growing_buffers.F90 Source File


Source Code

Source Code

! fpp types

module growing_buffers
    use constants, only: int32, int64, dp
    use fortran_strings, only: Token_t
    implicit none

    public :: buffer_real_1D_t

    !>  @brief
    !>  Re-sizeable array type that can be filled elementwise to build up a contiguous data chunk
    !>  that can then be dumped to an allocatable
    !>  @details
    !>  For multidimensional buffers only the last dimension can grow.
    !>  (i.e. it is only possible to add columns.)
    !>  The buffer has to be initiliazed before first use.
    !>  After dumping (`dump_reset`) it is automatically resetted.
    type :: buffer_real_1D_t

        real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable :: buf
        ! Internal position of the buffer
        integer(int64) :: pos
        real(dp) :: grow_factor = 1.5_dp
        integer(int64) :: start_size = 100_int64


        procedure :: init => init_real_1D
        procedure :: finalize => finalize_real_1D
        procedure, private :: reset => reset_real_1D

        procedure :: size => get_size_real_1D
        procedure :: capacity => get_capacity_real_1D

        procedure :: push_back => add_val_real_1D

        procedure, private :: dump => dump_real_1D
        procedure :: dump_reset => dump_reset_real_1D
    end type buffer_real_1D_t
    public :: buffer_hel_1D_t

    !>  @brief
    !>  Re-sizeable array type that can be filled elementwise to build up a contiguous data chunk
    !>  that can then be dumped to an allocatable
    !>  @details
    !>  For multidimensional buffers only the last dimension can grow.
    !>  (i.e. it is only possible to add columns.)
    !>  The buffer has to be initiliazed before first use.
    !>  After dumping (`dump_reset`) it is automatically resetted.
    type :: buffer_hel_1D_t

        HElement_t(dp), dimension(:), allocatable :: buf
        ! Internal position of the buffer
        integer(int64) :: pos
        real(dp) :: grow_factor = 1.5_dp
        integer(int64) :: start_size = 100_int64


        procedure :: init => init_hel_1D
        procedure :: finalize => finalize_hel_1D
        procedure, private :: reset => reset_hel_1D

        procedure :: size => get_size_hel_1D
        procedure :: capacity => get_capacity_hel_1D

        procedure :: push_back => add_val_hel_1D

        procedure, private :: dump => dump_hel_1D
        procedure :: dump_reset => dump_reset_hel_1D
    end type buffer_hel_1D_t
    public :: buffer_int_1D_t

    !>  @brief
    !>  Re-sizeable array type that can be filled elementwise to build up a contiguous data chunk
    !>  that can then be dumped to an allocatable
    !>  @details
    !>  For multidimensional buffers only the last dimension can grow.
    !>  (i.e. it is only possible to add columns.)
    !>  The buffer has to be initiliazed before first use.
    !>  After dumping (`dump_reset`) it is automatically resetted.
    type :: buffer_int_1D_t

        integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: buf
        ! Internal position of the buffer
        integer(int64) :: pos
        real(dp) :: grow_factor = 1.5_dp
        integer(int64) :: start_size = 100_int64


        procedure :: init => init_int_1D
        procedure :: finalize => finalize_int_1D
        procedure, private :: reset => reset_int_1D

        procedure :: size => get_size_int_1D
        procedure :: capacity => get_capacity_int_1D

        procedure :: push_back => add_val_int_1D

        procedure, private :: dump => dump_int_1D
        procedure :: dump_reset => dump_reset_int_1D
    end type buffer_int_1D_t
    public :: buffer_int32_1D_t

    !>  @brief
    !>  Re-sizeable array type that can be filled elementwise to build up a contiguous data chunk
    !>  that can then be dumped to an allocatable
    !>  @details
    !>  For multidimensional buffers only the last dimension can grow.
    !>  (i.e. it is only possible to add columns.)
    !>  The buffer has to be initiliazed before first use.
    !>  After dumping (`dump_reset`) it is automatically resetted.
    type :: buffer_int32_1D_t

        integer(int32), dimension(:), allocatable :: buf
        ! Internal position of the buffer
        integer(int64) :: pos
        real(dp) :: grow_factor = 1.5_dp
        integer(int64) :: start_size = 100_int64


        procedure :: init => init_int32_1D
        procedure :: finalize => finalize_int32_1D
        procedure, private :: reset => reset_int32_1D

        procedure :: size => get_size_int32_1D
        procedure :: capacity => get_capacity_int32_1D

        procedure :: push_back => add_val_int32_1D

        procedure, private :: dump => dump_int32_1D
        procedure :: dump_reset => dump_reset_int32_1D
    end type buffer_int32_1D_t
    public :: buffer_int64_1D_t

    !>  @brief
    !>  Re-sizeable array type that can be filled elementwise to build up a contiguous data chunk
    !>  that can then be dumped to an allocatable
    !>  @details
    !>  For multidimensional buffers only the last dimension can grow.
    !>  (i.e. it is only possible to add columns.)
    !>  The buffer has to be initiliazed before first use.
    !>  After dumping (`dump_reset`) it is automatically resetted.
    type :: buffer_int64_1D_t

        integer(int64), dimension(:), allocatable :: buf
        ! Internal position of the buffer
        integer(int64) :: pos
        real(dp) :: grow_factor = 1.5_dp
        integer(int64) :: start_size = 100_int64


        procedure :: init => init_int64_1D
        procedure :: finalize => finalize_int64_1D
        procedure, private :: reset => reset_int64_1D

        procedure :: size => get_size_int64_1D
        procedure :: capacity => get_capacity_int64_1D

        procedure :: push_back => add_val_int64_1D

        procedure, private :: dump => dump_int64_1D
        procedure :: dump_reset => dump_reset_int64_1D
    end type buffer_int64_1D_t
    public :: buffer_token_1D_t

    !>  @brief
    !>  Re-sizeable array type that can be filled elementwise to build up a contiguous data chunk
    !>  that can then be dumped to an allocatable
    !>  @details
    !>  For multidimensional buffers only the last dimension can grow.
    !>  (i.e. it is only possible to add columns.)
    !>  The buffer has to be initiliazed before first use.
    !>  After dumping (`dump_reset`) it is automatically resetted.
    type :: buffer_token_1D_t

        type(Token_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: buf
        ! Internal position of the buffer
        integer(int64) :: pos
        real(dp) :: grow_factor = 1.5_dp
        integer(int64) :: start_size = 100_int64


        procedure :: init => init_token_1D
        procedure :: finalize => finalize_token_1D
        procedure, private :: reset => reset_token_1D

        procedure :: size => get_size_token_1D
        procedure :: capacity => get_capacity_token_1D

        procedure :: push_back => add_val_token_1D

        procedure, private :: dump => dump_token_1D
        procedure :: dump_reset => dump_reset_token_1D
    end type buffer_token_1D_t
    public :: buffer_real_2D_t

    !>  @brief
    !>  Re-sizeable array type that can be filled elementwise to build up a contiguous data chunk
    !>  that can then be dumped to an allocatable
    !>  @details
    !>  For multidimensional buffers only the last dimension can grow.
    !>  (i.e. it is only possible to add columns.)
    !>  The buffer has to be initiliazed before first use.
    !>  After dumping (`dump_reset`) it is automatically resetted.
    type :: buffer_real_2D_t

        real(dp), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: buf
        ! Internal position of the buffer
        integer(int64) :: pos
        real(dp) :: grow_factor = 1.5_dp
        integer(int64) :: start_size = 100_int64


        procedure :: init => init_real_2D
        procedure :: finalize => finalize_real_2D
        procedure, private :: reset => reset_real_2D

        procedure :: size => get_size_real_2D
        procedure :: capacity => get_capacity_real_2D

        procedure :: push_back => add_val_real_2D

        procedure, private :: dump => dump_real_2D
        procedure :: dump_reset => dump_reset_real_2D
    end type buffer_real_2D_t
    public :: buffer_hel_2D_t

    !>  @brief
    !>  Re-sizeable array type that can be filled elementwise to build up a contiguous data chunk
    !>  that can then be dumped to an allocatable
    !>  @details
    !>  For multidimensional buffers only the last dimension can grow.
    !>  (i.e. it is only possible to add columns.)
    !>  The buffer has to be initiliazed before first use.
    !>  After dumping (`dump_reset`) it is automatically resetted.
    type :: buffer_hel_2D_t

