gen_coul_ueg.F90 Source File


Source Code

Source Code

#include "macros.h"

module gen_coul_ueg_mod
    use UMatCache, only: UMatInd, GTID
    use SystemData, only: BasisFN, nel, nBasisMax, nBasis, G1, NMSH, nMax, &
                          iSpinSkip, tHub, uHub, omega, iPeriodicDampingType, &
                          btHub, momIndexTable, breathingCont, tmodHub, &
                          ALAT, OrbECutoff, t_ueg_transcorr, t_ueg_3_body, &
                          tTranscorr, tContact, trpa_tc, tInfSumTCCalc, &
                          tInfSumTCPrint, tInfSumTCRead, Tperiodicinmom
    use IntegralsData, only: UMat, FCK
    use global_utilities
    use constants, only: sp, dp, pi, pi2, THIRD, stdout
    use Parallel_neci, only: iProcIndex, root
    use util_mod, only: near_zero, stop_all
    use breathing_Hub, only: bHubIndexFunction
    implicit none

        pure function uu_tc_t(k2) result(u_tc)
            use constants, only: dp
            real(dp), intent(in) :: k2
            real(dp)  :: u_tc
        end function
    end interface

    procedure(uu_tc_t), pointer :: uu_tc => null()

! approximate the 3 body potential by 2 body terms and store them in  UMAT
    HElement_t(dp), ALLOCATABLE :: UMAT_TC2(:, :, :)
    HElement_t(dp), ALLOCATABLE ::  UMAT_TC2_Contact(:), UMAT_TC2_Contact3D(:, :, :)
    real(dp) :: ktc_cutoff2, omega_p


    ! This is based on the gen_coul for electrons in a cubic box, but with
    ! a simpler coulomb integral
    subroutine gen_coul_hubnpbc()

        ! This routine generates *ALL* possible combinations of Coulomb
        ! integrals stored in the form (u1 u2 | U | u1 u2) = UMAT(n1 n2 n3 n4)
        ! This first call calculates the inner integral.
        ! The call to SCOUL calculates the outer integral.

        integer :: ll(3)
        integer :: a, b, ii, iSpinSkip
        real(dp) :: sums(3), sum
        integer :: i, j, k, l, id1, id2, id3, id4, ind
        type(timer), save :: proc_timer
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'gen_coul_hubnpbc'

        proc_timer%timer_name = this_routine
        call set_timer(proc_timer)

        open(10, file='UMAT', status='unknown')
        ii = 0
        iSpinSkip = nBasisMax(2, 3)
        ll(1) = nBasisMax(1, 2) - nBasisMax(1, 1) + 1
        ll(2) = nbasisMax(2, 2) - nBasisMax(2, 1) + 1
        ll(3) = nbasisMax(3, 2) - nBasisMax(3, 1) + 1
        do i = 1, nBasis, iSpinSkip
            do j = 1, nBasis, iSpinSkip
                do k = 1, nBasis, iSpinSkip
                    do l = 1, nBasis, iSpinSkip
                        sum = 1.0_dp
                        ! Original cal
                        ! call SLATCOULFOU (G1(1,I), G1(1,J), G1(1,K), &
                        !                   G1(1,L), NMSH, FCK, NMAX, SUM)
                        id1 = GTID(i)
                        id2 = GTID(j)
                        id3 = GTID(k)
                        id4 = GTID(l)
                        sum = uHub
                        do a = 1, 3
                            sums(a) = 0
                            do b = 1, ll(a)
                                sums(a) = sums(b) &
                                          + sin(b * pi * (G1(i)%K(a) - nBasisMax(a, 1) + 1) / (ll(a) + 1)) &
                                          * sin(b * pi * (G1(j)%K(a) - nBasismax(a, 1) + 1) / (ll(a) + 1)) &
                                          * sin(b * pi * (G1(k)%K(a) - nBasismax(a, 1) + 1) / (ll(a) + 1)) &
                                          * sin(b * pi * (G1(l)%K(a) - nBasismax(a, 1) + 1) / (ll(a) + 1))
                                ! * sin(b*pi*G1(A,J)/(LL(A)+1))
                                ! * sin(b*pi*G1(A,K)/(LL(A)+1))
                                ! * sin(b*pi*G1(A,L)/(LL(A)+1))
                            end do
                            sum = sum * sums(a) * (2.0_dp / (ll(a) + 1))**2
                        end do

                        ! UMAT is stored as just spatial orbitals (not
                        ! spinorbitals). We store <IJ|KL>
                        ! Get the index of physical order UMAT element <IJ|KL>
                        ! Indices are internally reordered such that:
                        ! i >= k, j >= l, (i,k) >= (j,l)
                        UMAT(UMatInd(id1, id2, id3, id3)) = sum
                        if (abs(sum) > 1.0e-10_dp) &
                            write(10, '(4i7,f19.9)') id1, id2, id3, id4, sum
                    end do
                end do
            end do
        end do

        if (tHub) then
            ! V0 is subtracted from the diagonal element of the hamiltonian
            ! for the UEG, but we don't want this for the hubbard model.
            ! FCK is equiv to FCK(-nmsh/2:nmsh/2-1, ..., ...).
            ! Set FCK(0,0,0) = 0.
            ind = nbasis / 2 + 1 + (nbasis / 2) * nbasis * (nbasis + 1)
            FCK(ind) = (0.0_sp, 0.0_sp)
        end if

        call halt_timer(proc_timer)
    end subroutine

    pure function get_hub_umat_el(i, j, k, l) result(hel)
        use sym_mod, only: roundsym, addelecsym, setupsym, lchksym
        use constants, only: pi
        use SystemData, only: breathingCont
        HElement_t(dp) :: hel
        integer, intent(in) :: i, j, k, l
        type(BasisFn) :: ka, kb

        call SetupSym(ka)
        call SetupSym(kb)
        call AddElecSym(k * 2, G1, nBasisMax, ka)
        call AddElecSym(l * 2, G1, nBasisMax, ka)
        call AddElecSym(i * 2, G1, nBasisMax, kb)
        call AddElecSym(j * 2, G1, nBasisMax, kb)
        call RoundSym(ka, nBasisMax)
        call RoundSym(kb, nBasisMax)

        if (lChkSym(ka, kb)) then
            hel = UMat(1)
            if (tmodHub) hel = hel - breathingCont(bHubIndexFunction(i, j, k, l))
            hel = 0.0_dp
        end if
    end function

!  the following fun is modified for transcorrelated Hamiltonian under RPA approx
    pure function get_ueg_umat_el(idi, idj, idk, idl) result(hel)

        use SystemData, only: tUEG2, kvec, k_lattice_constant, dimen, PotentialStrength, TranscorrCutoff, nOccAlpha, nOccBeta
        integer, intent(in) :: idi, idj, idk, idl
        HElement_t(dp) :: hel
        integer :: i, j, k, l, a, b, c, iss, id1, id2, id3, id4, kmax, nsigma, sumind
        real(dp) :: G, G2, prefack, sprod
        real(dp) :: k_tc(3), pq_tc(3), u_tc, gamma_RPA, gamma_kmax, kveclength
        logical :: tCoulomb, tExchange
        real(dp), parameter :: EulersConst = 0.5772156649015328606065120900824024_dp
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'get_ueg_umat_el'

        ! Initialisation to satisfy compiler warnings
        hel = 0

        if (tUEG2) then

            ! omit even numbers of idi if there is spin degeneracy
            ISS = nBasisMax(2, 3) ! ick
            i = (idi - 1) * ISS + 1
            j = (idj - 1) * ISS + 1
            k = (idk - 1) * ISS + 1
            l = (idl - 1) * ISS + 1

            ! calucate unscaled momentum transfer
            a = kvec(i, 1) - kvec(k, 1)
            b = kvec(i, 2) - kvec(k, 2)
            c = kvec(i, 3) - kvec(k, 3)

            ! Energy conservation
            if ((kvec(l, 1) - kvec(j, 1) == a) .and. &
                (kvec(l, 2) - kvec(j, 2) == b) .and. &
                (kvec(l, 3) - kvec(j, 3) == c)) then

