We also know that in real-space hubbard calculations, there are only single excitations. exFlag = 1 ELSE !We are doing a momentum space hubbard calculation - set exFlag to 2 since only doubles are connected for momentum conservation. exFlag = 2 end if end if IF (LMS /= 0) THEN IF (tNoBrillouin .or. (tHub .and. tReal) .or. tRotatedOrbs) THEN write(stdout, *) "No brillouin theorem assumed. Single excitations also used to calculate projected energy." else if (tUHF) THEN write(stdout, *) "High spin calculation - but single excitations will *NOT* be used to calculate energy as "& & //"this is an unrestricted calculation." ELSE CALL Stop_All("SetupParameters", "High-spin, restricted calculation detected, but single excitations are "& & //"not being used to calculate the energy. & & Either use the UHF keyword, or turn off brillouins theorem using NOBRILLOUINS, ROHF or ROTATEDORBS.") end if ! tRotatedOrbs=.true. ! else if(LMS.ne.0) THEN ! CALL Stop_All(t_r,"Ms not equal to zero, but tSpn is false. Error here") end if !Initialise variables for calculation on each node iter = 0 !This is set so that calls to CalcParentFlag in the initialisation are ok with the logging. iPopsTimers = 1 !Number of timed popsfiles written out iBlockingIter = 0 IterTime = 0.0 ProjectionE(:) = 0.0_dp AvSign = 0.0_dp AvSignHFD = 0.0_dp SumENum(:) = 0.0_dp InitsENumCyc(:) = 0.0_dp SumNoatHF(:) = 0.0_dp NoatHF(:) = 0.0_dp InstNoatHF(:) = 0.0_dp Annihilated(:) = 0.0_dp Acceptances(:) = 0.0_dp PreviousCycles = 0 NoBorn = 0.0_dp SpawnFromSing = 0 max_cyc_spawn = 0.0_dp ! in case tau-search is off max_death_cpt = 0.0_dp NoDied = 0 HFCyc = 0.0_dp HFOut = 0.0_dp ENumCyc = 0.0_dp ENumOut = 0.0_dp ENUmCycAbs = 0.0_dp VaryShiftCycles = 0 AvDiagSft(:) = 0.0_dp SumDiagSft(:) = 0.0_dp SumWalkersCyc(:) = 0.0_dp SumWalkersOut(:) = 0.0_dp ! SumDiagSftAbort=0.0_dp ! AvDiagSftAbort=0.0_dp NoAborted(:) = 0.0_dp NoRemoved(:) = 0.0_dp NoAddedInitiators = 0 NoInitDets = 0 NoNonInitDets = 0 NoInitWalk(:) = 0.0_dp NoNonInitWalk(:) = 0.0_dp NoExtraInitDoubs = 0 InitRemoved = 0 TotImagTime = 0.0_dp DiagSftRe = 0.0_dp DiagSftIm = 0.0_dp sum_proje_denominator = 0 cyc_proje_denominator = 0 !Also reinitialise the global variables - should not necessarily need to do this... AllSumENum(:) = 0.0_dp AllInitsENumCyc(:) = 0.0_dp AllNoatHF(:) = 0.0_dp AllNoatDoubs(:) = 0.0_dp NoAtDoubs = 0.0_dp if (tLogEXLEVELStats) AllEXLEVEL_WNorm(:, :, :) = 0.0_dp AllSumNoatHF(:) = 0.0_dp AllGrowRate(:) = 0.0_dp AllGrowRateAbort(:) = 0 ! AllMeanExcitLevel=0.0_dp AllSumWalkersCyc(:) = 0 AllSumWalkersOut(:) = 0.0_dp AllAvSign = 0.0_dp AllAvSignHFD = 0.0_dp AllNoBorn(:) = 0 AllSpawnFromSing(:) = 0 AllNoDied(:) = 0 AllAnnihilated(:) = 0 AllENumCyc(:) = 0.0_dp AllENumOut(:) = 0.0_dp AllENumCycAbs = 0.0_dp AllHFCyc(:) = 0.0_dp all_cyc_proje_denominator = 1.0_dp AllHFOut(:) = 0.0_dp ! AllDetsNorm=0.0_dp AllNoAborted = 0 AllNoRemoved = 0 AllNoAddedInitiators = 0 AllNoInitDets = 0 AllNoNonInitDets = 0 AllNoInitWalk = 0.0_dp AllNoNonInitWalk = 0.0_dp AllNoExtraInitDoubs = 0 AllInitRemoved = 0 all_n_core_non_init = 0 n_core_non_init = 0 proje_iter = 0 inits_proje_iter = 0.0_dp AccRat = 0 HFShift = 0 bloom_count = 0 InstShift = 0 AbsProjE = 0 norm_semistoch = 0 norm_psi = 0 bloom_sizes = 0 proje_iter_tot = 0.0_dp ! initialize as one (kind of makes sense for a norm) norm_psi_squared = 1.0_dp all_norm_psi_squared = 1.0_dp norm_semistoch_squared = 1.0_dp tSoftExitFound = .false. tReferenceChanged = .false. ! Set the flag to indicate that no shift adjustment has been made tfirst_cycle = .true. ! Initialise the fciqmc counters iter_data_fciqmc%update_growth = 0.0_dp iter_data_fciqmc%update_iters = 0 nExChecks = 0 nExCheckFails = 0 ! 0-initialize truncated weight truncatedWeight = 0.0_dp AllTruncatedWeight = 0.0_dp ! RDMs are taken as they are until we have some data on the f-function ! of the adaptive shift rdmCorrectionFactor = 0.0_dp InstRDMCorrectionFactor = 0.0_dp ThisRDMIter = 0.0_dp ! initialize excitation number trackers nInvalidExcits = 0 nValidExcits = 0 allNInvalidExcits = 0 allNValidExcits = 0 if (tEScaleWalkers) then if (abs(RealSpawnCutoff - sFBeta) > eps) then write(stdout, *) "Warning: Overriding RealSpawnCutoff with scale function parameter" RealSpawnCutoff = sFBeta end if end if tNoSinglesPossible = t_k_space_hubbard .or. tUEG .or. tNoSinglesPossible if (.not. allocated(allInitsPerExLvl)) allocate(allInitsPerExLvl(maxInitExLvlWrite)) if (.not. allocated(initsPerExLvl)) allocate(initsPerExLvl(maxInitExLvlWrite)) initsPerExlvl = 0 allInitsPerExLvl = 0 IF (tHistSpawn .or. (tCalcFCIMCPsi .and. tFCIMC)) THEN allocate(HistMinInd(NEl)) allocate(HistMinInd2(NEl)) maxdet = 0 do i = 1, nel maxdet = maxdet + 2**(nbasis - i) end do IF (.not. allocated(FCIDets)) THEN CALL Stop_All(t_r, "A Full Diagonalization is required before histogramming can occur.") end if write(stdout, *) "Histogramming spawning wavevector, with Dets=", Det allocate(Histogram(1:lenof_sign, 1:det), stat=ierr) IF (ierr /= 0) THEN CALL Stop_All("SetupParameters", "Error assigning memory for histogramming arrays ") end if Histogram(:, :) = 0.0_dp allocate(AllHistogram(1:lenof_sign, 1:det), stat=ierr) allocate(BeforeNormHist(1:det), stat=ierr) IF (ierr /= 0) CALL Stop_All("SetupParameters", "Error assigning memory for histogramming arrays") IF (tHistSpawn) THEN allocate(InstHist(1:lenof_sign, 1:det), stat=ierr) IF (ierr /= 0) THEN CALL Stop_All("SetupParameters", "Error assigning memory for histogramming arrays") end if InstHist(:, :) = 0.0_dp allocate(AvAnnihil(1:lenof_sign, 1:det), stat=ierr) IF (ierr /= 0) THEN CALL Stop_All("SetupParameters", "Error assigning memory for histogramming arrays") end if AvAnnihil(:, :) = 0.0_dp allocate(InstAnnihil(1:lenof_sign, 1:det), stat=ierr) IF (ierr /= 0) THEN CALL Stop_All("SetupParameters", "Error assigning memory for histogramming arrays") end if InstAnnihil(:, :) = 0.0_dp end if IF (iProcIndex == 0) THEN IF (tHistSpawn) THEN Tot_Unique_Dets_Unit = get_free_unit() open(Tot_Unique_Dets_Unit, FILE='TOTUNIQUEDETS', STATUS='UNKNOWN') if (tCalcVariationalEnergy .and. tDiagAllSpaceEver) then write(Tot_Unique_Dets_Unit, "(A)") "# Iter UniqueDetsEver AvVarEnergy InstVarEnergy GroundE_Ever" else if (tCalcVariationalEnergy) then write(Tot_Unique_Dets_Unit, "(A)") "# Iter UniqueDetsEver AvVarEnergy InstVarEnergy" else if (tDiagAllSpaceEver) then write(Tot_Unique_Dets_Unit, "(A)") "# Iter UniqueDetsEver GroundE_Ever" else write(Tot_Unique_Dets_Unit, "(A)") "# Iter UniqueDetsEver" end if allocate(AllInstHist(1:lenof_sign, 1:det), stat=ierr) allocate(AllInstAnnihil(1:lenof_sign, 1:det), stat=ierr) allocate(AllAvAnnihil(1:lenof_sign, 1:det), stat=ierr) end if IF (ierr /= 0) THEN CALL Stop_All("SetupParameters", "Error assigning memory for histogramming arrays") end if end if else if (tHistEnergies) THEN write(stdout, *) "Histogramming the energies of the particles, with iNoBins=", iNoBins, " and BinRange=", BinRange write(stdout, *) "Histogramming spawning events from ", -OffDiagMax, " with BinRange = ", OffDiagBinRange iOffDiagNoBins = INT((2.0_dp * OffDiagMax) / OffDiagBinRange) + 1 write(stdout, *) "This gives ", iOffDiagNoBins, " bins to histogram the off-diagonal matrix elements." allocate(HistogramEnergy(1:iNoBins)) allocate(AttemptHist(1:iNoBins)) allocate(SpawnHist(1:iNoBins)) allocate(SinglesHist(1:iOffDiagNoBins)) allocate(SinglesAttemptHist(1:iOffDiagNoBins)) allocate(SinglesHistOccOcc(1:iOffDiagNoBins)) allocate(SinglesHistOccVirt(1:iOffDiagNoBins)) allocate(SinglesHistVirtOcc(1:iOffDiagNoBins)) allocate(SinglesHistVirtVirt(1:iOffDiagNoBins)) allocate(DoublesHist(1:iOffDiagNoBins)) allocate(DoublesAttemptHist(1:iOffDiagNoBins)) HistogramEnergy(:) = 0.0_dp AttemptHist(:) = 0.0_dp SpawnHist(:) = 0.0_dp SinglesHist(:) = 0.0_dp SinglesAttemptHist(:) = 0.0_dp SinglesHistOccOcc(:) = 0.0_dp SinglesHistOccVirt(:) = 0.0_dp SinglesHistVirtOcc(:) = 0.0_dp SinglesHistVirtVirt(:) = 0.0_dp DoublesHist(:) = 0.0_dp DoublesAttemptHist(:) = 0.0_dp IF (iProcIndex == Root) THEN allocate(AllHistogramEnergy(1:iNoBins)) allocate(AllAttemptHist(1:iNoBins)) allocate(AllSpawnHist(1:iNoBins)) allocate(AllSinglesHist(1:iOffDiagNoBins)) allocate(AllDoublesHist(1:iOffDiagNoBins)) allocate(AllSinglesAttemptHist(1:iOffDiagNoBins)) allocate(AllDoublesAttemptHist(1:iOffDiagNoBins)) allocate(AllSinglesHistOccOcc(1:iOffDiagNoBins)) allocate(AllSinglesHistOccVirt(1:iOffDiagNoBins)) allocate(AllSinglesHistVirtOcc(1:iOffDiagNoBins)) allocate(AllSinglesHistVirtVirt(1:iOffDiagNoBins)) end if end if if ((iProcIndex == Root) .and. tDiagWalkerSubspace) then write(stdout, '(A,I9,A)') "Diagonalising walker subspace every ", iDiagSubspaceIter, " iterations" unitWalkerDiag = get_free_unit() open(unitWalkerDiag, file='WalkerSubspaceDiag', status='unknown') if (tTruncInitiator) then write(unitWalkerDiag, '(A)') "# Iter NoInitDets NoOccDets InitiatorSubspaceEnergy & & FullSubspaceEnergy ProjInitEnergy ProjFullEnergy" else write(unitWalkerDiag, '(A)') "# Iter NoOccDets InitiatorSubspaceEnergy & & FullSubspaceEnergy ProjFullEnergy" end if end if if (tHistExcitToFrom) & call init_hist_excit_tofrom() IF (tUseBrillouin) THEN write(stdout, "(A)") "Brillouin theorem in use for calculation of projected energy." end if if (.not. (t_k_space_hubbard .and. t_trans_corr_2body)) then ! for too big lattices my implementation breaks, due to ! memory limitations.. but i think we do not actually need it. CALL CalcApproxpDoubles() end if IF (tau_start_val == possible_tau_start%tau_factor) THEN write(stdout, *) "TauFactor detected. Resetting Tau based on connectivity of: ", HFConn call assign_value_to_tau(TauFactor / REAL(HFConn, dp), 'Initialization from Tau-Factor.') end if if (t_store_ci_coeff) then call init_ciCoeff() end if ! [W.D.] I guess I want to initialize that before the tau-search, ! or otherwise some pgens get calculated incorrectly if (t_back_spawn .or. t_back_spawn_flex) then call init_back_spawn() end if if (t_guga_back_spawn) then call setup_virtual_mask() end if ! also i should warn the user if this is a restarted run with a ! set delay in the back-spawning method: ! is there actually a use-case where someone really wants to delay ! a back-spawn in a restarted run? if (tReadPops .and. back_spawn_delay /= 0) then call Warning_neci(t_r, & "Do you really want a delayed back-spawn in a restarted run?") end if ! can i initialize the k-space hubbard here already? ! because we need information for the tau-search already.. if (t_k_space_hubbard) then call init_k_space_hubbard() end if if (t_new_real_space_hubbard) then call init_real_space_hubbard end if if (t_spin_measurements) then call init_spin_measurements() end if if (t_measure_local_spin) then call init_local_spin_measure() end if IF (abs(StepsSftImag) > 1.0e-12_dp) THEN write(stdout, *) "StepsShiftImag detected. Resetting StepsShift." StepsSft = NINT(StepsSftImag / Tau) IF (StepsSft == 0) StepsSft = 1 write(stdout, *) "StepsShift set to: ", StepsSft end if ! StepsPrint < 1 while not coupling update and output cycle