        HElement_t(dp), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: buf
        ! Internal position of the buffer
        integer(int64) :: pos
        real(dp) :: grow_factor = 1.5_dp
        integer(int64) :: start_size = 100_int64


        procedure :: init => init_hel_2D
        procedure :: finalize => finalize_hel_2D
        procedure, private :: reset => reset_hel_2D

        procedure :: size => get_size_hel_2D
        procedure :: capacity => get_capacity_hel_2D

        procedure :: push_back => add_val_hel_2D

        procedure, private :: dump => dump_hel_2D
        procedure :: dump_reset => dump_reset_hel_2D
    end type buffer_hel_2D_t
    public :: buffer_int_2D_t

    !>  @brief
    !>  Re-sizeable array type that can be filled elementwise to build up a contiguous data chunk
    !>  that can then be dumped to an allocatable
    !>  @details
    !>  For multidimensional buffers only the last dimension can grow.
    !>  (i.e. it is only possible to add columns.)
    !>  The buffer has to be initiliazed before first use.
    !>  After dumping (`dump_reset`) it is automatically resetted.
    type :: buffer_int_2D_t

        integer, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: buf
        ! Internal position of the buffer
        integer(int64) :: pos
        real(dp) :: grow_factor = 1.5_dp
        integer(int64) :: start_size = 100_int64


        procedure :: init => init_int_2D
        procedure :: finalize => finalize_int_2D
        procedure, private :: reset => reset_int_2D

        procedure :: size => get_size_int_2D
        procedure :: capacity => get_capacity_int_2D

        procedure :: push_back => add_val_int_2D

        procedure, private :: dump => dump_int_2D
        procedure :: dump_reset => dump_reset_int_2D
    end type buffer_int_2D_t
    public :: buffer_int32_2D_t

    !>  @brief
    !>  Re-sizeable array type that can be filled elementwise to build up a contiguous data chunk
    !>  that can then be dumped to an allocatable
    !>  @details
    !>  For multidimensional buffers only the last dimension can grow.
    !>  (i.e. it is only possible to add columns.)
    !>  The buffer has to be initiliazed before first use.
    !>  After dumping (`dump_reset`) it is automatically resetted.
    type :: buffer_int32_2D_t

        integer(int32), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: buf
        ! Internal position of the buffer
        integer(int64) :: pos
        real(dp) :: grow_factor = 1.5_dp
        integer(int64) :: start_size = 100_int64


        procedure :: init => init_int32_2D
        procedure :: finalize => finalize_int32_2D
        procedure, private :: reset => reset_int32_2D

        procedure :: size => get_size_int32_2D
        procedure :: capacity => get_capacity_int32_2D

        procedure :: push_back => add_val_int32_2D

        procedure, private :: dump => dump_int32_2D
        procedure :: dump_reset => dump_reset_int32_2D
    end type buffer_int32_2D_t
    public :: buffer_int64_2D_t

    !>  @brief
    !>  Re-sizeable array type that can be filled elementwise to build up a contiguous data chunk
    !>  that can then be dumped to an allocatable
    !>  @details
    !>  For multidimensional buffers only the last dimension can grow.
    !>  (i.e. it is only possible to add columns.)
    !>  The buffer has to be initiliazed before first use.
    !>  After dumping (`dump_reset`) it is automatically resetted.
    type :: buffer_int64_2D_t

        integer(int64), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: buf
        ! Internal position of the buffer
        integer(int64) :: pos
        real(dp) :: grow_factor = 1.5_dp
        integer(int64) :: start_size = 100_int64


        procedure :: init => init_int64_2D
        procedure :: finalize => finalize_int64_2D
        procedure, private :: reset => reset_int64_2D

        procedure :: size => get_size_int64_2D
        procedure :: capacity => get_capacity_int64_2D

        procedure :: push_back => add_val_int64_2D

        procedure, private :: dump => dump_int64_2D
        procedure :: dump_reset => dump_reset_int64_2D
    end type buffer_int64_2D_t
    public :: buffer_token_2D_t

    !>  @brief
    !>  Re-sizeable array type that can be filled elementwise to build up a contiguous data chunk
    !>  that can then be dumped to an allocatable
    !>  @details
    !>  For multidimensional buffers only the last dimension can grow.
    !>  (i.e. it is only possible to add columns.)
    !>  The buffer has to be initiliazed before first use.
    !>  After dumping (`dump_reset`) it is automatically resetted.
    type :: buffer_token_2D_t

        type(Token_t), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: buf
        ! Internal position of the buffer
        integer(int64) :: pos
        real(dp) :: grow_factor = 1.5_dp
        integer(int64) :: start_size = 100_int64


        procedure :: init => init_token_2D
        procedure :: finalize => finalize_token_2D
        procedure, private :: reset => reset_token_2D

        procedure :: size => get_size_token_2D
        procedure :: capacity => get_capacity_token_2D

        procedure :: push_back => add_val_token_2D

        procedure, private :: dump => dump_token_2D
        procedure :: dump_reset => dump_reset_token_2D
    end type buffer_token_2D_t

    !>  @brief
    !>  Set up the re-sizeable array (buffer) with a given start size and grow_factor.
    !>  @details
    !>  Has to be called before first use and can be called any time.
    !> @param[in] start_size Initial size of the buffer.
    !> @param[in] grow_factor Factor about which to grow the buffer, if the capacity is not sufficient.
    pure subroutine init_real_1D (this, grow_factor, start_size)
        class(buffer_real_1D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        real(dp), optional, intent(in) :: grow_factor
        integer(int64), optional, intent(in) :: start_size
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'buffer::init'

        if (present(grow_factor)) this%grow_factor = grow_factor
        if (present(start_size)) this%start_size = start_size
#ifdef DEBUG_
        use util_mod, only: stop_all
        if (.not. (this%grow_factor > 1.0_dp)) then
            call stop_all (this_routine, "Assert fail: this%grow_factor > 1.0_dp")
        end if
    end block
#ifdef DEBUG_
        use util_mod, only: stop_all
        if (.not. (this%start_size >= 0_int64)) then
            call stop_all (this_routine, "Assert fail: this%start_size >= 0_int64")
        end if
    end block

        if (.not. allocated(this%buf)) allocate(this%buf(this%start_size))
        this%pos = 0_int64
    end subroutine

    !>  @brief
    !>  Reset an already initiliazed buffer.
    pure subroutine reset_real_1D (this)
        class(buffer_real_1D_t), intent(inout) :: this

        this%pos = 0_int64
    end subroutine

    !>  @brief
    !>  Set up the re-sizeable array (buffer) with a given start size and grow_factor.
    !>  @details
    !>  Has to be called before first use and can be called any time.
    !> @param[in] rows Number of rows in the first dimension.
    !> @param[in] start_size Initial size of the buffer along the last dimension.
    !> @param[in] grow_factor Factor about which to grow the buffer along the last dimension,
    !>              if the capacity is not sufficient.
    pure subroutine init_real_2D (this, rows, grow_factor, start_size)
        class(buffer_real_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: rows
        real, optional, intent(in) :: grow_factor
        integer, optional, intent(in) :: start_size
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'buffer::init'

        if (present(grow_factor)) this%grow_factor = grow_factor
        if (present(start_size)) this%start_size = start_size
#ifdef DEBUG_
        use util_mod, only: stop_all
        if (.not. (this%grow_factor > 1.0_dp)) then
            call stop_all (this_routine, "Assert fail: this%grow_factor > 1.0_dp")
        end if
    end block
#ifdef DEBUG_
        use util_mod, only: stop_all
        if (.not. (this%start_size >= 0_int64)) then
            call stop_all (this_routine, "Assert fail: this%start_size >= 0_int64")
        end if
    end block

        allocate(this%buf(rows, this%start_size))
        this%pos = 0_int64
    end subroutine init_real_2D

    !>  @brief
    !>  Reset an already initiliazed buffer.
    pure subroutine reset_real_2D (this)
        class(buffer_real_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this

        integer(int64) :: rows

        rows = size(this%buf, 1)
        allocate(this%buf(rows, this%start_size))
        this%pos = 0_int64
    end subroutine


    !>  @brief
    !>  Deallocate the resource.
    pure subroutine finalize_real_1D (this)
        class(buffer_real_1D_t), intent(inout) :: this

        if (allocated(this%buf)) deallocate(this%buf)
    end subroutine finalize_real_1D