                ! no Coulomb (-> no divergency)
                if ((a /= 0) .or. (b /= 0) .or. (c /= 0)) then
                    ! Coulomb integrals are long-ranged, so calculated with
                    ! 4 pi/G**2.
                    !AJWT <IJ|r_12^-1|KL> = v_(G_I-G_K) delta_((G_I-G_K)-(G_L-G_J)
                    ! v_G = 4 Pi/ G**2.  G=2 Pi/L(nx,ny,nx) etc.
                    ! For Coulomb interactions <ij|ij> we have explicitly excluded
                    ! the G=0 component as it is divergent.
                    ! This is the equivalent of adding a positive uniform
                    ! background.
                    !scaled momentum transfer
                    G2 = (a * k_lattice_constant)**2 + (b * k_lattice_constant)**2 + (c * k_lattice_constant)**2
                    ! check dimension
                    if (dimen == 3) then ! 3D
                        hel = (4.0_dp * PI) / (G2 * OMEGA)
                    else if (dimen == 2) then !2D
                        hel = (2.0_dp * PI) / (sqrt(G2) * OMEGA)
                    else if (dimen == 1) then !1D
                        hel = (-log(G2 / 4.0_dp) - 2.0_dp * EulersConst) / OMEGA
                    end if
                else  ! <ii|ii>
                    hel = 0
                end if  !Coulomb

            else  !no energy conservation
                hel = 0.0_dp
            end if
        end if   !UEG2

        ISS = nBasisMax(2, 3) ! ick

        i = (idi - 1) * ISS + 1
        j = (idj - 1) * ISS + 1
        k = (idk - 1) * ISS + 1
        l = (idl - 1) * ISS + 1

        tCoulomb = .false.
        tExchange = .false.

        if ((i == k) .and. (j == l)) tCoulomb = .true.
        if ((i == l) .and. (j == k)) tExchange = .true.

        if (dimen == 3) then
            ! The Uniform Electron Gas
            a = G1(i)%k(1) - G1(k)%k(1)
            b = G1(i)%k(2) - G1(k)%k(2)
            c = G1(i)%k(3) - G1(k)%k(3)

            if (((G1(l)%k(1) - G1(j)%k(1)) == a) .and. &
                ((G1(l)%k(2) - G1(j)%k(2)) == b) .and. &
                ((G1(l)%k(3) - G1(j)%k(3)) == c)) then

                if ((a /= 0) .or. (b /= 0) .or. (c /= 0)) then
                    ! write(stdout,*) "(",I,J,"|",K,L,")",A,B,C
                    ! Coulomb integrals are long-ranged, so calculated with
                    ! 4 pi/G**2.
                    !AJWT <IJ|r_12^-1|KL> = v_(G_I-G_K) delta_((G_I-G_K)-(G_L-G_J)
                    ! v_G = 4 Pi/ G**2.  G=2 Pi/L(nx,ny,nx) etc.
                    ! For Coulomb interactions <ij|ij> we have explicitly excluded
                    ! the G=0 component as it is divergent.
                    ! This is the equivalent of adding a positive uniform
                    ! background.
                    ! The effects

                    if (t_ueg_transcorr) then
! ============== the transcorrelated H under RPA =============================
                        k_tc(1) = -2 * PI * a / ALAT(1)
                        k_tc(2) = -2 * PI * b / ALAT(2)
                        k_tc(3) = -2 * PI * c / ALAT(3)
                        G2 = k_tc(1) * k_tc(1) + k_tc(2) * k_tc(2) + k_tc(3) * k_tc(3)
                        G = sqrt(G2)
                        pq_tc(1) = (G1(k)%k(1) - G1(l)%k(1)) * 2 * PI / ALAT(1)
                        pq_tc(2) = (G1(k)%k(2) - G1(l)%k(2)) * 2 * PI / ALAT(2)
                        pq_tc(3) = (G1(k)%k(3) - G1(l)%k(3)) * 2 * PI / ALAT(3)

                        u_tc = uu_tc(G2)

                        if (t_ueg_3_body) then
                            hel = 4 * PI / G2 + G2 * u_tc - (pq_tc(1) * k_tc(1) + pq_tc(2) * k_tc(2) + pq_tc(3) * k_tc(3)) * u_tc &
                                  - UMAT_TC2(-a, -b, -c)
                            hel = 4 * PI / G2 + G2 * u_tc - (pq_tc(1) * k_tc(1) + pq_tc(2) * k_tc(2) + pq_tc(3) * k_tc(3)) * u_tc &
                                  - (nel - 2) * G2 / (ALAT(1) * ALAT(2) * ALAT(3)) * u_tc**2 &
                                  - UMAT_TC2(-a, -b, -c)
                        end if
! =============== The original coulomb potential  ===================================
                        G2 = ((a / ALAT(1))**2 + (b / ALAT(2))**2)
                        if (.not. near_zero(ALAT(3))) G2 = G2 + (c / ALAT(3))**2

                        ! Sum is G^2 / 4 Pi*Pi
                        G = 2 * PI * sqrt(G2)
                        hel = (1.0_dp / PI) / (G2 * ALAT(1) * ALAT(2) * ALAT(3))

                        ! Sum is now (4 Pi / G^2 ) / Omega
                        ! ALAT(4) is Rc, a cutoff length.
                        ! For Exchange integrals we calculate <ij|kl>cell with a
                        ! potenial v(r)=1/r (r<Rc) and 0 (r>=Rc)
                        if (tExchange) then
                            if (iPeriodicDampingType == 2) then
                                ! Spherical cutoff used.
                                ! For non-Coulomb integrals we calculate <ij|kl>_cell
                                ! with a potenial v(r)=1/r (r<Rc) and 0 (r>=Rc).
                                hel = hel * (1.0_dp - cos(G * ALAT(4)))
                            else if (iPeriodicDampingType == 1) then
                                ! Screened potential used.
                                ! For non-Coulomb integrals we calculate <ij|kl>
                                ! with a potenial v(r)=erfc(r/Rc)/r.
                                hel = hel * (1.0_dp - exp(-(G * ALAT(4))**2 / 2.0_dp))
                            end if
                        end if
                    end if
                    ! <ii|ii>
                    hel = 0.
!                TC energy
                    if (t_ueg_transcorr) then
!                  if(i==j)then
!                   hel = -UMAT_TC2(0,0,0) / (ALAT(1) * ALAT(2) * ALAT(3))/4
!                    hel=0.0
!                  else
!                   hel = -UMAT_TC2(0,0,0) / (ALAT(1) * ALAT(2) * ALAT(3))
!                  end if
                        hel = -UMAT_TC2(0, 0, 0) / (ALAT(1) * ALAT(2) * ALAT(3))
                    end if

                    if (.not. tCoulomb .and. iPeriodicDampingType /= 0) then
                        ! The G=0 component is explicitly calculated for
                        ! non-Coulomb interactions as 2 PI Rc**2.
                        ! This is found by taking the Taylor expansion of the
                        ! attenuated and screened potentials and
                        ! considering the limit of G->0.  Both give the same
                        ! result.
                        call stop_all(this_routine, "<ii|ii> calculation error")
                        hel = 2 * pi * ALAT(4)**2 / (ALAT(1) * ALAT(2) * ALAT(3))
                    end if
                end if
                hel = 0
            end if
        else if (dimen == 2) then
            ! The Uniform Electron Gas
            a = G1(i)%k(1) - G1(k)%k(1)
            b = G1(i)%k(2) - G1(k)%k(2)

            if (((G1(l)%k(1) - G1(j)%k(1)) == a) .and. &
                ((G1(l)%k(2) - G1(j)%k(2)) == b)) then

                if ((a /= 0) .or. (b /= 0)) then

                    if (t_ueg_transcorr) then
! ============== the transcorrelated H under RPA =============================
                        k_tc(1) = -2 * PI * a / ALAT(1)
                        k_tc(2) = -2 * PI * b / ALAT(2)
                        G2 = k_tc(1) * k_tc(1) + k_tc(2) * k_tc(2)
                        G = sqrt(G2)
                        pq_tc(1) = (G1(k)%k(1) - G1(l)%k(1)) * 2 * PI / ALAT(1)
                        pq_tc(2) = (G1(k)%k(2) - G1(l)%k(2)) * 2 * PI / ALAT(2)