means no std output if (.not. tCoupleCycleOutput .and. StepsPrint < 1) then tMCOutput = .false. ! But there shall be output in the FCIMCStats file ! There is no specified output cycle, so we default to the shift cycle -> couple them tCoupleCycleOutput = .true. end if ! Coupling output and shift update means these two are the same if (tCoupleCycleOutput) StepsPrint = StepsSft if (StepsPrint == StepsSft) tCoupleCycleOutput = .true. IF (TPopsFile) THEN IF (mod(iWritePopsEvery, StepsSft) /= 0) then CALL Warning_neci(t_r, "POPSFILE writeout should be a multiple of the update cycle length.") end if end if if (TReadPops) then if (tStartSinglePart .and. .not. tReadPopsRestart) then if (iProcIndex == root) call warning_neci(t_r, & "ReadPOPS cannot work with StartSinglePart: ignoring StartSinglePart") tStartSinglePart = .false. end if end if IF (.not. TReadPops) THEN write(stdout, "(A,F20.10)") "Initial Diagonal Shift: ", DiagSft(1) end if if (tShiftonHFPop) then write(stdout, *) "Shift will be varied in order to keep the population on the reference determinant fixed" end if write(stdout, *) "Connectivity of HF determinant is: ", HFConn IF (TStartSinglePart) THEN TSinglePartPhase(:) = .true. ELSE TSinglePartPhase(:) = .false. end if IF (ICILevel /= 0) THEN !We are truncating the excitations at a certain value TTruncSpace = .true. write(stdout, '(A,I4)') "Truncating the S.D. space at determinants will an excitation level w.r.t. HF of: ", ICILevel end if IF (tTruncCAS .or. tStartCAS) THEN ! We are truncating the FCI space by only allowing excitations ! in a predetermined CAS space. ! The following line has already been written out if we are doing ! a CAS calculation. ! The SpinInvBRR array is required for the tTruncCAS option. Its ! properties are explained more fully in the subroutine. CALL CreateSpinInvBRR() ! CASmax is the max spin orbital number (when ordered ! energetically) within the chosen active space. ! Spin orbitals with energies larger than this maximum value must ! be unoccupied for the determinant to be in the active space. CASmax = NEl + VirtCASorbs ! CASmin is the max spin orbital number below the active space. ! As well as the above criteria, spin orbitals with energies ! equal to, or below that of the CASmin orbital must be completely ! occupied for the determinant to be in the active space. CASmin = NEl - OccCASorbs IF (OccCASOrbs > NEl) then CALL Stop_All("SetupParameters", "Occupied orbitals in CAS space specified is greater than number of electrons") end if IF (VirtCASOrbs > (nBasis - NEl)) then CALL Stop_All("SetupParameters", "Virtuals in CAS space specified greater than number of unoccupied orbitals") end if !Create the bit masks for the bit calculation of these properties. allocate(CASMask(0:NIfD)) allocate(CoreMask(0:NIfD)) CASMask(:) = 0 CoreMask(:) = 0 do i = 1, nBasis IF (SpinInvBRR(i) > CASmax) THEN !Orbital is in external space CASMask((SpinInvBRR(i) - 1) / bits_n_int) = ibset(CASMask((i - 1) / bits_n_int), MOD((i - 1), bits_n_int)) else if (SpinInvBRR(i) <= CASmin) THEN !Orbital is in core space CoreMask((SpinInvBRR(i) - 1) / bits_n_int) = ibset(CoreMask((i - 1) / bits_n_int), MOD((i - 1), bits_n_int)) CASMask((SpinInvBRR(i) - 1) / bits_n_int) = ibset(CASMask((i - 1) / bits_n_int), MOD((i - 1), bits_n_int)) end if end do end if IF (tPartFreezeCore) THEN write(stdout, '(A,I4,A,I5)') 'Partially freezing the lowest ', NPartFrozen, ' spin orbitals so that no more than ', & NHolesFrozen, ' holes exist within this core.' CALL CreateSpinInvBRR() end if IF (tPartFreezeVirt) THEN write(stdout, '(A,I4,A,I5)') 'Partially freezing the highest ', NVirtPartFrozen, & ' virtual spin orbitals so that no more than ', NElVirtFrozen, ' electrons occupy these orbitals.' CALL CreateSpinInvBRR() end if if (tTruncNOpen) then write (stdout, '("Truncating determinant space at a maximum of ",i3," & &unpaired electrons.")') trunc_nopen_max end if ! for the (uniform) 3-body excitgen, the generation probabilities are uniquely given ! by the number of alpha and beta electrons and the number of orbitals ! and can hence be precomputed if (t_mol_3_body .or. t_ueg_3_body) call setup_mol_tc_excitgen() if (allocated(SD_spin_purification)) then if (allocated(spin_pure_J)) then if (SD_spin_purification == possible_purification_methods%TRUNCATED_LADDER) then write(stdout, *) write(stdout, '(A)') 'Spin purification of Slater Determinants & &with off-diagonal $ J * S_{+} S_{-} $ correction.' write(stdout, '(A, 1x, E10.5)') 'J =', spin_pure_J write(stdout, *) else if (SD_spin_purification == possible_purification_methods%ONLY_LADDER) then write(stdout, *) write(stdout, '(A)') 'Spin purification of Slater Determinants & &with $ J * S_{+} S_{-} $ correction.' write(stdout, '(A, 1x, E10.5)') 'J =', spin_pure_J write(stdout, *) else write(stdout, *) write(stdout, '(A)') 'Spin purification of Slater Determinants & &with full $ J *S^2 $ spin penalty.' write(stdout, '(A, 1x, E10.5)') 'J =', spin_pure_J write(stdout, *) end if else call stop_all(this_routine, "spin_pure_J not allocated") end if end if call init_exc_gen_class() END SUBROUTINE SetupParameters ! This initialises the calculation, by allocating memory, setting up the ! initial walkers, and reading from a file if needed SUBROUTINE InitFCIMCCalcPar() INTEGER :: ierr, iunithead logical :: formpops, binpops, tStartedFromCoreGround integer(int64) :: MemoryAlloc INTEGER :: error, PopsVersion character(*), parameter :: t_r = 'InitFCIMCPar', this_routine = t_r integer :: PopBlockingIter real(dp) :: ExpectedMemWalk, read_tau, read_psingles, read_pparallel, read_ptriples integer(int64) :: read_walkers_on_nodes(0:nProcessors - 1) integer :: read_nnodes !Variables from popsfile header... logical :: tPop64Bit, tPopHPHF, tPopLz integer :: iPopLenof_sign, iPopNel, iPopIter, PopNIfD, PopNIfSgn, PopNIfFlag, PopNIfTot, Popinum_runs integer :: PopRandomHash(2056), PopBalanceBlocks integer(int64) :: iPopAllTotWalkers integer :: i, run real(dp) :: PopDiagSft(1:inum_runs) real(dp), dimension(lenof_sign) :: PopSumNoatHF HElement_t(dp) :: PopAllSumENum(1:inum_runs) integer :: perturb_ncreate, perturb_nannihilate integer :: nrdms_standard, nrdms_transition character(255) :: identifier ! set default pops version, this should not have any functional impact, ! but prevents using it uninitialized !default Popinum_runs = 1 ! default version for popsfiles, this does not have any functional effect, ! but prevents it from using uninitialized PopsVersion = 4 if (tPopsAlias) then identifier = aliasStem else identifier = 'POPSFILE' end if if (tReadPops .and. .not. (tPopsAlreadyRead .or. tHDF5PopsRead)) then call open_pops_head(iunithead, formpops, binpops, identifier) PopsVersion = FindPopsfileVersion(iunithead) if (iProcIndex == root) close(iunithead) write(stdout, *) "POPSFILE VERSION ", PopsVersion, " detected." end if if (tReadPops .and. (PopsVersion < 3) .and. & .not. (tPopsAlreadyRead .or. tHDF5PopsRead)) then !Read in particles from multiple POPSFILES for each processor !Ugh - need to set up ValidSpawnedList here too... call SetupValidSpawned(int(InitWalkers, int64)) write(stdout, *) "Reading in initial particle configuration from *OLD* POPSFILES..." CALL ReadFromPopsFilePar() ELSE !Scale walker number !This is needed to be done here rather than later, !because the arrays should be allocated with appropariate sizes if (tReadPops .and. .not. tPopsAlreadyRead) then InitWalkers = InitWalkers * ScaleWalkers end if !initialise the particle positions - start at HF with positive sign !Set the maximum number of walkers allowed if (tReadPops .and. .not. (tPopsAlreadyRead .or. tHDF5PopsRead)) then !Read header. call open_pops_head(iunithead, formpops, binpops, identifier) if (PopsVersion == 3) then call ReadPopsHeadv3(iunithead, tPop64Bit, tPopHPHF, tPopLz, iPopLenof_Sign, iPopNel, & iPopAllTotWalkers, PopDiagSft, PopSumNoatHF, PopAllSumENum, iPopIter, & PopNIfD, PopNIfSgn, PopNIfFlag, PopNIfTot) ! The following values were not read in... read_tau = 0.0_dp read_nnodes = 0 PopBalanceBlocks = -1 else if (PopsVersion == 4) then ! The only difference between 3 & 4 is just that 4 reads ! in via a namelist, so that we can add more details ! whenever we want. call ReadPopsHeadv4(iunithead, tPop64Bit, tPopHPHF, tPopLz, iPopLenof_Sign, iPopNel, & iPopAllTotWalkers, PopDiagSft, PopSumNoatHF, PopAllSumENum, iPopIter, & PopNIfD, PopNIfSgn, Popinum_runs, PopNIfFlag, PopNIfTot, & read_tau, PopBlockingIter, PopRandomHash, read_psingles, & read_pparallel, read_ptriples, read_nnodes, read_walkers_on_nodes, & PopBalanceBlocks) else call stop_all(this_routine, "Popsfile version invalid") end if ! Check the number of electrons created and annihilated by the ! perturbation operators, if any are being used. if (allocated(pops_pert)) then perturb_ncreate = pops_pert(1)%ncreate perturb_nannihilate = pops_pert(1)%nannihilate else perturb_ncreate = 0 perturb_nannihilate = 0 end if call CheckPopsParams(tPop64Bit, tPopHPHF, tPopLz, iPopLenof_Sign, iPopNel, & iPopAllTotWalkers, PopDiagSft, PopSumNoatHF, PopAllSumENum, iPopIter, & PopNIfD, PopNIfSgn, PopNIfTot, & MaxWalkersUncorrected, read_tau, PopBlockingIter, read_psingles, read_pparallel, & read_ptriples, perturb_ncreate, perturb_nannihilate) if (iProcIndex == root) close(iunithead) else MaxWalkersUncorrected = int(InitWalkers) end if MaxWalkersPart = NINT(MemoryFacPart * MaxWalkersUncorrected) ExpectedMemWalk = real( (NIfTot + 1) * size_n_int + 8, dp ) * & real(MaxWalkersPart, dp) / 2._dp**20 if (ExpectedMemWalk < 20.0) then !Increase memory allowance for small runs to a min of 20mb MaxWalkersPart = ceiling( 20._dp * 2._dp**20 / & real((NIfTot + 1) * size_n_int + 8, dp) ) block character(*), parameter :: mem_warning = "Low memory requested for walkers, so increasing memory to 20Mb to avoid memory errors" if (iProcIndex == root) write(stderr, "(A)") mem_warning end block end if write(stdout, "(A,I14)") "Memory allocated for a maximum particle number per node of: ", MaxWalkersPart !Here is where MaxSpawned is set up - do we want to set up a minimum allocation here too? Call SetupValidSpawned(int(InitWalkers, int64)) !Put a barrier here so all processes synchronise CALL MPIBarrier(error) !Allocate memory to hold walkers allocate(WalkVecDets(0:NIfTot, MaxWalkersPart), stat=ierr) CALL LogMemAlloc('WalkVecDets', MaxWalkersPart * (NIfTot + 1), size_n_int, this_routine, WalkVecDetsTag, ierr) WalkVecDets(0:NIfTot, 1:MaxWalkersPart) = 0 MemoryAlloc = (NIfTot + 1) * MaxWalkersPart * size_n_int !Memory Allocated in bytes if (alloc_popsfile_dets) allocate(popsfile_dets(0:NIfTot, MaxWalkersPart), stat=ierr) nrdms_standard = 0 nrdms_transition = 0 if (tRDMOnFly) then if (tPairedReplicas) then nrdms_standard = lenof_sign.div.2 else nrdms_standard = lenof_sign end if if (tTransitionRDMs) then ! nrdms_transition_input will have been read in from the user ! input. But if we have two different replicas for each state ! sampled, then there are two ways to form each transition RDMs. nrdms_transition = nrdms_transition_input * nreplicas end if end if ! Allocate storage for persistent data to be stored alongside ! the current determinant list (particularly diagonal matrix ! elements, i.e. CurrentH; now global_determinant_data). call init_global_det_data(nrdms_standard, nrdms_transition) ! If we are doing cont time, then initialise it here call init_cont_time() ! set the dummies for trial wavefunction connected space ! load balancing before trial wf initialization if (tTrialWavefunction) then allocate(con_send_buf(0, 0)) con_space_size = 0 end if write(stdout, "(A,I12,A)") "Spawning vectors allowing for a total of ", MaxSpawned, & " particles to be spawned in any one iteration per core." write(stdout, *) "Memory requirement ", IlutBits%len_bcast * 8.0_dp * ( & MaxSpawned / 1048576.0_dp), "MB" allocate(SpawnVec(0:IlutBits%len_bcast, MaxSpawned), & stat=ierr, source=0_n_int) block use constants, only: int64 use util_mod, only: operator(.div.) if (ierr /= 0) then call stop_all(this_routine, 'Error in allocation of SpawnVec.') end if call LogMemAlloc("SpawnVec", size(SpawnVec, kind=int64), int(sizeof(SpawnVec), kind=int64) .div. size(SpawnVec, kind=int64),& & this_routine, SpawnVecTag, ierr) end block allocate(SpawnVec2(0:IlutBits%len_bcast, MaxSpawned), & stat=ierr, source=0_n_int) block use constants, only: int64 use util_mod, only: operator(.div.) if (ierr /= 0) then call stop_all(this_routine, 'Error in allocation of SpawnVec2.') end if call LogMemAlloc("SpawnVec2", size(SpawnVec2, kind=int64), int(sizeof(SpawnVec2), kind=int64) .div. size(SpawnVec2, kind=int64),& & this_routine, SpawnVec2Tag, ierr) end block if (use_spawn_hash_table) then nhashes_spawn = ceiling(0.8 * MaxSpawned) allocate(spawn_ht(nhashes_spawn), stat=ierr) call init_hash_table(spawn_ht) end if !Point at correct spawning arrays SpawnedParts => SpawnVec SpawnedParts2 => SpawnVec2 MemoryAlloc = MemoryAlloc + (NIfTot + 1) * MaxSpawned * 2 * size_n_int if (tAutoAdaptiveShift) then allocate(SpawnInfoVec(1:SpawnInfoWidth, MaxSpawned), stat=ierr) block use constants, only: int64 use util_mod, only: operator(.div.) if (ierr /= 0) then call stop_all(this_routine, 'Error in allocation of SpawnInfoVec.') end if call LogMemAlloc("SpawnInfoVec", size(SpawnInfoVec, kind=int64), int(sizeof(SpawnInfoVec), kind=int64) .div. size(SpawnInfoVec,& & kind=int64), this_routine, SpawnInfoVecTag, ierr) end block allocate(SpawnInfoVec2(1:SpawnInfoWidth, MaxSpawned), stat=ierr) block use constants, only: int64 use util_mod, only: operator(.div.) if (ierr /= 0) then call stop_all(this_routine, 'Error in allocation of SpawnInfoVec2.') end if call LogMemAlloc("SpawnInfoVec2", size(SpawnInfoVec2, kind=int64), int(sizeof(SpawnInfoVec2), kind=int64) .div.& & size(SpawnInfoVec2, kind=int64), this_routine, SpawnInfoVec2Tag, ierr) end block SpawnInfoVec(:, :) = 0 SpawnInfoVec2(:, :) = 0 SpawnInfo => SpawnInfoVec SpawnInfo2 => SpawnInfoVec2 MemoryAlloc = MemoryAlloc + (SpawnInfoWidth) * MaxSpawned * 2 * size_n_int end if write(stdout, "(A)") "Storing walkers in hash-table. Algorithm is now formally linear scaling with walker number" write(stdout, "(A,I15)") "Length of hash-table: ", nWalkerHashes write(stdout, "(A,F20.5)") "Length of hash-table as a fraction of targetwalkers: ", HashLengthFrac ! TODO: Correct the memory usage. !MemTemp=2*(8*(nClashMax+1)*nWalkerHashes)+8*MaxWalkersPart !write(stdout,"(A,F10.3,A)") "This will use ",real(MemTemp,dp)/1048576.0_dp,& ! " Mb of memory per process, although this is likely to increase as it expands" allocate(HashIndex(nWalkerHashes), stat=ierr) if (ierr /= 0) call stop_all(this_routine, "Error in allocation") do i = 1, nWalkerHashes HashIndex(i)%ind = 0 end do !Also need to allocate memory for the freeslot array allocate(FreeSlot(MaxWalkersPart), stat=ierr) if (ierr /= 0) call stop_all(this_routine, "Error in allocation") freeslot(:) = 0 !MemoryAlloc=MemoryAlloc+MemTemp ! Allocate pointers to the correct walker arrays CurrentDets => WalkVecDets ! Get the (0-based) processor index for the HF det. do run = 1, inum_runs iRefProc(run) = DetermineDetNode(nel, ProjEDet(:, run), 0) end do write(stdout, "(A,I8)") "Reference processor is: ", iRefProc(1) write(stdout, "(A)", advance='no') "Initial reference is: " call write_det(stdout, ProjEDet(:, 1), .true.) TotParts(:) = 0.0 TotPartsOld(:) = 0.0 NoatHF(:) = 0.0_dp InstNoatHF(:) = 0.0_dp ! Has been moved to guarantee initialization before first load balancing ! Initialises RDM stuff for both explicit and stochastic calculations of RDM. tFillingStochRDMonFly = .false. tFillingExplicRDMonFly = .false. !One of these becomes true when we have reached the relevant iteration to begin filling the RDM. ! initialize excitation generator if (t_guga_pchb) call init_guga_pchb_excitgen() ! If we have a popsfile, read the walkers in now. if (tReadPops .and. .not. tPopsAlreadyRead) then call InitFCIMC_pops(iPopAllTotWalkers, PopNIfSgn, iPopNel, read_nnodes, & read_walkers_on_nodes, pops_pert, & PopBalanceBLocks, PopDiagSft) else if (tStartMP1) then !Initialise walkers according to mp1 amplitude. call InitFCIMC_MP1() else if (tStartCAS) then !Initialise walkers according to a CAS diagonalisation. call InitFCIMC_CAS() else if (tTrialInit .or. (tOrthogonaliseReplicas .and. & .not. tReplicaSingleDetStart)) then call InitFCIMC_trial() else if (tInitializeCSF) then call InitFCIMC_CSF() else !Set up walkers on HF det if (tStartSinglePart) then write(stdout, "(A,I10,A,F9.3,A,I15)") "Initial number of particles set to ", int(InitialPart), & " and shift will be held at ", DiagSft(1), " until particle number gets to ", int(InitWalkers * nNodes) else write(stdout, "(A,I16)") "Initial number of walkers per processor chosen to be: ", nint(InitWalkers) end if call InitFCIMC_HF() end if !tStartmp1 end if if (t_ueg_3_body .and. tTrcorrExgen) tLatticeGens = .false. write(stdout, "(A,F14.6,A)") " Initial memory (without excitgens + temp arrays) consists of : ", & & REAL(MemoryAlloc, dp) / 1048576.0_dp, " Mb/Processor" write(stdout, *) "Only one array of memory to store main particle list allocated..." write(stdout, *) "Initial memory allocation sucessful..." write(stdout, *) "=============================================" CALL neci_flush(stdout) end if !End if initial walkers method ! There was no last output, use the same value as for the shift update AllTotPartsLastOutput = AllTotPartsOld !Put a barrier here so all processes synchronise CALL MPIBarrier(error) call init_norm() IF (tPrintOrbOcc) THEN allocate(OrbOccs(nBasis), stat=ierr) CALL LogMemAlloc('OrbOccs', nBasis, 8, this_routine, OrbOccsTag, ierr) OrbOccs(:) = 0.0_dp end if IF (tHistInitPops) THEN CALL InitHistInitPops() end if tPrintHighPop = .false. MaxInitPopPos = 0.0 MaxInitPopNeg = 0.0 IF (abs(MaxNoatHF) < 1.0e-12_dp) THEN MaxNoatHF = InitWalkers * nNodes HFPopThresh = int(MaxNoatHF, int64) end if ! Initialise excitation generation storage call init_excit_gen_store(fcimc_excit_gen_store) if (t_pcpp_excitgen) call init_pcpp_excitgen() if (t_impurity_excitgen) call setupImpurityExcitgen() ! [W.D.] I guess I want to initialize that before the tau-search, ! or otherwise some pgens get calculated incorrectly if (t_back_spawn .or. t_back_spawn_flex) then call init_back_spawn() end if ! also i should warn the user if this is a restarted run with a ! set delay in the back-spawning method: ! is there actually a use-case where someone really wants to delay ! a back-spawn in a restarted run? if (tReadPops .and. back_spawn_delay /= 0) then call Warning_neci(t_r, & "Do you really want a delayed back-spawn in a restarted run?") end if call init_tau() IF ((NMCyc /= 0) .and. (tRotateOrbs .and. (.not. tFindCINatOrbs))) then CALL Stop_All(this_routine, "Currently not set up to rotate and then go straight into a spawning & & calculation. Ordering of orbitals is incorrect. This may be fixed if needed.") end if if (tRDMonFly) then call init_rdms(nrdms_standard, nrdms_transition) !If the iteration specified to start filling the RDM has already been, want to !start filling as soon as possible. do run = 1, inum_runs if (.not. tSinglePartPhase(run)) VaryShiftIter(run) = 0 end do end if ! Perform all semi-stochastic initialisation. This includes generating all the states in the ! deterministic space, finding their processors, ordering them, inserting them into ! CurrentDets, calculating and storing all Hamiltonian matrix elements and initalising all ! arrays required to store and distribute the vectors in the deterministic space later. ! in the real-time application, this is done after the initial state is set up if (tSemiStochastic .and. .not. t_real_time_fciqmc) then if (tDynamicCoreSpace .and. tRDMonFly) then tSemiStochastic = .false. semistoch_shift_iter = 1 else call init_semi_stochastic(ss_space_in, tStartedFromCoreGround) if (tStartedFromCoreGround .and. tSetInitialRunRef) call set_initial_run_references() end if end if ! If the number of trial states to calculate hasn't been set by the ! user, then simply use the minimum number if ((tTrialWavefunction .or. tStartTrialLater) .and. (ntrial_ex_calc == 0)) then ntrial_ex_calc = inum_runs end if ! Initialise the trial wavefunction information which can be used for the energy estimator. ! This includes generating the trial space, generating the space connected to the trial space, ! diagonalising the trial space to find the trial wavefunction and calculating the vector ! in the connected space, required for the energy estimator. if (tRDMonFly .and. tDynamicCoreSpace .and. tTrialWavefunction) then tTrialWavefunction = .false. tStartTrialLater = .true. trial_shift_iter = 1 end if if (tTrialWavefunction) then if (tPairedReplicas) then call init_trial_wf(trial_space_in, ntrial_ex_calc, inum_runs.div.2, .true.) else call init_trial_wf(trial_space_in, ntrial_ex_calc, inum_runs, .false.) end if else if (tStartTrialLater) then ! If we are going to turn on the use of a trial wave function ! later in the calculation, then zero the trial estimate arrays ! for now, to prevent junk being printed before then. trial_numerator = 0.0_dp tot_trial_numerator = 0.0_dp trial_denom = 0.0_dp tot_trial_denom = 0.0_dp init_trial_numerator = 0.0_dp tot_init_trial_numerator = 0.0_dp init_trial_denom = 0.0_dp tot_init_trial_denom = 0.0_dp trial_num_inst = 0.0_dp tot_trial_num_inst = 0.0_dp trial_denom_inst = 0.0_dp tot_trial_denom_inst = 0.0_dp end if replica_overlaps_real(:, :) = 0.0_dp #ifdef CMPLX_ replica_overlaps_imag(:, :) = 0.0_dp #endif if (t_cepa_shift) call init_cepa_shifts() ! Set up the reference space for the adi-approach ! in real-time, we do this in the real-time init if (.not. t_real_time_fciqmc) call setup_reference_space(tReadPops) ! in fixed-n0, the variable shift mode and everything connected is ! controlled over the reference population if (tFixedN0) then if (tReadPops .and. .not. tWalkContGrow) then tSkipRef = .true. tSinglePartPhase = .false. else tSkipRef = .false. tSinglePartPhase = .true. end if end if if (tRDMonFly .and. tDynamicCoreSpace) call sync_rdm_sampling_iter() ! for the (uniform) 3-body excitgen, the generation probabilities are uniquely given ! by the number of alpha and beta electrons and the number of orbitals ! and can hence be precomputed if (t_mol_3_body .or. t_ueg_3_body) call setup_mol_tc_excitgen() if (tInitiatorSpace) call init_initiator_space(i_space_in) if (tReplicaEstimates) then if (.not. tPairedReplicas) then call stop_all(this_routine, "The paired-replicas option must be used the logging & &block, in order to calculate replica estimates.)") end if if (tSemiStochastic) allocate (tDetermSpawnedTo( & cs_replicas(core_run)%determ_sizes(iProcIndex))) call open_replica_est_file() end if ! When should we perform death before communication? ! For integer walkers, do death before comms just so the tests don't fail (or need updating). if (.not. tAllRealCoeff) then tDeathBeforeComms = .true. end if if (t_back_spawn .or. t_back_spawn_flex) then tDeathBeforeComms = .true. end if ! For FCIQMC with preconditioning and a time step of 1, death will ! kill all walkers and remove them from the hash table. In this ! case, we must set the initiator flags for spawning to occupied ! determinants before this occurs. if (tPreCond .and. (tau.isclose.1.0_dp)) tSetInitFlagsBeforeDeath = .true. ! Make sure we are performing death *after* communication, in cases ! where this is essential. if (tPreCond .and. tDeathBeforeComms) then call stop_all(this_routine, "With preconditioning, death must & &be performed after communication.") end if if (tReplicaEstimates .and. tDeathBeforeComms) then call stop_all(this_routine, "In order to calculate replica estimates, & &death must be performed after communication.") end if if (tEN2Init .and. (.not. tTruncInitiator)) then call stop_all(this_routine, "Cannot calculate the EN2 correction to initiator & &error as the initiator method is not in use.") end if end subroutine InitFCIMCCalcPar subroutine init_fcimc_fn_pointers() character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "init_fcimc_fn_pointers" ! Almost all excitation generators in NECI are Full CI generators. gen_all_excits => gen_all_excits_default ! Select the excitation generator. if (tGAS) then call class_managed(generate_excitation, gen_all_excits) else if (t_3_body_excits .and. .not. (t_mol_3_body .or. t_ueg_3_body)) then if (t_uniform_excits) then generate_excitation => gen_excit_uniform_k_space_hub_transcorr else generate_excitation => gen_excit_k_space_hub_transcorr end if else if (t_ueg_3_body) then if (tTrcorrExgen) then generate_two_body_excitation => gen_ueg_excit else if (TLatticeGens) then generate_two_body_excitation => gen_rand_excit endif generate_excitation => gen_excit_mol_tc elseif(t_impurity_excitgen) then generate_excitation => gen_excit_impurity_model elseif ((t_back_spawn_option .or. t_back_spawn_flex_option)) then if (tHUB .and. tLatticeGens) then ! for now the hubbard + back-spawn still uses the old ! genrand excit gen generate_excitation => gen_excit_back_spawn_hubbard else if (tUEGNewGenerator .and. tLatticeGens) then generate_excitation => gen_excit_back_spawn_ueg_new else if (tUEG .and. tLatticeGens) then generate_excitation => gen_excit_back_spawn_ueg else generate_excitation => gen_excit_back_spawn end if else if (tUEGNewGenerator) then generate_excitation => gen_ueg_excit else if (tPickVirtUniform) then ! pick-uniform-random-mag is on if (tReltvy) then generate_excitation => gen_rand_excit_Ex_Mag else call stop_all(this_routine, "Excitation generator has not been set!") end if else if (tGenHelWeighted) then generate_excitation => gen_excit_hel_weighted else if (tGen_4ind_2) then generate_excitation => gen_excit_4ind_weighted2 else if (tGen_4ind_weighted) then generate_excitation => gen_excit_4ind_weighted else if (tGen_4ind_reverse) then generate_excitation => gen_excit_4ind_reverse else if (tGUGA) then if (tgen_guga_crude) then if (t_k_space_hubbard) then generate_excitation => gen_excit_k_space_hub else if (t_new_real_space_hubbard) then generate_excitation => gen_excit_rs_hubbard else generate_excitation => gen_excit_4ind_weighted2 end if else generate_excitation => generate_excitation_guga end if else if (t_pcpp_excitgen) then generate_excitation => gen_rand_excit_pcpp else if (t_fci_pchb_excitgen) then call class_managed(generate_excitation, gen_all_excits) else if (t_k_space_hubbard) then if (t_3_body_excits) then if (t_uniform_excits) then generate_excitation => gen_excit_uniform_k_space_hub_transcorr else if (t_mixed_excits) then generate_excitation => gen_excit_mixed_k_space_hub_transcorr else generate_excitation => gen_excit_k_space_hub_transcorr end if else if (t_uniform_excits) then generate_excitation => gen_excit_uniform_k_space_hub else generate_excitation => gen_excit_k_space_hub end if end if else if (t_new_real_space_hubbard) then if (t_trans_corr_hop) then if (t_hole_focus_excits) then generate_excitation => gen_excit_rs_hubbard_transcorr_hole_focus else if (t_uniform_excits) then generate_excitation => gen_excit_rs_hubbard_transcorr_uniform else generate_excitation => gen_excit_rs_hubbard_transcorr end if else if (t_spin_dependent_transcorr) then generate_excitation => gen_excit_rs_hubbard_spin_dependent_transcorr else generate_excitation => gen_excit_rs_hubbard end if else if (t_tJ_model) then generate_excitation => gen_excit_tJ_model else if (t_heisenberg_model) then generate_excitation => gen_excit_heisenberg_model else generate_excitation => gen_rand_excit end if ! yes, fortran pointers work this way ! Pointer assignment with => ! Fortran !> ptr1 => ptr2 ! C !> T *ptr1, *ptr2; !> ptr1 = ptr2; ! Copy/value assignment with = ! Fortran !> ptr1 = ptr2 ! C !> *ptr1 = *ptr2; ! if we are using the 3-body excitation generator, embed the chosen excitgen ! in the three-body one if (t_mol_3_body) then generate_two_body_excitation => generate_excitation generate_excitation => gen_excit_mol_tc end if ! Do the same for HPHF if (tHPHF) then exc_generator_for_HPHF => generate_excitation generate_excitation => gen_hphf_excit end if ! In the main loop, we only need to find out if a determinant is ! connected to the reference det or not (so no ex. level above 2 is ! required). Except in some cases where we need to know the maximum ! excitation level if (tTruncSpace .or. tHistSpawn .or. tCalcFCIMCPsi) then max_calc_ex_level = nel else if (t_3_body_excits) then max_calc_ex_level = 3 else max_calc_ex_level = 2 end if end if ! How many children should we spawn given an excitation? if (t_real_time_fciqmc) then attempt_create => attempt_create_realtime else if (tTruncCas .or. tTruncSpace .or. & tPartFreezeCore .or. tPartFreezeVirt .or. tFixLz .or. & (tUEG .and. .not. tLatticeGens) .or. tTruncNOpen .or. t_trunc_nopen_diff) then if (tHPHF .or. tSemiStochastic) then attempt_create => attempt_create_trunc_spawn else attempt_create => att_create_trunc_spawn_enc end if else attempt_create => attempt_create_normal end if ! In attempt create, how should we evaluate the off diagonal matrix ! elements between a parent and its (potentially) spawned offspring? if (tHPHF) then if (tGenMatHEL) then get_spawn_helement => hphf_spawn_sign else get_spawn_helement => hphf_off_diag_helement_spawn end if ! new guga addition: do not need to recalculate Helement else if (tGUGA) then ! use hphf_routine also, since it does exactly what needed get_spawn_helement => hphf_spawn_sign else get_spawn_helement => get_helement_det_only end if ! When calling routines to generate all possible connections, this ! routine is called to generate the corresponding Hamiltonian matrix ! elements. if (tHPHF) then get_conn_helement => hphf_off_diag_helement_spawn else get_conn_helement => get_helement_det_only end if ! Once we have generated the children, do we need to encode them? if (.not. (tHPHF .or. tGen_4ind_weighted .or. tGUGA)) then encode_child => FindExcitBitDet else encode_child => null_encode_child end if ! What message should we display for a particle bloom? if (tAddToInitiator) then bloom_warn_string = '("Bloom of more than n_add on ", a, " excit: & &A max of ", f10.2, " particles created. ", & &i8, " blooms occurred.")' else ! Use this variable to store the bloom cutoff level. InitiatorWalkNo = 3.0_dp bloom_warn_string = '("Bloom of more than 3 on ", a, " excit: & &A max of ", f10.2, " particles created. ", & &i8, " blooms occurred.")' end if bloom_max = 0 if (tPreCond) then attempt_die => attempt_die_precond else attempt_die => attempt_die_normal end if extract_bit_rep_avsign => extract_bit_rep_avsign_no_rdm fill_rdm_diag_currdet => fill_rdm_diag_currdet_norm select case (sfTag) case (0) scaleFunction => powerScaleFunction case (1) scaleFunction => expScaleFunction case (2) scaleFunction => negScaleFunction case (3) scaleFunction => expCOScaleFunction case default call stop_all(this_routine, "Invalid scale function specified") end select ! if (tExpAdaptiveShift) then ! shiftFactorFunction => expShiftFactorFunction if (tLinearAdaptiveShift) then shiftFactorFunction => linearShiftFactorFunction else if (tAutoAdaptiveShift) then shiftFactorFunction => autoShiftFactorFunction else shiftFactorFunction => constShiftFactorFunction end if ! select the procedure that returns all connected determinants. if (t_k_space_hubbard) then gen_all_excits => gen_all_excits_k_space_hubbard else if (t_new_real_space_hubbard) then gen_all_excits => gen_all_excits_r_space_hubbard end if end subroutine init_fcimc_fn_pointers subroutine DeallocFCIMCMemPar() CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: this_routine = 'DeallocFciMCMemPar' type(ll_node), pointer :: Curr, Prev integer :: i, ierr deallocate(RandomHash2, stat=ierr) if (ierr /= 0) call stop_all(this_routine, "Err deallocating") ! Deallocate the linked list do i = 1, nWalkerHashes Curr => HashIndex(i)%Next Prev => HashIndex(i) nullify (Prev%Next) do while (associated(Curr)) Prev => Curr Curr => Curr%Next deallocate(Prev) if (ierr /= 0) call stop_all(this_routine, "Err deallocating") end do end do deallocate(HashIndex, stat=ierr) if (ierr /= 0) call stop_all(this_routine, "Err deallocating") nullify (Curr) nullify (Prev) deallocate(FreeSlot, stat=ierr) if (ierr /= 0) call stop_all(this_routine, "Err deallocating") IF (tHistSpawn .or. tCalcFCIMCPsi) THEN DEallocate(Histogram) DEallocate(AllHistogram) IF (tHistSpawn) THEN DEallocate(InstHist) DEallocate(InstAnnihil) DEallocate(AvAnnihil) end if IF (iProcIndex == 0) THEN IF (tHistSpawn) THEN DEallocate(AllInstHist) DEallocate(AllAvAnnihil) DEallocate(AllInstAnnihil) end if end if else if (tHistEnergies) THEN DEallocate(HistogramEnergy) DEallocate(AttemptHist) DEallocate(SpawnHist) DEallocate(SinglesHist) DEallocate(DoublesHist) DEallocate(DoublesAttemptHist) DEallocate(SinglesAttemptHist) DEallocate(SinglesHistOccOcc) DEallocate(SinglesHistVirtOcc) DEallocate(SinglesHistOccVirt) DEallocate(SinglesHistVirtVirt) IF (iProcIndex == Root) THEN