    !>  @brief
    !>  Returns the number of already stored elements in the buffer along the last dimension.
    !>  @return n_els Number of elements already added to the buffer.
    pure function get_size_real_1D (this) result(n_els)
        class(buffer_real_1D_t), intent(in) :: this
        integer(int64) :: n_els

        n_els = this%pos
    end function


    !>  @brief
    !>  Returns the capacity of the buffer along the last dimension.
    !>  @return n_els Number of elements already added to the buffer.
    pure function get_capacity_real_1D (this) result(capacity)
        class(buffer_real_1D_t), intent(in) :: this
        integer(int64) :: capacity

        capacity = size(this%buf, 1)
    end function


    !>  @brief
    !>  Append a value to the buffer, expanding the capacity if necessary.
    !>  @param[in] val Value to be added
    pure subroutine add_val_real_1D (this, val)
        class(buffer_real_1D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        real(dp), intent(in) :: val

        ! If the buffer still has room, add the entry
        if (this%pos < size(this%buf, 1, kind=int64)) then
            this%pos = this%pos + 1_int64
            this%buf(this%pos) = val
            ! else, expand the buffer by another block

                real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable :: tmp
                integer(int64) :: new_buf_size
                ! Fortran 2003 automatic allocation/assignment
                tmp = this%buf

                ! We add a constant offset to allow growth if start_size == 0.
                ! The grow_factor then takes over for larger numbers and prevents the O(n^2) scaling.
                new_buf_size = ceiling(real(size(this%buf, 1), kind=dp) * this%grow_factor, kind=int64) + 10_int64

                this%buf(: size(tmp, 1)) = tmp

                this%pos = this%pos + 1_int64
                this%buf(this%pos) = val
            end block
        end if
    end subroutine add_val_real_1D


    !>  @brief
    !>  Dump the buffer to an allocatable array.
    !>  @param[out] tgt Allocatable array (reset upon entry), contains the stored elements of
    !>                   the buffer on return. The buffer has to be reinitialized if used again.
    pure subroutine dump_real_1D (this, tgt)
        class(buffer_real_1D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: tgt

        tgt = this%buf(: this%size())
    end subroutine

    !>  Dump the buffer to an allocatable array and reset the buffer.
    !>  @param[out] tgt Allocatable array (reset upon entry), contains the stored elements of
    !>                   the buffer on return. The buffer is writable afterwards.
    pure subroutine dump_reset_real_1D (this, tgt)
        class(buffer_real_1D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: tgt

        call this%dump(tgt)
        call this%reset()
    end subroutine
    !>  @brief
    !>  Deallocate the resource.
    pure subroutine finalize_real_2D (this)
        class(buffer_real_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this

        if (allocated(this%buf)) deallocate(this%buf)
    end subroutine finalize_real_2D


    !>  @brief
    !>  Returns the number of already stored elements in the buffer along the last dimension.
    !>  @return n_els Number of elements already added to the buffer.
    pure function get_size_real_2D (this) result(n_els)
        class(buffer_real_2D_t), intent(in) :: this
        integer(int64) :: n_els

        n_els = this%pos
    end function


    !>  @brief
    !>  Returns the capacity of the buffer along the last dimension.
    !>  @return n_els Number of elements already added to the buffer.
    pure function get_capacity_real_2D (this) result(capacity)
        class(buffer_real_2D_t), intent(in) :: this
        integer(int64) :: capacity

        capacity = size(this%buf, 2)
    end function


    !>  @brief
    !>  Append a value to the buffer, expanding the capacity if necessary.
    !>  @param[in] val Value to be added
    pure subroutine add_val_real_2D (this, val)
        class(buffer_real_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: val

        ! If the buffer still has room, add the entry
        if (this%pos < size(this%buf, 2, kind=int64)) then
            this%pos = this%pos + 1_int64
            this%buf(:, this%pos) = val
            ! else, expand the buffer by another block

                real(dp), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: tmp
                integer(int64) :: new_buf_size
                ! Fortran 2003 automatic allocation/assignment
                tmp = this%buf

                ! We add a constant offset to allow growth if start_size == 0.
                ! The grow_factor then takes over for larger numbers and prevents the O(n^2) scaling.
                new_buf_size = ceiling(real(size(this%buf, 2), kind=dp) * this%grow_factor, kind=int64) + 10_int64
                allocate(this%buf(size(tmp, 1), new_buf_size))

                this%buf(:, : size(tmp, 2)) = tmp

                this%pos = this%pos + 1_int64
                this%buf(:, this%pos) = val
            end block
        end if
    end subroutine add_val_real_2D


    !>  @brief
    !>  Dump the buffer to an allocatable array.
    !>  @param[out] tgt Allocatable array (reset upon entry), contains the stored elements of
    !>                   the buffer on return. The buffer has to be reinitialized if used again.
    pure subroutine dump_real_2D (this, tgt)
        class(buffer_real_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        real(dp), dimension(:, :), allocatable, intent(out) :: tgt

        tgt = this%buf(:, : this%size())
    end subroutine

    !>  Dump the buffer to an allocatable array and reset the buffer.
    !>  @param[out] tgt Allocatable array (reset upon entry), contains the stored elements of
    !>                   the buffer on return. The buffer is writable afterwards.
    pure subroutine dump_reset_real_2D (this, tgt)
        class(buffer_real_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        real(dp), dimension(:, :), allocatable, intent(out) :: tgt

        call this%dump(tgt)
        call this%reset()
    end subroutine

    !>  @brief
    !>  Set up the re-sizeable array (buffer) with a given start size and grow_factor.
    !>  @details
    !>  Has to be called before first use and can be called any time.
    !> @param[in] start_size Initial size of the buffer.
    !> @param[in] grow_factor Factor about which to grow the buffer, if the capacity is not sufficient.
    pure subroutine init_hel_1D (this, grow_factor, start_size)
        class(buffer_hel_1D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        real(dp), optional, intent(in) :: grow_factor
        integer(int64), optional, intent(in) :: start_size
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'buffer::init'

        if (present(grow_factor)) this%grow_factor = grow_factor
        if (present(start_size)) this%start_size = start_size
#ifdef DEBUG_
        use util_mod, only: stop_all
        if (.not. (this%grow_factor > 1.0_dp)) then
            call stop_all (this_routine, "Assert fail: this%grow_factor > 1.0_dp")
        end if
    end block
#ifdef DEBUG_
        use util_mod, only: stop_all
        if (.not. (this%start_size >= 0_int64)) then
            call stop_all (this_routine, "Assert fail: this%start_size >= 0_int64")
        end if
    end block

        if (.not. allocated(this%buf)) allocate(this%buf(this%start_size))
        this%pos = 0_int64
    end subroutine

    !>  @brief
    !>  Reset an already initiliazed buffer.
    pure subroutine reset_hel_1D (this)
        class(buffer_hel_1D_t), intent(inout) :: this

        this%pos = 0_int64
    end subroutine

    !>  @brief
    !>  Set up the re-sizeable array (buffer) with a given start size and grow_factor.
    !>  @details
    !>  Has to be called before first use and can be called any time.
    !> @param[in] rows Number of rows in the first dimension.
    !> @param[in] start_size Initial size of the buffer along the last dimension.
    !> @param[in] grow_factor Factor about which to grow the buffer along the last dimension,
    !>              if the capacity is not sufficient.
    pure subroutine init_hel_2D (this, rows, grow_factor, start_size)
        class(buffer_hel_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: rows
        real, optional, intent(in) :: grow_factor
        integer, optional, intent(in) :: start_size
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'buffer::init'

        if (present(grow_factor)) this%grow_factor = grow_factor
        if (present(start_size)) this%start_size = start_size
#ifdef DEBUG_
        use util_mod, only: stop_all
        if (.not. (this%grow_factor > 1.0_dp)) then
            call stop_all (this_routine, "Assert fail: this%grow_factor > 1.0_dp")
        end if
    end block
#ifdef DEBUG_
        use util_mod, only: stop_all
        if (.not. (this%start_size >= 0_int64)) then
            call stop_all (this_routine, "Assert fail: this%start_size >= 0_int64")
        end if
    end block

        allocate(this%buf(rows, this%start_size))
        this%pos = 0_int64
    end subroutine init_hel_2D

