gasci_pchb_doubles_spatorb_fastweighted.F90 Source File


Source Code

#include "macros.h"

module gasci_pchb_doubles_spatorb_fastweighted
    !! precomputed heat bath implementation for GASCI using spatial orbitals
    use constants, only: n_int, dp, int64, maxExcit, stdout
    use util_mod, only: fuseIndex, getSpinIndex, near_zero, swap, &
        operator(.implies.), operator(.isclose.), stop_all
    use dSFMT_interface, only: genrand_real2_dSFMT
    use get_excit, only: make_double, exciteIlut
    use SymExcitDataMod, only: pDoubNew, ScratchSize
    use excitation_types, only: Excite_2_t, excite, canonicalize, is_canonical
    use sltcnd_mod, only: nI_invariant_sltcnd_excit
    use aliasSampling, only: AliasSampler_3D_t
    use UMatCache, only: gtID, numBasisIndices
    use FciMCData, only: excit_gen_store_type, projEDet
    use SystemData, only: nEl
    use bit_rep_data, only: NIfTot
    use MPI_wrapper, only: root
    use gasci, only: GASSpec_t
    use gasci_util, only: gen_all_excits
    use gasci_supergroup_index, only: SuperGroupIndexer_t, lookup_supergroup_indexer
    use gasci_pchb_doubles_select_particles, only: &
        allocate_and_init, ParticleSelector_t, PCHB_ParticleSelection_t, &
    use excitation_generators, only: DoubleExcitationGenerator_t

    public :: GAS_PCHB_DoublesSpatOrbFastWeightedExcGenerator_t

    ! there are three pchb_samplers for each supergroup:
    ! 1 - same-spin case
    ! 2 - opp spin case without exchange
    ! 3 - opp spin case with exchange
    integer, parameter :: SAME_SPIN = 1, OPP_SPIN_NO_EXCH = 2, OPP_SPIN_EXCH = 3

    !> The GAS PCHB excitation generator for doubles
    type, extends(DoubleExcitationGenerator_t) :: GAS_PCHB_DoublesSpatOrbFastWeightedExcGenerator_t
        !> Use a lookup for the supergroup index in global_det_data
        logical, public :: use_lookup = .false.
        !> Create **and** manage! the supergroup index lookup in global_det_data.
        logical, public :: create_lookup = .false.

        !> The shape is (fused_number_of_double_excitations, 3, n_supergroup)
        type(AliasSampler_3D_t) :: pchb_samplers

        type(SuperGroupIndexer_t), pointer :: indexer => null()
        class(ParticleSelector_t), allocatable :: particle_selector
        class(GASSpec_t), allocatable :: GAS_spec
        real(dp), allocatable :: pExch(:, :)
        integer, allocatable :: tgtOrbs(:, :)
        procedure, public :: init => GAS_doubles_PCHB_init
        procedure, public :: finalize => GAS_doubles_PCHB_finalize
        procedure, public :: gen_exc => GAS_doubles_PCHB_gen_exc
        procedure, public :: get_pgen => GAS_doubles_PCHB_get_pgen
        procedure, public :: gen_all_excits => GAS_doubles_PCHB_gen_all_excits

        procedure :: compute_samplers => GAS_doubles_PCHB_compute_samplers
    end type GAS_PCHB_DoublesSpatOrbFastWeightedExcGenerator_t


    !>  @brief
    !>  Initialize the pchb excitation generator
    !>  @details
    !>  This does two things:
    !>  1. setup the lookup table for the mapping ab -> (a,b)
    !>  2. setup the alias table for picking ab given ij with probability ~<ij|H|ab>
    subroutine GAS_doubles_PCHB_init(this, GAS_spec, &
            use_lookup, create_lookup, PCHB_particle_selection)
        class(GAS_PCHB_DoublesSpatOrbFastWeightedExcGenerator_t), intent(inout) :: this
        class(GASSpec_t), intent(in) :: GAS_spec
        logical, intent(in) :: use_lookup, create_lookup
        type(PCHB_ParticleSelection_t), intent(in) :: PCHB_particle_selection
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'GAS_doubles_PCHB_init'