                        if (G2 <= ktc_cutoff2 * (1.0 + 1.d-10)) then
                            u_tc = 0.0
                            u_tc = -2 * PI / G2 / G
                        end if

                        hel = 2 * PI / G + G2 * u_tc - (pq_tc(1) * k_tc(1) + pq_tc(2) * k_tc(2)) * u_tc &
                              - (nel - 2) * G2 / (ALAT(1) * ALAT(2)) * u_tc**2 &
                              - UMAT_TC2(-a, -b, 0)
! =============== The original coulomb potential  ===================================
                        G2 = ((a / ALAT(1))**2 + (b / ALAT(2))**2)

                        G = 2 * PI * sqrt(G2)

                        hel = (2 * PI) / G
                    end if

                    hel = hel / (ALAT(1) * ALAT(2))

                    if (tExchange) then
                        if (iPeriodicDampingType == 2) then
                            ! Spherical cutoff used.
                            ! For non-Coulomb integrals we calculate <ij|kl>_cell
                            ! with a potenial v(r)=1/r (r<Rc) and 0 (r>=Rc).
                            hel = hel * (1.0_dp - cos(G * ALAT(4)))
                        else if (iPeriodicDampingType == 1) then
                            ! Screened potential used.
                            ! For non-Coulomb integrals we calculate <ij|kl>
                            ! with a potenial v(r)=erfc(r/Rc)/r.
                            hel = hel * (1.0_dp - exp(-(G * ALAT(4))**2 / 2.0_dp))
                        end if
                    end if
                    ! <ii|ii>
                    hel = 0.
!                TC energy
                    if (t_ueg_transcorr) then
!                  if(i==j)then
!                    hel=0.
!                  else
                        hel = -UMAT_TC2(0, 0, 0) / (ALAT(1) * ALAT(2))
!                  end if
                    end if

                    if (.not. tCoulomb .and. iPeriodicDampingType /= 0) then
                        ! The G=0 component is explicitly calculated for
                        ! non-Coulomb interactions as 2 PI Rc**2.
                        ! This is found by taking the Taylor expansion of the
                        ! attenuated and screened potentials and
                        ! considering the limit of G->0.  Both give the same
                        ! result.
                        call stop_all(this_routine, "<ii|ii> calculation error")
                        hel = 2 * pi * ALAT(4)**2 / (ALAT(1) * ALAT(2))
                    end if
                end if
                hel = 0
            end if

            call stop_all(this_routine, 'dimension error in get_ueg_umat_el')
        end if

    end function

!  the following fun is modified for three-particle excitations when one of the
!  creation and annhillaiton operator is the same from the minorirty component, and we sum-up all the
!  occupied orbitals
    pure function get_contact_umat_el_3b_sp(idi, idj, idk, idl) result(hel)

      use SystemData, only: kvec, dimen, PotentialStrength, TranscorrCutoff, nOccAlpha, nOccBeta, TranscorrGaussCutoff, t_trcorr_gausscutoff
        integer, intent(in) :: idi, idj, idk, idl
        HElement_t(dp) :: hel
        integer :: i, j, k, l, a, b, c, kmax, nsigma
        real(dp) ::  G2, prefack, GaussCutoff, GaussCutoff2, Gaussfact
        real(dp) :: kveclength
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'get_contact_umat_el_3b'

        ! Initialisation to satisfy compiler warnings
        hel = 0

        i = idi
        j = idj
        k = idk
        l = idl

        if (dimen == 3) then
            ! The Uniform Electron Gas
            a = G1(j)%k(1) - G1(l)%k(1)
            b = G1(j)%k(2) - G1(l)%k(2)
            c = G1(j)%k(3) - G1(l)%k(3)

            if (((G1(k)%k(1) - G1(i)%k(1)) == a) .and. &
                ((G1(k)%k(2) - G1(i)%k(2)) == b) .and. &
                ((G1(k)%k(3) - G1(i)%k(3)) == c)) then

                kmax = TranscorrCutoff
                kveclength = dsqrt(dfloat(a**2 + b**2 + c**2))
                prefack = 2 * PI / ALAT(1)
                hel = 0
                if (kveclength >= kmax) then
                    G2 = kveclength * prefack
                    if (G1(i)%Ms == -1) then
                        nsigma = nOccAlpha
                        nsigma = nOccBeta
                    end if
                    hel = -nsigma * 4 * PI**4 / G2**4 / ALAT(1)**3
                end if

            end if !abc

        else if (dimen == 1) then

            a = G1(j)%k(1) - G1(l)%k(1)

            if (G1(k)%k(1) - G1(i)%k(1) == a) then

                Gaussfact = 1.d0
                if (t_trcorr_gausscutoff .and. a /= 0) then
                    GaussCutoff = TranscorrGaussCutoff * 2.d0 * PI / ALAT(1)
                    GaussCutoff2 = GaussCutoff**2
                    Gaussfact = (1.d0 - dexp(-GaussCutoff2 * dfloat(a**2)))**2
                end if

                kmax = TranscorrCutoff
                kveclength = dabs(dfloat(a))
                prefack = 2 * PI / ALAT(1)
                hel = 0
                if (kveclength >= kmax .or. t_trcorr_gausscutoff) then
                    G2 = kveclength * prefack
                    if (G1(i)%Ms == -1) then
                        nsigma = nOccAlpha
                        nsigma = nOccBeta
                    end if
                    hel = -nsigma * PotentialStrength**2 / G2**2 / ALAT(1) * Gaussfact
                end if

            end if !a

        end if !dimen

    end function

!  the following fun is modified for three-particle excitations when one of the
!  creation and annhillaiton operator is the same from the minorirty component,
!  and we sum-up all the
!  occupied orbitals
    function get_contact_umat_el_3b_sap(idi, idj, idk, idl, nI) result(hel)

      use SystemData, only: kvec, dimen, PotentialStrength, TranscorrCutoff, nOccAlpha, nOccBeta, TranscorrGaussCutoff, t_trcorr_gausscutoff
        integer, intent(in) :: idi, idj, idk, idl, nI(nel)
        HElement_t(dp) :: hel
        integer :: i, j, k, l, a, b, c, sumind, sumind2, qocc, sumval
        integer :: alkvec(3), alexkvec(3), bekvec(3), beexkvec(3), kkvec(3), qocckvec(3)
        integer :: diffvec(3), diff2vec(3)
        real(dp) ::  G2, prefac, kveclength, sprod, difflength, diff2length
        real(dp) :: GaussCutoff, GaussCutoff2, Gaussfact
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'get_contact_umat_el_3b'

        ! Initialisation to satisfy compiler warnings
        hel = 0


        if (is_beta(idi)) then
            i = idj
            j = idi
            k = idl
            l = idk

            i = idi
            j = idj
            k = idk
            l = idl

        end if

        if (dimen == 3) then

            alkvec(1:3) = G1(i)%k(1:3)
            bekvec(1:3) = G1(j)%k(1:3)
            alexkvec(1:3) = G1(k)%k(1:3)
            beexkvec(1:3) = G1(l)%k(1:3)

            kkvec(1:3) = beexkvec(1:3) - bekvec(1:3)

            if (((alkvec(1) - alexkvec(1)) == kkvec(1)) .and. &
                ((alkvec(2) - alexkvec(2)) == kkvec(2)) .and. &
                ((alkvec(3) - alexkvec(3)) == kkvec(3))) then

                prefac = 1 / 4.d0 / (ALAT(1) * ALAT(2) * ALAT(3))**2
                do sumind = 1, nel
                    qocc = nI(sumind)
                    qocckvec(1:3) = G1(qocc)%k(1:3)

                    if (is_beta(qocc)) then
                        if (qocc == j) cycle

                        diffvec(1:3) = qocckvec(1:3) - bekvec(1:3)
                        sumval = 0
                        do sumind2 = 1, 3
                            sumval = sumval + diffvec(sumind2)**2
                        end do
                        difflength = dsqrt(dfloat(sumval))
                        if (difflength < TranscorrCutoff) cycle