DEallocate(AllHistogramEnergy) DEallocate(AllAttemptHist) DEallocate(AllSpawnHist) DEallocate(AllSinglesAttemptHist) DEallocate(AllSinglesHist) DEallocate(AllDoublesAttemptHist) DEallocate(AllDoublesHist) DEallocate(AllSinglesHistOccOcc) DEallocate(AllSinglesHistVirtOcc) DEallocate(AllSinglesHistOccVirt) DEallocate(AllSinglesHistVirtVirt) end if end if if (tHistExcitToFrom) call clean_hist_excit_tofrom() DEallocate(WalkVecDets) CALL LogMemDealloc(this_routine, WalkVecDetsTag) DEallocate(SpawnVec) CALL LogMemDealloc(this_routine, SpawnVecTag) DEallocate(SpawnVec2) CALL LogMemDealloc(this_routine, SpawnVec2Tag) if (tAutoAdaptiveShift) then DEallocate(SpawnInfoVec) CALL LogMemDealloc(this_routine, SpawnInfoVecTag) DEallocate(SpawnInfoVec2) CALL LogMemDealloc(this_routine, SpawnInfoVec2Tag) end if if (allocated(TempSpawnedParts)) then deallocate(TempSpawnedParts) log_dealloc(TempSpawnedPartsTag) end if DEallocate(HFDet) CALL LogMemDealloc(this_routine, HFDetTag) DEallocate(iLutHF) DEallocate(iLutRef) DEallocate(ProjEDet) DEallocate(iLutHF_True) DEallocate(HFDet_True) IF (ALLOCATED(HighestPopDet)) DEallocate(HighestPopDet) IF (ALLOCATED(RandomOrbIndex)) DEallocate(RandomOrbIndex) IF (ALLOCATED(SpinInvBrr)) THEN CALL LogMemDealloc(this_routine, SpinInvBRRTag) DEallocate(SpinInvBRR) end if IF (ALLOCATED(CoreMask)) THEN DEallocate(CoreMask) DEallocate(CASMask) end if IF (tPrintOrbOcc) THEN DEallocate(OrbOccs) CALL LogMemDeAlloc(this_routine, OrbOccsTag) end if IF (tHistInitPops) THEN if (allocated(HistInitPops)) then deallocate(HistInitPops) call LogMemDeAlloc(this_routine, HistInitPopsTag) end if IF (iProcIndex == 0) THEN if (allocated(AllHistInitPops)) then deallocate(AllHistInitPops) call LogMemDeAlloc(this_routine, AllHistInitPopsTag) end if end if end if if (tHub) then if (allocated(momIndexTable)) deallocate(momIndexTable) deallocate(breathingCont) end if if (tRDMonFly) call dealloc_global_rdm_data() if (allocated(refdetflip)) deallocate(refdetflip) if (allocated(ilutrefflip)) deallocate(ilutrefflip) if (allocated(ValidSpawnedList)) deallocate(ValidSpawnedList) if (allocated(InitialSpawnedSlots)) deallocate(InitialSpawnedSlots) ! Cleanup global storage call clean_global_det_data() ! Cleanup excitation generation storage call clean_excit_gen_store(fcimc_excit_gen_store) ! Cleanup cont time call clean_cont_time() ! Cleanup the load balancing call clean_load_balance() ! Cleanup adi caches call clean_adi() ! Cleanup excitation generator if (t_guga_pchb) then call finalize_pchb_excitgen_guga() end if if (t_pcpp_excitgen) call finalize_pcpp_excitgen() if(t_impurity_excitgen) call clearImpurityExcitgen() if (tSemiStochastic) call end_semistoch() if (tTrialWavefunction) call end_trial_wf() call finalize_exz_gen_class() end subroutine DeallocFCIMCMemPar subroutine InitFCIMC_CSF() implicit none integer(n_int), allocatable :: initSpace(:, :) integer :: count, nUp, nOpen integer :: i, j, lwork, proc integer :: DetHash, pos, TotWalkersTmp, nI(nel), nJ(nel) integer(n_int) :: ilutJ(0:NIfTot) integer(n_int), allocatable :: openSubspace(:) real(dp), allocatable :: S2(:, :), eigsImag(:), eigs(:), evs(:, :), void(:, :), work(:) real(dp) :: normalization, rawWeight, HDiag, tmpSgn(lenof_sign) HElement_t(dp) :: HOffDiag integer :: err real(dp) :: HFWeight(inum_runs) logical :: tSuccess character(*), parameter :: t_r = "InitFCIMC_CSF" ! get the number of open orbitals nOpen = sum(nOccOrbs) - sum(nClosedOrbs) ! in a closed shell system, nothing to do if (nOpen == 0) then call InitFCIMC_HF() return end if ! first, set up the space considered for the CSF call generateInitSpace() if (allocated(openSubspace)) deallocate(openSubspace) ! we now have initSpace(:,:) with iluts belonging to all possible initial ! dets (i.e. all dets contributing to the target CSF) -> construct S2 allocate(S2(count, count)) do i = 1, count do j = 1, count S2(i, j) = S2Matel(initSpace(:, i), initSpace(:, j)) end do end do ! prepare the diagonalization allocate(eigs(count)) allocate(evs(count, count)) allocate(eigsImag(count)) allocate(work(1)) allocate(void(0, 0)) ! workspace query, get how much tmp memory we need call dgeev('N', 'V', count, S2, count, eigs, eigsImag, void, count, evs, count, work, -1, err) ! allocate work array lwork = int(work(1)) deallocate(work) allocate(work(lwork)) ! diagonalize S2 call dgeev('N', 'V', count, S2, count, eigs, eigsImag, void, count, evs, count, work, lwork, err) deallocate(void) deallocate(work) deallocate(eigsImag) ! transfer the eigenvector do i = 1, count if (abs(S2Init * (S2Init + 1) - eigs(i)) < eps) exit end do if (i > count) then call stop_all(t_r, "Requested S2 eigenvalue does not exist") end if eigs = evs(:, i) ! normalization = minval(eigs) rawWeight = sum(abs(eigs)) normalization = InitialPart / rawWeight ! refLoc = maxloc(eigs) eigs = eigs * normalization TotWalkers = 0 iStartFreeSlot = 1 iEndFreeSlot = 0 do i = 1, count call decode_bit_det(nI, initSpace(:, i)) proc = DetermineDetNode(nel, nI, 0) if (iProcIndex == proc) then HDiag = get_diagonal_matel(nI, initSpace(:, i)) HOffDiag = get_off_diagonal_matel(nI, initSpace(:, i)) DetHash = FindWalkerHash(nI, size(HashIndex)) TotWalkersTmp = int(TotWalkers) tmpSgn = eigs(i) call encode_sign(initSpace(:, i), tmpSgn) if (tHPHF) then call FindDetSpinSym(nI, nJ, nel) call encodebitdet(nJ, ilutJ) ! if initSpace(:,i) is not the det of the HPHF pair we are storing, ! skip this - the correct contribution will be stored once ! the spin-flipped version is stored if (DetBitLT(initSpace(:, i), ilutJ, NIfD) == 1) cycle end if call AddNewHashDet(TotWalkersTmp, initSpace(:, i), DetHash, nI, HDiag, HOffDiag, pos, err) TotWalkers = TotWalkersTmp end if ! reset the reference? end do call hash_table_lookup(HFDet, ilutHF, nifd, HashIndex, CurrentDets, i, DetHash, tSuccess) if (tSuccess) then call extract_sign(CurrentDets(:, i), tmpSgn) do i = 1, inum_runs HFWeight(i) = mag_of_run(tmpSgn, i) end do else HFWeight = 0.0_dp end if AllTotParts = InitialPart AllTotPartsOld = InitialPart OldAllAvWalkersCyc = InitialPart OldAllHFCyc = HFWeight OldAllNoatHF = HFWeight ! cleanup deallocate(evs) deallocate(eigs) deallocate(S2) deallocate(initSpace) contains !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! subroutine generateOpenOrbIluts() use IntegralsData, only: nfrozen implicit none count = 0 nUp = (nel + lms) / 2 - sum(nClosedOrbs) + nfrozen / 2 do i = 1, 2**nOpen - 1 if (popcnt(i) == nUp) then count = count + 1 if (allocated(openSubspace)) openSubspace(count) = i end if end do end subroutine generateOpenOrbIluts !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! subroutine generateInitSpace() implicit none integer :: nI(nel), nIBase(nel) integer :: iEl, iElBase, iOpen integer :: openOrbList(nel) logical :: previousCont, nextCont, tClosed character(*), parameter :: t_r = "generateInitSpace" ! create a list of all open-shell determinants with the correct spin+orbs nUp = (nel + lms) / 2 call generateOpenOrbIluts() allocate(openSubspace(count)) call generateOpenOrbIluts() ! convert open-shell-only iluts into full iluts ! use the reference to determine which orbitals shall participate iElBase = 1 nIBase = 0 ! generate a list of open orbitals iOpen = 0 openOrbList = 0 do i = 1, nel if (i == 1) then previousCont = .false. else previousCont = FDet(i - 1) == FDet(i) - 1 end if if (i == nel) then nextCont = .false. else nextCont = FDet(i + 1) == FDet(i) + 1 end if tClosed = .true. ! identify open orbitals, using the ordering: does the next one belong ! to the same spatial orb? if (is_beta(FDet(i)) .and. .not. nextCont) then iOpen = iOpen + 1 openOrbList(iOpen) = FDet(i) tClosed = .false. end if ! or the previous one? if (is_alpha(FDet(i)) .and. .not. previousCont) then iOpen = iOpen + 1 openOrbList(iOpen) = FDet(i) tClosed = .false. end if ! if the orbital is not open, it is closed if (tClosed) then nIBase(iElBase) = FDet(i) iElBase = iElBase + 1 end if end do if (iOpen /= nOpen) then write(stderr, *) "nOpen/iOpen conflict", FDet, openOrbList, iOpen, nOpen call stop_all(t_r, "Error in determining open shell orbitals") end if allocate(initSpace(0:NIfTot, count)) ! now, add the open-shell contribution do i = 1, count ! start from the closed-shell base nI = nIBase iEl = iElBase ! for each open orb, add the electron do j = 1, nOpen ! based on openSubspace(i), we are considering alpha/beta for this ! orb if (btest(openSubspace(i), j - 1)) then nI(iEl) = get_alpha(openOrbList(j)) else nI(iEl) = get_beta(openOrbList(j)) end if iEl = iEl + 1 end do ! encode the determinant to the initial space call sort(nI) call EncodeBitDet(nI, initSpace(:, i)) end do end subroutine generateInitSpace function S2Matel(ilutA, ilutB) result(matel) implicit none integer(n_int), intent(in) :: ilutA(0:NIfTot), ilutB(0:NIfTot) integer(n_int) :: splus(0:NIfTot), sminus(0:NIfTot) real(dp) :: matel integer :: k, m, nI(nel), upOrb, downOrb matel = 0.0_dp if (DetBitEq(ilutA, ilutB, NIfD)) then matel = matel + real(lms * (lms + 2), dp) / 4.0_dp end if ! get the offdiag part of S2: S-S+ call decode_bit_det(nI, ilutA) do k = 1, nel ! first, apply S- to all electrons (additively) if (is_beta(nI(k))) then sminus = ilutA downOrb = get_alpha(nI(k)) clr_orb(sminus, nI(k)) set_orb(sminus, downOrb) ! now, apply S+ to all electrons (again, sum) do m = 1, nel ! check if it yields 0 if (is_alpha(nI(m)) .or. m == k) then splus = sminus ! if not, go on if (m == k) then clr_orb(splus, downOrb) else clr_orb(splus, nI(m)) end if upOrb = get_beta(nI(m)) set_orb(splus, upOrb) if (DetBitEq(splus, ilutB, NIFD)) matel = matel + 1.0_dp end if end do end if end do end function S2Matel end subroutine InitFCIMC_CSF !