        integer :: ab, a, b, abMax
        integer :: nBI

        this%GAS_spec = GAS_spec
        allocate(this%indexer, source=SuperGroupIndexer_t(GAS_spec, nEl))
        this%create_lookup = create_lookup
        this%use_lookup = use_lookup

        if (this%create_lookup) then
            if (associated(lookup_supergroup_indexer)) then
                call stop_all(this_routine, 'Someone else is already managing the supergroup lookup.')
                write(stdout, *) 'GAS PCHB (RHF) doubles is creating and managing the supergroup lookup'
                lookup_supergroup_indexer => this%indexer
            end if
        end if
        if (this%use_lookup) write(stdout, *) 'GAS PCHB doubles is using the supergroup lookup'

        write(stdout, *) "Allocating PCHB excitation generator objects"
        ! number of spatial orbs
        nBI = numBasisIndices(this%GAS_spec%n_spin_orbs())
        ! initialize the mapping ab -> (a, b)
        abMax = fuseIndex(nBI, nBI)
        allocate(this%tgtOrbs(2, 0 : abMax), source=0)
        do a = 1, nBI
            do b = 1, a
                ab = fuseIndex(a, b)
                this%tgtOrbs(1, ab) = b
                this%tgtOrbs(2, ab) = a
            end do
        end do

        ! setup the alias table
        call this%compute_samplers(nBI, PCHB_particle_selection)

        write(stdout, *) "Finished excitation generator initialization"

        ! this is some bias used internally by CreateSingleExcit - not used here
        pDoubNew = 0.0
    end subroutine GAS_doubles_PCHB_init

    !>  @brief
    !>  Deallocate the sampler and the mapping ab -> (a,b)
    subroutine GAS_doubles_PCHB_finalize(this)
        class(GAS_PCHB_DoublesSpatOrbFastWeightedExcGenerator_t), intent(inout) :: this

        if (allocated(this%particle_selector)) then
            call this%pchb_samplers%finalize()
            call this%particle_selector%finalize()
            ! Yes we assume that either all or none are allocated.
            deallocate(this%particle_selector, this%tgtOrbs, this%pExch, this%indexer)
            if (this%create_lookup) then
            end if
        end if
    end subroutine GAS_doubles_PCHB_finalize

    !>  @brief
    !>  Given the initial determinant (both as nI and ilut), create a random double
    !>  excitation using the hamiltonian matrix elements as weights
    !> @param[in] nI  determinant to excite from
    !> @param[in] elec_map  map to translate electron picks to orbitals
    !> @param[in] ilut  determinant to excite from in ilut format
    !> @param[out] nJ  on return, excited determinant
    !> @param[out] excitMat  on return, excitation matrix nI -> nJ
    !> @param[out] tParity  on return, the parity of the excitation nI -> nJ
    !> @param[out] pGen  on return, the probability of generating the excitation nI -> nJ
    !> @param[in] idet Optional index of determinant in the CurrentDets array.
    subroutine GAS_doubles_PCHB_gen_exc(&
                    this, nI, ilutI, nJ, ilutJ, exFlag, ic, &
                    ex, tParity, pGen, hel, store, part_type)
        class(GAS_PCHB_DoublesSpatOrbFastWeightedExcGenerator_t), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel), exFlag
        integer(n_int), intent(in) :: ilutI(0:NIfTot)
        integer, intent(out) :: nJ(nel), ic, ex(2, maxExcit)
        integer(n_int), intent(out) :: ilutJ(0:NifTot)
        real(dp), intent(out) :: pGen
        logical, intent(out) :: tParity
        HElement_t(dp), intent(out) :: hel
        type(excit_gen_store_type), intent(inout), target :: store
        integer, intent(in), optional :: part_type
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'GAS_doubles_PCHB_gen_exc'

        integer :: elecs(2), src(2), ij
        integer :: orbs(2), ab
        real(dp) :: pGenHoles
        logical :: invalid
        integer :: spin(2), samplerIndex
        integer :: i_sg

        associate(exFlag => exFlag); end associate
        associate(part_type => part_type); end associate
        ic = 2
        hel = h_cast(0.0_dp)

        if (this%use_lookup) then
            i_sg = this%indexer%lookup_supergroup_idx(store%idx_curr_dets, nI)
            i_sg = this%indexer%idx_nI(nI)
        end if