                        diff2vec(1:3) = qocckvec(1:3) - beexkvec(1:3)
                        sumval = 0
                        do sumind2 = 1, 3
                            sumval = sumval + diff2vec(sumind2)**2
                        end do
                        diff2length = dsqrt(dfloat(sumval))
                        if (diff2length < TranscorrCutoff) cycle
                        if (qocc == i) cycle
                        diffvec(1:3) = qocckvec(1:3) - alkvec(1:3)
                        sumval = 0
                        do sumind2 = 1, 3
                            sumval = sumval + diffvec(sumind2)**2
                        end do
                        difflength = dsqrt(dfloat(sumval))
                        if (difflength < TranscorrCutoff) cycle

                        diff2vec(1:3) = qocckvec(1:3) - alexkvec(1:3)
                        sumval = 0
                        do sumind2 = 1, 3
                            sumval = sumval + diff2vec(sumind2)**2
                        end do
                        diff2length = dsqrt(dfloat(sumval))
                        if (diff2length < TranscorrCutoff) cycle

                    end if

                    sprod = 0.d0
                    do sumind2 = 1, 3
                        sprod = sprod + diffvec(sumind2) * diff2vec(sumind2)
                    end do
                    hel = hel - prefac * sprod / (difflength * diff2length)**3
                end do !sumind

            end if !abc

        else if (dimen == 1) then

            if (t_trcorr_gausscutoff .and. kkvec(1) /= 0) then
                GaussCutoff = TranscorrGaussCutoff * 2.d0 * PI / ALAT(1)
                GaussCutoff2 = GaussCutoff**2
            end if

            alkvec(1) = G1(i)%k(1)
            bekvec(1) = G1(j)%k(1)
            alexkvec(1) = G1(k)%k(1)
            beexkvec(1) = G1(l)%k(1)

            kkvec(1) = beexkvec(1) - bekvec(1)

            if ((alkvec(1) - alexkvec(1)) == kkvec(1)) then

                prefac = Potentialstrength**2 / ALAT(1) / (4.d0 * PI**2)
                do sumind = 1, nel
                    qocc = nI(sumind)
                    qocckvec(1) = G1(qocc)%k(1)

                    if (is_beta(qocc)) then
                        if (qocc == j) cycle

                        diffvec(1) = qocckvec(1) - bekvec(1)
                        difflength = dabs(dfloat(diffvec(1)))
                        if (.not. t_trcorr_gausscutoff .and. difflength < TranscorrCutoff) cycle

                        diff2vec(1) = qocckvec(1) - beexkvec(1)
                        diff2length = dabs(dfloat(diff2vec(1)))
                        if (.not. t_trcorr_gausscutoff .and. diff2length < TranscorrCutoff) cycle

                        if (qocc == i) cycle
                        diffvec(1) = qocckvec(1) - alkvec(1)
                        difflength = dabs(dfloat(diffvec(1)))
                        if (.not. t_trcorr_gausscutoff .and. difflength < TranscorrCutoff) cycle

                        diff2vec(1) = qocckvec(1) - alexkvec(1)
                        diff2length = dabs(dfloat(diff2vec(1)))
                        if (.not. t_trcorr_gausscutoff .and. diff2length < TranscorrCutoff) cycle

                    end if

                    if (diffvec(1) /= 0 .and. diff2vec(1) /= 0) then
                        Gaussfact = 1.d0
                        if (t_trcorr_gausscutoff) then
                    Gaussfact = (1.d0 - dexp(-GaussCutoff2 * dfloat(diffvec(1)**2))) * (1.d0 - dexp(-GaussCutoff2 * dfloat(diff2vec(1)**2)))
                        end if

                        hel = hel - prefac / (diffvec(1) * diff2vec(1)) * Gaussfact
                    end if !diffvec(1).ne.0.and.diff2vec(1).ne.0

                end do !sumind

            end if !a

        end if!dimen

    end function

!  the following fun is modified for transcorrelated Hamiltonian under RPA approx
    pure function get_contact_umat_el(idi, idj, idk, idl) result(hel)

        use SystemData, only: kvec, dimen,PotentialStrength,TranscorrCutoff,nOccAlpha,nOccBeta,TranscorrGaussCutoff,t_trcorr_gausscutoff,Tperiodicinmom
        integer, intent(in) :: idi, idj, idk, idl
        HElement_t(dp) :: hel
        integer :: i, j, k, l, a, b, c, kmax, nsigma, sumind
        real(dp) :: G2, prefack, sprod
        real(dp) :: k_tc(3), pq_tc(3), u_tc, kveclength
        real(dp) :: Gaussfact, GaussCutoff, GaussCutoff2
        logical :: tparallel, tmomconserv
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'get_contact_umat_el'

        ! Initialisation to satisfy compiler warnings
        hel = 0

        i = idi
        j = idj
        k = idk
        l = idl

        if (G1(i)%Ms == G1(j)%Ms) then
            tparallel = .true.
            if (.not. trpa_tc) then
                hel = 0
            end if
            tparallel = .false.
        end if

        if (dimen == 3) then
            ! The Uniform Electron Gas
            a = G1(j)%k(1) - G1(l)%k(1)
            b = G1(j)%k(2) - G1(l)%k(2)
            c = G1(j)%k(3) - G1(l)%k(3)

            if (((G1(k)%k(1) - G1(i)%k(1)) == a) .and. &
                ((G1(k)%k(2) - G1(i)%k(2)) == b) .and. &
                ((G1(k)%k(3) - G1(i)%k(3)) == c)) then

                if (t_ueg_transcorr) then !transcorr

                    kmax = TranscorrCutoff
                    kveclength = dsqrt(dfloat(a**2 + b**2 + c**2))
                    prefack = 2 * PI / ALAT(1)
                    if (tparallel) then !parallel spin case

                        hel = 0
                        if (kveclength >= kmax) then
                            G2 = kveclength * prefack
                            if (G1(i)%Ms == -1) then
                                nsigma = nOccAlpha
                                nsigma = nOccBeta
                            end if
                            hel = -nsigma * 2 * PI**2 / G2**4 / ALAT(1)**3

                        end if

                    else !anti-parallel spin case

                        hel = UMAT_TC2_Contact3D(abs(a), abs(b), abs(c))!/ PI**2
                        if (kveclength >= kmax) then
                            k_tc(1) = prefack * a
                            k_tc(2) = prefack * b
                            k_tc(3) = prefack * c
                            G2 = kveclength * prefack
                            pq_tc(1) = (G1(k)%k(1) - G1(l)%k(1)) * prefack
                            pq_tc(2) = (G1(k)%k(2) - G1(l)%k(2)) * prefack
                            pq_tc(3) = (G1(k)%k(3) - G1(l)%k(3)) * prefack

                            sprod = 0.d0
                            do sumind = 1, 3
                                sprod = sprod + pq_tc(sumind) * k_tc(sumind)
                            end do

                            hel = hel + 2 * PI**2 / G2 - sprod * 2 * PI**2 / G2**3
                        end if

                    end if

                    hel = hel / ALAT(1)**3

                else    !renormalization

                    hel = -4.d0 * PI / (2.442749d0 * dfloat(2 * abs(NBASISMAX(1, 2)) + 1))

                end if !transcorr or renormalization

                hel = 0
            end if

        else if (dimen == 1) then

            a = G1(j)%k(1) - G1(l)%k(1)

            if (TranscorrCutoff > 0) then
                kmax = TranscorrCutoff
                kmax = abs(NBASISMAX(1, 2))
            end if

            if (Tperiodicinmom) then
                tmomconserv = mod(G1(k)%k(1) - G1(i)%k(1) - a, nbasis / 2) == 0
                if (abs(a) > abs(NBASISMAX(1, 2))) then
                    if (a > 0) then
                        a = a - nbasis / 2
                        a = a + nbasis / 2
                    end if
                end if
                tmomconserv = ((G1(k)%k(1) - G1(i)%k(1)) == a)
            end if

            if (tmomconserv) then

                Gaussfact = 1.d0
                if (t_trcorr_gausscutoff .and. a /= 0) then
                    GaussCutoff = TranscorrGaussCutoff * 2.d0 * PI / ALAT(1)
                    GaussCutoff2 = GaussCutoff**2
                    Gaussfact = (1.d0 - dexp(-GaussCutoff2 * dfloat(a**2)))
                end if

                if (tparallel) then

                    hel = 0

                    if (t_ueg_transcorr) then
                        if (abs(a) >= kmax .or. (t_trcorr_gausscutoff .and. a /= 0)) then
                            k_tc(1) = 2 * PI * a / ALAT(1)
                            G2 = k_tc(1) * k_tc(1)
                            if (G1(i)%Ms == -1) then
                                nsigma = nOccAlpha
                                nsigma = nOccBeta
                            end if
                            hel = hel - nsigma * PotentialStrength**2 / G2 / ALAT(1) * Gaussfact**2
                        end if
                    end if


                    hel = PotentialStrength

                    if (t_ueg_transcorr) then
                        hel = hel + UMAT_TC2_Contact(abs(a)) !/ PI**2