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! subroutine InitFCIMC_HF() integer :: run, DetHash real(dp), dimension(lenof_sign) :: InitialSign HElement_t(dp) :: h_temp if (tOrthogonaliseReplicas) then call InitFCIMC_HF_orthog() return end if InitialPartVec = 0.0_dp do run = 1, inum_runs InitialPartVec(min_part_type(run)) = InitialPart #ifdef CMPLX_ InitialPartVec(max_part_type(run)) = 0.0_dp #endif end do !Setup initial walker local variables for HF walkers start IF (iProcIndex == iRefProc(1)) THEN ! Encode the reference determinant identification. call encode_det(CurrentDets(:, 1), iLutHF) !Point at the correct position for the first walker DetHash = FindWalkerHash(HFDet, nWalkerHashes) !Find det hash position HashIndex(DetHash)%Ind = 1 ! Clear the flags call clear_all_flags(CurrentDets(:, 1)) ! Set reference determinant as an initiator if ! tTruncInitiator is set, for both imaginary and real flags ! in real-time calculations, the reference does not have any special role if (tTruncInitiator) then do run = 1, inum_runs call set_flag(CurrentDets(:, 1), get_initiator_flag_by_run(run)) end do end if ! If running a semi-stochastic simulation, set flag to specify the Hartree-Fock is in the ! deterministic space. if (tSemiStochastic) then do run = 1, inum_runs call set_flag(CurrentDets(:, 1), flag_deterministic(run)) end do end if ! if no reference energy is used, explicitly get the HF energy if (tZeroRef) then h_temp = get_diagonal_matel(HFDet, ilutHF) else ! HF energy is equal to 0 (when used as reference energy) h_temp = h_cast(0.0_dp) end if call set_det_diagH(1, real(h_temp, dp)) call set_det_offdiagH(1, h_cast(0.0_dp)) HFInd = 1 call store_decoding(1, HFDet) if (associated(lookup_supergroup_indexer)) then call set_supergroup_idx(1, lookup_supergroup_indexer%idx_nI(HFDet)) end if if (tContTimeFCIMC .and. tContTimeFull) & call set_spawn_rate(1, spawn_rate_full(HFDet, ilutHF)) ! Obtain the initial sign InitialSign = 0.0_dp if (tStartSinglePart) then InitialSign(:) = InitialPartVec(:) TotParts(:) = InitialPartVec(:) TotPartsOld(:) = InitialPartVec(:) else do run = 1, inum_runs InitialSign(min_part_type(run)) = InitWalkers TotParts(min_part_type(run)) = real(InitWalkers, dp) TotPartsOld(min_part_type(run)) = real(InitWalkers, dp) #ifdef CMPLX_ TotParts(max_part_type(run)) = 0.0_dp TotPartsOld(max_part_type(run)) = 0.0_dp #endif end do end if ! set initial values for global control variables. TotWalkers = 1 TotWalkersOld = 1 NoatHF(:) = InitialSign(:) call encode_sign(CurrentDets(:, 1), InitialSign) ELSE NoatHF(:) = 0.0_dp TotWalkers = 0 TotWalkersOld = 0 end if OldAllNoatHF(:) = 0.0_dp AllNoatHF(:) = 0.0_dp IF (TStartSinglePart) THEN !Initialise global variables for calculation on the root node IF (iProcIndex == root) THEN OldAllNoatHF = InitialPartVec do run = 1, inum_runs OldAllAvWalkersCyc(run) = sum(InitialPartVec( & min_part_type(run):max_part_type(run))) end do AllNoatHF = InitialPartVec InstNoatHF = InitialPartVec AllTotParts = InitialPartVec AllTotPartsOld = InitialPartVec AllNoAbortedOld(:) = 0.0_dp iter_data_fciqmc%tot_parts_old = InitialPartVec AllTotWalkers = 1 AllTotWalkersOld = 1 do run = 1, inum_runs OldAllHFCyc(run) = ARR_RE_OR_CPLX(InitialPartVec, run) end do end if ELSE !In this, only one processor has initial particles. IF (iProcIndex == Root) THEN AllTotWalkers = 1 AllTotWalkersOld = 1 do run = 1, inum_runs iter_data_fciqmc%tot_parts_old(run) = real(InitWalkers, dp) AllTotParts(run) = InitWalkers AllTotPartsOld(run) = InitWalkers AllNoAbortedOld(run) = 0.0_dp end do end if end if end subroutine InitFCIMC_HF subroutine InitFCIMC_HF_orthog() ! This is a reimplementation of InitFCIMC_HF to work with multiple ! different reference states. ! ! In the end, we expect to be able to just substitute it back in ! for the original. It should give the same results ! TODO: Substitute back integer :: run, site, hash_val, i logical :: repeated HElement_t(dp) :: hdiag character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'InitFCIMC_HF_orthog' ! Add some implementation guards ! Default values, unless overridder for individual procs NoatHF = 0.0_dp TotWalkers = 0 TotWalkersOld = 0 tRef_Not_HF = .true. tNoBrillouin = .true. ! ! Initialise each of the runs separately. site = 0 do run = 1, inum_runs ! If this run should have the reference on this site, then ! initialise it as appropriate. if (iProcIndex == iRefProc(run)) then ! Check if this reference is the same as any of the previous ! ones. If it is not, then at the end of the loop (i == site+1) repeated = .false. do i = 1, site if (DetBitEQ(CurrentDets(:, i), ilutRef(:, run))) then repeated = .true. exit end if end do site = i if (.not. repeated) then ! Add the site to the main list (unless it is already there) call encode_det(CurrentDets(:, site), ilutRef(:, run)) hash_val = FindWalkerHash(ProjEDet(:, run), nWalkerHashes) call add_hash_table_entry(HashIndex, site, hash_val) ! Clear all the flags and sign call clear_all_flags(CurrentDets(:, site)) call nullify_ilut(CurrentDets(:, site)) end if ! Set reference determinant as an initiator if tTruncInitiator if (tTruncInitiator) then call set_flag(CurrentDets(:, site), get_initiator_flag_by_run(run)) end if ! The global reference is the HF and is primary for printed ! energies. if (run == 1) HFInd = site hdiag = get_diagonal_matel(ProjEDet(:, run), ilutRef(:, run)) call set_det_diagH(site, real(hdiag, dp) - Hii) call set_det_offdiagH(site, h_cast(0_dp)) if (associated(lookup_supergroup_indexer)) then call set_supergroup_idx(site, lookup_supergroup_indexer%idx_nI(ProjEDet(:, run))) end if ! store the determinant call store_decoding(site, ProjEDet(:, run)) ! Obtain the initial sign if (.not. tStartSinglePart) & call stop_all(this_routine, "Only startsinglepart supported") call encode_part_sign(CurrentDets(:, site), InitialPart, min_part_type(run)) ! Initial control values TotWalkers = site TotWalkersOld = site NoatHF(min_part_type(run)) = InitialPart TotParts(min_part_type(run)) = real(InitialPart, dp) TotPartsOld(min_part_type(run)) = real(InitialPart, dp) end if end do ! Check to ensure that the following code is valid if (.not. tStartSinglePart) & call stop_all(this_routine, "Only startsinglepart supported") ! Initialise global variabes for calculation on the root node OldAllNoatHF = 0.0_dp AllNoatHF = 0.0_dp call MPISum(TotWalkers, AllTotWalkers) if (iProcIndex == root) then OldAllNoatHF(:) = InitialPart OldAllAvWalkersCyc(:) = InitialPart AllNoatHF(:) = InitialPart InstNoatHF(:) = InitialPart AllTotParts(:) = InitialPart AllTotPartsOld(:) = InitialPart AllNoAbortedOld(:) = InitialPart OldAllHFCyc(:) = InitialPart TotWalkersOld = TotWalkers end if end subroutine InitFCIMC_HF_orthog subroutine InitFCIMC_trial() ! Use the code generated for the KPFCIQMC excited state calculations ! to initialise the FCIQMC simulation. ! integer :: nexcit, ndets_this_proc, i, det(nel) integer :: nexcit, ndets_this_proc, det(nel) integer(int64) :: i type(basisfn) :: sym real(dp) :: evals(inum_runs / nreplicas) HElement_t(dp), allocatable :: evecs_this_proc(:, :) integer(MPIArg) :: space_sizes(0:nProcessors - 1), space_displs(0:nProcessors - 1) character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'InitFCIMC_trial' nexcit = inum_runs / nreplicas ! Create the trial excited states if (allocated(trial_init_reorder)) then call calc_trial_states_lanczos(init_trial_in, nexcit, ndets_this_proc, & SpawnedParts, evecs_this_proc, evals, & space_sizes, space_displs, trial_init_reorder) else call calc_trial_states_lanczos(init_trial_in, nexcit, ndets_this_proc, & SpawnedParts, evecs_this_proc, evals, & space_sizes, space_displs) end if ! Determine the walker populations associated with these states call set_trial_populations(nexcit, ndets_this_proc, evecs_this_proc) ! Set the trial excited states as the FCIQMC wave functions call set_trial_states(ndets_this_proc, evecs_this_proc, SpawnedParts, & .false., tPairedReplicas) deallocate(evecs_this_proc) if (tSetInitialRunRef) call set_initial_run_references() ! Add an initialisation check on symmetries. if ((.not. tHub) .and. (.not. tUEG)) then do i = 1, TotWalkers call decode_bit_det(det, CurrentDets(:, i)) call getsym_wrapper(det, sym) if (sym%sym%S /= HFSym%sym%S .or. sym%ml /= HFSym%Ml) & call stop_all(this_routine, "Invalid det found") end do end if end subroutine InitFCIMC_trial subroutine set_initial_run_references() ! Analyse each of the runs, and set the reference determinant to the ! det with the largest coefficient, rather than the currently guessed ! one... HElement_t(dp) :: largest_coeff, sgn integer(n_int) :: largest_det(0:NIfTot) ! integer :: run, j integer(int64) :: j integer :: run integer(int32) :: proc_highest integer(n_int) :: ilut(0:NIfTot) integer(int32) :: int_tmp(2) do run = 1, inum_runs if (tMultipleInitialRefs) then ! Use user specified reference states. call EncodeBitDet(initial_refs(:, run), ilut) call update_run_reference(ilut, run) else ! Find the largest det on this processor largest_coeff = h_cast(0.0_dp) do j = 1, TotWalkers sgn = extract_run_sign(CurrentDets(:, j), run) if (abs(sgn) > abs(largest_coeff)) then largest_coeff = sgn largest_det = CurrentDets(:, j) end if end do ! Find the largest det on any processor (n.b. discard the ! non-integer part. This isn't all that important). ! [W.D. 15.5.2017:] ! for the test suite problems, maybe it is important.. ! because there seems to be some compiler dependent ! differences.. call MPIAllReduceDatatype( & (/int(abs(largest_coeff), int32), int(iProcIndex, int32)/), 1, & MPI_MAXLOC, MPI_2INTEGER, int_tmp) proc_highest = int_tmp(2) call MPIBCast(largest_det, NIfTot + 1, int(proc_highest)) ! call MPIBCast(largest_det, NIfTot+1, proc_highest) write(stdout, *) 'Setting ref', run call writebitdet(stdout, largest_det, .true.) ! Set this det as the reference call update_run_reference(largest_det, run) end if end do if (tMultiRefShift) then do run = 1, inum_runs DiagSft(run) = proje_ref_energy_offsets(run) end do end if end subroutine set_initial_run_references !Routine to initialise the particle distribution according to the MP1 wavefunction. !This hopefully will help with close-lying excited states of the same sym. subroutine InitFCIMC_MP1() real(dp) :: TotMP1Weight, amp, MP2Energy, PartFac, rat, r, energy_contrib HElement_t(dp) :: HDiagtemp, HOffDiagtemp integer :: iExcits, exflag, Ex(2, maxExcit), nJ(NEl), DetIndex, iNode integer :: iInit, DetHash, ExcitLevel, run, part_type integer(n_int) :: iLutnJ(0:NIfTot) real(dp) :: NoWalkers, temp_sign(lenof_sign) logical :: tAllExcitsFound, tParity type(ll_node), pointer :: TempNode character(len=*), parameter :: this_routine = "InitFCIMC_MP1" integer(n_int) :: ilutG(0:nifguga) integer(n_int), allocatable :: excitations(:, :) integer :: i #ifdef CMPLX_ call stop_all(this_routine, "StartMP1 currently does not work with complex walkers") #endif if (tReadPops) call stop_all(this_routine, "StartMP1 cannot work with with ReadPops") if (tStartSinglePart) call stop_all(this_routine, "StartMP1 cannot work with StartSinglePart") if (tRestartHighPop) call stop_all(this_routine, "StartMP1 cannot with with dynamically restarting calculations") write(stdout, *) "Initialising walkers proportional to the MP1 amplitudes..." if (tHPHF) then if (.not. TestClosedShellDet(iLutHF)) then call stop_all(this_routine, "Cannot use HPHF with StartMP1 if your reference is open-shell") end if end if if (tUEG) then !Parallel N^2M implementation of MP2 for UEG call CalcUEGMP2() end if !First, calculate the total weight - TotMP1Weight mp2energy = 0.0_dp TotMP1Weight = 1.0_dp iExcits = 0 tAllExcitsFound = .false. if (tUEG) then exflag = 2 else exflag = 3 end if Ex(:, :) = 0 ! for GUGA, this whole excitation generation is different! if (tGUGA) then ! should finally do some general routine, which does all this ! below... call convert_ilut_toGUGA(ilutHF, ilutG) call actHamiltonian(ilutG, CSF_Info_t(ilutG), excitations, iExcits) do i = 1, iExcits call convert_ilut_toNECI(excitations(:, i), ilutnJ) call decode_bit_det(nJ, iLutnJ) call return_mp1_amp_and_mp2_energy(nJ, iLutnJ, Ex, tParity, amp, energy_contrib) TotMP1Weight = TotMP1Weight + abs(amp) MP2Energy = MP2Energy + energy_contrib end do else do while (.true.) call GenExcitations3(HFDet, iLutHF, nJ, exflag, Ex, tParity, tAllExcitsFound, .false.) if (tAllExcitsFound) exit !All excits found call EncodeBitDet(nJ, iLutnJ) if (tHPHF) then !Working in HPHF Space. Check whether determinant generated is an 'HPHF' if (.not. IsAllowedHPHF(iLutnJ)) cycle end if iExcits = iExcits + 1 call