        ! first, pick two random elecs
        call this%particle_selector%draw(nI, ilutI, i_sg, elecs, src, pGen)
        if (src(1) == 0) then
            call invalidate()
        end if

#ifdef DEBUG_
        use util_mod, only: stop_all
        use constants, only: stderr
        if (.not. (pGen .isclose. this%particle_selector%get_pgen(nI, i_sg, src(1), src(2)))) then
            write(stderr, *) ""
            write(stderr, *) "Assertion pGen .isclose. this%particle_selector%get_pgen(nI, i_sg, src(1), src(2))"
            write(stderr, *) "failed in /scratch/jenkins/jobs/existing_branch_doc/workspace/build_config/gfortran-doc/src/gasci_pch&
            call stop_all (this_routine, "Assert fail: pGen .isclose. this%particle_selector%get_pgen(nI, i_sg, src(1), src(2))")
        end if
    end block

        invalid = .false.
        ! use the sampler for this electron pair -> order of src electrons does not matter
        ij = fuseIndex(gtID(src(1)), gtID(src(2)))
        ! the spin of the electrons: 0 - alpha, 1 - beta
        spin = getSpinIndex(src)
        ! determine type of spin-excitation: same-spin, opp spin w exchange, opp spin w/o exchange
        if (spin(1) == spin(2)) then
            ! same spin
            samplerIndex = SAME_SPIN
            ! else, pick exchange with...some ij-spin bias
            if (genrand_real2_dSFMT() < this%pExch(ij, i_sg)) then
                samplerIndex = OPP_SPIN_EXCH
                ! adjust pgen
                pGen = pGen * this%pExch(ij, i_sg)
                ! the spins of the target are the opposite of the source spins
                call swap(spin(1), spin(2))
                samplerIndex = OPP_SPIN_NO_EXCH
                ! adjust pgen
                pGen = pGen * (1.0_dp - this%pExch(ij, i_sg))
            end if
        end if
        ! get a pair of orbitals using the precomputed weights
        call this%pchb_samplers%sample(ij, samplerIndex, i_sg, ab, pGenHoles)
#ifdef DEBUG_
        use util_mod, only: stop_all
        use constants, only: stderr
        if (.not. (ab /= 0 .implies. (pGenHoles .isclose.  this%pchb_samplers%get_prob(ij, samplerIndex, i_sg, ab)))) then
            write(stderr, *) ""
            write(stderr, *) "Assertion ab /= 0 .implies. (pGenHoles .isclose.  this%pchb_samplers%get_prob(ij, samplerIndex,&
                & i_sg, ab))"
            write(stderr, *) "failed in /scratch/jenkins/jobs/existing_branch_doc/workspace/build_config/gfortran-doc/src/gasci_pch&
            call stop_all (this_routine, "Assert fail: ab /= 0 .implies. (pGenHoles .isclose.  this%pchb_samplers%get_prob(ij,&
                & samplerIndex, i_sg, ab))")
        end if
    end block

        if (ab == 0) then
            invalid = .true.
            orbs = 0
            ! split the index ab (using a table containing mapping ab -> (a,b))
            orbs = this%tgtOrbs(:, ab)
            ! convert orbs to spin-orbs with the same spin
            orbs = 2 * orbs - spin
#ifdef DEBUG_
        use util_mod, only: stop_all
        use constants, only: stderr
        if (.not. (all(orbs /= 0) .implies. orbs(1) /= orbs(2))) then
            write(stderr, *) ""
            write(stderr, *) "Assertion all(orbs /= 0) .implies. orbs(1) /= orbs(2)"
            write(stderr, *) "failed in /scratch/jenkins/jobs/existing_branch_doc/workspace/build_config/gfortran-doc/src/gasci_pch&
            call stop_all (this_routine, "Assert fail: all(orbs /= 0) .implies. orbs(1) /= orbs(2)")
        end if
    end block
            ! note: nI is an array, not a scalar, so we need two `any` checks below
            invalid = any(orbs == 0) .or. any(orbs(1) == nI) .or. any(orbs(2) == nI)
        end if