    !>  @brief
    !>  Reset an already initiliazed buffer.
    pure subroutine reset_hel_2D (this)
        class(buffer_hel_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this

        integer(int64) :: rows

        rows = size(this%buf, 1)
        allocate(this%buf(rows, this%start_size))
        this%pos = 0_int64
    end subroutine


    !>  @brief
    !>  Deallocate the resource.
    pure subroutine finalize_hel_1D (this)
        class(buffer_hel_1D_t), intent(inout) :: this

        if (allocated(this%buf)) deallocate(this%buf)
    end subroutine finalize_hel_1D


    !>  @brief
    !>  Returns the number of already stored elements in the buffer along the last dimension.
    !>  @return n_els Number of elements already added to the buffer.
    pure function get_size_hel_1D (this) result(n_els)
        class(buffer_hel_1D_t), intent(in) :: this
        integer(int64) :: n_els

        n_els = this%pos
    end function


    !>  @brief
    !>  Returns the capacity of the buffer along the last dimension.
    !>  @return n_els Number of elements already added to the buffer.
    pure function get_capacity_hel_1D (this) result(capacity)
        class(buffer_hel_1D_t), intent(in) :: this
        integer(int64) :: capacity

        capacity = size(this%buf, 1)
    end function


    !>  @brief
    !>  Append a value to the buffer, expanding the capacity if necessary.
    !>  @param[in] val Value to be added
    pure subroutine add_val_hel_1D (this, val)
        class(buffer_hel_1D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        HElement_t(dp), intent(in) :: val

        ! If the buffer still has room, add the entry
        if (this%pos < size(this%buf, 1, kind=int64)) then
            this%pos = this%pos + 1_int64
            this%buf(this%pos) = val
            ! else, expand the buffer by another block

                HElement_t(dp), dimension(:), allocatable :: tmp
                integer(int64) :: new_buf_size
                ! Fortran 2003 automatic allocation/assignment
                tmp = this%buf

                ! We add a constant offset to allow growth if start_size == 0.
                ! The grow_factor then takes over for larger numbers and prevents the O(n^2) scaling.
                new_buf_size = ceiling(real(size(this%buf, 1), kind=dp) * this%grow_factor, kind=int64) + 10_int64

                this%buf(: size(tmp, 1)) = tmp

                this%pos = this%pos + 1_int64
                this%buf(this%pos) = val
            end block
        end if
    end subroutine add_val_hel_1D


    !>  @brief
    !>  Dump the buffer to an allocatable array.
    !>  @param[out] tgt Allocatable array (reset upon entry), contains the stored elements of
    !>                   the buffer on return. The buffer has to be reinitialized if used again.
    pure subroutine dump_hel_1D (this, tgt)
        class(buffer_hel_1D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        HElement_t(dp), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: tgt

        tgt = this%buf(: this%size())
    end subroutine

    !>  Dump the buffer to an allocatable array and reset the buffer.
    !>  @param[out] tgt Allocatable array (reset upon entry), contains the stored elements of
    !>                   the buffer on return. The buffer is writable afterwards.
    pure subroutine dump_reset_hel_1D (this, tgt)
        class(buffer_hel_1D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        HElement_t(dp), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: tgt

        call this%dump(tgt)
        call this%reset()
    end subroutine
    !>  @brief
    !>  Deallocate the resource.
    pure subroutine finalize_hel_2D (this)
        class(buffer_hel_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this

        if (allocated(this%buf)) deallocate(this%buf)
    end subroutine finalize_hel_2D


    !>  @brief
    !>  Returns the number of already stored elements in the buffer along the last dimension.
    !>  @return n_els Number of elements already added to the buffer.
    pure function get_size_hel_2D (this) result(n_els)
        class(buffer_hel_2D_t), intent(in) :: this
        integer(int64) :: n_els

        n_els = this%pos
    end function


    !>  @brief
    !>  Returns the capacity of the buffer along the last dimension.
    !>  @return n_els Number of elements already added to the buffer.
    pure function get_capacity_hel_2D (this) result(capacity)
        class(buffer_hel_2D_t), intent(in) :: this
        integer(int64) :: capacity

        capacity = size(this%buf, 2)
    end function


    !>  @brief
    !>  Append a value to the buffer, expanding the capacity if necessary.
    !>  @param[in] val Value to be added
    pure subroutine add_val_hel_2D (this, val)
        class(buffer_hel_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        HElement_t(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: val

        ! If the buffer still has room, add the entry
        if (this%pos < size(this%buf, 2, kind=int64)) then
            this%pos = this%pos + 1_int64
            this%buf(:, this%pos) = val
            ! else, expand the buffer by another block

                HElement_t(dp), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: tmp
                integer(int64) :: new_buf_size
                ! Fortran 2003 automatic allocation/assignment
                tmp = this%buf

                ! We add a constant offset to allow growth if start_size == 0.
                ! The grow_factor then takes over for larger numbers and prevents the O(n^2) scaling.
                new_buf_size = ceiling(real(size(this%buf, 2), kind=dp) * this%grow_factor, kind=int64) + 10_int64
                allocate(this%buf(size(tmp, 1), new_buf_size))

                this%buf(:, : size(tmp, 2)) = tmp

                this%pos = this%pos + 1_int64
                this%buf(:, this%pos) = val
            end block
        end if
    end subroutine add_val_hel_2D


    !>  @brief
    !>  Dump the buffer to an allocatable array.
    !>  @param[out] tgt Allocatable array (reset upon entry), contains the stored elements of
    !>                   the buffer on return. The buffer has to be reinitialized if used again.
    pure subroutine dump_hel_2D (this, tgt)
        class(buffer_hel_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        HElement_t(dp), dimension(:, :), allocatable, intent(out) :: tgt

        tgt = this%buf(:, : this%size())
    end subroutine

    !>  Dump the buffer to an allocatable array and reset the buffer.
    !>  @param[out] tgt Allocatable array (reset upon entry), contains the stored elements of
    !>                   the buffer on return. The buffer is writable afterwards.
    pure subroutine dump_reset_hel_2D (this, tgt)
        class(buffer_hel_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        HElement_t(dp), dimension(:, :), allocatable, intent(out) :: tgt

        call this%dump(tgt)
        call this%reset()
    end subroutine

    !>  @brief
    !>  Set up the re-sizeable array (buffer) with a given start size and grow_factor.
    !>  @details
    !>  Has to be called before first use and can be called any time.
    !> @param[in] start_size Initial size of the buffer.
    !> @param[in] grow_factor Factor about which to grow the buffer, if the capacity is not sufficient.
    pure subroutine init_int_1D (this, grow_factor, start_size)
        class(buffer_int_1D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        real(dp), optional, intent(in) :: grow_factor
        integer(int64), optional, intent(in) :: start_size
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'buffer::init'

        if (present(grow_factor)) this%grow_factor = grow_factor
        if (present(start_size)) this%start_size = start_size
#ifdef DEBUG_
        use util_mod, only: stop_all
        if (.not. (this%grow_factor > 1.0_dp)) then
            call stop_all (this_routine, "Assert fail: this%grow_factor > 1.0_dp")
        end if
    end block
#ifdef DEBUG_
        use util_mod, only: stop_all
        if (.not. (this%start_size >= 0_int64)) then
            call stop_all (this_routine, "Assert fail: this%start_size >= 0_int64")
        end if
    end block

        if (.not. allocated(this%buf)) allocate(this%buf(this%start_size))
        this%pos = 0_int64
    end subroutine

    !>  @brief
    !>  Reset an already initiliazed buffer.
    pure subroutine reset_int_1D (this)
        class(buffer_int_1D_t), intent(inout) :: this

        this%pos = 0_int64
    end subroutine

    !>  @brief
    !>  Set up the re-sizeable array (buffer) with a given start size and grow_factor.
    !>  @details
    !>  Has to be called before first use and can be called any time.
    !> @param[in] rows Number of rows in the first dimension.
    !> @param[in] start_size Initial size of the buffer along the last dimension.
    !> @param[in] grow_factor Factor about which to grow the buffer along the last dimension,
    !>              if the capacity is not sufficient.
    pure subroutine init_int_2D (this, rows, grow_factor, start_size)
        class(buffer_int_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: rows
        real, optional, intent(in) :: grow_factor
        integer, optional, intent(in) :: start_size
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'buffer::init'

        if (present(grow_factor)) this%grow_factor = grow_factor
        if (present(start_size)) this%start_size = start_size
#ifdef DEBUG_
        use util_mod, only: stop_all
        if (.not. (this%grow_factor > 1.0_dp)) then
            call stop_all (this_routine, "Assert fail: this%grow_factor > 1.0_dp")
        end if
    end block
#ifdef DEBUG_
        use util_mod, only: stop_all
        if (.not. (this%start_size >= 0_int64)) then
            call stop_all (this_routine, "Assert fail: this%start_size >= 0_int64")
        end if
    end block

        allocate(this%buf(rows, this%start_size))
        this%pos = 0_int64
    end subroutine init_int_2D