                        k_tc(1) = 2 * PI * a / ALAT(1)
                        G2 = k_tc(1) * k_tc(1)
                        if (abs(a) >= kmax .or. (t_trcorr_gausscutoff .and. a /= 0)) then
                            pq_tc(1) = (G1(k)%k(1) - G1(l)%k(1)) * 2 * PI / ALAT(1)
                            u_tc = -PotentialStrength / G2

                            hel = hel - (PotentialStrength + pq_tc(1) * k_tc(1) * u_tc) * Gaussfact

                        end if
                    end if

                end if !spin-parallel

                hel = hel / ALAT(1)

                hel = 0
            end if ! ((G1(k)%k(1) - G1(i)%k(1)) == a)

            call stop_all(this_routine, 'dimension error in get_contact_umat_el')
        end if

    end function

    subroutine GEN_Umat_TC_Contact
        use SystemData, only: dimen, PotentialStrength, TranscorrCutoff, TranscorrIntCutoff
        use SystemData, only: tUnitary, t_trcorr_gausscutoff, TranscorrGaussCutoff
!       use Determinants, only: FDet
        use sym_mod, only: roundsym, addelecsym, setupsym, lchksym
        type(BasisFn) :: ka, kb
        integer :: i, j, k, shifti, shiftj, shiftk, diffi, diffj, diffk, sprodi, sprodij
        real(dp) :: sprod, length, difflength, GaussCutoff, GaussCutoff2
        integer :: AllocateStatus, kmax, kmaxcutoff
        integer :: maxj, mink, maxk, maxshiftj, maxshiftk, twokmax, signk
        integer :: shiftmaxj, shiftmaxk
        integer :: TrCutoffRead, TrIntCutoffRead, KmaxRead
        type(timer), save :: proc_timer
        logical :: tfile_exists

        real(dp) :: summasumma, prefactk, restofsum
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'GEN_Umat_TC_Contact'
        character(LEN=100) :: dummyword

        proc_timer%timer_name = this_routine
        call set_timer(proc_timer)

        kmax = abs(NBASISMAX(1, 2))
        twokmax = 2 * kmax
        if (t_trcorr_gausscutoff) then
            GaussCutoff = TranscorrGaussCutoff * 2.d0 * PI / ALAT(1)
            GaussCutoff2 = GaussCutoff**2
            !It only calcualtes the value of the Gauss function
            !if it is smaller then 1.e-12.
            TranscorrCutoff = ceiling(5.25652176976 / GaussCutoff) + 1
        end if
        if (TranscorrCutoff > 0) then
            kmaxcutoff = TranscorrCutoff
            kmaxcutoff = kmax
        end if

        if (dimen == 1) then

            allocate(UMAT_TC2_Contact(0:2 * kmax), STAT=AllocateStatus)
            IF (AllocateStatus /= 0) STOP "*** Not enough memory for UMAT_TC2 ***"
            prefactk = -ALAT(1) * PotentialStrength**2 / 2.d0 / PI**2

!       k=0
            summasumma = PI**2 / 6.d0
            do i = 1, kmaxcutoff - 1
                summasumma = summasumma - 1.d0 / dfloat(i)**2
            end do !i

            UMAT_TC2_Contact(0) = summasumma

!       k=!0
            UMAT_TC2_Contact(1) = 1.d0 / dfloat(kmaxcutoff)
            do i = 2, 2 * kmax
                UMAT_TC2_Contact(i) = UMAT_TC2_Contact(i - 1) + 1.d0 / dfloat(kmaxcutoff + i - 1)
            end do !i

            do i = 1, 2 * kmax
                UMAT_TC2_Contact(i) = UMAT_TC2_Contact(i) / i
            end do !i

            if (kmaxcutoff <= kmax) then

                do i = 2 * kmaxcutoff, 2 * kmax
                    summasumma = 0.d0
                    do j = kmaxcutoff, i - kmaxcutoff
                        summasumma = summasumma + 1.d0 / (dfloat(j) * dfloat(i - j))
                    end do

                    UMAT_TC2_Contact(i) = UMAT_TC2_Contact(i) - summasumma / 2.d0

                end do !i
            end if

            if (t_trcorr_gausscutoff) then
                do i = 0, 2 * kmax
                    summasumma = 0.d0
                    do j = -kmaxcutoff - i + 1, kmaxcutoff + i - 1
                        if (j /= 0 .and. j /= i) then
                            k = i - j
                       if(abs(j).lt.kmaxcutoff.or.abs(k).lt.kmaxcutoff) summasumma=summasumma+(1.d0-dexp(-GaussCutoff2*dfloat(j**2)))*(1.d0-dexp(-GaussCutoff2*dfloat(k**2)))/dfloat(j*k)
                        end if
                    end do !j
                    UMAT_TC2_Contact(i) = UMAT_TC2_Contact(i) - summasumma / 2.d0
                end do
            end if

            UMAT_TC2_Contact(0:2 * kmax) = prefactk * UMAT_TC2_Contact(0:2 * kmax)

        else if (dimen == 3 .and. tUnitary) then
            allocate(UMAT_TC2_Contact3D(0:twokmax, 0:twokmax, 0:twokmax), STAT=AllocateStatus)
            IF (AllocateStatus /= 0) STOP "*** Not enough memory for UMAT_TC2 ***"

            if (tInfSumTCPrint) then
                open(32, file='TranscorrInfSum', status='unknown')
                write(32, *) "TrcorrCutoff=", kmaxcutoff
                write(32, *) "TrcorrIntCutoff=", TranscorrIntCutoff
                write(32, *) "Kmax=", kmax
            end if

            if (tInfSumTCCalc) then
                prefactk = (ALAT(1) / 4.d0)
                !using the integral approximation
                restofsum = -4 * PI / TranscorrIntCutoff
!       As the value is symmetric by exchanging i,j,k directions. We consider
!       only the i>=j>=k cases.
                do shifti = 0, twokmax
!          shiftmaxj=min(int(dsqrt(dfloat(twokmax**2-shifti**2))),shifti)
                    shiftmaxj = shifti
                    do shiftj = 0, shiftmaxj
!          shiftmaxk=min(int(dsqrt(dfloat(twokmax**2-shifti**2-shiftj**2))),shiftj)
                        shiftmaxk = shiftj
                        do shiftk = 0, shiftmaxk
                            summasumma = restofsum
                            do i = -TranscorrIntCutoff + 1, TranscorrIntCutoff - 1
                                diffi = shifti - i
                                sprodi = i * diffi
                                maxj = int(dsqrt(dfloat(TranscorrIntCutoff**2 - i**2)))
                                do j = -maxj, maxj
                                    diffj = shiftj - j
                                    sprodij = j * diffj + sprodi
                                    maxk = int(dsqrt(dfloat(TranscorrIntCutoff**2 - i**2 - j**2)))
                                    do k = -maxk, maxk
                                        length = dsqrt(dfloat(i**2 + j**2 + k**2))
                                        if (length >= TranscorrIntCutoff .or. length < kmaxcutoff) cycle
                                        diffk = shiftk - k
                                        difflength = dsqrt(dfloat(diffi**2 + diffj**2 + diffk**2))
!                        write(stdout,*)'diff', diffi,diffj,diffk
                                        if (difflength < kmaxcutoff) cycle
                                        sprod = dfloat(k * diffk + sprodij)
                                        summasumma = summasumma + sprod / (length**3 * difflength**3)
!                       write(stdout,*)'summasumma',i,j,k,summasumma,sprod/(length**3*difflength**3)
                                    end do !k
                                end do !j
                            end do !i
!                       write(stdout,*)'summasumma',shifti,shiftj,shiftk,summasumma
!                      if(shiftk.eq.1) stop
                            summasumma = prefactk * summasumma
                            UMAT_TC2_Contact3D(shifti, shiftj, shiftk) = summasumma
                            if (tInfSumTCPrint) write(32, *) shifti, shiftj, shiftk, summasumma
                            if (shifti > shiftj) then
                                UMAT_TC2_Contact3D(shiftj, shifti, shiftk) = summasumma
                                UMAT_TC2_Contact3D(shiftk, shiftj, shifti) = summasumma
                                if (shiftj > shiftk) then
                                    UMAT_TC2_Contact3D(shiftj, shiftk, shifti) = summasumma
                                    UMAT_TC2_Contact3D(shiftk, shifti, shiftj) = summasumma
                                    UMAT_TC2_Contact3D(shifti, shiftk, shiftj) = summasumma
                                end if
                                if (shiftj > shiftk) then
                                    UMAT_TC2_Contact3D(shifti, shiftk, shiftj) = summasumma
                                    UMAT_TC2_Contact3D(shiftk, shifti, shiftj) = summasumma
                                end if
                            end if
                        end do !shiftk
                    end do !shiftj
                end do !shifti