        ! unfortunately, there is a super-rare case when, due to floating point error,
        ! an excitation with pGen=0 is created. Those are invalid, too
        if (.not. invalid .and. near_zero(pGenHoles)) then
            invalid = .true.
            ! Yes, print. Those events are signficant enough to be always noted in the output
            write(stdout, *) "WARNING: Generated excitation with probability of 0"
        end if

        if (invalid) then
            ! if 0 is returned, there are no excitations for the chosen elecs
            ! -> return nulldet
            call invalidate()
            ! else, construct the det from the chosen orbs/elecs

            call make_double(nI, nJ, elecs(1), elecs(2), orbs(1), orbs(2), ex, tParity)

            ilutJ = exciteIlut(ilutI, src, orbs)

            pGen = pGen * pGenHoles

                integer :: ClassCount2(ScratchSize), ClassCountUnocc2(ScratchSize)
#ifdef DEBUG_
        use util_mod, only: stop_all
        use constants, only: stderr
        if (.not. (pgen .isclose. this%get_pgen(nI, ilutI, ex, ic, ClassCount2, ClassCountUnocc2))) then
            write(stderr, *) ""
            write(stderr, *) "Assertion pgen .isclose. this%get_pgen(nI, ilutI, ex, ic, ClassCount2, ClassCountUnocc2)"
            write(stderr, *) "failed in /scratch/jenkins/jobs/existing_branch_doc/workspace/build_config/gfortran-doc/src/gasci_pch&
            call stop_all (this_routine, "Assert fail: pgen .isclose. this%get_pgen(nI, ilutI, ex, ic, ClassCount2,&
                & ClassCountUnocc2)")
        end if
    end block
            end block

        end if


        subroutine invalidate()
            nJ = 0
            ilutJ = 0_n_int
            ex(1, 1 : 2) = src
            ex(2, 1 : 2) = orbs
        end subroutine invalidate
    end subroutine GAS_doubles_PCHB_gen_exc

    !>  @brief
    !>  Calculate the probability of drawing a given double excitation ex
    !>  @param[in] ex  2x2 excitation matrix
    !>  @return pgen  probability of generating this double with the pchb double excitgen
    function GAS_doubles_PCHB_get_pgen(this, nI, ilutI, ex, ic, ClassCount2, ClassCountUnocc2) result(pgen)
        class(GAS_PCHB_DoublesSpatOrbFastWeightedExcGenerator_t), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel)
        integer(n_int), intent(in) :: ilutI(0:NIfTot)
        integer, intent(in) :: ex(2, maxExcit), ic
        integer, intent(in) :: ClassCount2(ScratchSize), ClassCountUnocc2(ScratchSize)
        real(dp) :: pgen
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'GAS_doubles_PCHB_get_pgen'

        integer :: ab, ij, nex(2, 2), samplerIndex, i_sg

        associate(ilutI => ilutI); end associate
        associate(ClassCount2 => ClassCount2); end associate
        associate(ClassCountUnocc2 => ClassCountUnocc2); end associate
#ifdef DEBUG_
        use util_mod, only: stop_all
        use constants, only: stderr
        if (.not. (ic == 2)) then
            write(stderr, *) ""
            write(stderr, *) "Assertion ic == 2"
            write(stderr, *) "failed in /scratch/jenkins/jobs/existing_branch_doc/workspace/build_config/gfortran-doc/src/gasci_pch&
            call stop_all (this_routine, "Assert fail: ic == 2")
        end if
    end block

        nex = gtID(ex(:, : ic))
        ij = fuseIndex(nex(1, 1), nex(1, 2))
        ab = fuseIndex(nex(2, 1), nex(2, 2))
        i_sg = this%indexer%idx_nI(nI)

        pgen = this%particle_selector%get_pgen(nI, i_sg, ex(1, 1), ex(1, 2))