    !>  @brief
    !>  Reset an already initiliazed buffer.
    pure subroutine reset_int_2D (this)
        class(buffer_int_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this

        integer(int64) :: rows

        rows = size(this%buf, 1)
        allocate(this%buf(rows, this%start_size))
        this%pos = 0_int64
    end subroutine


    !>  @brief
    !>  Deallocate the resource.
    pure subroutine finalize_int_1D (this)
        class(buffer_int_1D_t), intent(inout) :: this

        if (allocated(this%buf)) deallocate(this%buf)
    end subroutine finalize_int_1D


    !>  @brief
    !>  Returns the number of already stored elements in the buffer along the last dimension.
    !>  @return n_els Number of elements already added to the buffer.
    pure function get_size_int_1D (this) result(n_els)
        class(buffer_int_1D_t), intent(in) :: this
        integer(int64) :: n_els

        n_els = this%pos
    end function


    !>  @brief
    !>  Returns the capacity of the buffer along the last dimension.
    !>  @return n_els Number of elements already added to the buffer.
    pure function get_capacity_int_1D (this) result(capacity)
        class(buffer_int_1D_t), intent(in) :: this
        integer(int64) :: capacity

        capacity = size(this%buf, 1)
    end function


    !>  @brief
    !>  Append a value to the buffer, expanding the capacity if necessary.
    !>  @param[in] val Value to be added
    pure subroutine add_val_int_1D (this, val)
        class(buffer_int_1D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: val

        ! If the buffer still has room, add the entry
        if (this%pos < size(this%buf, 1, kind=int64)) then
            this%pos = this%pos + 1_int64
            this%buf(this%pos) = val
            ! else, expand the buffer by another block

                integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: tmp
                integer(int64) :: new_buf_size
                ! Fortran 2003 automatic allocation/assignment
                tmp = this%buf

                ! We add a constant offset to allow growth if start_size == 0.
                ! The grow_factor then takes over for larger numbers and prevents the O(n^2) scaling.
                new_buf_size = ceiling(real(size(this%buf, 1), kind=dp) * this%grow_factor, kind=int64) + 10_int64

                this%buf(: size(tmp, 1)) = tmp

                this%pos = this%pos + 1_int64
                this%buf(this%pos) = val
            end block
        end if
    end subroutine add_val_int_1D


    !>  @brief
    !>  Dump the buffer to an allocatable array.
    !>  @param[out] tgt Allocatable array (reset upon entry), contains the stored elements of
    !>                   the buffer on return. The buffer has to be reinitialized if used again.
    pure subroutine dump_int_1D (this, tgt)
        class(buffer_int_1D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: tgt

        tgt = this%buf(: this%size())
    end subroutine

    !>  Dump the buffer to an allocatable array and reset the buffer.
    !>  @param[out] tgt Allocatable array (reset upon entry), contains the stored elements of
    !>                   the buffer on return. The buffer is writable afterwards.
    pure subroutine dump_reset_int_1D (this, tgt)
        class(buffer_int_1D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: tgt

        call this%dump(tgt)
        call this%reset()
    end subroutine
    !>  @brief
    !>  Deallocate the resource.
    pure subroutine finalize_int_2D (this)
        class(buffer_int_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this

        if (allocated(this%buf)) deallocate(this%buf)
    end subroutine finalize_int_2D


    !>  @brief
    !>  Returns the number of already stored elements in the buffer along the last dimension.
    !>  @return n_els Number of elements already added to the buffer.
    pure function get_size_int_2D (this) result(n_els)
        class(buffer_int_2D_t), intent(in) :: this
        integer(int64) :: n_els

        n_els = this%pos
    end function


    !>  @brief
    !>  Returns the capacity of the buffer along the last dimension.
    !>  @return n_els Number of elements already added to the buffer.
    pure function get_capacity_int_2D (this) result(capacity)
        class(buffer_int_2D_t), intent(in) :: this
        integer(int64) :: capacity

        capacity = size(this%buf, 2)
    end function


    !>  @brief
    !>  Append a value to the buffer, expanding the capacity if necessary.
    !>  @param[in] val Value to be added
    pure subroutine add_val_int_2D (this, val)
        class(buffer_int_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: val

        ! If the buffer still has room, add the entry
        if (this%pos < size(this%buf, 2, kind=int64)) then
            this%pos = this%pos + 1_int64
            this%buf(:, this%pos) = val
            ! else, expand the buffer by another block

                integer, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: tmp
                integer(int64) :: new_buf_size
                ! Fortran 2003 automatic allocation/assignment
                tmp = this%buf

                ! We add a constant offset to allow growth if start_size == 0.
                ! The grow_factor then takes over for larger numbers and prevents the O(n^2) scaling.
                new_buf_size = ceiling(real(size(this%buf, 2), kind=dp) * this%grow_factor, kind=int64) + 10_int64
                allocate(this%buf(size(tmp, 1), new_buf_size))

                this%buf(:, : size(tmp, 2)) = tmp

                this%pos = this%pos + 1_int64
                this%buf(:, this%pos) = val
            end block
        end if
    end subroutine add_val_int_2D


    !>  @brief
    !>  Dump the buffer to an allocatable array.
    !>  @param[out] tgt Allocatable array (reset upon entry), contains the stored elements of
    !>                   the buffer on return. The buffer has to be reinitialized if used again.
    pure subroutine dump_int_2D (this, tgt)
        class(buffer_int_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, dimension(:, :), allocatable, intent(out) :: tgt

        tgt = this%buf(:, : this%size())
    end subroutine

    !>  Dump the buffer to an allocatable array and reset the buffer.
    !>  @param[out] tgt Allocatable array (reset upon entry), contains the stored elements of
    !>                   the buffer on return. The buffer is writable afterwards.
    pure subroutine dump_reset_int_2D (this, tgt)
        class(buffer_int_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, dimension(:, :), allocatable, intent(out) :: tgt

        call this%dump(tgt)
        call this%reset()
    end subroutine

    !>  @brief
    !>  Set up the re-sizeable array (buffer) with a given start size and grow_factor.
    !>  @details
    !>  Has to be called before first use and can be called any time.
    !> @param[in] start_size Initial size of the buffer.
    !> @param[in] grow_factor Factor about which to grow the buffer, if the capacity is not sufficient.
    pure subroutine init_int32_1D (this, grow_factor, start_size)
        class(buffer_int32_1D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        real(dp), optional, intent(in) :: grow_factor
        integer(int64), optional, intent(in) :: start_size
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'buffer::init'

        if (present(grow_factor)) this%grow_factor = grow_factor
        if (present(start_size)) this%start_size = start_size
#ifdef DEBUG_
        use util_mod, only: stop_all
        if (.not. (this%grow_factor > 1.0_dp)) then
            call stop_all (this_routine, "Assert fail: this%grow_factor > 1.0_dp")
        end if
    end block
#ifdef DEBUG_
        use util_mod, only: stop_all
        if (.not. (this%start_size >= 0_int64)) then
            call stop_all (this_routine, "Assert fail: this%start_size >= 0_int64")
        end if
    end block

        if (.not. allocated(this%buf)) allocate(this%buf(this%start_size))
        this%pos = 0_int64
    end subroutine