            else if (tInfSumTCRead) then
                INQUIRE (FILE="TranscorrInfSum", EXIST=tfile_exists)
                if (.not. tfile_exists) stop "TranscorrInfSum is cannot be found!"
                open(32, file='TranscorrInfSum', status='unknown')

                read(32, *) dummyword, trcutoffread
                if (trcutoffread /= kmaxcutoff) then
                    write(stdout, *) "From TranscorrInfSum: ", trcutoffread, " From the input file:", kmaxcutoff
                    stop "The value of TrCutoff is different in TranscorrInfSum."
                end if

                read(32, *) dummyword, trintcutoffread
                if (trintcutoffread /= TranscorrIntCutoff) then
                    stop "The value of TranscorrIntCutoff is different in TranscorrInfSum."
                end if

                read(32, *) dummyword, kmaxread
                if (kmaxread < kmax) then
                    stop "The value of kmax is larger than kmaxread in TranscorrInfSum."
                end if

                    read(32, *, end=32) shifti, shiftj, shiftk, summasumma
                    if (shifti <= twokmax .and. shiftj <= twokmax .and. shiftk <= twokmax) then
                        UMAT_TC2_Contact3D(shifti, shiftj, shiftk) = summasumma
                        if (shifti > shiftj) then
                            UMAT_TC2_Contact3D(shiftj, shifti, shiftk) = summasumma
                            UMAT_TC2_Contact3D(shiftk, shiftj, shifti) = summasumma
                            if (shiftj > shiftk) then
                                UMAT_TC2_Contact3D(shiftj, shiftk, shifti) = summasumma
                                UMAT_TC2_Contact3D(shiftk, shifti, shiftj) = summasumma
                                UMAT_TC2_Contact3D(shifti, shiftk, shiftj) = summasumma
                            end if
                            if (shiftj > shiftk) then
                                UMAT_TC2_Contact3D(shifti, shiftk, shiftj) = summasumma
                                UMAT_TC2_Contact3D(shiftk, shifti, shiftj) = summasumma
                            end if
                        end if
                    end if
                end do
32              write(stdout, *) "The values of inifinite sums are readed from TranscorrInfSum."
            end if

            if (tInfSumTCPrint .or. tInfSumTCRead) close(32)
!       write(stdout,*) 'dimension error in GEN_Umat_TC', dimen
!       stop
        end if

!     write(stdout,*)'UMAT_TC2_Contact3D'

!     do i=0, twokmax
!     do j=0, twokmax
!     do k=0, twokmax
!       write(stdout,*)i,j,k,UMAT_TC2_Contact3D(i,j,k)
!     end do
!     end do
!     end do
!     stop

        call halt_timer(proc_timer)
    end subroutine

    subroutine GEN_Umat_TC
        use SystemData, only: dimen
!        use Determinants, only: FDet
        use sym_mod, only: roundsym, addelecsym, setupsym, lchksym
        type(BasisFn) :: ka, kb
        integer :: a, b, c, d, tx, ty, kmax2, kmax2_cut
        integer :: ii, i, j, k, l, id1, id2, id3, id4, ind, AllocateStatus
        real(dp) :: lx, ly, p, q, t2, sum
        complex(dp) :: s, ci
        type(timer), save :: proc_timer

        real(dp) :: k_tc(3), pq_tc(3), gamma_RPA, gamma_kmax, G2, G, k1_tc(3), k2_tc(3)
        logical :: tCoulomb, tExchange
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'GEN_Umat_TC'

! ============== parameter for the correlation factor for TC method =============================
!        gamma_RPA=(4 * PI * nel/ (ALAT(1) * ALAT(2) * ALAT(3)))**0.25
!        gamma_kmax=sqrt(((NBASISMAX(1,2))*2*PI/ALAT(1))**2+ &
!                   ((NBASISMAX(2,2))*2*PI/ALAT(2))**2+((NBASISMAX(3,2))*2*PI/ALAT(3))**2)
        ktc_cutoff2 = OrbECutoff * (2 * PI / ALAT(1))**2
        omega_p = dsqrt(4 * pi * nel / (ALAT(1) * ALAT(2) * ALAT(3)))

        if (t_ueg_3_body) then
            uu_tc => uu_tc_interpl
            uu_tc => uu_tc_trunc
        end if

        i = 1
        if (i == 0) then

            call Madelungterm
        end if

        open(10, file='3Bstatus', status='unknown')
        write(10, *) ' With 3B RPA term -_-'

        proc_timer%timer_name = this_routine
        call set_timer(proc_timer)

!!!!!!!! generate UMAT_TC2, the Fourier transformation of (D u)^2
        kmax2 = 2 * abs(NBASISMAX(1, 2))

        if (dimen == 3) then

            allocate(UMAT_TC2(-kmax2:kmax2, -kmax2:kmax2, -kmax2:kmax2), STAT=AllocateStatus)
            IF (AllocateStatus /= 0) STOP "*** Not enough memory for UMAT_TC2 ***"

            kmax2_cut = 100

            do i = -kmax2, kmax2
                do j = -kmax2, kmax2
                    do k = -kmax2, kmax2
                        UMAT_TC2(i, j, k) = 0.0
                        do id1 = -kmax2_cut, kmax2_cut
                            k1_tc(1) = 2 * PI * id1 / ALAT(1)
                            k2_tc(1) = 2 * PI * (i - id1) / ALAT(1)
                            do id2 = -kmax2_cut, kmax2_cut
                                k1_tc(2) = 2 * PI * id2 / ALAT(2)
                                k2_tc(2) = 2 * PI * (j - id2) / ALAT(2)
                                do id3 = -kmax2_cut, kmax2_cut
                                    k1_tc(3) = 2 * PI * id3 / ALAT(3)
                                    k2_tc(3) = 2 * PI * (k - id3) / ALAT(3)
                                    UMAT_TC2(i, j, k) = UMAT_TC2(i, j, k) - uu_tc_prod(k1_tc, k2_tc)
                                end do
                            end do
                        end do
                        UMAT_TC2(i, j, k) = UMAT_TC2(i, j, k) / (ALAT(1) * ALAT(2) * ALAT(3))
                    end do
                end do
            end do

        else if (dimen == 2) then

            allocate(UMAT_TC2(-kmax2:kmax2, -kmax2:kmax2, 0:0), STAT=AllocateStatus)
            IF (AllocateStatus /= 0) STOP "*** Not enough memory for UMAT_TC2 ***"

            kmax2_cut = 1000

            do i = -kmax2, kmax2
                do j = -kmax2, kmax2
                    UMAT_TC2(i, j, 0) = 0.0
                    do id1 = -kmax2_cut, kmax2_cut
                        k1_tc(1) = 2 * PI * id1 / ALAT(1)
                        k2_tc(1) = 2 * PI * (i - id1) / ALAT(1)
                        do id2 = -kmax2_cut, kmax2_cut
                            k1_tc(2) = 2 * PI * id2 / ALAT(2)
                            k2_tc(2) = 2 * PI * (j - id2) / ALAT(2)
                            k1_tc(3) = 0.0_dp
                            k2_tc(3) = 0.0_dp