        ! the probability of picking the two electrons: they are chosen uniformly
        ! check which sampler was used
        if (is_beta(ex(1, 1)) .eqv. is_beta(ex(1, 2))) then
            ! same-spin case
            samplerIndex = SAME_SPIN
            ! excitations without spin-exchange OR to the same spatial orb
            if ((is_beta(ex(1, 1)) .eqv. is_beta(ex(2, 1))) .or. (nex(2, 1) == nex(2, 2))) then
                ! opp spin case without exchange
                samplerIndex = OPP_SPIN_NO_EXCH
                pGen = pGen * (1.0_dp - this%pExch(ij, i_sg))
                ! opp spin case with exchange
                samplerIndex = OPP_SPIN_EXCH
                pGen = pGen * this%pExch(ij, i_sg)
            end if
        end if

        pgen = pgen * this%pchb_samplers%get_prob(ij, samplerIndex, i_sg, ab)
    end function GAS_doubles_PCHB_get_pgen

    subroutine GAS_doubles_PCHB_compute_samplers(this, nBI, PCHB_particle_selection)
        !! computes and stores values for the alias sampling table
        class(GAS_PCHB_DoublesSpatOrbFastWeightedExcGenerator_t), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: nBI
        type(PCHB_ParticleSelection_t), intent(in) :: PCHB_particle_selection
        integer :: i, j, ij, ijMax
        integer :: a, b, ab, abMax
        integer :: ex(2, 2)
        integer(int64) :: memCost
        real(dp), allocatable :: w(:), pNoExch(:), IJ_weights(:, :, :)
        integer, allocatable :: supergroups(:, :)
        integer :: i_sg, i_exch
        ! possible supergroups
        supergroups = this%indexer%get_supergroups()

        ! number of possible source orbital pairs
        ijMax = fuseIndex(nBI, nBI)
        abMax = ijMax
        ! allocate the bias for picking an exchange excitation
        allocate(this%pExch(ijMax, size(supergroups, 2)), source=0.0_dp)
        ! temporary storage for the unnormalized prob of not picking an exchange excitation

        !> n_supergroup * number_of_fused_indices * 3 * (bytes_per_sampler)
        memCost = size(supergroups, 2, kind=int64) &
                    * int(ijMax, int64) &
                    * 3_int64 &
                    * (int(abMax, int64) * 3_int64 * 8_int64)

        write(stdout, *) "Excitation generator requires", real(memCost, dp) / 2.0_dp**30, "GB of memory"
        write(stdout, *) "The number of supergroups is", size(supergroups, 2)
        write(stdout, *) "Generating samplers for PCHB excitation generator"
        write(stdout, *) "Depending on the number of supergroups this can take up to 10min."
        call this%pchb_samplers%shared_alloc([ijMax, 3, size(supergroups, 2)], abMax, 'PCHB_RHF')

        ! One could allocate only on the intra-node-root here, if memory
        ! at initialization ever becomes an issue.
        ! Look at `gasci_pchb_doubles_spin_fulllyweighted.fpp` for inspiration.
        allocate(IJ_weights(nBI * 2, nBI * 2, size(supergroups, 2)), source=0._dp)
        over_supergroup: do i_sg = 1, size(supergroups, 2)
            if (mod(i_sg, 100) == 0) write(stdout, *) 'Still generating the samplers'
            pNoExch = 1.0_dp - this%pExch(:, i_sg)
            over_spin_type: do i_exch = 1, 3
                particle_1: do i = 1, nBI
                    ex(1, 1) = to_spin_orb(i, is_alpha=.true.)
                    particle_2: do j = i, nBi
                        if (i_exch == SAME_SPIN .and. i == j) cycle
                        ij = fuseIndex(i, j)
                        w(:) = 0.0_dp
                        ex(1, 2) = to_spin_orb(j, i_exch == SAME_SPIN)
                        hole_1: do a = 1, nBI
                            ex(2, 1) = to_spin_orb(a, any(i_exch == [SAME_SPIN, OPP_SPIN_NO_EXCH]))
                            if (any(ex(2, 1) == ex(1, :))) cycle
                            hole_2: do b = a, nBi
                                if (i_exch == OPP_SPIN_EXCH .and. a == b) cycle
                                ab = fuseIndex(a, b)
                                ex(2, 2) = to_spin_orb(b, any(i_exch == [SAME_SPIN, OPP_SPIN_EXCH]))
                                if (any(ex(2, 2) == ex(1, :)) .or. ex(2, 2) == ex(2, 1)) cycle