    !>  @brief
    !>  Reset an already initiliazed buffer.
    pure subroutine reset_int32_1D (this)
        class(buffer_int32_1D_t), intent(inout) :: this

        this%pos = 0_int64
    end subroutine

    !>  @brief
    !>  Set up the re-sizeable array (buffer) with a given start size and grow_factor.
    !>  @details
    !>  Has to be called before first use and can be called any time.
    !> @param[in] rows Number of rows in the first dimension.
    !> @param[in] start_size Initial size of the buffer along the last dimension.
    !> @param[in] grow_factor Factor about which to grow the buffer along the last dimension,
    !>              if the capacity is not sufficient.
    pure subroutine init_int32_2D (this, rows, grow_factor, start_size)
        class(buffer_int32_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: rows
        real, optional, intent(in) :: grow_factor
        integer, optional, intent(in) :: start_size
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'buffer::init'

        if (present(grow_factor)) this%grow_factor = grow_factor
        if (present(start_size)) this%start_size = start_size
#ifdef DEBUG_
        use util_mod, only: stop_all
        if (.not. (this%grow_factor > 1.0_dp)) then
            call stop_all (this_routine, "Assert fail: this%grow_factor > 1.0_dp")
        end if
    end block
#ifdef DEBUG_
        use util_mod, only: stop_all
        if (.not. (this%start_size >= 0_int64)) then
            call stop_all (this_routine, "Assert fail: this%start_size >= 0_int64")
        end if
    end block

        allocate(this%buf(rows, this%start_size))
        this%pos = 0_int64
    end subroutine init_int32_2D

    !>  @brief
    !>  Reset an already initiliazed buffer.
    pure subroutine reset_int32_2D (this)
        class(buffer_int32_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this

        integer(int64) :: rows

        rows = size(this%buf, 1)
        allocate(this%buf(rows, this%start_size))
        this%pos = 0_int64
    end subroutine


    !>  @brief
    !>  Deallocate the resource.
    pure subroutine finalize_int32_1D (this)
        class(buffer_int32_1D_t), intent(inout) :: this

        if (allocated(this%buf)) deallocate(this%buf)
    end subroutine finalize_int32_1D


    !>  @brief
    !>  Returns the number of already stored elements in the buffer along the last dimension.
    !>  @return n_els Number of elements already added to the buffer.
    pure function get_size_int32_1D (this) result(n_els)
        class(buffer_int32_1D_t), intent(in) :: this
        integer(int64) :: n_els

        n_els = this%pos
    end function


    !>  @brief
    !>  Returns the capacity of the buffer along the last dimension.
    !>  @return n_els Number of elements already added to the buffer.
    pure function get_capacity_int32_1D (this) result(capacity)
        class(buffer_int32_1D_t), intent(in) :: this
        integer(int64) :: capacity

        capacity = size(this%buf, 1)
    end function


    !>  @brief
    !>  Append a value to the buffer, expanding the capacity if necessary.
    !>  @param[in] val Value to be added
    pure subroutine add_val_int32_1D (this, val)
        class(buffer_int32_1D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        integer(int32), intent(in) :: val

        ! If the buffer still has room, add the entry
        if (this%pos < size(this%buf, 1, kind=int64)) then
            this%pos = this%pos + 1_int64
            this%buf(this%pos) = val
            ! else, expand the buffer by another block

                integer(int32), dimension(:), allocatable :: tmp
                integer(int64) :: new_buf_size
                ! Fortran 2003 automatic allocation/assignment
                tmp = this%buf

                ! We add a constant offset to allow growth if start_size == 0.
                ! The grow_factor then takes over for larger numbers and prevents the O(n^2) scaling.
                new_buf_size = ceiling(real(size(this%buf, 1), kind=dp) * this%grow_factor, kind=int64) + 10_int64

                this%buf(: size(tmp, 1)) = tmp

                this%pos = this%pos + 1_int64
                this%buf(this%pos) = val
            end block
        end if
    end subroutine add_val_int32_1D


    !>  @brief
    !>  Dump the buffer to an allocatable array.
    !>  @param[out] tgt Allocatable array (reset upon entry), contains the stored elements of
    !>                   the buffer on return. The buffer has to be reinitialized if used again.
    pure subroutine dump_int32_1D (this, tgt)
        class(buffer_int32_1D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        integer(int32), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: tgt

        tgt = this%buf(: this%size())
    end subroutine

    !>  Dump the buffer to an allocatable array and reset the buffer.
    !>  @param[out] tgt Allocatable array (reset upon entry), contains the stored elements of
    !>                   the buffer on return. The buffer is writable afterwards.
    pure subroutine dump_reset_int32_1D (this, tgt)
        class(buffer_int32_1D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        integer(int32), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: tgt

        call this%dump(tgt)
        call this%reset()
    end subroutine
    !>  @brief
    !>  Deallocate the resource.
    pure subroutine finalize_int32_2D (this)
        class(buffer_int32_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this

        if (allocated(this%buf)) deallocate(this%buf)
    end subroutine finalize_int32_2D


    !>  @brief
    !>  Returns the number of already stored elements in the buffer along the last dimension.
    !>  @return n_els Number of elements already added to the buffer.
    pure function get_size_int32_2D (this) result(n_els)
        class(buffer_int32_2D_t), intent(in) :: this
        integer(int64) :: n_els

        n_els = this%pos
    end function


    !>  @brief
    !>  Returns the capacity of the buffer along the last dimension.
    !>  @return n_els Number of elements already added to the buffer.
    pure function get_capacity_int32_2D (this) result(capacity)
        class(buffer_int32_2D_t), intent(in) :: this
        integer(int64) :: capacity

        capacity = size(this%buf, 2)
    end function


    !>  @brief
    !>  Append a value to the buffer, expanding the capacity if necessary.
    !>  @param[in] val Value to be added
    pure subroutine add_val_int32_2D (this, val)
        class(buffer_int32_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        integer(int32), dimension(:), intent(in) :: val

        ! If the buffer still has room, add the entry
        if (this%pos < size(this%buf, 2, kind=int64)) then
            this%pos = this%pos + 1_int64
            this%buf(:, this%pos) = val
            ! else, expand the buffer by another block

                integer(int32), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: tmp
                integer(int64) :: new_buf_size
                ! Fortran 2003 automatic allocation/assignment
                tmp = this%buf

                ! We add a constant offset to allow growth if start_size == 0.
                ! The grow_factor then takes over for larger numbers and prevents the O(n^2) scaling.
                new_buf_size = ceiling(real(size(this%buf, 2), kind=dp) * this%grow_factor, kind=int64) + 10_int64
                allocate(this%buf(size(tmp, 1), new_buf_size))

                this%buf(:, : size(tmp, 2)) = tmp

                this%pos = this%pos + 1_int64
                this%buf(:, this%pos) = val
            end block
        end if
    end subroutine add_val_int32_2D


    !>  @brief
    !>  Dump the buffer to an allocatable array.
    !>  @param[out] tgt Allocatable array (reset upon entry), contains the stored elements of
    !>                   the buffer on return. The buffer has to be reinitialized if used again.
    pure subroutine dump_int32_2D (this, tgt)
        class(buffer_int32_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        integer(int32), dimension(:, :), allocatable, intent(out) :: tgt

        tgt = this%buf(:, : this%size())
    end subroutine

    !>  Dump the buffer to an allocatable array and reset the buffer.
    !>  @param[out] tgt Allocatable array (reset upon entry), contains the stored elements of
    !>                   the buffer on return. The buffer is writable afterwards.
    pure subroutine dump_reset_int32_2D (this, tgt)
        class(buffer_int32_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        integer(int32), dimension(:, :), allocatable, intent(out) :: tgt

        call this%dump(tgt)
        call this%reset()
    end subroutine

    !>  @brief
    !>  Set up the re-sizeable array (buffer) with a given start size and grow_factor.
    !>  @details
    !>  Has to be called before first use and can be called any time.
    !> @param[in] start_size Initial size of the buffer.
    !> @param[in] grow_factor Factor about which to grow the buffer, if the capacity is not sufficient.
    pure subroutine init_int64_1D (this, grow_factor, start_size)
        class(buffer_int64_1D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        real(dp), optional, intent(in) :: grow_factor
        integer(int64), optional, intent(in) :: start_size
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'buffer::init'

        if (present(grow_factor)) this%grow_factor = grow_factor
        if (present(start_size)) this%start_size = start_size
#ifdef DEBUG_
        use util_mod, only: stop_all
        if (.not. (this%grow_factor > 1.0_dp)) then
            call stop_all (this_routine, "Assert fail: this%grow_factor > 1.0_dp")
        end if
    end block
#ifdef DEBUG_
        use util_mod, only: stop_all
        if (.not. (this%start_size >= 0_int64)) then
            call stop_all (this_routine, "Assert fail: this%start_size >= 0_int64")
        end if
    end block

        if (.not. allocated(this%buf)) allocate(this%buf(this%start_size))
        this%pos = 0_int64
    end subroutine