return_mp1_amp_and_mp2_energy(nJ, iLutnJ, Ex, tParity, amp, energy_contrib) TotMP1Weight = TotMP1Weight + abs(amp) MP2Energy = MP2Energy + energy_contrib end do end if if ((.not. tHPHF .and. .not. tGUGA) .and. (iExcits /= (nDoubles + nSingles))) then write(stderr, *) nDoubles, nSingles, iExcits call stop_all(this_routine, "Not all excitations accounted for in StartMP1") end if write(stdout, "(A,2G25.15)") "MP2 energy calculated: ", MP2Energy, MP2Energy + Hii if ((InitialPart.isclose.1._dp) .or. (InitialPart >= (InitWalkers * nNodes) - 50)) then !Here, all the walkers will be assigned to the MP1 wavefunction. !InitialPart = 1 by default write(stdout, "(A)") "All walkers specified in input will be distributed according to the MP1 wavefunction." write(stdout, "(A)") "Shift will be allowed to vary from the beginning" write(stdout, "(A)") "Setting initial shift to equal MP2 correlation energy" DiagSft = MP2Energy !PartFac is the number of walkers that should reside on the HF determinant !in an intermediate normalised MP1 wavefunction. PartFac = (real(InitWalkers, dp) * real(nNodes, dp)) / TotMP1Weight else !Here, not all walkers allowed will be initialised to the MP1 wavefunction. write(stdout, "(A,G15.5,A)") "Initialising ", InitialPart, " walkers according to the MP1 distribution." write(stdout, "(A,G15.5)") "Shift will remain fixed until the walker population reaches ", InitWalkers * nNodes !PartFac is the number of walkers that should reside on the HF determinant !in an intermediate normalised MP1 wavefunction. PartFac = real(InitialPart, dp) / TotMP1Weight tSinglePartPhase(:) = .true. end if !Now generate all excitations again, creating the required number of walkers on each one. ! puh... for GUGA this gets messy to change below.. damn DetIndex = 1 TotParts = 0.0 tAllExcitsFound = .false. if (tUEG) then exflag = 2 else exflag = 3 end if Ex(:, :) = 0 ! figure out if the HF det gets store in the excitation list too? ! if yes I have to modify that all a bit, and maybe also in ! other parts of the NECI code ... todo if (tGUGA) call stop_all(this_routine, "deprecated option with GUGA!") do while (.true.) call GenExcitations3(HFDet, iLutHF, nJ, exflag, Ex, tParity, tAllExcitsFound, .false.) if (tAllExcitsFound) exit !All excits found call EncodeBitDet(nJ, iLutnJ) if (tHPHF) then !Working in HPHF Space. Check whether determinant generated is an 'HPHF' if (.not. IsAllowedHPHF(iLutnJ)) cycle end if iNode = DetermineDetNode(nel, nJ, 0) if (iProcIndex == iNode) then call return_mp1_amp_and_mp2_energy(nJ, iLutnJ, Ex, tParity, amp, energy_contrib) amp = amp * PartFac if (tRealCoeffByExcitLevel) ExcitLevel = FindBitExcitLevel(iLutnJ, iLutRef(:, 1), nEl) if (tAllRealCoeff .or. & & (tRealCoeffByExcitLevel .and. (ExcitLevel <= RealCoeffExcitThresh))) then NoWalkers = amp else NoWalkers = int(amp) rat = amp - real(NoWalkers, dp) r = genrand_real2_dSFMT() if (abs(rat) > r) then if (amp < 0.0_dp) then NoWalkers = NoWalkers - 1 else NoWalkers = NoWalkers + 1 end if end if end if if (abs(NoWalkers) > 1.0e-12_dp) then call encode_det(CurrentDets(:, DetIndex), iLutnJ) call clear_all_flags(CurrentDets(:, DetIndex)) do run = 1, inum_runs temp_sign(run) = NoWalkers end do call encode_sign(CurrentDets(:, DetIndex), temp_sign) ! Store the diagonal matrix elements HDiagtemp = get_diagonal_matel(nJ, iLutnJ) HOffDiagtemp = get_off_diagonal_matel(nJ, iLutnJ) call set_det_diagH(DetIndex, real(HDiagtemp, dp) - Hii) call set_det_offdiagH(DetIndex, HOffDiagtemp) if (associated(lookup_supergroup_indexer)) then call set_supergroup_idx(DetIndex, lookup_supergroup_indexer%idx_nI(nJ)) end if ! store the determinant call store_decoding(DetIndex, nJ) if (tTruncInitiator) then !Set initiator flag if needed (always for HF) call CalcParentFlag(DetIndex, iInit) end if DetHash = FindWalkerHash(nJ, nWalkerHashes) TempNode => HashIndex(DetHash) ! If the first element in the list has not been used. if (TempNode%Ind == 0) then TempNode%Ind = DetIndex else do while (associated(TempNode%Next)) TempNode => TempNode%Next end do allocate(TempNode%Next) nullify (TempNode%Next%Next) TempNode%Next%Ind = DetIndex end if nullify (TempNode) DetIndex = DetIndex + 1 do part_type = 1, lenof_sign TotParts(part_type) = TotParts(part_type) + abs(NoWalkers) end do end if end if !End if desired node end do !Now for the walkers on the HF det if (iRefProc(1) == iProcIndex) then ! dont have to change this below, should also work for the GUGAc if (tAllRealCoeff .or. tRealCoeffByExcitLevel) then NoWalkers = PartFac else NoWalkers = int(PartFac) rat = PartFac - real(NoWalkers, dp) if (rat < 0.0_dp) & call stop_all(this_routine, "Should not have negative weight on HF") r = genrand_real2_dSFMT() if (abs(rat) > r) NoWalkers = NoWalkers + 1 end if if (abs(NoWalkers) > 1.0e-12_dp) then call encode_det(CurrentDets(:, DetIndex), iLutHF) call clear_all_flags(CurrentDets(:, DetIndex)) do run = 1, inum_runs temp_sign(run) = NoWalkers end do call encode_sign(CurrentDets(:, DetIndex), temp_sign) if (tTruncInitiator) then !Set initiator flag (always for HF) do run = 1, inum_runs call set_flag(CurrentDets(:, DetIndex), get_initiator_flag(run)) end do end if call set_det_diagH(DetIndex, 0.0_dp) call set_det_offdiagH(DetIndex, h_cast(0_dp)) ! store the determinant call store_decoding(DetIndex, HFDet) ! Now add the Hartree-Fock determinant (not with index 1). DetHash = FindWalkerHash(HFDet, nWalkerHashes) TempNode => HashIndex(DetHash) ! If the first element in the list has not been used. if (TempNode%Ind == 0) then TempNode%Ind = DetIndex else do while (associated(TempNode%Next)) TempNode => TempNode%Next end do allocate(TempNode%Next) nullify (TempNode%Next%Next) TempNode%Next%Ind = DetIndex end if nullify (TempNode) DetIndex = DetIndex + 1 do run = 1, inum_runs TotParts(run) = TotParts(run) + abs(NoWalkers) NoatHF(run) = NoWalkers end do else call stop_all(this_routine, "No walkers initialised on the HF det with StartMP1") end if else NoatHF(:) = 0.0_dp end if TotWalkers = DetIndex - 1 !This is the number of occupied determinants on each node TotWalkersOld = TotWalkers !Set local&global variables TotPartsOld = TotParts call mpisumall(TotParts, AllTotParts) call mpisumall(NoatHF, AllNoatHF) call mpisumall(TotWalkers, AllTotWalkers) OldAllNoatHF = AllNoatHF do run = 1, inum_runs OldAllHFCyc(run) = AllNoatHF(run) OldAllAvWalkersCyc(run) = AllTotParts(run) end do AllTotWalkersOld = AllTotWalkers AllTotPartsOld = AllTotParts iter_data_fciqmc%tot_parts_old = AllTotPartsOld AllNoAbortedOld = 0.0_dp end subroutine InitFCIMC_MP1 SUBROUTINE CheckforBrillouins() INTEGER :: i, j LOGICAL :: tSpinPair !Standard cases. IF ((tHub .and. tReal) .or. (tRotatedOrbs) .or. ((LMS /= 0) .and. (.not. tUHF)) .or. tReltvy) THEN !Open shell, restricted. tNoBrillouin = .true. ELSE !Closed shell restricted, or open shell unrestricted are o.k. tNoBrillouin = .false. tUseBrillouin = .true. end if !Special case of complex orbitals. IF (tFixLz .and. (.not. tNoBrillouin)) THEN write(stdout, *) "Turning Brillouins theorem off since we are using non-canonical complex orbitals" tNoBrillouin = .true. end if ! Special case of defining a det with LMS=0, but which is open shell. ! No Brillouins if it's a restricted HF calc. tSpinPair = .false. IF (tDefineDet .and. (LMS == 0) .and. (.not. tUHF)) THEN ! If we are defining our own reference determinant, we want to ! find out if it is open shell or closed to know whether or not ! brillouins theorem holds. ! ! If LMS/=0, then it is easy and must be open shell, otherwise ! we need to consider the occupied orbitals. do i = 1, (NEl - 1), 2 ! Assuming things will probably go alpha beta alpha beta, ! run through each alpha and see if there's a corresponding ! beta. tSpinPair = .false. IF (MOD(BRR(FDet(i)), 2) /= 0) THEN !Odd energy, alpha orbital. IF (BRR(FDet(i + 1)) /= (BRR(FDet(i)) + 1)) THEN ! Check the next orbital to see if it's the beta (will ! be alpha+1 when ordered by energy). If not, check ! the other orbitals for the beta, as it's possible ! the orbitals are ordered weird (?). do j = 1, NEl IF (BRR(FDet(j)) == (BRR(FDet(i)) + 1)) tSpinPair = .true. end do ELSE tSpinPair = .true. end if ELSE !Even energy, beta orbital. The corresponding alpha will be beta-1. IF (BRR(FDet(i + 1)) /= (BRR(FDet(i)) - 1)) THEN do j = 1, NEl IF (BRR(FDet(j)) == (BRR(FDet(i)) - 1)) tSpinPair = .true. end do ELSE tSpinPair = .true. end if end if IF (.not. tSpinPair) EXIT end do IF (.not. tSpinPair) THEN !Open shell LMS=0 determinant. !If restricted HF orbitals are being used, brillouins theorem does not hold. tNoBrillouin = .true. tUseBrillouin = .false. write(stdout, '(A)') " Using an open shell reference determinant in a basis of restricted HF orbitals; " & & //"Brillouins theorem is being turned off. " end if end if ENDSUBROUTINE CheckforBrillouins SUBROUTINE CalcApproxpDoubles() implicit none real(dp) :: denom INTEGER :: iTotal integer :: nSingles, nDoubles, nSing_spindiff1, nDoub_spindiff1, nDoub_spindiff2 integer :: nTot character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "CalcApproxpDoubles" integer(n_int), allocatable :: dummy_list(:, :) nSingles = 0 nDoubles = 0 if (tReltvy) then nSing_spindiff1 = 0 nDoub_spindiff1 = 0 nDoub_spindiff2 = 0 pDoub_spindiff1 = 0.0_dp pDoub_spindiff2 = 0.0_dp end if !NSing=Number singles from HF, nDoub=No Doubles from HF write(stdout, "(A)") " Calculating approximate pDoubles for use with & &excitation generator by looking a excitations from & &reference." exflag = 3 if (tReltvy) then write(stdout, *) "Counting magnetic excitations" ! subroutine CountExcitations4(nI, minRank, maxRank, minSpinDiff, maxSpinDiff, tot) call CountExcitations4(hfdet, 1, 1, 0, 0, nSingles) call CountExcitations4(hfdet, 1, 1, 1, 1, nSing_spindiff1) call CountExcitations4(hfdet, 2, 2, 0, 0, nDoubles) call CountExcitations4(hfdet, 2, 2, 1, 1, nDoub_spindiff1) call CountExcitations4(hfdet, 2, 2, 2, 2, nDoub_spindiff2) call CountExcitations4(hfdet, 1, 2, 0, 2, nTot) ASSERT(nTot == (nSingles + nSing_spindiff1 + nDoubles + nDoub_spindiff1 + nDoub_spindiff2)) iTotal = nSingles + nDoubles + nSing_spindiff1 + nDoub_spindiff1 + nDoub_spindiff2 else if (tKPntSym) THEN if (t_k_space_hubbard) then ! change this to the new implementation call gen_all_excits_k_space_hubbard(HFDet, nDoubles, dummy_list) else call enumerate_sing_doub_kpnt(exFlag, .false., nSingles, nDoubles, .false.) end if else call CountExcitations3(hfdet, exflag, nSingles, nDoubles) end if iTotal = nSingles + nDoubles end if IF (tHub .or. tUEG) THEN IF (tReal) THEN write(stdout, *) "Since we are using a real-space hubbard model, only single excitations are connected & & and will be generated." pDoubles = 0.0_dp if (tReltvy) then pDoub_spindiff1 = 0.0_dp pDoub_spindiff2 = 0.0_dp pSingles = real(nSingles, dp) / real(nSingles + nSing_spindiff1, dp) pSing_spindiff1 = 1.0_dp - pSingles else pSingles = 1.0_dp end if return ELSE write(stdout, *) "Since we are using a momentum-space hubbard model/UEG, only double excitaitons & & are connected and will be