                                associate(exc => canonicalize(Excite_2_t(ex)))
                                if (this%GAS_spec%is_allowed(exc, supergroups(:, i_sg))) then
                                    w(ab) = get_PCHB_weight(exc)
                                end if
                                end associate
                            end do hole_2
                        end do hole_1

                        call this%pchb_samplers%setup_entry(ij, i_exch, i_sg, root, w)
                        if (i_exch == OPP_SPIN_EXCH) this%pExch(ij, i_sg) = sum(w)
                        if (i_exch == OPP_SPIN_NO_EXCH) pNoExch(ij) = sum(w)

                        associate(I => ex(1, 1), J => ex(1, 2))
                            IJ_weights(I, J, i_sg) = IJ_weights(I, J, i_sg) + sum(w)
                            IJ_weights(J, I, i_sg) = IJ_weights(I, J, i_sg)
                        end associate
                        if (i /= j) then
                            ! sum over alpha and beta of the same orbital
                            if (i_exch == SAME_SPIN) then
                                associate(I => ex(1, 1) - 1, J => ex(1, 2) - 1)
                                    IJ_weights(I, J, i_sg) = IJ_weights(I, J, i_sg) + sum(w)
                                    IJ_weights(J, I, i_sg) = IJ_weights(I, J, i_sg)
                                end associate
                                associate(I => ex(1, 1) - 1, J => ex(1, 2) + 1)
                                    IJ_weights(I, J, i_sg) = IJ_weights(I, J, i_sg) + sum(w)
                                    IJ_weights(J, I, i_sg) = IJ_weights(I, J, i_sg)
                                end associate
                            end if
                        end if

                    end do particle_2
                end do particle_1
            end do over_spin_type
            ! normalize the exchange bias (where normalizable)
            where (near_zero(this%pExch(:, i_sg) + pNoExch))
                this%pExch(:, i_sg) = 0._dp
            else where
                this%pExch(:, i_sg) = this%pExch(:, i_sg) / (this%pExch(:, i_sg) + pNoExch)
            end where
        end do over_supergroup

        call allocate_and_init(PCHB_particle_selection, this%GAS_spec, &
            IJ_weights, root, this%use_lookup, this%particle_selector)

        elemental function to_spin_orb(orb, is_alpha) result(sorb)
            ! map spatial orbital to the spin orbital matching the current samplerIndex
            ! Input: orb - spatial orbital to be mapped
            ! Output: sorb - corresponding spin orbital
            integer, intent(in) :: orb
            logical, intent(in) :: is_alpha
            integer :: sorb

            sorb = merge(2 * orb, 2 * orb - 1, is_alpha)
        end function to_spin_orb
    end subroutine GAS_doubles_PCHB_compute_samplers

    subroutine GAS_doubles_PCHB_gen_all_excits(this, nI, n_excits, det_list)
        class(GAS_PCHB_DoublesSpatOrbFastWeightedExcGenerator_t), intent(in) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: nI(nEl)
        integer, intent(out) :: n_excits
        integer(n_int), allocatable, intent(out) :: det_list(:,:)

        call gen_all_excits(this%GAS_spec, nI, n_excits, det_list, ic=2)
    end subroutine GAS_doubles_PCHB_gen_all_excits

end module gasci_pchb_doubles_spatorb_fastweighted