                            UMAT_TC2(i, j, 0) = UMAT_TC2(i, j, 0) - uu_tc_prod(k1_tc, k2_tc)
                        end do
                    end do
                    UMAT_TC2(i, j, 0) = UMAT_TC2(i, j, 0) / (ALAT(1) * ALAT(2))
                end do
            end do

            write(stdout, *) 'dimension error in GEN_Umat_TC', dimen
        end if

!       open(10,file='UMAT_TC2',status='unknown')
!        do i=0,2
!        do j=0,2
!        do k=0,2
!         write(10,*),i,j,k,UMAT_TC2(i,j,k)
!        end do
!        end do
!        end do
!       close(10)

        call halt_timer(proc_timer)

    end subroutine

    pure function uu_tc_interpl(k2) result(u_tc)
        real(dp), intent(in) :: k2
        real(dp) :: u_tc

        if (k2 < 1.d-12) then
            u_tc = 0.0
            u_tc = -4 * PI / k2 / (k2 + omega_p * 2)
        end if
    end function

    pure function uu_tc_trunc(k2) result(u_tc)

        use SystemData, only: dimen
        real(dp), intent(in) :: k2
        real(dp) :: u_tc
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'uu_tc_trunc'
        if (dimen == 3) then
            if (k2 <= ktc_cutoff2 * (1.0 + 1.d-10)) then
                u_tc = 0.0
                u_tc = -12.566370614359173 / k2 / k2
            end if
        else if (dimen == 2) then
            if (k2 <= ktc_cutoff2 * (1.0 + 1.d-10)) then
                u_tc = 0.0
                u_tc = -6.283185307179586 / k2 / dsqrt(k2)
            end if
            call stop_all(this_routine, 'dimension error in uu_tc_prod')
        end if

    end function

! Here we calculate the product k1*k2*u(k1)*u(k2) for the transcorrelated method
    function uu_tc_prod(k1_tc, k2_tc) result(uu_prod)

        use SystemData, only: tUEG2, kvec, k_lattice_constant, dimen
        real(dp), intent(in) :: k1_tc(3), k2_tc(3)
        real(dp) :: uu_prod, k1, k2, u1, u2, k12

        if (dimen == 3) then
            k12 = k1_tc(1) * k2_tc(1) + k1_tc(2) * k2_tc(2) + k1_tc(3) * k2_tc(3)
            k1 = k1_tc(1) * k1_tc(1) + k1_tc(2) * k1_tc(2) + k1_tc(3) * k1_tc(3)
            k2 = k2_tc(1) * k2_tc(1) + k2_tc(2) * k2_tc(2) + k2_tc(3) * k2_tc(3)
            u1 = uu_tc(k1)
            u2 = uu_tc(k2)

            uu_prod = k12 * u1 * u2
        else if (dimen == 2) then
            k12 = k1_tc(1) * k2_tc(1) + k1_tc(2) * k2_tc(2)
            k1 = k1_tc(1) * k1_tc(1) + k1_tc(2) * k1_tc(2)
            k2 = k2_tc(1) * k2_tc(1) + k2_tc(2) * k2_tc(2)
            u1 = uu_tc(k1)
            u2 = uu_tc(k2)
            uu_prod = k12 * u1 * u2

            write(stdout, *) 'dimension error in uu_tc_prod', dimen
        end if

    end function

    subroutine Madelungterm
        use SystemData, only: dimen

        real(dp) :: kapa, sum, a, r
        integer  :: i, j, k, ii, m_cut

        if (dimen == 3) then  !======================

            kapa = sqrt(pi) / ALAT(1)
            m_cut = 20

            sum = 0.0

            do i = -m_cut, m_cut
            do j = -m_cut, m_cut
            do k = -m_cut, m_cut

                ii = i * i + j * j + k * k
                a = dsqrt(ii * ALAT(1) * ALAT(1))
                if (ii > 0) then
                    sum = sum + exp(-pi * ii) / pi / ii * (ALAT(1))**2
                end if
            end do
            end do
            end do

            sum = (sum - pi / kapa / kapa) / (ALAT(1))**3

            do i = -m_cut, m_cut
            do j = -m_cut, m_cut
            do k = -m_cut, m_cut

                ii = i * i + j * j + k * k
                if (ii > 0) then
                    r = sqrt(1.0 * ii) * ALAT(1)
                    sum = sum + erfc(kapa * r) / r
                end if
            end do
            end do
            end do
            sum = sum - 2 * kapa / sqrt(pi)

        else !============================ dimen=2

            kapa = sqrt(pi) / ALAT(1)
            m_cut = 20

            sum = 0.0

            do i = -m_cut, m_cut
            do j = -m_cut, m_cut

                ii = i * i + j * j
                if (ii > 0) then
                    a = sqrt(1.0 * ii) * 2 * pi / ALAT(1)
                    sum = sum + erfc(a / 2 / kapa) / a
                end if
            end do
            end do

            sum = (sum * 2 * pi - 2 * dsqrt(pi) / kapa) / (ALAT(1))**2

            do i = -m_cut, m_cut
            do j = -m_cut, m_cut

                ii = i * i + j * j
                if (ii > 0) then
                    r = sqrt(1.0 * ii) * ALAT(1)
                    sum = sum + erfc(kapa * r) / r
                end if
            end do
            end do
            sum = sum - 2 * kapa / sqrt(pi)

        end if !========================= not yet for other dimensions

        open(10, file='MadelungTerm.dat', status='unknown')
        write(10, *) sum * Nel / 2

    end subroutine

    !   prepare FCIDUMP for UEG, Debug
    subroutine prep_ueg_dump

        use SystemData, only: tUEG2, kvec, k_lattice_constant, dimen
        use util_mod, only: get_free_unit
        use constants, only: int64
        HElement_t(dp) :: hel
        integer :: i, j, k, l, a, b, c, iss, id1, id2, id3, id4, ms2, nelec, i0, norb, i_unit
        integer(int64) :: l1, l2, l3, r1, r2, r3
        integer  :: k1(3), k2(3), k3(3)
        real(dp) :: G, G2, energy, ak(3), bk(3), ck(3), a2, b2, c2
        real(dp) :: k_tc(3), pq_tc(3), u_tc, gamma_RPA, gamma_kmax
        logical :: tCoulomb, tExchange
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'prep_ueg_dump'
        namelist /FCI/ NORB, nelec, MS2

        if (iProcIndex == root) then

            ms2 = 0
            nelec = nel
            norb = nBasis / 2
            i_unit = get_free_unit()
            open(i_unit, file='FCIDUMP', status='unknown')
            write(i_unit, FCI)
            do id1 = 1, norb
            do id2 = 1, norb
            do id3 = 1, norb
            do id4 = 1, norb
                hel = get_ueg_umat_el(id1, id2, id3, id4)
                if (abs(hel) > 1.d-30) then
                    write(i_unit, '(1x,e23.16,4I4)') hel, id1, id3, id2, id4
                end if
            end do
            end do
            end do
            end do
            i0 = 0
            do i = 1, norb
            do j = i, i

                id1 = (i - 1) * 2 + 1

                a = G1(id1)%k(1)
                b = G1(id1)%k(2)
                c = G1(id1)%k(3)

                hel = a * a / 2.0 + b * b / 2.0 + c * c / 2.0
                hel = hel * (2 * pi / ALAT(1))**2

                if (abs(hel) > 1.d-30) then
                    write(i_unit, '(1x,e23.16,4I4)') hel, i, j, i0, i0
                end if
            end do
            end do
            energy = 0.0
            write(i_unit, '(1x,e23.16,4I4)') energy, i0, i0, i0, i0