generated." pSingles = 0.0_dp if (tReltvy) then pSing_spindiff1 = 0.0_dp pDoubles = real(nDoubles, dp) / real(nDoubles + nDoub_spindiff1 + nDoub_spindiff2, dp) pDoub_spindiff1 = real(nDoub_spindiff1, dp) / real(nDoubles + nDoub_spindiff1 + nDoub_spindiff2, dp) pDoub_spindiff2 = 1.0_dp - pDoubles - pDoub_spindiff1 else pDoubles = 1.0_dp end if return end if else if (tNoSingExcits) then pSingles = 0.0_dp if (tReltvy) then pSing_spindiff1 = 0.0_dp pDoubles = real(nDoubles, dp) / real(nDoubles + nDoub_spindiff1 + nDoub_spindiff2, dp) pDoub_spindiff1 = real(nDoub_spindiff1, dp) / real(nDoubles + nDoub_spindiff1 + nDoub_spindiff2, dp) pDoub_spindiff2 = 1.0_dp - pDoubles - pDoub_spindiff1 else pDoubles = 1.0_dp end if write(stdout, *) "Only double excitations will be generated" return end if write(stdout, "(I7,A,I7,A)") nDoubles, " double excitations, and ", nSingles, & " single excitations found from reference. This will be used to calculate pDoubles." IF (abs(SinglesBias - 1.0_dp) > 1.0e-12_dp) THEN write(stdout, *) "Singles Bias detected. Multiplying single excitation connectivity of HF determinant by ", & SinglesBias, " to determine pDoubles." end if IF ((nSingles == 0) .or. (nDoubles == 0)) THEN write(stdout, *) "Number of singles or doubles found equals zero. pDoubles will be set to 0.95. Is this correct?" pDoubles = 0.95_dp pSingles = 0.05_dp return else if ((nSingles < 0) .or. (nDoubles < 0)) then call stop_all("CalcApproxpDoubles", & "Number of singles, doubles or Yamanouchi symbols & &found to be a negative number. Error here.") end if if (tReltvy) then denom = real(nSingles + nSing_spindiff1, dp) * SinglesBias & + real(nDoubles + nDoub_spindiff1 + nDoub_spindiff2, dp) pSingles = real(nSingles, dp) * SinglesBias / denom pSing_spindiff1 = real(nSing_spindiff1, dp) * SinglesBias / denom pDoubles = real(nDoubles, dp) / denom pDoub_spindiff1 = real(nDoub_spindiff1, dp) / denom pDoub_spindiff2 = 1.0_dp - pSingles - pSing_spindiff1 & - pDoubles - pDoub_spindiff1 - pDoub_spindiff2 else denom = real(nSingles, dp) * SinglesBias + real(nDoubles, dp) pSingles = real(nSingles, dp) * SinglesBias / denom pDoubles = 1.0_dp - pSingles end if IF (abs(SinglesBias - 1.0_dp) > 1.0e-12_dp) THEN write (stdout, '("pDoubles set to ", f14.6, & &" rather than (without bias): ", f14.6)') & pDoubles, real(nDoubles, dp) / real(iTotal, dp) write (stdout, '("pSingles set to ", f14.6, & &" rather than (without bias): ", f14.6)') & pSingles, real(nSingles, dp) / real(iTotal, dp) ! write(stdout,"(A,F14.6,A,F14.6)") "pDoubles set to: ",pDoubles, " rather than (without bias): ", & ! & real(nDoub,dp)/real(iTotal,dp) ELSE if (tReltvy) then write(stdout, '(A)') " Where s and t are alpha or beta spin function labels: " write(stdout, '(A30,F14.6)') " pSingles(s->s) set to: ", pSingles write(stdout, '(A30,F14.6)') " pSingles(s->s') set to: ", pSing_spindiff1 write(stdout, '(A30,F14.6)') " pDoubles(st->st) set to: ", pDoubles write(stdout, '(A30,F14.6)') " pDoubles(st->s't) set to: ", pDoub_spindiff1 write(stdout, '(A30,F14.6)') " pDoubles(st->s't') set to: ", pDoub_spindiff2 else write(stdout, '(A,F14.6)') " pDoubles set to: ", pDoubles write(stdout, '(A,F14.6)') " pSingles set to: ", pSingles end if end if if (allocated(pSinglesIn) .or. allocated(pDoublesIn) .or. allocated(pTriplesIn)) then if (allocated(pSinglesIn) .and. allocated(pDoublesIn)) then call stop_all(this_routine, 'It is not possible to define pSingles and pDoubles.') else if (.not. (allocated(pSinglesIn) .or. allocated(pDoublesIn))) then call stop_all(this_routine, 'One of pSingles or pDoubles is required.') end if if (t_mol_3_body) then ! We allow the users to input absolute values for the probabilities. ! Note that pSingles and pDoubles are internally conditional probabilities. ! Even for triple we still have that `pSingles + pDoubles .isclose. 1.0`. ! It first decides upon triple excitation or something else and then about singles or doubles. ! We have to convert the absolute probabilities into conditional ones. if (.not. allocated(pTriplesIn)) then call stop_all(this_routine, "pTriples is required as input.") else pTriples = pTriplesIn if (allocated(pSinglesIn)) then if (pTriples + pSinglesIn > 1.0_dp) call stop_all(this_routine, "pTriplesIn + pSinglesIn > 1.0_dp") pSingles = pSinglesIn / (1.0_dp - pTriplesIn) pDoubles = 1.0_dp - pSingles write(stdout, '(" Using the input value of pSingles:",1x, f14.6)') pSinglesIn else if (allocated(pDoublesIn)) then if (pTriples + pDoublesIn > 1.0_dp) call stop_all(this_routine, "pTriplesIn + pDoublesIn > 1.0_dp") pDoubles = pDoublesIn / (1.0_dp - pTriplesIn) pSingles = 1.0_dp - pDoubles write(stdout, '(" Using the input value of pDoubles:",1x, f14.6)') pDoublesIn end if end if else if (allocated(pTriplesIn)) then call stop_all(this_routine, "pTriples can only be given if triple excitations are performed.") else if (allocated(pSinglesIn)) then pSingles = pSinglesIn pDoubles = 1.0_dp - pSingles write(stdout, '(" Using the input value of pSingles:",1x, f14.6)') pSingles else if (allocated(pDoublesIn)) then pDoubles = pDoublesIn pSingles = 1.0_dp - pDoubles write(stdout, '(" Using the input value of pDoubles:",1x, f14.6)') pDoubles end if end if end if if (allocated(pParallelIn)) then write(stdout, '(" Using the input value of pParallel:",1x, f14.6)') pParallelIn pParallel = pParallelIn end if END SUBROUTINE CalcApproxpDoubles SUBROUTINE CreateSpinInvBRR() ! Create an SpinInvBRR containing spin orbitals, ! unlike 'createInvBRR' which only has spatial orbitals. ! This is used for the FixCASshift option in establishing whether or not ! a determinant is in the complete active space. ! In: ! BRR(i)=j: orbital i is the j-th lowest in energy. ! nBasis: size of basis ! SpinInvBRR is the inverse of BRR. SpinInvBRR(j)=i: the j-th lowest energy ! orbital corresponds to the i-th orbital in the original basis. ! i.e the position in SpinInvBRR now corresponds to the orbital number and ! the value to the relative energy of this orbital. IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: I, t, ierr CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: this_routine = 'CreateSpinInvBrr' IF (ALLOCATED(SpinInvBRR)) return allocate(SpinInvBRR(NBASIS), STAT=ierr) CALL LogMemAlloc('SpinInvBRR', NBASIS, 4, this_routine, SpinInvBRRTag, ierr) SpinInvBRR(:) = 0 t = 0 do I = 1, NBASIS t = t + 1 SpinInvBRR(BRR(I)) = t end do return END SUBROUTINE CreateSpinInvBRR subroutine SetupValidSpawned(WalkerListSize) use CalcData, only: MemoryFacSpawn implicit none integer(int64), intent(in) :: WalkerListSize integer ierr, j real(dp) Gap !When running normally, WalkerListSize will be equal to totalwalkers !However, when reading in (and not continuing to grow) it should be equal to the number of dets in the popsfile MaxSpawned = NINT(MemoryFacSpawn * WalkerListSize * inum_runs) ! write(stdout,"(A,I14)") "Memory allocated for a maximum particle number per node for spawning of: ",MaxSpawned ! write(stdout,"(A)") "*Direct Annihilation* in use...Explicit load-balancing disabled." allocate(ValidSpawnedList(0:nNodes - 1), stat=ierr) ! InitialSpawnedSlots is now filled later, once the number of particles ! wanted is known !(it can change according to the POPSFILE). allocate(InitialSpawnedSlots(0:nNodes - 1), stat=ierr) ! InitialSpawnedSlots now holds the first free position in the ! newly-spawned list for each processor, so it does not need to be ! reevaluated each iteration. ! MaxSpawned=NINT(MemoryFacSpawn*InitWalkers) Gap = REAL(MaxSpawned, dp) / REAL(nNodes, dp) do j = 0, nNodes - 1 InitialSpawnedSlots(j) = NINT(Gap * j) + 1 end do ! ValidSpawndList now holds the next free position in the newly-spawned ! list, but for each processor. ValidSpawnedList(:) = InitialSpawnedSlots(:) end subroutine SetupValidSpawned subroutine sync_rdm_sampling_iter() use LoggingData, only: RDMEnergyIter, IterRDMOnfly use CalcData, only: coreSpaceUpdateCycle, semistoch_shift_iter implicit none integer :: frac ! first, adjust the offset to make the rdm sampling start right when a semistochastic ! update cycle ends IterRDMOnFly = IterRDMOnFly - & mod(IterRDMOnFly - semistoch_shift_iter, coreSpaceUpdateCycle) - 1 ! The -1 is just because the sampling starts one iteration after IterRDMOnFly ! If we subtracted too much, jump one cycle backwards if (IterRDMOnFly < semistoch_shift_iter) IterRDMOnFly = IterRDMOnFly + coreSpaceUpdateCycle write(stdout, *) "Adjusted starting iteration of RDM sampling to ", IterRDMOnFly ! Now sync the update cycles if (RDMEnergyIter > coreSpaceUpdateCycle) then RDMEnergyIter = coreSpaceUpdateCycle write(stdout, *) "The RDM sampling interval cannot be larger than the update " & //"interval of the semi-stochastic space. Reducing it to ", RDMEnergyIter end if if (mod(coreSpaceUpdateCycle, RDMEnergyIter) /= 0) then ! first, try to ramp up the RDMEnergyIter to meet the coreSpaceUpdateCycle frac = coreSpaceUpdateCycle / RDMEnergyIter RDMEnergyIter = coreSpaceUpdateCycle / frac write(stdout, *) "Update cycle of semi-stochastic space and RDM sampling interval" & //" out of sync. " write(stdout, *) "Readjusting RDM sampling interval to ", RDMEnergyIter ! now, if this did not succeed, adjust the coreSpaceUpdateCycle if (mod(coreSpaceUpdateCycle, RDMEnergyIter) /= 0) then coreSpaceUpdateCycle = coreSpaceUpdateCycle - & mod(coreSpaceUpdateCycle, RDMEnergyIter) write(stdout, *) "Adjusted update cycle of semi-stochastic space to ", & coreSpaceUpdateCycle end if end if end subroutine sync_rdm_sampling_iter subroutine CalcUEGMP2() use SymExcitDataMod, only: kPointToBasisFn use SystemData, only: ElecPairs, NMAXX, NMAXY, NMAXZ, OrbECutOff, & tMP2UEGRestrict, kiRestrict, kiMsRestrict, kjRestrict, kjMsRestrict, & Madelung, tMadelung, tUEGFreeze, FreezeCutoff, kvec, tUEG2 use Determinants, only: GetH0Element4, get_helement_excit integer :: Ki(3), Kj(3), Ka(3), LowLoop, HighLoop, X, i, Elec1Ind, Elec2Ind, K, Orbi, Orbj integer :: iSpn, FirstA, nJ(NEl), a_loc, Ex(2, maxExcit), kx, ky, kz, OrbB integer :: ki2, kj2 logical :: tParity real(dp) :: Ranger, length HElement_t(dp) :: hel, H0tmp, mp2, mp2all !Divvy up the ij pairs Ranger = real(ElecPairs, dp) / real(nProcessors, dp) LowLoop = int(iProcIndex * Ranger) + 1 Highloop = int((iProcIndex + 1) * Ranger) if ((iProcIndex + 1) == nProcessors) Highloop = ElecPairs if (iProcIndex == 0) then if (lowLoop /= 1) write(stderr, *) "Error here!" end if write(stdout, *) "Total ij pairs: ", ElecPairs write(stdout, *) "Considering ij pairs from: ", LowLoop, " to ", HighLoop ! write(stdout,*) "HFDet: ",HFDet(:) do i = LowLoop, HighLoop !Looping over electron pairs on this processor X = ElecPairs - i K = INT((SQRT(8.0_dp * REAL(X, dp) + 1.0_dp) - 1.0_dp) / 2.0_dp) Elec1Ind = NEl - 1 - K Elec2Ind = NEl - X + ((K * (K + 1)) / 2) Orbi = HFDet(Elec1Ind) Orbj = HFDet(Elec2Ind) Ki = G1(Orbi)%k Kj = G1(Orbj)%k !======================================= if (tUEG2) then Ki = kvec(Orbi, 1:3) Kj = kvec(Orbj, 1:3) end if !======================================= if (tUEGFreeze) then ki2 = ki(1)**2 + ki(2)**2