    !>  @brief
    !>  Reset an already initiliazed buffer.
    pure subroutine reset_int64_1D (this)
        class(buffer_int64_1D_t), intent(inout) :: this

        this%pos = 0_int64
    end subroutine

    !>  @brief
    !>  Set up the re-sizeable array (buffer) with a given start size and grow_factor.
    !>  @details
    !>  Has to be called before first use and can be called any time.
    !> @param[in] rows Number of rows in the first dimension.
    !> @param[in] start_size Initial size of the buffer along the last dimension.
    !> @param[in] grow_factor Factor about which to grow the buffer along the last dimension,
    !>              if the capacity is not sufficient.
    pure subroutine init_int64_2D (this, rows, grow_factor, start_size)
        class(buffer_int64_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: rows
        real, optional, intent(in) :: grow_factor
        integer, optional, intent(in) :: start_size
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'buffer::init'

        if (present(grow_factor)) this%grow_factor = grow_factor
        if (present(start_size)) this%start_size = start_size
#ifdef DEBUG_
        use util_mod, only: stop_all
        if (.not. (this%grow_factor > 1.0_dp)) then
            call stop_all (this_routine, "Assert fail: this%grow_factor > 1.0_dp")
        end if
    end block
#ifdef DEBUG_
        use util_mod, only: stop_all
        if (.not. (this%start_size >= 0_int64)) then
            call stop_all (this_routine, "Assert fail: this%start_size >= 0_int64")
        end if
    end block

        allocate(this%buf(rows, this%start_size))
        this%pos = 0_int64
    end subroutine init_int64_2D

    !>  @brief
    !>  Reset an already initiliazed buffer.
    pure subroutine reset_int64_2D (this)
        class(buffer_int64_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this

        integer(int64) :: rows

        rows = size(this%buf, 1)
        allocate(this%buf(rows, this%start_size))
        this%pos = 0_int64
    end subroutine


    !>  @brief
    !>  Deallocate the resource.
    pure subroutine finalize_int64_1D (this)
        class(buffer_int64_1D_t), intent(inout) :: this

        if (allocated(this%buf)) deallocate(this%buf)
    end subroutine finalize_int64_1D


    !>  @brief
    !>  Returns the number of already stored elements in the buffer along the last dimension.
    !>  @return n_els Number of elements already added to the buffer.
    pure function get_size_int64_1D (this) result(n_els)
        class(buffer_int64_1D_t), intent(in) :: this
        integer(int64) :: n_els

        n_els = this%pos
    end function


    !>  @brief
    !>  Returns the capacity of the buffer along the last dimension.
    !>  @return n_els Number of elements already added to the buffer.
    pure function get_capacity_int64_1D (this) result(capacity)
        class(buffer_int64_1D_t), intent(in) :: this
        integer(int64) :: capacity

        capacity = size(this%buf, 1)
    end function


    !>  @brief
    !>  Append a value to the buffer, expanding the capacity if necessary.
    !>  @param[in] val Value to be added
    pure subroutine add_val_int64_1D (this, val)
        class(buffer_int64_1D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        integer(int64), intent(in) :: val

        ! If the buffer still has room, add the entry
        if (this%pos < size(this%buf, 1, kind=int64)) then
            this%pos = this%pos + 1_int64
            this%buf(this%pos) = val
            ! else, expand the buffer by another block

                integer(int64), dimension(:), allocatable :: tmp
                integer(int64) :: new_buf_size
                ! Fortran 2003 automatic allocation/assignment
                tmp = this%buf

                ! We add a constant offset to allow growth if start_size == 0.
                ! The grow_factor then takes over for larger numbers and prevents the O(n^2) scaling.
                new_buf_size = ceiling(real(size(this%buf, 1), kind=dp) * this%grow_factor, kind=int64) + 10_int64

                this%buf(: size(tmp, 1)) = tmp

                this%pos = this%pos + 1_int64
                this%buf(this%pos) = val
            end block
        end if
    end subroutine add_val_int64_1D


    !>  @brief
    !>  Dump the buffer to an allocatable array.
    !>  @param[out] tgt Allocatable array (reset upon entry), contains the stored elements of
    !>                   the buffer on return. The buffer has to be reinitialized if used again.
    pure subroutine dump_int64_1D (this, tgt)
        class(buffer_int64_1D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        integer(int64), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: tgt

        tgt = this%buf(: this%size())
    end subroutine

    !>  Dump the buffer to an allocatable array and reset the buffer.
    !>  @param[out] tgt Allocatable array (reset upon entry), contains the stored elements of
    !>                   the buffer on return. The buffer is writable afterwards.
    pure subroutine dump_reset_int64_1D (this, tgt)
        class(buffer_int64_1D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        integer(int64), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: tgt

        call this%dump(tgt)
        call this%reset()
    end subroutine
    !>  @brief
    !>  Deallocate the resource.
    pure subroutine finalize_int64_2D (this)
        class(buffer_int64_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this

        if (allocated(this%buf)) deallocate(this%buf)
    end subroutine finalize_int64_2D


    !>  @brief
    !>  Returns the number of already stored elements in the buffer along the last dimension.
    !>  @return n_els Number of elements already added to the buffer.
    pure function get_size_int64_2D (this) result(n_els)
        class(buffer_int64_2D_t), intent(in) :: this
        integer(int64) :: n_els

        n_els = this%pos
    end function


    !>  @brief
    !>  Returns the capacity of the buffer along the last dimension.
    !>  @return n_els Number of elements already added to the buffer.
    pure function get_capacity_int64_2D (this) result(capacity)
        class(buffer_int64_2D_t), intent(in) :: this
        integer(int64) :: capacity

        capacity = size(this%buf, 2)
    end function


    !>  @brief
    !>  Append a value to the buffer, expanding the capacity if necessary.
    !>  @param[in] val Value to be added
    pure subroutine add_val_int64_2D (this, val)
        class(buffer_int64_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        integer(int64), dimension(:), intent(in) :: val

        ! If the buffer still has room, add the entry
        if (this%pos < size(this%buf, 2, kind=int64)) then
            this%pos = this%pos + 1_int64
            this%buf(:, this%pos) = val
            ! else, expand the buffer by another block

                integer(int64), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: tmp
                integer(int64) :: new_buf_size
                ! Fortran 2003 automatic allocation/assignment
                tmp = this%buf

                ! We add a constant offset to allow growth if start_size == 0.
                ! The grow_factor then takes over for larger numbers and prevents the O(n^2) scaling.
                new_buf_size = ceiling(real(size(this%buf, 2), kind=dp) * this%grow_factor, kind=int64) + 10_int64
                allocate(this%buf(size(tmp, 1), new_buf_size))

                this%buf(:, : size(tmp, 2)) = tmp

                this%pos = this%pos + 1_int64
                this%buf(:, this%pos) = val
            end block
        end if
    end subroutine add_val_int64_2D


    !>  @brief
    !>  Dump the buffer to an allocatable array.
    !>  @param[out] tgt Allocatable array (reset upon entry), contains the stored elements of
    !>                   the buffer on return. The buffer has to be reinitialized if used again.
    pure subroutine dump_int64_2D (this, tgt)
        class(buffer_int64_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        integer(int64), dimension(:, :), allocatable, intent(out) :: tgt

        tgt = this%buf(:, : this%size())
    end subroutine

    !>  Dump the buffer to an allocatable array and reset the buffer.
    !>  @param[out] tgt Allocatable array (reset upon entry), contains the stored elements of
    !>                   the buffer on return. The buffer is writable afterwards.
    pure subroutine dump_reset_int64_2D (this, tgt)
        class(buffer_int64_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        integer(int64), dimension(:, :), allocatable, intent(out) :: tgt

        call this%dump(tgt)
        call this%reset()
    end subroutine

    !>  @brief
    !>  Set up the re-sizeable array (buffer) with a given start size and grow_factor.
    !>  @details
    !>  Has to be called before first use and can be called any time.
    !> @param[in] start_size Initial size of the buffer.
    !> @param[in] grow_factor Factor about which to grow the buffer, if the capacity is not sufficient.
    pure subroutine init_token_1D (this, grow_factor, start_size)
        class(buffer_token_1D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        real(dp), optional, intent(in) :: grow_factor
        integer(int64), optional, intent(in) :: start_size
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'buffer::init'

        if (present(grow_factor)) this%grow_factor = grow_factor
        if (present(start_size)) this%start_size = start_size
#ifdef DEBUG_
        use util_mod, only: stop_all
        if (.not. (this%grow_factor > 1.0_dp)) then
            call stop_all (this_routine, "Assert fail: this%grow_factor > 1.0_dp")
        end if
    end block
#ifdef DEBUG_
        use util_mod, only: stop_all
        if (.not. (this%start_size >= 0_int64)) then
            call stop_all (this_routine, "Assert fail: this%start_size >= 0_int64")
        end if
    end block

        if (.not. allocated(this%buf)) allocate(this%buf(this%start_size))
        this%pos = 0_int64
    end subroutine