            !========= L mat ========================
            if (.not. t_ueg_3_body) stop
            i_unit = get_free_unit()
            open(i_unit, file='TCDUMP', status='unknown', access='append')
            do l1 = 1, norb
            do l2 = l1, norb
            do l3 = l2, norb
            do r1 = 1, norb
            do r2 = 2, norb
            do r3 = 3, norb

                hel = get_lmat_ueg(l1, l2, l3, r1, r2, r3)

            end do
            end do
            end do
            end do
            end do
            end do

        end if
    end subroutine

    pure function get_lmat_ueg(l1, l2, l3, r1, r2, r3) result(hel)

        use SystemData, only: dimen
        use constants, only: int64
        integer(int64), intent(in) :: l1, l2, l3, r1, r2, r3
        integer(int64) :: i, j, k, a, b, c, k1(3), k2(3), k3(3)
        real(dp) :: hel, ak(3), bk(3), ck(3), a2, b2, c2
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'get_lmat_ueg'
        i = (l1 - 1) * 2 + 1
        j = (l2 - 1) * 2 + 1
        k = (l3 - 1) * 2 + 1
        a = (r1 - 1) * 2 + 1
        b = (r2 - 1) * 2 + 1
        c = (r3 - 1) * 2 + 1

        !============ copy from above

        if (dimen == 3) then
            ! The Uniform Electron Gas
            k1(1) = G1(i)%k(1) - G1(a)%k(1)
            k1(2) = G1(i)%k(2) - G1(a)%k(2)
            k1(3) = G1(i)%k(3) - G1(a)%k(3)

            k2(1) = G1(j)%k(1) - G1(b)%k(1)
            k2(2) = G1(j)%k(2) - G1(b)%k(2)
            k2(3) = G1(j)%k(3) - G1(b)%k(3)

            k3(1) = G1(k)%k(1) - G1(c)%k(1)
            k3(2) = G1(k)%k(2) - G1(c)%k(2)
            k3(3) = G1(k)%k(3) - G1(c)%k(3)

            if (all((k1 + k2 + k3) == 0)) then
                ak(1) = -2 * PI * k1(1) / ALAT(1)
                ak(2) = -2 * PI * k1(2) / ALAT(2)
                ak(3) = -2 * PI * k1(3) / ALAT(3)
                bk(1) = -2 * PI * k2(1) / ALAT(1)
                bk(2) = -2 * PI * k2(2) / ALAT(2)
                bk(3) = -2 * PI * k2(3) / ALAT(3)
                ck(1) = -2 * PI * k3(1) / ALAT(1)
                ck(2) = -2 * PI * k3(2) / ALAT(2)
                ck(3) = -2 * PI * k3(3) / ALAT(3)

                a2 = ak(1) * ak(1) + ak(2) * ak(2) + ak(3) * ak(3)
                b2 = bk(1) * bk(1) + bk(2) * bk(2) + bk(3) * bk(3)
                c2 = ck(1) * ck(1) + ck(2) * ck(2) + ck(3) * ck(3)

                hel = uu_tc(a2) * uu_tc(b2) * (ak(1) * bk(1) + ak(2) * bk(2) + ak(3) * bk(3)) &
                      + uu_tc(a2) * uu_tc(c2) * (ak(1) * ck(1) + ak(2) * ck(2) + ak(3) * ck(3)) &
                      + uu_tc(b2) * uu_tc(c2) * (bk(1) * ck(1) + bk(2) * ck(2) + bk(3) * ck(3))
                !           hel=hel/(ALAT(1) * ALAT(2) * ALAT(3))**2/3
                ! a permutation factor 3 is missing in other place, so here we ignore the /3
                hel = hel / (ALAT(1) * ALAT(2) * ALAT(3))**2

                hel = 0.d0
            end if
            call stop_all(this_routine, 'at moment Lmat is only available for 3D UEG')
        end if

    end function

    pure function get_lmat_ua(l1, l2, l3, r1, r2, r3) result(hel)
        use SystemData, only: dimen, TranscorrCutoff, PotentialStrength, TranscorrGaussCutoff, t_trcorr_gausscutoff
        integer, intent(in) :: l1, l2, l3, r1, r2, r3
        integer :: i, j, k, a, b, c, k1(3), k2(3), k3(3)
        real(dp) :: hel, ak(3), bk(3), ck(3), a3, b3, c3, klength1, klength2
        real(dp) :: GaussCutoff, GaussCutoff2, Gaussfact
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'get_lmat_ua'

        if (dimen == 3) then

!       The spin has been set before in get_lmat_el_ua l1,l2,r1,r2 have the same
!       spin. l3 and r3 have the opposite spin.
            i = l1
            j = l2
            k = l3
            a = r1
            b = r2
            c = r3

            k1(1) = G1(i)%k(1) - G1(a)%k(1)
            k1(2) = G1(i)%k(2) - G1(a)%k(2)
            k1(3) = G1(i)%k(3) - G1(a)%k(3)

            klength1 = dsqrt(dfloat(k1(1)**2 + k1(2)**2 + k1(3)**2))

            k2(1) = G1(b)%k(1) - G1(j)%k(1)
            k2(2) = G1(b)%k(2) - G1(j)%k(2)
            k2(3) = G1(b)%k(3) - G1(j)%k(3)

            klength2 = dsqrt(dfloat(k2(1)**2 + k2(2)**2 + k2(3)**2))

            k3(1) = G1(c)%k(1) - G1(k)%k(1)
            k3(2) = G1(c)%k(2) - G1(k)%k(2)
            k3(3) = G1(c)%k(3) - G1(k)%k(3)

            if (all((k2 - k1 + k3) == 0) .and. klength1 >= TranscorrCutoff .and. klength2 >= TranscorrCutoff) then
                ak(1) = 2 * PI * k1(1) / ALAT(1)
                ak(2) = 2 * PI * k1(2) / ALAT(2)
                ak(3) = 2 * PI * k1(3) / ALAT(3)
                bk(1) = 2 * PI * k2(1) / ALAT(1)
                bk(2) = 2 * PI * k2(2) / ALAT(2)
                bk(3) = 2 * PI * k2(3) / ALAT(3)

                a3 = dsqrt(ak(1) * ak(1) + ak(2) * ak(2) + ak(3) * ak(3))**(-3)
                b3 = dsqrt(bk(1) * bk(1) + bk(2) * bk(2) + bk(3) * bk(3))**(-3)

                hel=-2.d0*PI**4*a3*b3*(ak(1)*bk(1)+ak(2)*bk(2)+ak(3)*bk(3)) !&


                hel = 0.d0
            end if

            hel = hel / (ALAT(1) * ALAT(2) * ALAT(3))**2
        else if (dimen == 1) then

            i = l1
            j = l2
            k = l3
            a = r1
            b = r2
            c = r3

            k1(1) = G1(i)%k(1) - G1(a)%k(1)

            klength1 = dabs(dfloat(k1(1)))

            k2(1) = G1(b)%k(1) - G1(j)%k(1)

            klength2 = dabs(dfloat(k2(1)))

            k3(1) = G1(c)%k(1) - G1(k)%k(1)

        if(k2(1)-k1(1)+k3(1)==0.and.(( then

                Gaussfact = 1.d0
                if (t_trcorr_gausscutoff) then
                    GaussCutoff = TranscorrGaussCutoff * 2.d0 * PI / ALAT(1)
                    GaussCutoff2 = GaussCutoff**2
                    Gaussfact = (1.d0 - dexp(-GaussCutoff2 * dfloat(k1(1)**2))) * (1.d0 - dexp(-GaussCutoff2 * dfloat(k2(1)**2)))
                end if

                ak(1) = 2 * PI * k1(1) / ALAT(1)
                bk(1) = 2 * PI * k2(1) / ALAT(1)

                hel = -PotentialStrength**2 / (ak(1) * bk(1)) / 2.d0 * Gaussfact


                hel = 0.d0
            end if

            hel = hel / ALAT(1)
            call stop_all(this_routine, 'at moment Lmat is only available for 1D and 3D contact interactions')
        end if

    end function

end module