    !>  @brief
    !>  Reset an already initiliazed buffer.
    pure subroutine reset_token_1D (this)
        class(buffer_token_1D_t), intent(inout) :: this

        this%pos = 0_int64
    end subroutine

    !>  @brief
    !>  Set up the re-sizeable array (buffer) with a given start size and grow_factor.
    !>  @details
    !>  Has to be called before first use and can be called any time.
    !> @param[in] rows Number of rows in the first dimension.
    !> @param[in] start_size Initial size of the buffer along the last dimension.
    !> @param[in] grow_factor Factor about which to grow the buffer along the last dimension,
    !>              if the capacity is not sufficient.
    pure subroutine init_token_2D (this, rows, grow_factor, start_size)
        class(buffer_token_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: rows
        real, optional, intent(in) :: grow_factor
        integer, optional, intent(in) :: start_size
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'buffer::init'

        if (present(grow_factor)) this%grow_factor = grow_factor
        if (present(start_size)) this%start_size = start_size
#ifdef DEBUG_
        use util_mod, only: stop_all
        if (.not. (this%grow_factor > 1.0_dp)) then
            call stop_all (this_routine, "Assert fail: this%grow_factor > 1.0_dp")
        end if
    end block
#ifdef DEBUG_
        use util_mod, only: stop_all
        if (.not. (this%start_size >= 0_int64)) then
            call stop_all (this_routine, "Assert fail: this%start_size >= 0_int64")
        end if
    end block

        allocate(this%buf(rows, this%start_size))
        this%pos = 0_int64
    end subroutine init_token_2D

    !>  @brief
    !>  Reset an already initiliazed buffer.
    pure subroutine reset_token_2D (this)
        class(buffer_token_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this

        integer(int64) :: rows

        rows = size(this%buf, 1)
        allocate(this%buf(rows, this%start_size))
        this%pos = 0_int64
    end subroutine


    !>  @brief
    !>  Deallocate the resource.
    pure subroutine finalize_token_1D (this)
        class(buffer_token_1D_t), intent(inout) :: this

        if (allocated(this%buf)) deallocate(this%buf)
    end subroutine finalize_token_1D


    !>  @brief
    !>  Returns the number of already stored elements in the buffer along the last dimension.
    !>  @return n_els Number of elements already added to the buffer.
    pure function get_size_token_1D (this) result(n_els)
        class(buffer_token_1D_t), intent(in) :: this
        integer(int64) :: n_els

        n_els = this%pos
    end function


    !>  @brief
    !>  Returns the capacity of the buffer along the last dimension.
    !>  @return n_els Number of elements already added to the buffer.
    pure function get_capacity_token_1D (this) result(capacity)
        class(buffer_token_1D_t), intent(in) :: this
        integer(int64) :: capacity

        capacity = size(this%buf, 1)
    end function


    !>  @brief
    !>  Append a value to the buffer, expanding the capacity if necessary.
    !>  @param[in] val Value to be added
    pure subroutine add_val_token_1D (this, val)
        class(buffer_token_1D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        type(Token_t), intent(in) :: val

        ! If the buffer still has room, add the entry
        if (this%pos < size(this%buf, 1, kind=int64)) then
            this%pos = this%pos + 1_int64
            this%buf(this%pos) = val
            ! else, expand the buffer by another block

                type(Token_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: tmp
                integer(int64) :: new_buf_size
                ! Fortran 2003 automatic allocation/assignment
                tmp = this%buf

                ! We add a constant offset to allow growth if start_size == 0.
                ! The grow_factor then takes over for larger numbers and prevents the O(n^2) scaling.
                new_buf_size = ceiling(real(size(this%buf, 1), kind=dp) * this%grow_factor, kind=int64) + 10_int64

                this%buf(: size(tmp, 1)) = tmp

                this%pos = this%pos + 1_int64
                this%buf(this%pos) = val
            end block
        end if
    end subroutine add_val_token_1D


    !>  @brief
    !>  Dump the buffer to an allocatable array.
    !>  @param[out] tgt Allocatable array (reset upon entry), contains the stored elements of
    !>                   the buffer on return. The buffer has to be reinitialized if used again.
    pure subroutine dump_token_1D (this, tgt)
        class(buffer_token_1D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        type(Token_t), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: tgt

        tgt = this%buf(: this%size())
    end subroutine

    !>  Dump the buffer to an allocatable array and reset the buffer.
    !>  @param[out] tgt Allocatable array (reset upon entry), contains the stored elements of
    !>                   the buffer on return. The buffer is writable afterwards.
    pure subroutine dump_reset_token_1D (this, tgt)
        class(buffer_token_1D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        type(Token_t), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: tgt

        call this%dump(tgt)
        call this%reset()
    end subroutine
    !>  @brief
    !>  Deallocate the resource.
    pure subroutine finalize_token_2D (this)
        class(buffer_token_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this

        if (allocated(this%buf)) deallocate(this%buf)
    end subroutine finalize_token_2D


    !>  @brief
    !>  Returns the number of already stored elements in the buffer along the last dimension.
    !>  @return n_els Number of elements already added to the buffer.
    pure function get_size_token_2D (this) result(n_els)
        class(buffer_token_2D_t), intent(in) :: this
        integer(int64) :: n_els

        n_els = this%pos
    end function


    !>  @brief
    !>  Returns the capacity of the buffer along the last dimension.
    !>  @return n_els Number of elements already added to the buffer.
    pure function get_capacity_token_2D (this) result(capacity)
        class(buffer_token_2D_t), intent(in) :: this
        integer(int64) :: capacity

        capacity = size(this%buf, 2)
    end function


    !>  @brief
    !>  Append a value to the buffer, expanding the capacity if necessary.
    !>  @param[in] val Value to be added
    pure subroutine add_val_token_2D (this, val)
        class(buffer_token_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        type(Token_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: val

        ! If the buffer still has room, add the entry
        if (this%pos < size(this%buf, 2, kind=int64)) then
            this%pos = this%pos + 1_int64
            this%buf(:, this%pos) = val
            ! else, expand the buffer by another block

                type(Token_t), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: tmp
                integer(int64) :: new_buf_size
                ! Fortran 2003 automatic allocation/assignment
                tmp = this%buf

                ! We add a constant offset to allow growth if start_size == 0.
                ! The grow_factor then takes over for larger numbers and prevents the O(n^2) scaling.
                new_buf_size = ceiling(real(size(this%buf, 2), kind=dp) * this%grow_factor, kind=int64) + 10_int64
                allocate(this%buf(size(tmp, 1), new_buf_size))

                this%buf(:, : size(tmp, 2)) = tmp

                this%pos = this%pos + 1_int64
                this%buf(:, this%pos) = val
            end block
        end if
    end subroutine add_val_token_2D


    !>  @brief
    !>  Dump the buffer to an allocatable array.
    !>  @param[out] tgt Allocatable array (reset upon entry), contains the stored elements of
    !>                   the buffer on return. The buffer has to be reinitialized if used again.
    pure subroutine dump_token_2D (this, tgt)
        class(buffer_token_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        type(Token_t), dimension(:, :), allocatable, intent(out) :: tgt

        tgt = this%buf(:, : this%size())
    end subroutine

    !>  Dump the buffer to an allocatable array and reset the buffer.
    !>  @param[out] tgt Allocatable array (reset upon entry), contains the stored elements of
    !>                   the buffer on return. The buffer is writable afterwards.
    pure subroutine dump_reset_token_2D (this, tgt)
        class(buffer_token_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this
        type(Token_t), dimension(:, :), allocatable, intent(out) :: tgt

        call this%dump(tgt)
        call this%reset()
    end subroutine

end module growing_buffers